- Bicep Question
- What to wear for running?
- proper way to dealift??
- proper way for bent over rows?
- Bulking routine-please critique. Stats/workout included.
- my new plain what do u think?
- smith machine(benching)
- bad workout
- Cholestrol Increase after bulking?
- Fat Won't Burn!
- please critique workout
- the arnold routine
- muscle sorness please read
- targeting lower abs?
- critique football program designed by Michigan state SC coach
- Should I get a heart monitor?
- lost 96 lbs but my skin has lost tigtness..need help please!!!
- Anyone here ever in the military?
- can i add dips?"
- A 3 day workout
- New Workout For Me
- How long to see results (chest)...
- workout help
- Decline
- Scientific Training
- Routine
- What does the body use for energy?
- 60 Seconds to increased hypertrophy
- My Chest work out
- difference between bar behind and infront of body for shrugs
- Is it ok to switch cardio machines?
- Stretch marks and being natural?
- What should my heart rate be at?
- best tricep workout ???
- Anyway to do squats without hickey marks?
- long but worth it...hitting a bodypart 2X a wk vs. once a wk
- working out with hernieted disk
- What are the Body For Life cardio sessions like?
- I get soar ass hell of this routine(bicep day)
- How many times a week do you work your muscle groups?
- good gains possible from 3 day workout
- Can't Get Chest To Grow...
- Are you sure I am burning fat if I am in my heart zone??
- Cutting up, change routine?
- Anyone on the Indy-Pro-wrestling circuit? Need some advise
- Cardio Question?
- what military press do u like best?
- Need Shinplint INFO!!!
- Marathon
- I need a new routine for Arms...Help me!
- Weider Pro Bench have some questions to ask
- calves wont grow.... help!
- workout
- Cardio in the morning or not when IN THE ZONE
- Best time for me to work out??
- wierd lookin obliques
- Bi's 2x / week - too much?
- Trying to bulk,, but i kickbox 3 times a week,, any ideas?
- (Beginner Tip) Change your Body with weight Training
- Has anyone tried Power Push Up 2
- tendonitis remedy?
- critique this split please!
- off for a while..coming back?
- Need help with inner and upper chest
- Need routine help 4 Big shoulders & neck
- Why am i getting dirt sore now several days afterwards?
- asking a question for my aunt(extra skin after weight loss)
- Hitting Plateau - Less Free-Weights???
- should i do dead lifts?
- Looking to get bigger Bi's and Tri's
- Workouts of those on CKD
- Fat to Thin = Extra Skin
- Diet & Cardio Question
- Face muscles workout
- Need workouts
- What do you think of this bench? do you think I would be getting ripped off?
- Personal Trainers
- Body challenge or something?
- Looking for a good workout book or mag
- Chest Question
- Greetings
- Errrrrrrrrrr!!!!!
- When dropping bf.......
- Upper Chest Workout
- High Reps/light Weight Vs Low Reps/heavy Weight
- Vertical
- Here you go bros a training routine from yours truely
- Need Help ASAP
- lat question?????
- cardio question
- sex and lifting
- Help! Bicep pain- Bad!
- Are either of these programs any good?
- Good workouts for Posture??
- Quads
- Decline Press - DB????
- Thoughts on HST training? (routine inside)
- Riding a Bike compared to Running
- PARABODY Power Free Weight System
- cardio 4 days/week
- tighten up butt
- squats vs. leg press
- Maximum mass building????
- 2 day shedule.... need HELP
- I Hate This!!!!!
- switching from typical wkout to volume
- Progress
- Working Abs Once a Week or More?
- German Volume Training whos done it???
- Working the back of the Bi...
- Dumbbell conversions to barbell...
- Help me with some ideas guys.
- