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  1. 2010 Change
  2. fitness and size
  3. Difference in training while on/off a cycle
  4. On keto need a Cutting workout plan
  5. Moved and gym under consrtuction.....
  6. Iron Man HIT question
  7. lagging shoulders
  8. Biceps taking longer than normal to recover?
  9. need a change
  10. New to forum
  11. is a bulking workout different then a cutting one?
  12. dc training vs slingshot?
  13. please critique....
  14. need help with a good cutting workout split
  15. Workout question
  16. whats best to hit side delts...help cant get them sore!!!
  17. I need a new routine
  18. ? about changing routine,, chest tired of same thing after 2 years...?
  19. Cardio b4 or after workout?
  20. stopped in my tracks.
  21. What do I eat before and after my workout
  22. arms and chest
  23. Try This Killer Exercise.
  24. I'm finally satisfied with my physique
  25. Do they make a "shorter" straight barbell?
  26. will an hour of cardio 6days a week eat my muscle
  27. How does my workout look?
  28. traps
  29. working muscles twice a week oppose to one
  30. My 5 Day Split - Critique Please
  31. Sore for days after workout
  32. Questions on my workout
  33. HIIT Cardio and bad knees
  34. i am getting bruises after my work outs? help
  35. sqauting with a belt for back pain
  36. How to eliminate glutes from leg workout
  37. I think I'm genetically maxed
  38. Big legs!
  39. stubborn biceps!
  40. Could do with some adivce please guys!
  41. workout while sick?
  42. Critique - College student Training reg(workout + diet)
  43. need help with workout pls
  44. Dc style
  45. critisize this workout
  46. Thoughts on this workout
  47. Belted or unbelted squatting
  48. Any techniques for growth?
  49. How to train yourself (By Iron Addict)
  50. Mass Workout Please Comment
  51. Chest Advice
  52. Whats best to get my stomach toned up
  53. Decline??
  54. critique on workout needed...thanks
  55. Lower Lat Exercises
  56. Super pump 250?
  57. Working out while sore
  58. stop or continue...no pain no gain?
  59. Complete new workout, want your opinion
  60. My New and Improved Routine
  61. Full Squats
  62. New workout Opnion also please?
  63. Shoulders Advice Needed
  64. grip problems
  65. Should I do a special type of workout when on a cycle?
  66. Does the time of day matter for lift sessions?
  67. need some help from anyone!!!
  68. I,Bodybuilder program
  69. question on calculating 1RM
  70. Need to get some parts bigger
  71. too many calories?
  72. please help! recovery issues
  73. dc training opinions
  74. Question about Chest Work Out
  75. Behind the neck Military
  76. help with program pls
  77. To belt or not to belt? An atomic bomb has been dropped on this deceased equine
  78. Maintenance Workout
  79. More indecisive now than ever!
  80. Training abs while bulking
  81. muscle soreness question
  82. Quick Question?
  83. New Routine to make my Chest Grow and get stronger
  84. overtraining???
  85. Any way to REALLY focus on a muscle group?
  86. Reasonable time frame to drop 3% bf?
  87. sleeping hours for maximum growth
  88. Burning more than 20lbs of fat in a month?
  89. Bulking Cycle routine (please critique)
  90. Knot in my pec?
  91. Diet and Training - Is it enough or not enough?
  92. Treadmill vs bike??
  93. Love handles?
  94. I need arms :(
  95. how does this look for 100$
  96. Any way to REALLY focus on a muscle group?
  97. Cardio, weights, or both?
  98. dumbells only?
  99. good deal?
  100. Training for a 10km run but keeping my weight and size
  101. Maximum number of calories one should be burning per day?
  102. what bench?
  103. How much should a person with the following stats be bench pressing?
  104. Calorie Counters on Treadmills
  105. switching over to strongman training
  106. Pull Ups
  107. one more
  108. Sports Specific workout
  109. why do my reps deline throughout sets?
  110. changing it up a bit, need feedback.
  111. training tips to get the best out of my cycle!!!
  112. Shoulder definition
  113. Pyramid question
  114. Muscle recovery
  115. Sore arms after chest workout
  116. Question
  117. Change vs. Stay The Same...
  118. Evening Out
  119. New Leg Routine just throwin it out there...
  120. My routine. Input/Opinions?
  121. Calves pump.
  122. Arms!!!
  123. Upper Back
  124. Just Some ?'s about my workout this morning
  125. Smith machine shoulder presses
  126. Calfs and Cardio
  127. How am i Doing?
  128. Gym only 2 times a week...
  129. Premature Exhaustion....
  130. Cardio upon wakeup/Lift heavy before bed.??
  131. Anyone tried the "S.A.I.S." method?
  132. Expanding the rib cage
  133. skull crushers tendon
  134. How many of you guys do regular deadlifting?
  135. squatting 3x a week?
