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  1. Testicles+Leg day=pain
  2. Running vs Walking cardio???
  3. ronnie coleman's routine...?
  4. predetermined exercises or random at gym ?
  5. Shrugs?
  6. any tech for the B!TCH T!TS !!
  7. will this really work??
  8. How many sets/reps for?
  9. Deadlift
  10. good Leg workout
  11. No soreness..overtrained muscle???
  12. Would overtraining cause water loss?
  13. Workout ?
  14. 10x10
  15. Does it ever seem to you like bad **** always happens when youre at your biggest?
  16. Cardio Question
  17. looking good but not performing well
  18. Spotting
  19. Knee Wraps
  20. Weight Belt
  21. Shoulder press
  22. Training 5 times a week to burn fat
  23. What to do when I plateau?
  24. bigger traps?
  25. Back workout
  26. cardio question
  27. Plateau For A while
  28. getting sick
  29. shoulder mass?
  30. Adjusting Workout Time Due To New Job
  31. Same Q, Dif Place
  32. workout routine
  33. Dips
  34. Lat pulldowns
  35. Curiousity?
  36. Chest Isolation
  37. upright rows or laterals
  38. Dead lifts??
  39. Work Out Program
  40. Compound verses isolation for mass
  41. Need Advice on Routine.
  42. Extremly confused ...
  43. Is it me or ??
  44. Ab shape
  45. the most brutal bicep workout I have ever done last night!!!
  46. quick ? on exercises???
  47. Cardio...
  48. Help with my new training split!
  49. chest
  50. heard not to do cardio in the morning
  51. fast twitch fibers?
  52. Elbow Pain...
  53. good deads
  54. Which is better
  55. Pullups
  56. Dc Training
  57. cardio question
  58. motivation
  59. Cutting up my arms
  60. Thick and wide back?
  61. Heart Rate for BF Burn
  62. Best To Do For Bulking Up!?
  63. Advice.
  64. preventing muscle loss
  65. Help Lower Back Pain from Squats
  66. No Pain No Gain
  67. Dumbbell press v Military press
  68. 4Day - Split routine, Critique please
  69. why is my ass the first place to gain weight??
  70. Joint cracking..
  71. Military press, Behinde the neck or not?
  72. Finding corrrect hear rate for fat buring zone
  73. Input on my workout please
  74. arms look great from front but side view sucks
  75. shoulder ?
  76. Wrist HR monitor without chest strap?
  77. My experiment combination routine
  78. vacuum
  79. no pump in arms please help
  80. rep range for muscle mass
  81. Flexing and tone?
  82. Weak Point Training???
  83. training legs whilst running 5 x a week
  84. Best Bar to use for skull Krushers?
  85. Why train the Legs?
  86. Headaches reacuring
  87. Cutting workouts....
  88. need some help... jogging and cardio on lean muscle mass diet
  89. (Revised) 5-Day Split routine, Critique please.
  90. ijury
  91. Sleep!
  92. Lose fat or gain muscle?
  93. Front Squats
  94. Cardio 5 times a week up to an hour a time
  95. stretching
  96. coffee & cardio
  97. sets/exercises per body part
  98. Hows this for a good overall chest routine
  99. good workout tips
  100. Elbow Problems....Skullcrushers
  101. Well I had to try Swoles leg routine myself finally, and I must say it's a bitch!!!
  102. Cardio Q :(
  103. For those that do Swoles Back/Bi combo
  104. I Figured it OUT!
  105. GEtting shot after immunization
  106. Am I overtraining?
  107. cramps in inner thigh
  108. lat work when benching?
  109. Cardio
  110. Heart Rate
  111. Couple of importent questions I need some help with,
  112. Cardio question
  113. PCT workout adjustment?
  114. 4in. on your own with this workout..
  115. extreme pain in R quad
  116. The Natural's all natural training routine!
  117. cardio morning question?
  118. wrecked shoulder
  119. Metabolism not that important
  120. Neck training
  121. My work out.
  122. Critique my workout please
  123. hypertrophy training
  124. looking to maybe switchup my back workout
  125. Dropsets After Each Exercise?
  126. Is it truth that after a cycle, are my natural gains lower
  127. Stop Doing Cardio Before You Weight Train!
  128. ? about HST by Brian Haycock
  129. Not my normal 100%
  130. Workout Schedule
  131. lower biceps and lower triceps
  132. Pain in collarbone...
  133. Chest Workout Critique and question about..
  134. at 385 trying to get to 405...please help
  135. informative link, check it out...
