- Stiff Legs For Hams?
- What's your favorite chest press MACHINE?
- Dead lifts help me
- workout journal
- Taking a Workout Break Post Cycle
- Training Each Part 2X Per Week?
- lose gains??????????????????????
- My 5 day split
- bad day.....?
- Mass Building routine, Big guys this ?? is for you
- Ham and Quad strength radio
- What to do...What to do?
- deadlifts w/belt
- Routine Help
- Trap excercises
- Cutting Workout, advice?
- does this seem weird?
- how to get a big neck
- pure fat burn, swolecat?
- how much cardio is too much?
- im pissed
- Too Much
- forearm pain?
- how does this workout look?
- Please just take a minute & help
- calf exercises
- Deadlifts for back...
- cardio on nolva and test e?
- Heavy Negitaves on Bicep workout
- Having trouble on my chest
- Critique My Workout!
- Repping 225 on incline
- abs arent sore anymore
- best excersise for abs
- Cardio
- 5x5 Mixed up abit
- my sciatica is killing me
- "Blast Your Bench" workout.... ever hear of it?
- Best time to take body measurements?
- shoulders
- mass building work out plan
- Am I Overtraining????
- Cardio
- Cardio question
- Shoulders
- New Training Routine
- Finally joined a real gym...
- Nice
- Eight-Day Training Cycle. Do like it?
- Help with Beginner Workout Plan
- which split is best for me
- Does masterbating lower testosterone?
- Wrist lifts
- I less really better then more????
- left calf is noticably smaller than right.
- muscle "sections"
- Arms going numb during workout.
- Female weightlifter needs help
- Squats
- The greatest chest machine ever?
- OK umm a question?
- plateau
- muscle imbalances
- Injury Question
- advice bros
- Zottman curls
- Right arm much smaller than left arm
- advice on my routine
- Delt Help!
- Chin splints
- Trap workout?
- help with back
- Does anyone workout like this....
- Help With Workout Routine...
- Back strain or back WORK?
- Another DC question
- Leg Workout
- Posting Workout Questions/Training Cycles
- Is This Good?
- Why am I so weak?
- Loss of strength after injury..
- Home lifter
- belt for squats?
- Pump up The Results
- Progress!!!!
- How do YOU Finding your Target HR?
- Workout critique
- Loss of Cardio
- trainer for daughter
- Helping out a female
- Breathing on Pulldowns
- Trying to gain strength while toning minor muscle groups
- Dance Dance Revolution......?
- Recreational damage to building, I know, just help please
- Truth-squat vs leg press
- DC Training, exercises
- # of sets in a bicep workout
- new work out while cutting please help
- Please rip apart my bulking/strength program
- Q on
- forearm question
- Is this routine any good?
- need advice!!
- Getting stronger wth DB's and not Bench?
- Question on Muscle Loss
- Equipment??
- stomach loss
- cutting and DC
- Anyone use Dumbbell Power Hooks?
- Help with workout
- How I Went from 220lbs to 175lbs In 8 Weeks - IN DETAIL
- Need New Workouts
- Long recovery time forcing more off days...
- vascularity
- Rip it apart fellas
- huge plateau
- back to back days workouts--not enough recovery time??..,
- cardio before or after workout?
- can't increase weights
- bigger chest
- 6pac in 6 weeks
- Ideal Bodyweight
- the big body-skinny arms syndrome!!!
- Chest Help
- Best workouts while cutting?
- Training plan for next 3 months
- Decline bench a waste of time?
- sholder ****
- Lack of development-outer chest
- jumprope
- wrong forum posted this in....
- Calling all devil dogs or Vets for advice!
- help me out guys!
- think I reached my genetic potential
- Charles Staley on Reps/Sets
- Loading up the leg press
- Mentzer and heavy duty
- Changed my routine, and now I'm sore as hell
- workout routine!?
- Bench has DROPPED???
- strong wrists
- DC Training Problem
- Legs TOO sore
- chest workout question
- Question about pushups ect..
- too much cardio during pct?
- Steroids
- Clean and Jerk!?
- After some quick answers!
- Wierd day at the gym today.
- Incline
- Upper Back?
- Swimming, cuts and cardio question
- incline chest help
- light headed after am cardio?
- 6 day split question .
- Some suggested reading and a nutrition glossary
- How much BF% can I lose?
- Dumbell Bench Hard to increase
- Would doing curls everyday help or hurt my biceps to grow????
- Animal Pak Routine for Mass, Good/Bad?
- MMA and Overtraining
- New Routine, Need Advice...
- What is the best way to a fully developed Chest?
- wow what a realization
- how many days in the week should i train biceps
- Heart rate monitor
- Which excercise for best tri developement?
- What I did to gain 40lbs no joke from 210-250
- good cycle
- AM cardio Motivation
- Would This Be A GOOD Workout To Increase What I Lift???
- Morning Cardio Equipment
- Replies wanted... Is this a GOOD/BAD workout for an increase in max?
- Get on my case regarding my DC exercise selections:
- muscle memory
- Replies wanted... Is this a GOOD/BAD workout for an increase in max?
- Help A Fat Brother.
- Best Form of Curls
- Dorian Yates Delt Workout
- ? about big guys
- weird back pain....
- back from x-ray
- Shortness of breath..
- back injury:ice or heat??
- whats your sholder day like?
- Cardio??
- dc workout plan
- need a good split
- cardio q
- best time to workout
- dum bell dead lifts
- Do you wear a belt when lifting?
- Burnout!!!???
- Guerilla Cardio
- Abs
- How u guys get 20"+ arms? what methods do you use to get HUGE ARMS?
- chest shoulder workout
- Smith Machine Squat?
- 301 pounds and STUCK!?!
- Target heart rate?
- Veins In Your Arms?
- Supplements or Natural
- Ahhh Crap!!!
- Before I get banned
- Sets With Low Reps
- HELP, Can't master the bench press
- Workout Schedule
- 1 inch on arms = 10 lbs. ?
- check out my split need advice
- new slpit tell me what you think
- new programme
- Stripping Down...
- is this OK?
- working out twice a day...
- Just starting out
- heart rate monitor
- one body part a day
- Can someone help me with a bulking routine?
- Cardio question
- Best Chest Wrkouts
- back workouts with dumbell
- Just wanted to tell some body
- Proper Dips technigue?
- New Routine Help (Please!)
- Calves are pathetic.
- workout set rotation
- is 3 days a week enough?
- heart rate for optimal fat burning?
- Out of town work out???
- Delt and bicep separation
- How many days of growth?
- new here. my new split..please help
- Best Cardio workout to get chiseled out
- Sore for a long time?
- Do you need maximal weight to get stronger and bigger
- Home Cardio
- What motivates you to get out there in the morning?
- Calves
- Hey guys I need help deciding?
- workout critique please
- Does your work-out routine changes when you are on and off steroids???
- sacrificing more weight for more sets?
- How Do You Use Shocking Principles When Going 4 Mass?
- empty stomach
- Squatted now my bis are sore????
- Pull-ups workout??
- Is this worth 300 bucks?
- critique my workout plz

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