- Testicles+Leg day=pain
- Running vs Walking cardio???
- ronnie coleman's routine...?
- predetermined exercises or random at gym ?
- Shrugs?
- any tech for the B!TCH T!TS !!
- will this really work??
- How many sets/reps for?
- Deadlift
- good Leg workout
- No soreness..overtrained muscle???
- Would overtraining cause water loss?
- Workout ?
- 10x10
- Does it ever seem to you like bad **** always happens when youre at your biggest?
- Cardio Question
- looking good but not performing well
- Spotting
- Knee Wraps
- Weight Belt
- Shoulder press
- Training 5 times a week to burn fat
- What to do when I plateau?
- bigger traps?
- Back workout
- cardio question
- Plateau For A while
- getting sick
- shoulder mass?
- Adjusting Workout Time Due To New Job
- Same Q, Dif Place
- workout routine
- Dips
- Lat pulldowns
- Curiousity?
- Chest Isolation
- upright rows or laterals
- Dead lifts??
- Work Out Program
- Compound verses isolation for mass
- Need Advice on Routine.
- Extremly confused ...
- Is it me or ??
- Ab shape
- the most brutal bicep workout I have ever done last night!!!
- quick ? on exercises???
- Cardio...
- Help with my new training split!
- chest
- heard not to do cardio in the morning
- fast twitch fibers?
- Elbow Pain...
- good deads
- Which is better
- Pullups
- Dc Training
- cardio question
- motivation
- Cutting up my arms
- Thick and wide back?
- Heart Rate for BF Burn
- Best To Do For Bulking Up!?
- Advice.
- preventing muscle loss
- Help Lower Back Pain from Squats
- No Pain No Gain
- Dumbbell press v Military press
- 4Day - Split routine, Critique please
- why is my ass the first place to gain weight??
- Joint cracking..
- Military press, Behinde the neck or not?
- Finding corrrect hear rate for fat buring zone
- Input on my workout please
- arms look great from front but side view sucks
- shoulder ?
- Wrist HR monitor without chest strap?
- My experiment combination routine
- vacuum
- no pump in arms please help
- rep range for muscle mass
- Flexing and tone?
- Weak Point Training???
- training legs whilst running 5 x a week
- Best Bar to use for skull Krushers?
- Why train the Legs?
- Headaches reacuring
- Cutting workouts....
- need some help... jogging and cardio on lean muscle mass diet
- (Revised) 5-Day Split routine, Critique please.
- ijury
- Sleep!
- Lose fat or gain muscle?
- Front Squats
- Cardio 5 times a week up to an hour a time
- stretching
- coffee & cardio
- sets/exercises per body part
- Hows this for a good overall chest routine
- good workout tips
- Elbow Problems....Skullcrushers
- Well I had to try Swoles leg routine myself finally, and I must say it's a bitch!!!
- Cardio Q :(
- For those that do Swoles Back/Bi combo
- I Figured it OUT!
- GEtting shot after immunization
- Am I overtraining?
- cramps in inner thigh
- lat work when benching?
- Cardio
- Heart Rate
- Couple of importent questions I need some help with,
- Cardio question
- PCT workout adjustment?
- 4in. on your own with this workout..
- extreme pain in R quad
- The Natural's all natural training routine!
- cardio morning question?
- wrecked shoulder
- Metabolism not that important
- Neck training
- My work out.
- Critique my workout please
- hypertrophy training
- looking to maybe switchup my back workout
- Dropsets After Each Exercise?
- Is it truth that after a cycle, are my natural gains lower
- Stop Doing Cardio Before You Weight Train!
- ? about HST by Brian Haycock
- Not my normal 100%
- Workout Schedule
- lower biceps and lower triceps
- Pain in collarbone...
- Chest Workout Critique and question about..
- at 385 trying to get to 405...please help
- informative link, check it out...
- JM Presses?
- ways to shred abs more?
- Forarms,Traps,and Calves is overtraining possible
- MYTH: It takes 20 minutes of cardio to start burning fat
- MYTH: It's best to do cardio on an empty stomach
- Anyone else get a 'high' from cardio
- DB rows...?
- ab workouts
- best 5 day split
- workout changes while on cycle
- Psychology of a pec tear
- Bicesp Peak Is Not Genetic...
- Who Believes In Spot Fat Loss?
- Forearm pain while curling
- Changing Your Somatotype?(ecto,meso,etc)
- hows this chest routine
- cardio for too long??
- Mag Chest workout
- How Muscles Grow
- Chest
- Isolation movements: do we need them?
- High reps vs Low reps
- Need Opinions on this Workout
- Was lifting and did something to my left chest
- Low reps for some, high for others
- Overtraining while on cycle
- Need Help growing legs without squats, hack squats or deads-->
- Is bad to have sex while use steroids?
- Training On Gear, Not As Sore As I Used To Be
- rack deads?
- my work-out prgram
- Prioritizing Biceps split question
- low reps...
- Swole, a lil help please brutha
- Best time of the day to lift?
- Increased frequency/Varied intensities?
- Doggcrapp (DC Training) Training?
- Splits
- thoughts on training program
- tone up training routine
- mass building routines
- machines?
- Looking for advice on routine
- bulking up but stomach needs to cut. help
- Am I doing enough sets?
- Inspireing Workout music
- running or fast walk
- what would be more effective?
- Need width!
- abd training
- How's this split look
- Cardio Workout
- What's the best excercise to make your upper back THICK?
- Supersetting for bulking?
- low incline bench
- working out major muscle groups (question for 30 biggest lies post)
- Chest work out help?
- Increased lung capacity = increased strength
- Twice a week Chest workout??
- Best leg excercise?
- 2 Weeks Off????
- more sets or more exercises
- chest fat
- chest
- Bent over rows: Elbow clicking
- Dumbell bench
- db press
- LBM Workout
- Do electric Ab's traininers really work ?
- Workout routine, please critique!!
- best cardio
- Cuttin' up
- Legs question????
- chest excersice..
- Either or???
- Best chest workout?
- reverse grip bench press
- What do you think about my workout routine?
- Just wanted to tell ya all...
- cardio question....AGAIN
- Anyone ever heard of this type of training?
- Opinions please
- Has anyone ever tried these for side delts?
- 20+ sets of legs on leg day?
- Arms Wont F-ing Grow Please Help!
- Possible injury....or strain
- workout routine
- Right side bigger than left!!
- chest questions.
- Quick Question
- how bad is it missing workouts?
- Front Squats and... Traps?!
- How fast will i loose it
- reps/sets questions
- Cardio During Cutting
- Need a little help....
- Need to add BB exercises
- Pain in Elbow
- Need Advice
- Arms, upper back, upper chest, no traps tho
- Gone natural need workout help, swole others
- Buckling In Knees
- Cardio
- whats some good excercises for upper middle back
- Hardest Leg workout can you handle it
- CHest and tri's
- Small calves!!!!!!!!
- Dont want growth
- Back after 3 MONTH out
- need some motovation
- anyone ever do bar twists for abs/obliques?
- Scary Sh!t
- Need advice re cardio
- different rep ranges...
- Need some good advices

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