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  1. Need Help
  2. volume vs. intensity on a cycle. your opinion???
  3. Need help pleaseee
  4. queston on cardio
  5. sore hips and abs after deadlift
  6. best way to bring up lagging bodyparts
  7. what do u make of my routine?
  8. how much.........
  9. body position for lat pulldowns
  10. Basketball on cycle
  11. any opinion on my new Minimal rutine?
  12. Cardio and muscle building
  13. 4 sets, 4 exercises
  14. How to Keep from Losing Muscle on Empty Stomach Cardio
  15. poll on proper bench technique
  16. Can Oxymethlone be used with methyl 1 test
  17. Tips for A Big chest
  18. Help critique my workout
  19. Workout routine
  20. cramping everywhere !!!
  21. BAck Issues!
  22. critique this please.
  23. cardio?
  24. Crazy pump in the lower back
  25. Central nervous system, most overlooked aspect ?
  26. WHy cant i get a pump?
  27. Can you train a bodypart everyday on cycle with results?
  28. not sure if this is the right place to post this but give it a shot
  29. abs on cycle
  30. tearing shoulder while on gear... gaining too much strength to quick??
  31. Good bulk work out plan?
  32. rope jumping for bigger calfs
  33. Percentage of weight in lower body.
  34. Bicep Peak
  35. Crictic my routine
  36. no pump after chest workout
  37. Workout Spreadsheet??
  38. Pullup technique
  39. is this water weight?
  40. Whats the deal with cardio?
  41. sprinter workout
  42. lifting technique sites?
  43. blood pressure?
  44. cardio after working out
  45. Barbell Shoulder Press
  46. lacking middle of the chest
  47. Work out questions for you pro's
  48. workouts while on mdrol?
  49. Training for soreness
  50. Is running the best way to lose fat?
  51. Higher Abs need work!!!
  52. 5x5 routine
  53. workin out with music
  54. swimming for cardio? what u think?
  55. Question about shrugs
  56. when to do cardio
  57. Need female help for my gf's workouts
  58. best way to develop the pecs?
  59. New routine, over traning and is my back routine to much
  60. SLINGSHOT PRO'S...i need help
  61. Escalating Density Training effectiveness?
  62. Opinions on this routine?
  63. Sissy Squats
  64. Burning nipples from cardio
  65. hey guys,
  66. Cannonball Shoulders w/ Shoulder Joint Issues
  67. electronic muscle stimulation
  68. HIIT versus Prolonged High Intensity
  69. Barbell military press in front of the neck or behind?
  70. Back from the dead looking for a new hybrid style
  71. ever train back 2times a week?
  72. PT test, need help with stamina?
  73. Sharp "pinching" feeling in upper back when doing shrugs
  74. Squats
  75. Tri-Phase
  76. Something going wrong
  77. Hiit
  78. No pain no gain?
  79. been told i do half squats....
  80. about my Leg routine
  81. can someone point me to a routine so i can gain mass
  82. Hating preacher curls
  83. Help a newbie out??? (routine/diet)
  84. Top 3 most hated/loved excercises.
  85. Leg Bi's....Help (sigh)
  86. Home Gyms - Who's gottem?
  87. been working on abs for months with no results
  88. bench barbell dumb bell
  89. Thigh Development....??
  90. Help with odd Pec Plateau?
  91. hows this ARM routine...
  92. Tit fat
  93. 5x5 or 4x6?
  94. Guerilla cardio
  95. numb feet during cardio
  96. work on abs without losing weight?
  97. Help??
  98. Fresh routine
  99. Biceps still feel soft
  100. The deadlift ....
  101. Best time to train
  102. Getting a 350lb bench press naturally
  103. newbie: Help me lose weight
  104. Delts help
  105. STARTING SLINGSHOT, make sure i'm set
  106. How can i work this head part of triceps?
  107. forearm workout help
  108. Chest - once a week or twice?
  109. Starting routine for Hypertrophy
  110. Driving the bar back
  111. Any Advice Helpful
  112. Cardio With Swimming?
  113. HELP: Working out like crazy not losing any weight!
  114. trying a new routine, let me know what you think
  115. Cardio
  116. Stomach vaccum frequency question
  117. Cardio
  118. Best routine(s) for a time crunch?
  119. Advice on Different Workout Routine
  120. What do you guys do for abs?
  121. Overtraining chest?
  122. INTERESTING : 2 Sets 5-8 for the size and strength!?
  123. how much will taking 2 weeks off hurt my gains
  124. Please critique my CHEST workout!!!
  125. rest period between sets
  126. morning cardio myth???