  136. weak right side
  137. Need help on my chest
  138. Traps and dumb bells
  139. are 5x5's worth it squatting?
  140. "Backward training" method
  141. seems like nobody does close grip bench anymore?
  142. box squats with bad back?
  143. I miss Deadlifts. (2 Bulged Discs)
  144. Need advice
  145. just turned 20, help me build up a solid plan
  146. feedback requested
  147. Need some Biceps help!
  148. Been trying to work towards a solid plan hard now this is what I have come up with.
  149. Cutting help for a rookie please
  150. Proper breathing
  151. AM empty stomach cardio vs. post work out cardio? FOR FAT BURN
  152. Lat Pulldown form/technique
  153. How many of you guys/girls have a workout partner?
  154. Is it necessary to cycle off/take a break from cardio?
  155. Anyone free weight hack anymore?
  156. Sissy squat...
  157. Some mass gain advice
  158. Regular shrugs or behind the back shrugs???????????
  159. Training Routine 1st Cycle
  160. Pullups
  161. Guys I need help building my wife a workout program.
  162. Benching technique
  163. biceps help and chest
  164. Two day a week weightlifting routine
  165. new split advice
  166. swimming on gear..
  167. Cardio?
  168. Help tweak my routine
  169. bicep peak
  170. Spread Out my days post cycle?!?!? How do you feel???
  171. just got a keys
  172. dips, sit ups, pull ups. over training
  173. Does incline dumbbell bench press work your lower pecs at all?
  174. TRT Guy looking for gym help
  175. starting cycle soon, should i change to 5 days/wk? from 3
  176. Patrick's log. Start date 21/02/10
  177. 3-Day Split, Full-Body vs Push/Pull/Legs
  178. Cardio zone/Fat-burning zone.
  179. how many people constantly hear "So what do you think of P90X?"
  180. Bench press help
  181. Bench press help
  182. Leg workout ??
  183. Squat sucks!!!
  184. Switching up my split, critique plz?
  185. who can bench twice their weight?
  186. running before or after lifting
  187. When do you feel that your post workout pump is maximized?
  188. Cardio and Glycogen
  189. Need Diet and Workout Routine Assistance
  190. my cardio
  191. Favourite workout music?
  192. College Student :HELP PLZ: diagnosed with UC need to get back my healthy figure
  193. A program that will get me Ripped?
  194. Levrone Isolations
  195. Does Fat move?
  196. New Routine Opinions
  197. Lower back
  198. German Volume Training
  199. Burning body fat: 3000cal/lb or 3500cal/lb?
  200. burnin fat whilst bulking possible?
  201. Training 3x day
  202. Will my husband's training routine help/hinder my goals?
  203. Advice on added exercises
  204. Need DL help...
  205. WO with breast implants
  206. decline bench
  207. Chest Workout
  208. Twice a day
  209. Earlie Workouts, I Need Advice,,,
  210. whats the best way
  211. I need traps!!
  212. hip pain
  213. advise needed please
  214. Traithalons.... Anyone
  215. ungodly wheezing
  216. chest overtraining?
  217. Anyone try these dumbbells? any thoughts?
  218. Flexibility-gone
  219. Full Squat... WOW
  220. hey just alil help anyone?
  221. Fasted cardio on a bulk?
  222. To increase the weight or not?
  223. Chest lacking!
  224. Morning Push-Ups.
  225. My routine while on cycle
  226. 58 hour working week - Need workout/diet help!!
  227. 58 hour working week - please help!!
  229. No lower body or cardio
  230. Question about overall calories burned on a cut.
  231. Hey hey im back again for some more answers
  232. 30/30 mins or 60mins cardio
  233. what is the best exercise to put mass on upper chest?
  234. Hammer strength,or free weights?
  235. Need Help "beginner" ABS
  236. P90X workout
  237. Do Crunches Really Work? (ARTICLE)
  238. bicep extends more inward?
  239. arm growth?
  240. Mass gain, Fat loss, or both
  241. ectomorph lifting
  242. Critique of current program appreciated!
  243. do I really burn 3500cal/day?
  244. Couple questions about HIIT cardio.
  245. Shrug head position
  246. Best Guesstimate
  247. Sore = Good Workout?!!!
  248. Workout routine.
  249. Need basic 3 day workout split.
  250. Ideas for Shoulders
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