  136. JM Presses?
  137. ways to shred abs more?
  138. Forarms,Traps,and Calves is overtraining possible
  139. MYTH: It takes 20 minutes of cardio to start burning fat
  140. MYTH: It's best to do cardio on an empty stomach
  141. Anyone else get a 'high' from cardio
  142. DB rows...?
  143. ab workouts
  144. best 5 day split
  145. workout changes while on cycle
  146. Psychology of a pec tear
  147. Bicesp Peak Is Not Genetic...
  148. Who Believes In Spot Fat Loss?
  149. Forearm pain while curling
  150. Changing Your Somatotype?(ecto,meso,etc)
  151. hows this chest routine
  152. cardio for too long??
  153. Mag Chest workout
  154. How Muscles Grow
  155. Chest
  156. Isolation movements: do we need them?
  157. High reps vs Low reps
  158. Need Opinions on this Workout
  159. Was lifting and did something to my left chest
  160. Low reps for some, high for others
  161. Overtraining while on cycle
  162. Need Help growing legs without squats, hack squats or deads-->
  163. Is bad to have sex while use steroids?
  164. Training On Gear, Not As Sore As I Used To Be
  165. rack deads?
  166. my work-out prgram
  167. Prioritizing Biceps split question
  168. low reps...
  169. Swole, a lil help please brutha
  170. Best time of the day to lift?
  171. Increased frequency/Varied intensities?
  172. Doggcrapp (DC Training) Training?
  173. Splits
  174. thoughts on training program
  175. tone up training routine
  176. mass building routines
  177. machines?
  178. Looking for advice on routine
  179. bulking up but stomach needs to cut. help
  180. Am I doing enough sets?
  181. Inspireing Workout music
  182. running or fast walk
  183. what would be more effective?
  184. Need width!
  185. abd training
  186. How's this split look
  187. Cardio Workout
  188. What's the best excercise to make your upper back THICK?
  189. Supersetting for bulking?
  190. low incline bench
  191. working out major muscle groups (question for 30 biggest lies post)
  192. Chest work out help?
  193. Increased lung capacity = increased strength
  194. Twice a week Chest workout??
  195. Best leg excercise?
  196. 2 Weeks Off????
  197. more sets or more exercises
  198. chest fat
  199. chest
  200. Bent over rows: Elbow clicking
  201. Dumbell bench
  202. db press
  203. LBM Workout
  204. Do electric Ab's traininers really work ?
  205. Workout routine, please critique!!
  206. best cardio
  207. Cuttin' up
  208. Legs question????
  209. chest excersice..
  210. Either or???
  211. Best chest workout?
  212. reverse grip bench press
  213. What do you think about my workout routine?
  214. Just wanted to tell ya all...
  215. cardio question....AGAIN
  216. Anyone ever heard of this type of training?
  217. Opinions please
  218. Has anyone ever tried these for side delts?
  219. 20+ sets of legs on leg day?
  220. Arms Wont F-ing Grow Please Help!
  221. Possible injury....or strain
  222. workout routine
  223. Right side bigger than left!!
  224. chest questions.
  225. Quick Question
  226. how bad is it missing workouts?
  227. Front Squats and... Traps?!
  228. How fast will i loose it
  229. reps/sets questions
  230. Cardio During Cutting
  231. Need a little help....
  232. Need to add BB exercises
  233. Pain in Elbow
  234. Need Advice
  235. Arms, upper back, upper chest, no traps tho
  236. Gone natural need workout help, swole others
  237. Buckling In Knees
  238. Cardio
  239. whats some good excercises for upper middle back
  240. Hardest Leg workout can you handle it
  241. CHest and tri's
  242. Small calves!!!!!!!!
  243. Dont want growth
  244. Back after 3 MONTH out
  245. need some motovation
  246. anyone ever do bar twists for abs/obliques?
  247. Scary Sh!t
  248. Need advice re cardio
  249. different rep ranges...
  250. Need some good advices
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