- Just when everything seems to be going just as planned....
- No improvements!
- Some good tricep exercises...
- Westside Barbell Club and Louie Simmons
- cud use some shoulder help
- Chest Questions
- Shruging heave I got a sharp pain in the neck.. your thoughts brothers???
- workout questions about bi's
- Leg press/Squats
- military press helpful or hurtful?
- Need some good Back workouts
- Bigkevs Workout Routine....
- Dead lifts
- ooooh yeahh!!!
- questions on workout routine.
- 2 days to feel it ?
- LATS --- help...
- Lower Back Pain
- Some tips on hot to build big forums..and DONT SAY to J*rk off
- test/EQ/winny how about
- Positions of Flexion
- Shrugs: which way to do them?
- Question for Big Kev and others
- How do I get my shoulders rounded out?
- What about undertraining?
- injury
- Is there any workouts that can help me to jump higher?
- weight/rep consistency
- which one is it?
- My routine want advice and opinons
- What do you wear at the gym
- Question about winny
- Hardgainers do they really exist???
- Most cardio to do while cutting?
- Is there anything I can do
- New Workout...Let me know what you think
- Squats+Deadlifts?
- slow cardio?
- Switching from strength training to bodybuilding
- legs
- free weights or weight machines?
- Suggestions
- How tight is your midsection?
- bigkev, you SOB!!!
- squats and pre contest
- Quick couple of questions on training.
- Small chest...on bulking cycle...go heavy or more reps?
- New Cycle
- used ART today and Damn!!!
- thick and big back
- Bent Over Barbell Rows??
- please help for my lady
- German Volume Training
- Workout For My Cycle!!!!
- My toes go numb during cardio?
- OVERTRAINING? When to say when...
- How should my routine be ?
- Need Advise...Kinda Lengthy Sorry
- Looking for workout partner in the Maryland area.
- Where can i find some log sheets on the internet?
- White Dbols
- Which do you prefer working out in the morning or at night?
- doing abs every day is too much??
- when do you do cardio, before or after?
- DoH my Calfs!
- abs for a fat guy
- Good Exercises for a Hard, Defined, Cut Chest?
- Symetry question....
- Swiss Ball Incline DB Presses???
- question about a mass workout ?? i found ??
- biceps and triceps or triceps and biceps
- Whats your favorite lifts and Why?
- lats?
- can anyone give experence with HIIT?
- When to work out while on a cycle ?
- big problem!! no pump!?
- Ouch my legs. Why are they so darn sore.
- i need help on my lower lats!!
- Days A Week Question!!!! Important!!!
- Is it possible to burn 3500 calories of fat in one day?
- Chest workout - no soreness :(
- Beginner Tips (Flat Bench Press Alternatives)
- Cardio sucks
- power thrash II
- How do I get width in my chest?
- need help with extra credit for class
- how to cut the bottom of the shouloder to a V where it meets the bi?
- when puting on mass !
- U.S. files suit against ab devices
- Question about bis and tris
- Am I Doing Enough?
- Feeder Workouts
- Question on chet worklkout with dumbels
- Best exercises for the summer 6 pack
- Im tall...sumo or conventional deads?
- problem wit bi's
- Powerlifters and strong bodybuilders please read and post!
- What do you think of this split?
- Bulking/Cutting
- Which site gives you videos or pics of exercises?
- What's a peck deck?
- Are pushups everyday okay or not enough rest?
- Let me get this stright.
- i need a workout bad
- Workout Frequency Question
- Finally training after elbow surgery........:(
- fore arm pain !!!!!
- Shoulder workout routine. Please help..
- Suitable sets and reps.
- New Training Splits for Strength and Mass, Need Help, Feedback Welcome Also...
- How does your Cardio change during the spring/summer?
- How long would it take ?
- bodysurfing as cardio?
- cardio on winny/deca???
- Muscle ??
- Good to have a training partner?
- Whats your fav MUSCLE to work out?
- ab's
- What type of gym suits you
- Dead Lifting
- How long before glucosamine starts working?
