- Training Split ???? (1 replies)
- What's a Good Split. A common one please? (2 replies)
- Training for strength (1 replies)
- SLDL styles (0 replies)
- Too Much Cardio? (5 replies)
- ????? (3 replies)
- training cycle needs inputs''???? (0 replies)
- problem (6 replies)
- joint support (3 replies)
- Cardio on my rest day? (5 replies)
- question (2 replies)
- Anyone Do Rest Pause Training (3 replies)
- Am I overtraining? (Newbie) (13 replies)
- who here works just one body part per workout? (25 replies)
- Taking a rest on cycle. (4 replies)
- Size while supersetting (12 replies)
- is this a good back routine? (4 replies)
- Where can i learn how to bench press? (1 replies)
- indianapolis (1 replies)
- Strength gains while cutting? (4 replies)
- Should i keep this up? (1 replies)
- Toes Going Numb During Cardio (4 replies)
- Dead lifts? (7 replies)
- iron man routine question (1 replies)
- New workout (1 replies)
- cardio and heart rate question (0 replies)
- Heart rate and cardio (2 replies)
- Tore Chest (3 replies)
- Need a 5000 calorie lifting routine (0 replies)
- My Workout... (22 replies)
- doggcrap feedback (0 replies)
- shruggs..on a back day or shoulder (10 replies)
- Best workout for your punch?? (10 replies)
- Post Your Split (20 replies)
- Straps when training traps and back (11 replies)
- how much is too much??questions that need answers (7 replies)
- My Training Journal (162 replies)
- Workout schedule (8 replies)
- Proof of how much rest is typically needed for each bodypart? (18 replies)
- Thoughts on working muscle twice a week (13 replies)
- Suggest a good each BP 2X a week routine.... (8 replies)
- Chest is lacking!! (28 replies)
- What should my squat be? Bench 300 - 5'11 185pounds (9 replies)
- Splitting up the LEGS? (9 replies)
- Hows This Look For Mass? (10 replies)
- Cardio debate.... (4 replies)
- Biceps burn out after back (3 replies)
- Forearms workouts (13 replies)
- Help With Bench!!! (11 replies)
- Arnold supination db curls (4 replies)
- Over training or not? (10 replies)
- Calling ALL Treadmill Incline WALKERS..... (17 replies)
- what is rest? (5 replies)
- The Improved Ironman (3 replies)
- what is static training (10 replies)
- delts (4 replies)
- front delts get tired....when doing chest (9 replies)
- Recovery (5 replies)
- squat question (6 replies)
- Rhomboids! (11 replies)
- Too much for my biceps???? (23 replies)
- Whats a good (3 replies)
- help with my lat (6 replies)
- ultimate soldier training???? (2 replies)
- quick pro quo....iso or both....? (6 replies)
- want some opinions (1 replies)
- Tri-sets (0 replies)
- A Noob's Workout Log (114 replies)
- crazy mass builder for triceps (0 replies)
- Thinking of doing cardio around 2:00am from a dead sleep (5 replies)
- Seems off a little (5 replies)
- How much cardio should I do ? (6 replies)
- Can just eating clean give you good results? (3 replies)
- Not a workout question perse BUT (2 replies)
- Cardio 2 x day (4 replies)
- painfull warm up squat set but not when weight is stacked on *puzzled* (5 replies)
- Swole Squats (1 replies)
- Some Good Lat Exercises? (2 replies)
- any endurance athletes her at ar (0 replies)
- no endurance (5 replies)
- AM cardio and cutting (9 replies)
- diet/routine question (3 replies)
- which is a gud cardio? (2 replies)
- Routine for mass (3 replies)
- Reps for abs calves V.S. Others.... (Question) (6 replies)
- Chest gains (4 replies)
- serratus muscle workout (2 replies)
- need help for my Bi's (8 replies)
- Try this exercise for awesome chest development!!! (33 replies)
- Mre reps or more weight? (23 replies)
- ironman and DCs extreme stretching (1 replies)
- Power Matrix Routine for bench press (0 replies)
- 2500 sit ups a day???? (35 replies)
- Getting a good grip for deadlifts? (14 replies)
- Are 35 LB dumbells the most one can use for flys? (29 replies)
- New to leg workout (4 replies)
- For the Girlfriend (12 replies)
- MMA, Boxing, or Thai? (8 replies)
- Suats and tall guys? (7 replies)
- Soreness (11 replies)
- Work out Sorness (11 replies)
- help with 13 yo fatty (49 replies)
- Morning Workouts (10 replies)
- Training for Climbing -- Leg Strength? (1 replies)
- Staying motivated (13 replies)
- Endurance (7 replies)
- box squats,RDL's and good mornings to increase squat (2 replies)
- over trained (12 replies)
- ANY 1 tried a Power,Rep Range, Shock routine? (1 replies)
- fine tuning biceps and quads. (3 replies)
- Can a natural work out 6 days a week? (5 replies)
- Beep test - who has done it?? (29 replies)
- Static Training? (3 replies)
- feeling big - strange thread/ feeling (2 replies)
- Cardio Intensity Decreasing (3 replies)
- Help me with my arms!!! (0 replies)
- Flat Dumbell Press RECORD BROKEN!!! (5 replies)
- Need advise on calves (10 replies)
- stupid arm wrestling (8 replies)
- Boxing Trainer (4 replies)
- Does fitness level determine cardio rate? (24 replies)
- Muscle 3x A Week!? (6 replies)
- I Want Huge Shoulders. (14 replies)
- new cardio routine (2 replies)
- Chest focus (2 replies)
- One Rep Max: Bench (21 replies)
- First Cycle...Ab suggestions (9 replies)
