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  1. Training Split ???? (1 replies)
  2. What's a Good Split. A common one please? (2 replies)
  3. Training for strength (1 replies)
  4. SLDL styles (0 replies)
  5. Too Much Cardio? (5 replies)
  6. ????? (3 replies)
  7. training cycle needs inputs''???? (0 replies)
  8. problem (6 replies)
  9. joint support (3 replies)
  10. Cardio on my rest day? (5 replies)
  11. question (2 replies)
  12. Anyone Do Rest Pause Training (3 replies)
  13. Am I overtraining? (Newbie) (13 replies)
  14. who here works just one body part per workout? (25 replies)
  15. Taking a rest on cycle. (4 replies)
  16. Size while supersetting (12 replies)
  17. is this a good back routine? (4 replies)
  18. Where can i learn how to bench press? (1 replies)
  19. indianapolis (1 replies)
  20. Strength gains while cutting? (4 replies)
  21. Should i keep this up? (1 replies)
  22. Toes Going Numb During Cardio (4 replies)
  23. Dead lifts? (7 replies)
  24. iron man routine question (1 replies)
  25. New workout (1 replies)
  26. cardio and heart rate question (0 replies)
  27. Heart rate and cardio (2 replies)
  28. Tore Chest (3 replies)
  29. Need a 5000 calorie lifting routine (0 replies)
  30. My Workout... (22 replies)
  31. doggcrap feedback (0 replies)
  32. shruggs..on a back day or shoulder (10 replies)
  33. Best workout for your punch?? (10 replies)
  34. Post Your Split (20 replies)
  35. Straps when training traps and back (11 replies)
  36. how much is too much??questions that need answers (7 replies)
  37. My Training Journal (162 replies)
  38. Workout schedule (8 replies)
  39. Proof of how much rest is typically needed for each bodypart? (18 replies)
  40. Thoughts on working muscle twice a week (13 replies)
  41. Suggest a good each BP 2X a week routine.... (8 replies)
  42. Chest is lacking!! (28 replies)
  43. What should my squat be? Bench 300 - 5'11 185pounds (9 replies)
  44. Splitting up the LEGS? (9 replies)
  45. Hows This Look For Mass? (10 replies)
  46. Cardio debate.... (4 replies)
  47. Biceps burn out after back (3 replies)
  48. Forearms workouts (13 replies)
  49. Help With Bench!!! (11 replies)
  50. Arnold supination db curls (4 replies)
  51. Over training or not? (10 replies)
  52. Calling ALL Treadmill Incline WALKERS..... (17 replies)
  53. what is rest? (5 replies)
  54. The Improved Ironman (3 replies)
  55. what is static training (10 replies)
  56. delts (4 replies)
  57. front delts get tired....when doing chest (9 replies)
  58. Recovery (5 replies)
  59. squat question (6 replies)
  60. Rhomboids! (11 replies)
  61. Too much for my biceps???? (23 replies)
  62. Whats a good (3 replies)
  63. help with my lat (6 replies)
  64. ultimate soldier training???? (2 replies)
  65. quick pro quo....iso or both....? (6 replies)
  66. want some opinions (1 replies)
  67. Tri-sets (0 replies)
  68. A Noob's Workout Log (114 replies)
  69. crazy mass builder for triceps (0 replies)
  70. Thinking of doing cardio around 2:00am from a dead sleep (5 replies)
  71. Seems off a little (5 replies)
  72. How much cardio should I do ? (6 replies)
  73. Can just eating clean give you good results? (3 replies)
  74. Not a workout question perse BUT (2 replies)
  75. Cardio 2 x day (4 replies)
  76. painfull warm up squat set but not when weight is stacked on *puzzled* (5 replies)
  77. Swole Squats (1 replies)
  78. Some Good Lat Exercises? (2 replies)
  79. any endurance athletes her at ar (0 replies)
  80. no endurance (5 replies)
  81. AM cardio and cutting (9 replies)
  82. diet/routine question (3 replies)
  83. which is a gud cardio? (2 replies)
  84. Routine for mass (3 replies)
  85. Reps for abs calves V.S. Others.... (Question) (6 replies)
  86. Chest gains (4 replies)
