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  1. Plan on doing a cycle in a couple months for first time. Training suggestions
  2. Training Routine for Hardgainer/Ectomorph
  3. Thib's calf solution
  4. lower chest fat?
  5. Long distance cycling performance enhancement
  6. corsets and vacuums
  7. Lifting straps well deadlifting
  8. deads And squats same week
  9. Leg experts get in here!
  10. Arms different sizes
  11. new training split ! what you guys recon
  12. I should be so lucky/genetics rule
  13. Dumbell Bench Presses
  14. Stretching after squats?
  15. delts with bis and tris?
  16. Coaching
  17. rack deads
  18. wide grip for a wide back?
  19. DC and conditioning
  20. Triple M - the Mysterious Mind Muscle connection
  21. How do you train you arms?
  22. Need Some Chest Help Please
  23. How often to hit each muscle group while on gear?
  24. My back is officially fvcked
  25. Any legs workout (or Gluteus only workout) for bad knees?
  26. Michelle Lewin 3 workouts for abs
  27. Qaud lifts?
  28. Alternative to bicep curls?
  29. Need second opinion on and odd question
  30. high frequency training program for first cycle
  31. 10x10 program
  32. After 531 I need a change
  33. best gym
  34. AM Cardio Heart Rate Control
  35. Want to quit my job because i cant workout anymore....
  36. bro science or real sience: cnt fatigue
  37. Critique modified PHAT Routine
  38. All Please Read - NEW RULES - MAY- 2016
  39. Please rate/critique/advice on my new training routine ( H.I.T. )
  40. Arm Workout for a Hard musclegainer
  41. Lagging biceps
  42. Bench, Dumbbell, Ezbar
  43. Light weight high reps still offer gains for older members
  44. Muscular people cardio vs chubby people cardio?
  45. Beta blockers and working out
  46. Stressed out after workouts
  47. Arms and shoulders
  48. WTF is wrong with me
  49. Need advice for building legs
  50. Mind-Muscle Connection/Lat Activation
  51. Workout Program- Just finished cycle
  52. Question about workout routine
  53. Muscle memory
  54. Reverse grip bench press Good and Bad?
  55. My HIT/Cardio Training Program
  56. need HELP with PERFECT at home workout...
  57. An untimed Circuit EX This a killer?
  58. Another Circuit! I got slayed
  59. 6 day split planning
  60. Milo of Croton
  61. Workout Log
  62. Help me get 20" arms
  63. Are Tranquilizers Holding Me Back ?
  64. Left side upper body weaker
  65. Testosterone boosting help
  66. legs
  67. Comments on real life problems experienced caused by too much gainzz.
  68. Body weight conditioning
  69. Deadlifts: Leg or Back Day?
  70. Run Swim Run / rest / Swim 1,000.00 meters / little lifting in the evening
  71. It might sound silly to ask ^_^
  72. This split has worked wonders for me!!!
  73. Training twice a day?
  74. Stucked
  75. The correlation between strength and muscle mass gains?
  76. Simple routine?
  77. Muscle Staamina Question
  78. Arms training
  79. Intensity changing
  80. Back and delts
  81. Is 'overtraining' a thing and can it make you sick?
  82. New Split
  83. Arms
  84. Arm Growth
  85. What do you guys think of Phil Heath's chest routine?
  86. Tips on how to increase your bench press?
  87. Advise
  88. Training tips to get 20 inch arms?
  89. Anyone else lack motivation to train due to depression?
  90. Are deadlifts the best single exercise to build muscle mass?
  91. Bulking List / Advice
  92. Polish Monster stair Sprints, back at it
  93. Today's workout absolute trash. had the energy, but the strength was all gone
  94. .45 minute puke punch to your legs
  95. WIDE GRIP PULL UPs,r Hammer curls helpful....
  96. Unusual bruising on pectoral
  97. training rut
  98. CHURNOBLE situation in the LEG area!!!
  99. Back Surgery/Bulging Discs, Limited Leg Day, Suggestions...
  100. High intensity
  101. Earth gym
  102. Triceps don't recover
  103. Rest days/ time off
  104. Order of isolation and Compound movements and routine
  105. THIS JUST IN!! Self Motivation
  106. Should i change my routine
  107. Optimum range of reps proved by science
  108. 6 plate front squats! How is this even possible?
  109. 1st cycle 1 week in, over training? advise
  110. Recent study shows High Reps / Low Volume Load is much Beneficial.
  111. 531 and calorie deficit
  112. 531 and calorie deficit
  113. Arms have platued during cycle.
  114. set/reps in winter bulking phase
  115. Lifting with a beginner!
  116. Carpet bombing on your back!!!
  117. Dedication and motivation
  118. Squat depth
  119. Evening workout?
  120. Continue HIT, or move on to some other method?
  121. Does that Infared light chambers really do anything for you
  122. HIT on current schedule
  123. Tlolec Log: A self Education Thread
  124. Cardio for burning fat, high or low intensity? Please help!
  125. How much cardio is to much
  126. overtraining?
