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  1. Cardio Acceleration
  2. Training quads for hypertrophy
  3. Useful information about body temperature and how it can improve or hinder you
  4. The TRAINING discussion blog
  5. STarting training after many years
  6. Deadlifts and back hypertrophy
  7. Training forearms and calves
  8. Time for a workout routine overhaul
  9. Two most important things to look buff!!
  10. How to get a more define back?
  11. Bench form check
  12. Lat isolation workouts ?
  13. Bench press form
  14. 2 week deload?
  15. Exercises you DON’T do
  16. The point of diminishing returns
  17. weights once a week
  18. Something about my lack of flexibility restricting my squat?
  19. Extended Time Off?
  20. Where is the line between normal and Winged Scapula?
  21. How to Program for High Frequency Training
  22. When lifting do you still keep up with calisthenics?
  23. Bi and Tri workout regime 💪
  24. Best workout programs / ebooks?
  25. Help me help my wife...
  26. Problem with cycle, decreased workout performance and knees
  27. Leg biceps
  28. Strengttraining better for hearthealth than cardio?
  29. Work out routine change
  30. Ectomorph, Mesomorph, Endomorph
  31. My favorite podcast
  32. Training of Vascular Occlusion !!!
  33. Any tips to add some serious weight to my barbell squat?
  34. Lifting/Gym Shoes?
  35. training plateau
  36. Once a week or Twice per week?
  37. Training Principles Basics
  38. The Best Back Exercise Your NOT doing
  39. Struggling with squats and leg presses
  40. Help a newbie out
  41. pushing higher weigth on dumbbell squat feeling vertical pressure on spine.
  42. " HEAVY DUTY ."I am against modern philosophy
  43. Why pros don't train low reps?
  44. Exercises that hit outer head of tricep
  45. Bro Split - High Frequency Style
  46. TUT experiment with strange results
  47. Neurotype and Training
  48. how to get BIG calves
  49. Someone please explain this $h1t
  50. Traps like Tom Hardy’s?
  51. Full body Split - the new fad?
  52. What TYPE of sleep is needed for recovery/gains.
  53. Traps day every day
  54. Programming advice
  55. Best Monday to Friday Hypertrophy Program?
  56. What kind of weightlifting straps do you use?
  57. muscle soreness tendon pain post steroid cycle
  58. My Next Bulk Training Split
  59. Electric muscle stimulators
  60. Training without Gyms: Quarantine Fitness
  61. Home gym inspiration
  62. What to get next ?
  63. Affordable plates
  64. Do you guys prime a body part?
  65. Beginner advice
  66. What do you guys/gals think of ab wheels?
  67. Time to get back to it
  68. Glute & ham developer/ back stretcher. Vs. Roman chair
  69. Lower back pain from abdominal exercises
  70. Building strength and loosing fat in a hybrid diet
  71. To use a lifting belt when doing machine crunches or not.
  72. Looking for an old training video.
  73. How to stretch muscle fascia?
  74. double post please delete
  75. muscle imbalance
  76. Proper bicep contraction during types of exercises.
  77. How many sets for biceps and triceps?
  78. Been trying to up my peek
  79. Keep squatting 100kg for 3 - 6 months
  80. Training first thing in morning need advice
  81. How often do you train abs when cutting/bulking?
  82. Bro split vs PPL just more of the same?
  83. Hello again
  84. Any Luck Lengthening Biceps Long Head?
  85. Climb a fucking rope
  86. First Cycle Program
  87. Here is my split - Tell me if I'm overtraining or not
  88. Leg training ideas
  89. How Wide To Go On Decline Bench For Outer Lower Chest?
  90. Pins and needles feeling during cardio?
  91. My lower and mid chest are growing so fast compared to my upper chest
  92. How far would you drive to workout?
  93. Weight gain on test
  94. How often do you change your routine
  95. Balance several sports?
  96. Is muscle memory legit.
  97. How much can a female pro body builder bench
  98. How often should I switch my workout? At this point I don't feel like it honestly
  99. Your favorite back width workouts?
  100. TheDreamer's Log
  101. training as you get older...
  102. Home gym models
  103. Good exercises for massive arms?
  104. Stair Climber...is it enough?
  105. Integrated circuit
  106. Are my hamstrings weak??
  107. 14 lb per month of lockdown (benchpress)
  108. ISO online personal trainer!!!
  109. Done with 2 week cutting cycle, what's now?
  110. Ramp up sets - new workout structure
  111. How do you like to change workout on cycle/off cycle?
  112. Training rear Delts with ac joint injury?
  113. Higher body fat = Higher bench press?
  114. Ditch the Barbell gents!
  115. Shoulder Volume
  116. need a new workout program
  117. Bro split critique
  118. Swollen Feet, Ankles, and Calves (both legs equally). What to do?
  119. Twitchy Delt
  120. Training of each delt separately ?
  121. For my personal training, how often should I go to the gym?
  122. Brignole Responds to Mike Israetel
  123. Quick Deadlift Tutorial
  124. Steroids and muscle memory
  125. Chest, Bi, Ab Routine
  126. The Dreamer's Log Winter 2022
  127. Redz cut until there’s nothing left to cut
  128. Ideal Target Heart Rate for Max Fat Burn While Maintaining Max Muscle?
  129. Grizzly Bear Back
  130. Road to 500 405×19 (3 sets)
  131. Ain’t that bad actually
  132. To failure and Beyond
  133. My Body pre-pump AND post workout dilemma PLEASE HELP
  134. 50 and switching from Iron to cable machines?
  135. Help me maximize my results
  136. Paused Spoto Press for Reversal Strength and Upper Body Mass
  137. Chains hanging from barbell
  138. Vertical leg press
  139. 10x10 German volume training and Vince Girondas 8x8
  140. I am the new girl
  141. Natty blood work report looking for advice!
  142. Dumbbell back workouts
  143. Bench Press Not improving
  144. While on cycle, should I go for high reps or low reps?
  145. Trainers for mass
  146. My Hypertrophy Training System, any suggestions?
  147. How long are your workouts?
  148. Shredded and strong Legs but no bulking
  149. Trouble focusing at the gym???
  150. 10 Training Mistakes (30 Years of Lifting)
  151. Tendon? Above Knee Chronically Sore
  152. No as strict form on bulk
  153. No as strict form on bulk
  154. Effective methods of achieving sub 20% BMI
  155. Metabolism
  156. Fasted cardio after leg days
  157. Rookie workout routine for the guru's to critique on
  158. A blow to my Ego, no more 4-6 reps on area that was injured 6 mos ago? any thoughts?
  159. Serious about the splits
  160. One-armed chin-up
  161. Camaron's summer cut
  162. 6 day training split??
  163. Bad posture
  164. Lift heavy loads 80% -85% 1RM Fail 6-8 Reps
  165. Elbow pain with push and pull movements
  166. Shoulder Training to Both Avoid/Heal Shoulder Injuries info. from another bodybuilder
  167. Your best ever lifting achievement hit mine today 508lbs
  168. What are your max push-ups you can do in a row?
  169. pounds plates vs in kg
  170. Push Pull Legs
  171. Let's talk cardio
  172. Cutting and then bulking in the same cycle
  173. Training for strength -- 20 sets or 25 sets?
  174. Mickey Rourke's training in "The Wrestler," 2008 interview w/ bodybuilding dot com &
  175. mike mentzer ideal routine
  176. Best Book on Muscle Building After 50 + *and* to avoid Injuries? Any ideas, please?
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