  87. serratus muscle workout (2 replies)
  88. need help for my Bi's (8 replies)
  89. Try this exercise for awesome chest development!!! (33 replies)
  90. Mre reps or more weight? (23 replies)
  91. ironman and DCs extreme stretching (1 replies)
  92. Power Matrix Routine for bench press (0 replies)
  93. 2500 sit ups a day???? (35 replies)
  94. Getting a good grip for deadlifts? (14 replies)
  95. Are 35 LB dumbells the most one can use for flys? (29 replies)
  96. New to leg workout (4 replies)
  97. For the Girlfriend (12 replies)
  98. MMA, Boxing, or Thai? (8 replies)
  99. Suats and tall guys? (7 replies)
  100. Soreness (11 replies)
  101. Work out Sorness (11 replies)
  102. help with 13 yo fatty (49 replies)
  103. Morning Workouts (10 replies)
  104. Training for Climbing -- Leg Strength? (1 replies)
  105. Staying motivated (13 replies)
  106. Endurance (7 replies)
  107. box squats,RDL's and good mornings to increase squat (2 replies)
  108. over trained (12 replies)
  109. ANY 1 tried a Power,Rep Range, Shock routine? (1 replies)
  110. fine tuning biceps and quads. (3 replies)
  111. Can a natural work out 6 days a week? (5 replies)
  112. Beep test - who has done it?? (29 replies)
  113. Static Training? (3 replies)
  114. feeling big - strange thread/ feeling (2 replies)
  115. Cardio Intensity Decreasing (3 replies)
  116. Help me with my arms!!! (0 replies)
  117. Flat Dumbell Press RECORD BROKEN!!! (5 replies)
  118. Need advise on calves (10 replies)
  119. stupid arm wrestling (8 replies)
  120. Boxing Trainer (4 replies)
  121. Does fitness level determine cardio rate? (24 replies)
  122. Muscle 3x A Week!? (6 replies)
  123. I Want Huge Shoulders. (14 replies)
  124. new cardio routine (2 replies)
  125. Chest focus (2 replies)
  126. One Rep Max: Bench (21 replies)
  127. First Cycle...Ab suggestions (9 replies)
  128. my training routine (0 replies)
  129. Help with Split (2 replies)
  130. Cardio not working??? (3 replies)
  131. Supersets for chest? (2 replies)
  132. 6'3, 273 lbs - trying to cut bf % - Diet/Training (1 replies)
  133. ABS with AM cardio! (19 replies)
  134. how much cardio with clen (4 replies)
  135. No Weights?? What do I do... (8 replies)
  136. Is this a good idea? (9 replies)
  137. Wrist help (5 replies)
  138. Mass For Arms (9 replies)
  139. hst on cycle (2 replies)
  140. Pain while squatting (3 replies)
  141. Elbows kill while doing tris (9 replies)
  142. Do you stretch/? (5 replies)
  143. how do i run? (13 replies)
  144. Low LH – Normal test – Young (2 replies)
  145. dc training - how long on negative portion? (6 replies)
  146. Jerked around for 2 years, want to get serious (4 replies)
  147. Thick Neck / FAt (1 replies)
  148. What makes a muscle grow..stress or strength or both (3 replies)
  149. What do the pros do that works so well (21 replies)
  150. How do you determine your BF%? (1 replies)
  151. upper abs (4 replies)
  152. getting heart rat up (10 replies)
  153. Cardio After Workout?????? (2 replies)
  154. liftin an ballin (3 replies)
  155. Tampa gyms (7 replies)
  156. Dumb question? (6 replies)
  157. Favourite Muscle To Work Out?! (28 replies)
  158. Light Days (2 replies)
  159. Does running eat muscle even at THR? (8 replies)
  160. Current Routine...Critique Appreciated (18 replies)
  161. Is pushups, situps, dips ok for 2 weeks? (10 replies)
  162. Uneven Traps. What's the deal? (16 replies)
  163. walking to the gym (4 replies)
  164. How did you form your routine? (6 replies)
  165. Running (9 replies)
  166. Its been 5 long years!! (6 replies)
  167. Extreme Spasms post workout - wtf? (7 replies)
  168. Cutting and Weight Workout (1 replies)
  169. One sided chest exercises (6 replies)
  170. cardio questions (3 replies)