  127. Looking for some help.
  128. Left arm biggest that right
  129. Proper rest between workout days
  130. cardio Overload
  131. Tricep pulldowns lats taking to much load
  132. Need Coments simple Question
  133. chest
  134. Training split critique
  135. Any Advice?
  136. one muscle a day + cardio routine.. !#@
  137. issue with my nipple when lifting
  138. The anabolic workout
  139. What type of workout will increase my running speed while juicing.
  140. chest once a week or twice a week?
  141. Workout question?
  142. why does my shoulers kill after chest day?
  143. Deadlifts proper technique
  144. Off Days
  145. What should i add to my home gym?
  146. wrist pain
  147. Bigger back and legs
  148. is big feet/being tall a sign of good genetics?
  149. need some suggestion/advice
  150. Back routine - too much? not enough?
  151. My Workout...OPINIONS?
  152. Am i over training?
  153. Melb Scene Q's
  154. weights/cardio problem
  155. Opinions On Jumping Rope
  156. Wide Chin Up Question?
  157. 2 day split
  158. Super Lagging Chest.
  159. Cardio & Weight training
  160. working on definition
  161. time interval resting question
  162. Critique my program
  163. sex and gains
  164. being prone to size versus being prone to strength
  165. 6 Days A Week/Body Part A Day = Overtraining?
  166. Workout length ?
  167. is a 3on 1 off good for mass
  168. pull ups
  169. Need advice
  170. back in the saddle
  171. Need Some Help..
  172. Whats a good safe exercise for neck size?
  173. Deadlifts
  174. Training suggestions
  175. is the exercise bike as effective as treadmill for losing weight?
  176. My aching F*CK*NG back!!!
  177. Whats your methods of progression?
  178. All advice welcome
  179. trying to get a couple more inches on my arms
  180. Reps for Biceps
  181. Elite FTS Book
  182. Leg routine
  183. Workout Crash? Blood Pressure? Help...
  184. fat loss regime for my girlfriend
  185. Over working muscles????
  186. Inner Chest Question
  187. Let the growth hormone flow...
  188. Cardio straight after weights - On
  189. Cannot get a tricep..The battle that cannot be won
  190. Best exercises to widen lats
  191. barbell bench press or Dumbell press
  192. Killer back/bi workout? Please help!!
  193. Skinny Guy Hoping to get bigger any advice welcome
  194. military press for shoulders question
  195. program
  196. Rest time?
  197. trainer
  198. Recovery and Rest time
  199. cardio and shrinking?
  200. Exercises for Short Bicep muscles vs. Long Bicep
  201. 4 Day workout split
  202. How come i have never heard of DC here ?
  203. When to do dips?
  204. Single Least Favorite workout?
  205. Squat help
  206. Dumbell incline
  207. Hard muscles who has em
  208. M&F bench press routine
  209. Xtreme Soreness
  210. No really, how important is it to do legs?
  211. NOT to look like a thumb....
  212. Almost Done Cutting About to Bulk What Split?
  213. Points to follow for your success!
  214. wrong way of loosing fat?
  215. Quick, effective workout, need help!
  216. barfing during or after a workout??
  217. trap bar
  218. Lowr ab fat
  219. workout duration/reps/sets
  220. Training Program... For Everybody! ;)
  221. Slingshot training system setup
  222. Critique and help needed please
  223. To belt or not to belt
  224. left shoulder/arm weaker than right
  225. Swinging biceps training
  226. Sets per muscle group
  227. Abs getting larger on one side
  228. New chest routine-help!
  229. Rate my work out...
  230. Real newbie needing help please.
  231. First Cycle workout advice...
  232. needs some advise from a trainer.
  233. Inner chest
  234. Scared of weights?
  235. pain in forearm
  236. optimum rep range for a female to burn fat?
  237. arms
  238. zottoman curls
  239. Lunges = Ouch
  240. bicep 3 x per week
  241. hey! Research Paper.!
  242. Help me with my workout
  243. Help Athlete with weight loss..
  244. Building a Barn door Back
  245. New to the forum...need a solid workout...
  246. bulk but lose fat.
  247. Any other good trap exersizes?
  248. critique my routine
  249. Military press question
  250. dc training
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