- Cardio help?
- Stomach
- GVT (Update)
- shoulder problems
- Difference b/w freeweight chest workouts and reg bench workouts?
- What am I doing wrong?
- Substitute for skull crushers? Bad joints
- more questions about loosing weight??? summer is hear !!!
- Need a training partner in jax,fl
- Lower Lats!!!!!
- Clean and press
- Whats everyones bicep routine??
- Sup all, new here
- Wise to train when still stiff/sore?
- Comments and advice on training routine ?
- Sore biceps
- max ot Titan training by ots
- Close the GAP?!
- New User needs some help
- Workin out
- Video routines?
- Cutting Workouts how many reps and what weight?
- Death to BigKev!
- the morning after
- cutting time, meltdown workout look ok?
- How do u get vascular?
- Advice needed about . . .
- Bad to finish week shreading upper body all at once???
- New Guy In Town
- Sagging
- Problem with Legs
- Could you explain what these exercise names meant?
- Anyone have a good online site for a weight belt?
- My Current Routine,please comment....
- I can't think now
- look
- Exercise protects brain cells
- How many push ups can you do?
- When curling, it feels like my bone is going to break!
- My workout program, fatboy working!
- Is it enough
- advice, thoughts, opinions on my workout
- Smokin Ganja
- cutting workout is this good please help ( while on keto)
- Bench Pressing
- bicep exercises
- Listen Upp People
- 5 day workout
- I feel like i should be bigger? Sometiems i feel like i wasted my time
- New To Ar Board, Powerlifting Board Only!
- Decline bench: How much weight can you do? Barbell or Dumbells...
- Unusual symmetry problem- please help
- How much a year do you pay for your gym memebership?
- Do you always get sore after you workout
- Whats easier to bulk or cut
- I Need Legs
- Fed Up of Long Cardio: Time for HIIT?
- Whats your ultimate schedule? Just wanna see everyone's input
- Just using machines for a workout?.....
- Couch Potato Has Knee Injuries-Need Advice
- Hard gainer faQ v1.0
- everything????
- Wing like lats from pull ups!
- biceps sore in wrong spot?
- At what BF% does a cut start to show?
- Rear delt exercise question
- Training for 2 years, Now no results has came out.
- everyday muscle workout
- manta ray
- forming the pecs
- chest sore, no growth, WTF
- Titan Training
- Gettin ripped?
- resting
- how do u get really pumped up
- Training To Failure?
- ab workouts
- Help for track
- Maintaining Size
- Training while juicing
- big kev workout results
- Back pain
- Should I be doing cardio?
- damaged tendon in arm. how long should it take to heal?
- Quick Tips & Techniques (Arm Development)
- Bench Press
- AM or PM workouts???
- *Cutting* Need advice on my workout Please
- Football Routine for College
- decline D.B. bench
- Knee Problems!!
- Is more weight always better?
- Good ab excises
- very important please read(head injury)
- started cardio again...ugh
- bench is getting weaker as I lean
- newbie workout question
- Help...Making a Workout Schedule
- skinny arms
- How do I gain speed?
- How to get WIDE SHOULDERS? First Post
- Workout before breakfast.
- Routine of a champion... comments?
- please help Iron horse!!
- Brazilian Jiu Jitsu
- What is The Best Way to Hit Hamstrings?
- Help for wrists?!
- Instinctive Training
- How do you stay motivated when you work out alone?
- help on my upper chest
- Hey
- Crazy chest problems!!!!!!
- Cure for stretch marks!
- Rest Between Sets?
- im looking for a five day split
- WEIGHT TRAINING Q & A (flat chest)
- Forearm pain
- Training Traps question
- Carb drink while working out?
- How long should a workout last?
- Worlds Strongest Man
- working intercostals
- Just a question to clerify
- Hamstring cramps?
- newbiew on gear workout
- Fat burning muscle building question..i need help!
- 16..NOT gonna do roids..need a good football workout
- Open Letter to Budda red
- If you have to miss a workout, what's the best way to make it up?

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