  127. Assault and recovery training Initiated D day
  128. Lifting, cardio, not losing weight, what am i doing wrong?? Please help
  129. Programming with Mark Bell's Sling Shot
  130. MAN WTF. Super set..??
  131. Rear delt help, especialy my injured side
  132. Should workout split, volume, intensity, etc. be altered when on cycle?
  133. From "powerlift" workout to a bodybuilding workout
  134. Intense Orgasm on Back day?
  135. Better definition on non dominate side
  136. Cutting workout and mentality
  137. Bad lift day - what do you do?
  138. Reverse grip inclined bench
  139. Dead Lifts
  140. Going for 1 rep max bench press
  141. Critique my chest day.
  142. What to do when you get an injury?
  143. Sleep, recovery and gains
  144. Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation
  145. Training after Double discectomy.
  146. Great explosive exercises?????
  147. Chains
  148. Back is selectively lagging - plz advise
  149. Whats you split chooice and volume
  150. the polish monster experiment .colarado exp.part2
  151. You blokes shrug like this?
  152. Days off?
  153. Long break from working out?
  154. steroids nd nutrition training
  155. Obliques??? My biggest weakness.... Vaser Lipo?
  156. Cutting on Tren Ace, what routine will you guys propose?
  157. Want to make yourself feel good?
  158. Cant get the width I want with back
  159. Shoulder Help
  160. Want to lose these extra pounds of fat! NEED HELP!
  161. Working out with a cold?
  162. Adjust my schedule.
  163. Ethos training gear. new technology review!!!!
  164. Straight-Arm Dumbbell Pullovers Chest or back day ?
  165. Failure every set & long rest VS 2-3 reps short of failure & short rest for Mass
  166. How does this routine look?
  167. Split help SORRY last post
  168. biceps training / need advice
  169. Should I train more on Cycle
  170. Am I not recovering?
  171. Olympic Weightlifting Gains
  172. Your opinion on 'over training'
  173. CrossFit and Anavar
  174. Fasted cardio questions
  175. Novice 3 day fullbody routine question
  176. Help critique my workout program
  177. Exercise Routine - Which is More Beneficial
  178. Fasted Cardio
  179. the importance of closed grip
  180. Getting the most out of you work split
  181. what split
  182. Squat Form Abnormality
  183. Exercises for being shredded
  184. Exercising fasting or fed to enhance fat loss?
  185. Best Cutting Training Routine
  186. question about pushing hard in the gym and how to stay focused
  187. Feedback on my Current weight training routine & my results seen in first 90 days
  188. Is using knee wraps when doing heavy leg days actually doing yourself a disservice?
  189. E-cigarette or vapor pen people help.
  190. Hypertrophic effect on spreading total volume moved
  191. Extra day in the gym for calfs?
  192. Critique my Cardio session
  193. I need to learn how to not overtrain
  194. Keep Jacking Lower Back Up
  195. wrist straps Yes or no
  196. Denver, CO
  197. How much cardio is too much cardio?
  198. Donkey kicks
  199. one year to train and only train
  200. Shoulder routine
  201. Workout partner
  202. Adding pinch of salt to workout drink for increased intracellular pressure and.....
  203. Great Hiit Exercises, techniques?
  204. Legs
  205. Need Help with Leg Routine
  206. Colorado coaching
  207. The best workout to increase muscle mass while on cycle?
  208. Changing split reccoendation please
  209. Orange Theory (HIIT Training)
  210. Accurate BF% 7 point caliper checks
  211. Left chest is much bigger than right chest
  212. Overtraining?
  213. Help!
  214. Cardio and bodyfat
  215. Explosive exercises?????!?
  216. Tweaks and advice
  217. Question on motivation
  218. Seven weeks in.
  219. Resting but everything still weak/sore
  220. Weight increases
  221. Should you rest if you feel like going to the gym?
  222. When to do cardio
  223. Help!!!
  224. Burnout?
  225. New here - need help with routine.
  226. Rotator cuff tear just 2 weeks into cycle
  227. Giving up - No results from years in gym. Any advice?
  228. Forearms.
  229. Asymmetry
  230. Chest stretching at the end of chest fly?
  231. Leg Day.
  232. Training traps.
  233. how many days a week training?
  234. Fullbody routine help
  235. Barbells/Dumb bells only workout?
  236. CNS relaxing?
  237. Confession: I rarely ever do cardio
  238. Pullovers in the gym.
  239. What's your method for calf development
  240. Lower chest and upper chest in diferent sessions?
  241. Chest pumps
  242. AAS and Cycling training
  243. Progress pics
  244. More energy while on cycle?
  245. Chest fat problems
  246. left arm weakness
  247. Not seeing the results I want
  248. Front squats - A Love Letter
  249. Extra skin
  250. All about strength
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