- raquet ball
- Loose Skin at 30
- critique my workout
- After chest workout
- workout log book
- Inner Chest Development?
- Is this over training????
- Which one to get my back like a V???
- 3 Day Split... Hows It Look?
- Please do critique my routine..
- ? about the pyramid
- wooo whooo!
- help me
- DC style
- Taraxatone?
- upper chest workout
- cardio when bulking?
- Forearm pain
- sets and reps when bulking
- not enough rest?
- Jbigdog69 has ruined my clave training!
- female workout??
- Cardio PWO
- Pump necessary for growth???
- Leg extensions before squats
- bitch tits
- pump for pics?
- Pushups..
- 3 weeks til i test on bench and squat for football
- my 4 day breakdown
- $crew the perfect form...
- fat burning?
- F'd up shoulders
- Another crap workout
- phcuked up my form..doing heavy weights..
- Why Weights Before Cardio?
- ok abs question
- Ouch My Ass
- Morning cardio ..wow
- Joint pain...
- cardio question
- Is AM cardio catabolic?
- Lower Back Pain
- Lower Chest?
- gymnasium???
- handles on cardio machines
- help with my back
- Maximum muscle growth
- Stupid ?, but???????
- lifting injuries
- Higher reps and your experiences
- proposed new rotuine!
- doggcrapp training method
- quads?
- new chest routine
- unbalanced
- Long muscle bellies
- Tris and Front Delts
- squatting wrong?
- Hey Guys ...New to Ar...Just need critique to my routine
- need ideas
- Pulled a hammy.
- cardio in the am and pm??
- Injured
- Arm Blasting
- Bicep width
- Kettlebell vs. Dumbbells
- Front Delts/Bicep Help
- critique my dc program!
- What exercises train side bicep (brachialis...i think)
- bulk cycle workout sched!
- Abs The Hardest Thing To Get!!
- cardio question
- injury layoff update
- Bicep workout
- Critique My Chest Workout
- Help diagnose an injury
- Need Advice
- tendonitis question
- Zotman Curls
- shoulder width
- SHOCK yourself out of the comfort zone!
- it hurts to bench..help
- Help with leg injury
- Is all cardio created equal?
- cardio intensity/time
- Sub for upright rows
- Great Back day, but bi's are sore?
- any alternitave for pull-ups
- Max amount of time for Cardio
- Coming back from a shoulder injury
- ardio?
- I'm Training Under Max Ot Principles Now Going On Two Weeks
- Your Chest Routine
- over training or shocking?
- Cardio
- Tris, how long between chest and sholder.
- Gold gyms forarm machine
- Arm thickness
- confused about workout schedule
- am i doing cardio correct
- Fewer Cals=less fat no prob right? WRONG!
- Inner Bicep Head
- Proper Movement
- Workout split
- workout frequency
- Inner/Lower Chest Development
- water retention
- Workout Questions.. leave me ur comments
- Please critique my workout
- lat excercises
- Good Lower Ab & Oblique Excersise?
- Workout Warm Up is it a Waste of Time?
- need a question answered
- Muscle Spasm - Sign of Injury
- Equipment
- DB Chest
- Standing Dumbell Curls, Stunt Growth?
- buying a neck harness
- Good Site For Those Who Want New Techniques
- Not enough weight in crap gym ..what is?
- Bowflex
- had'nt eatin since 9am did cardio at 5:30pm for 1 1/2 hours
- Question about training while I'm sick
- Does walking increase stamina?
- would using the doggcrapp method be effective while cutting?
- Chest/Shoulders together or separate?
- Routine Question
- serious problem guys
- exersise for chest
- Question about dumbell side bends
- Question about dumbell side bends
- New cardio routine
- Tredmill Q's
- Need Help!!!!!!!!!!
- Doc says switch it up; need help
- Changing my leg workout.
- sqat question
- Chicken Legs
- 2 questions about walking on treadmill
- Wanna Get Thick?
- time off (completely)
- Bent over barbell rows
- What incline do you guys walk at?
- arm size
- Went to the Doc
- Jay Cutlers Back Workout
- everyday squat??
- What do u think?
- Cardio during bulk
- Legs routine
- Incline/ decline
- Arnolds Workout
- Romanian Deads
- New workout method (for me anyway)
- New Workout Idea!!! By eaglewrestler27
- Pre-workout nap
- Trying To Cut Fat And Keep Strength
- How do you think i could best shock the hell out of my chest?
- power cleans
- Morning Workout Motivation
- Just starting lifting
- Missed 3 days due to injury
- "cycling" help.. please read.. need advice.
- hafta test on bench tommorrow... any pointers to get one more rep
- Need A Good 5-Day Workout Plan
- Biceps and triceps help
- Morning cardio questions ( How much better is it really )
- routine change question
- Dumbell lunges question
- Squats making my hips big
- Anyone trained same muscle group twice in a row during plateau to shock it?
- Going on vacation for 7 days with no gym.
- What is a better exercise to get the arms thicker?
- Critique my Workout routine
- Deadlift question...
- Rep scheme?
- training split?
- abs worken out hard mimanal results
- anyone know any...
- dc training
- Is my cardio session ok??
- Three rep scheme questions
- Please check out lifting routine...
- How often to change routine?
- Deadlift question
- Rest Between SUPERSets
- I need help guys
- Need Help
- home gym opinion
- newbie needs adjustment
- Tricep Workout Question
- Quick advice needed!
- Going to have surgery
- dealing with weaker body parts
- Going through motions
- Need some help cutting
- Different kind of curls
- back injury need help in recovery
- dc training with dumbells
- pain in the neck
- hi all new guy here
- Ski Calf raises
- How's this routine..
- Low squats = wider hips?
- 460lb deadlift
- Help with Leg Routine
- What do you guys think??
- Flyes: Shoulder and back position
- John Little phone consultations?
- Moving Days Around in Split
- day after workouts
- bench max
- Upright rows for side delts?
- Priority chest training
- How many people train to failure
- need help with my symmetry!
- gymnast training
- Neck Pain with Shrugs?
- Measuring Heart Rate for Cardio
- Workout to Failure Issues
- Body Weight Exercises
- Workout Criteque and Help
- Running treadmill on incline
- Need some help, advice on exercise for certain muscles
- need some help plz
- How to gradually increase intensity???
- dc training question
- Different forms of lying extensions
- How To Increase Bench Press Weight
- Severe pain in the forearms
- How to grow your neck
- what made your arms grow?
- Good cable ab exercises?
- Rest Time between sets ?
- narrowing my grip for a fuller chest??
- What a waste of time
- Standing EZ bar curls build peak?
- Bicep workout
- 5 mins too much???
- What's the best excercise to ADD serious MASS to TRICEPS?
- bis and tris
- how much decline on a decline bench?
- 3 day routine
- Been out for a while but rareing to go!
- Farmers Walk
- when to make transition from cutting to bulking?
- lat and front raises
- Rest periods
- How does this 3 day routine look