  171. Yawning while I work out. (20 replies)
  172. I want to do 10sets of 10reps of Pull-ups (6 replies)
  173. working 3 body parts (2 replies)
  174. cardio pwo (1 replies)
  175. Cardio at 10am & weights at 1pm? (0 replies)
  176. routen question (0 replies)
  177. After looking through others routines - Am I simply overtraining? (6 replies)
  178. Deloading before a use of gear/bulking cycle????? (8 replies)
  179. suggestions please (2 replies)
  180. From all the info ive gathered up (7 replies)
  181. Standing BB Military Press (7 replies)
  182. Pushing Exercise for Back??? (5 replies)
  183. Steam room (11 replies)
  184. cardio (7 replies)
  185. Bodyweight exercises (3 replies)
  186. EOD workout (8 replies)
  187. Question about squats (23 replies)
  188. Ok, what is the deal.......... (10 replies)
  189. Is 72 hrs. enough? (3 replies)
  190. My Training Schedule! Any OpinionS? (8 replies)
  191. My workout after a cycle? (5 replies)
  192. Does anyone have a favorite . . . (3 replies)
  193. Why do shoulders? (21 replies)
  194. what are the best reps? (5 replies)
  195. Good Enough 4 Bi's? (5 replies)
  196. Help With Cutting Workout Routine (4 replies)
  197. Drinking and lifting (13 replies)
  198. Mike Mentzer's H.I.T. (8 replies)
  199. Strength only not muscle. (9 replies)
  200. Back fat (4 replies)
  201. help with cutting - how much cardio (7 replies)
  202. Which Workout? (5 replies)
  203. caved in chest (3 replies)
  204. boxing? (5 replies)
  205. leg muscles burning during cardio ok? (5 replies)
  206. optimum target heart rate for fat-loss? (4 replies)
  207. training and cardio ???? (1 replies)
  208. Optimal training routine while on gear? (5 replies)
  209. cardio between PWO meal and PPWO meal? (11 replies)
  210. OverTraining? (4 replies)
  211. Legs and throw-up... (4 replies)
  212. feedback needed...my split&exercises (4 replies)
  213. ? about incline and flat barbell bench (10 replies)
  214. Another dumb workout question (3 replies)
  215. Workout Questions (3 replies)
  216. Reps/Sets VS Pyramid workouts (2 replies)
  217. Want to lower BF% (18 replies)
  218. Please critique my routine (4 replies)
  219. 4 day split (4 replies)
  220. Thinking about using need advice please!! (3 replies)
  221. My first routine (6 replies)
  222. how much is too much cardio?? (18 replies)
  223. BD's current Chest routine (43 replies)
  224. periodization (2 replies)
  225. chest question (6 replies)
  226. Do you use gloves when weight training? (52 replies)
  227. Failure or not? (14 replies)
  228. unbalanced bench press? (8 replies)
  229. My Mass Routine.{ Plz Check} (7 replies)
  230. probably a stupid ? whats a compound set (4 replies)
  231. cardio after a workout? (26 replies)
  232. Arnold's Routines (37 replies)
  233. going on holidays just after finnishing cycle? (4 replies)
  234. Dumbell bench V Barbell press (20 replies)
  235. going below parallel on squats-how dangerous? (38 replies)
  236. Should I feel this way??!! (2 replies)
  237. Question about workout routine (2 replies)
  238. Crazy Bicep Pump (5 replies)
  239. Left arm smaller then my Right one. What's the problem. (10 replies)
  240. Left arm smaller then my Right one. What' (0 replies)
  241. BD's Current Leg Routine (57 replies)
  242. workout- 5 day split (1 replies)
  243. Critic my chest work out (13 replies)
  244. Different grips for benching and how they effect you? (3 replies)
  245. Power Cleans? (7 replies)
  246. What is the best thing to Do for your ABS? (10 replies)
  247. Building Massive Arms (36 replies)
  248. 2min situps, 2min press ups, max out on pull ups (0 replies)
  249. Ive never done racked deads. Need help (2 replies)
  250. no weights allowed (5 replies)
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