- *- A Leg Routine -*
- HIT training ?
- Lowering Bf%, Increasing Static Stregth And Explosive Power.
- Lifting workouts
- still do cardio?
- Undecided's Training Log...
- AM Cardio...PM lifting? AM cardio, AM lifting? PLEASE HELP!!!!!
- audis training log
- Increasing my Bench
- how is my back work out
- mixing cardio/weights: same workout.
- break
- What is a Sissy Squat?
- bad days
- Plyometrics
- Muscle Knots / Spasms
- About me!! diet,workout, stats
- Strength = Size ?
- BF% and power lifting
- 225 Max Rep Bench Test
- boxing and gaining mass
- Gear+cardio Question?
- dropping BF
- How do you determine your "Intensity" when lifting ?
- Reduce intensity or increase rest days ?
- one armed pullups
- Pre-exhaust sets
- 3 day split
- Abs
- HIT while on a cycle
- pull ups and chin ups
- free weights, machines and adapting
- Deadlift back pain?
- CNS, Muscle size
- Where were You at...
- Deadlift reps
- Going to start cardio
- why are my traps sore
- Do you train abs?
- How to workout while on Methyl 1-D???
- EMG testing
- Morning workout better higher test levels?
- Forearms
- Extremely effective arm priority program right here
- Critical review of current Resistance training methods
- would you consider this overtraining!
- Will this affect ?
- One or two musclegroups per day?
- Biceps please help
- Biceps Please Help
- What's the most effective way to workout while on Legal Gear's Methyl1-D???
- Why Do I Suck At Deadlifts?
- Sad with my progress ...
- How to get strength up?
- Help with SPlit?
- cardio
- i need to cut 20 pounds!!!!
- Pushups?
- Workout routine PLEASE CRITIQUE!
- Cardio and THE BIKE
- How do you know muscle rest?
- Muscle Hypertrophy
- Rep Range For Mass
- trap bar deadlifts
- Need you guys opinion on Smith/Rack set ups.
- Plateau Problem
- Low Endurance on Chest
- poundcakes cutting log
- help with BICEPS
- Workout routine advice???
- New CHEST Routine?
- Lagging Outer Head Development on Calves
- Finally , Passed Ccna With 987 !
- modified ironman hit
- sleep to meal ratio
- Thoraic bending
- Another training log
- PWO shake during cardio
- Chest & Back
- Fitness First Rants
- What do You do ?
- What do you guys think about Decline Bench?
- Workout Critique Please
- cardio frequency
- Back Thickness
- Proper Deadlift Form
- What is your opiinion of the best rep scheme for Bodybuilding?
- What days? Which muscles?
- how often
- lift heavy to get big (4-6 reps)
- the colorado experiment
- Proper deads?
- Muscle twitch!
- Smith Machine....OK?
- Lifting Pain
- high volume training
- I havent worked out in a while
- enhance your workouts and recovery, as cheap as $1
- Least favorite thing to train
- 2 days a week workout
- 10wk Journal Track
- My Leg Routine.
- Outer bicep and peak
- which treadmill to buy
- yoga?
- Which 3 day split do you recommend?
- How fast do you lose muscle.
- PCT giving Deads a break...
- Pullups
- Fat mans log
- weights with muay thai?
- Help with Arms(Biceps)
- Lagging shoulders ... ?
- Need workout for girlfriend
- Split?
- shoulder pumps doing biceps
- Hardgainer...more reps or less reps??
- Best AB Exercise
- opinions on POWERTEC equipment please >>>
- Do you gain strength while on a cutting cycle?
- What You Think of My Workout?
- Hardcore Chest and Back Workout
- Best Power Cage/ Rack?
- Legs ????
- Tricep exercise?
- Kettlebells
- stuck at 210
- Is running on the treadmill 2 times a week enough?
- off cycle workouts?
- Meaty Calves
- Trying to Reach My Goals!!!!!!!
- Need Some Help With Legs
- Help Please!?!?!?!?!
- body pump
- Outer pecs
- please help
- Do Abs grow faster than other muscles?
- triceps plz check
- benched 405 2x today raw, YES SIR!!!
- forearm exercise
- Achilles Recovery+Muscle Memory+Diet= BIG Question
- Legs
- chest
- Stubborn AZZ Delts
- Fireman workout
- Cardio not on an empty stomach???
- Finally found my groove for cardio an hour a day
- I need a WIDE back and a WIDE CHEST!!!
- How many minutes of cardio is this considered?
- fat burned during workout
- Amount of exercises in one workout
- Burns more calories
- **CRITIQUE**routine for next cycle
- Whats better doing cardio before or after a workout?
- Can someone critique my mass routine
- Do you wrap your elbows on heavy bench
- **CRITIQUE**routine for next cycle
- Stubborn Adipose Tissue Problems....
- Am I the only one that is amazed at this guy's lifting???
- Just curious, how does a bench shirt help and how much
- Gear adn Running...
- Am I overtraining?
- flabby chest
- Pain in palm of my hand when bench pressing
- Floor Presses???
- Uneven physique
- Agonizing chest routine
- bulking to cutting
- The difference between not eating enough, and getting your body used to a new diet
- Spare Time
- I need to know if Squat is for Me?
- critique my split
- new split.. can sumone critique plz!!
- Cannonball Delts
- drop sets
- Breathing exercise to get an extra rep
- Lifting Heavy all the time
- Purchasing equipment...please help!
- Workout 4 women
- Training Regimine - while "ON"
- Critique my new split
- Chest???
- Posture
- To go heavy or to use better for w/ less weight
- better sex?
- back and bi's quick question
- Will I be working my rotator cuffs enough?
- What would be a good 3 day split
- critique my 3 day split
- sauna instead of cardio
- Whats the best food for pre-workout/post workout?
- Big chest
- When to put pull-ups into a workout?
- need some suggestions??
- Split Routines?
- run or walk for cardio
- Each Muscle Once A Week?
- Am workout & am cardio my only choice
- New split perhaps?
- workout times must change - opinions
- Some kind advice please
- Need advice
- Bow flex
- Work out schedule. Please help
- My workout
- A.M. Cardio question, please help for UPDATE
- need a good exercise, help needed
- Cardio Bulking ?
- Tough question to experience Bodybuilders!
- Stronger, not gaining weight, have ?'s
- HEART rate *burning fat ?
- routine
- Deadlift - back pain
- body gets used to exercise
- pesky legs
- i need traps exercises...
- How come arnolds workout is intense compared to what im reading else where???
- Breakfest For Morning Lifts
- If I want to run 3 days a week, does it matter what those 3 days are?
- Pump Anomaly
- Punch as hard as a rock
- tricep help?
- correct position of bar
- Routine to put mass on Stubburn skinny calves?
- musclular endurance during sets
- 225 rep max???
- DB vs BB?
- Outer Sweep
- Unequal Traps
- calfs
- Wanna Do Bodybuilding and Powerlifting!
- Hows this Workout look?
- need help !!!
- Quads and Hams
- my routine
- biceps and triceps
- Few pointers please, my delts are fatiguing before my pecs.
- Momentum
- Do you guys tuck your chin when doing shrugs?
- Leg Help please
- Help make these abs rock hard
- Psyching myself out?!?!?!?
- Heavy Bag for cardio
- chest and shoulders
- Real quick HIIT question
- ugh! need help!
- squat: interesting article
- Benching techniques?

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