- my training routine (0 replies)
- Help with Split (2 replies)
- Cardio not working??? (3 replies)
- Supersets for chest? (2 replies)
- 6'3, 273 lbs - trying to cut bf % - Diet/Training (1 replies)
- ABS with AM cardio! (19 replies)
- how much cardio with clen (4 replies)
- No Weights?? What do I do... (8 replies)
- Is this a good idea? (9 replies)
- Wrist help (5 replies)
- Mass For Arms (9 replies)
- hst on cycle (2 replies)
- Pain while squatting (3 replies)
- Elbows kill while doing tris (9 replies)
- Do you stretch/? (5 replies)
- how do i run? (13 replies)
- Low LH – Normal test – Young (2 replies)
- dc training - how long on negative portion? (6 replies)
- Jerked around for 2 years, want to get serious (4 replies)
- Thick Neck / FAt (1 replies)
- What makes a muscle grow..stress or strength or both (3 replies)
- What do the pros do that works so well (21 replies)
- How do you determine your BF%? (1 replies)
- upper abs (4 replies)
- getting heart rat up (10 replies)
- Cardio After Workout?????? (2 replies)
- liftin an ballin (3 replies)
- Tampa gyms (7 replies)
- Dumb question? (6 replies)
- Favourite Muscle To Work Out?! (28 replies)
- Light Days (2 replies)
- Does running eat muscle even at THR? (8 replies)
- Current Routine...Critique Appreciated (18 replies)
- Is pushups, situps, dips ok for 2 weeks? (10 replies)
- Uneven Traps. What's the deal? (16 replies)
- walking to the gym (4 replies)
- How did you form your routine? (6 replies)
- Running (9 replies)
- Its been 5 long years!! (6 replies)
- Extreme Spasms post workout - wtf? (7 replies)
- Cutting and Weight Workout (1 replies)
- One sided chest exercises (6 replies)
- cardio questions (3 replies)
- Yawning while I work out. (20 replies)
- I want to do 10sets of 10reps of Pull-ups (6 replies)
- working 3 body parts (2 replies)
- cardio pwo (1 replies)
- Cardio at 10am & weights at 1pm? (0 replies)
- routen question (0 replies)
- After looking through others routines - Am I simply overtraining? (6 replies)
- Deloading before a use of gear/bulking cycle????? (8 replies)
- suggestions please (2 replies)
- From all the info ive gathered up (7 replies)
- Standing BB Military Press (7 replies)
- Pushing Exercise for Back??? (5 replies)
- Steam room (11 replies)
- cardio (7 replies)
- Bodyweight exercises (3 replies)
- EOD workout (8 replies)
- Question about squats (23 replies)
- Ok, what is the deal.......... (10 replies)
- Is 72 hrs. enough? (3 replies)
- My Training Schedule! Any OpinionS? (8 replies)
- My workout after a cycle? (5 replies)
- Does anyone have a favorite . . . (3 replies)
- Why do shoulders? (21 replies)
- what are the best reps? (5 replies)
- Good Enough 4 Bi's? (5 replies)
- Help With Cutting Workout Routine (4 replies)
- Drinking and lifting (13 replies)
- Mike Mentzer's H.I.T. (8 replies)
- Strength only not muscle. (9 replies)
- Back fat (4 replies)
- help with cutting - how much cardio (7 replies)
- Which Workout? (5 replies)
- caved in chest (3 replies)
- boxing? (5 replies)
- leg muscles burning during cardio ok? (5 replies)
- optimum target heart rate for fat-loss? (4 replies)
- training and cardio ???? (1 replies)
- Optimal training routine while on gear? (5 replies)
- cardio between PWO meal and PPWO meal? (11 replies)
- OverTraining? (4 replies)
- Legs and throw-up... (4 replies)
- feedback split&exercises (4 replies)
- ? about incline and flat barbell bench (10 replies)
- Another dumb workout question (3 replies)
- Workout Questions (3 replies)
- Reps/Sets VS Pyramid workouts (2 replies)
- Want to lower BF% (18 replies)
- Please critique my routine (4 replies)
- 4 day split (4 replies)
- Thinking about using need advice please!! (3 replies)
- My first routine (6 replies)
- how much is too much cardio?? (18 replies)
- BD's current Chest routine (43 replies)
- periodization (2 replies)
- chest question (6 replies)
- Do you use gloves when weight training? (52 replies)
- Failure or not? (14 replies)
- unbalanced bench press? (8 replies)
- My Mass Routine.{ Plz Check} (7 replies)
- probably a stupid ? whats a compound set (4 replies)
- cardio after a workout? (26 replies)
- Arnold's Routines (37 replies)
- going on holidays just after finnishing cycle? (4 replies)
- Dumbell bench V Barbell press (20 replies)
- going below parallel on squats-how dangerous? (38 replies)
- Should I feel this way??!! (2 replies)
- Question about workout routine (2 replies)
- Crazy Bicep Pump (5 replies)
- Left arm smaller then my Right one. What's the problem. (10 replies)
- Left arm smaller then my Right one. What' (0 replies)
- BD's Current Leg Routine (57 replies)
- workout- 5 day split (1 replies)
- Critic my chest work out (13 replies)
- Different grips for benching and how they effect you? (3 replies)
- Power Cleans? (7 replies)
- What is the best thing to Do for your ABS? (10 replies)
- Building Massive Arms (36 replies)
- 2min situps, 2min press ups, max out on pull ups (0 replies)
- Ive never done racked deads. Need help (2 replies)
- no weights allowed (5 replies)

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