- Need Help
- volume vs. intensity on a cycle. your opinion???
- Need help pleaseee
- queston on cardio
- sore hips and abs after deadlift
- best way to bring up lagging bodyparts
- what do u make of my routine?
- how much.........
- body position for lat pulldowns
- Basketball on cycle
- any opinion on my new Minimal rutine?
- Cardio and muscle building
- 4 sets, 4 exercises
- How to Keep from Losing Muscle on Empty Stomach Cardio
- poll on proper bench technique
- Can Oxymethlone be used with methyl 1 test
- Tips for A Big chest
- Help critique my workout
- Workout routine
- cramping everywhere !!!
- BAck Issues!
- critique this please.
- cardio?
- Crazy pump in the lower back
- Central nervous system, most overlooked aspect ?
- WHy cant i get a pump?
- Can you train a bodypart everyday on cycle with results?
- not sure if this is the right place to post this but give it a shot
- abs on cycle
- tearing shoulder while on gear... gaining too much strength to quick??
- Good bulk work out plan?
- rope jumping for bigger calfs
- Percentage of weight in lower body.
- Bicep Peak
- Crictic my routine
- no pump after chest workout
- Workout Spreadsheet??
- Pullup technique
- is this water weight?
- Whats the deal with cardio?
- sprinter workout
- lifting technique sites?
- blood pressure?
- cardio after working out
- Barbell Shoulder Press
- lacking middle of the chest
- Work out questions for you pro's
- workouts while on mdrol?
- Training for soreness
- Is running the best way to lose fat?
- Higher Abs need work!!!
- 5x5 routine
- workin out with music
- swimming for cardio? what u think?
- Question about shrugs
- when to do cardio
- Need female help for my gf's workouts
- best way to develop the pecs?
- New routine, over traning and is my back routine to much
- SLINGSHOT PRO'S...i need help
- Escalating Density Training effectiveness?
- Opinions on this routine?
- Sissy Squats
- Burning nipples from cardio
- hey guys,
- Cannonball Shoulders w/ Shoulder Joint Issues
- electronic muscle stimulation
- HIIT versus Prolonged High Intensity
- Barbell military press in front of the neck or behind?
- Back from the dead looking for a new hybrid style
- ever train back 2times a week?
- PT test, need help with stamina?
- Sharp "pinching" feeling in upper back when doing shrugs
- Squats
- Tri-Phase
- Something going wrong
- Hiit
- No pain no gain?
- been told i do half squats....
- about my Leg routine
- can someone point me to a routine so i can gain mass
- Hating preacher curls
- Help a newbie out??? (routine/diet)
- Top 3 most hated/loved excercises.
- Leg Bi's....Help (sigh)
- Home Gyms - Who's gottem?
- been working on abs for months with no results
- bench barbell dumb bell
- Thigh Development....??
- Help with odd Pec Plateau?
- hows this ARM routine...
- Tit fat
- 5x5 or 4x6?
- Guerilla cardio
- numb feet during cardio
- work on abs without losing weight?
- Help??
- Fresh routine
- Biceps still feel soft
- The deadlift ....
- Best time to train
- Getting a 350lb bench press naturally
- newbie: Help me lose weight
- Delts help
- STARTING SLINGSHOT, make sure i'm set
- How can i work this head part of triceps?
- forearm workout help
- Chest - once a week or twice?
- Starting routine for Hypertrophy
- Driving the bar back
- Any Advice Helpful
- Cardio With Swimming?
- HELP: Working out like crazy not losing any weight!
- trying a new routine, let me know what you think
- Cardio
- Stomach vaccum frequency question
- Cardio
- Best routine(s) for a time crunch?
- Advice on Different Workout Routine
- What do you guys do for abs?
- Overtraining chest?
- INTERESTING : 2 Sets 5-8 for the size and strength!?
- how much will taking 2 weeks off hurt my gains
- Please critique my CHEST workout!!!
- rest period between sets
- morning cardio myth???
- Looking for some help.
- Left arm biggest that right
- Proper rest between workout days
- cardio Overload
- Tricep pulldowns lats taking to much load
- Need Coments simple Question
- chest
- Training split critique
- Any Advice?
- one muscle a day + cardio routine.. !#@
- issue with my nipple when lifting
- The anabolic workout
- What type of workout will increase my running speed while juicing.
- chest once a week or twice a week?
- Workout question?
- why does my shoulers kill after chest day?
- Deadlifts proper technique
- Off Days
- What should i add to my home gym?
- wrist pain
- Bigger back and legs
- is big feet/being tall a sign of good genetics?
- need some suggestion/advice
- Back routine - too much? not enough?
- My Workout...OPINIONS?
- Am i over training?
- Melb Scene Q's
- weights/cardio problem
- Opinions On Jumping Rope
- Wide Chin Up Question?
- 2 day split
- Super Lagging Chest.
- Cardio & Weight training
- working on definition
- time interval resting question
- Critique my program
- sex and gains
- being prone to size versus being prone to strength
- 6 Days A Week/Body Part A Day = Overtraining?
- Workout length ?
- is a 3on 1 off good for mass
- pull ups
- Need advice
- back in the saddle
- Need Some Help..
- Whats a good safe exercise for neck size?
- Deadlifts
- Training suggestions
- is the exercise bike as effective as treadmill for losing weight?
- My aching F*CK*NG back!!!
- Whats your methods of progression?
- All advice welcome
- trying to get a couple more inches on my arms
- Reps for Biceps
- Elite FTS Book
- Leg routine
- Workout Crash? Blood Pressure? Help...
- fat loss regime for my girlfriend
- Over working muscles????
- Inner Chest Question
- Let the growth hormone flow...
- Cardio straight after weights - On
- Cannot get a tricep..The battle that cannot be won
- Best exercises to widen lats
- barbell bench press or Dumbell press
- Killer back/bi workout? Please help!!
- Skinny Guy Hoping to get bigger any advice welcome
- military press for shoulders question
- program
- Rest time?
- trainer
- Recovery and Rest time
- cardio and shrinking?
- Exercises for Short Bicep muscles vs. Long Bicep
- 4 Day workout split
- How come i have never heard of DC here ?
- When to do dips?
- Single Least Favorite workout?
- Squat help
- Dumbell incline
- Hard muscles who has em
- M&F bench press routine
- Xtreme Soreness
- No really, how important is it to do legs?
- NOT to look like a thumb....
- Almost Done Cutting About to Bulk What Split?
- Points to follow for your success!
- wrong way of loosing fat?
- Quick, effective workout, need help!
- barfing during or after a workout??
- trap bar
- Lowr ab fat
- workout duration/reps/sets
- Training Program... For Everybody! ;)
- Slingshot training system setup
- Critique and help needed please
- To belt or not to belt
- left shoulder/arm weaker than right
- Swinging biceps training
- Sets per muscle group
- Abs getting larger on one side
- New chest routine-help!
- Rate my work out...
- Real newbie needing help please.
- First Cycle workout advice...
- needs some advise from a trainer.
- Inner chest
- Scared of weights?
- pain in forearm
- optimum rep range for a female to burn fat?
- arms
- zottoman curls
- Lunges = Ouch
- bicep 3 x per week
- hey! Research Paper.!
- Help me with my workout
- Help Athlete with weight loss..
- Building a Barn door Back
- New to the forum...need a solid workout...
- bulk but lose fat.
- Any other good trap exersizes?
- critique my routine
- Military press question
- dc training

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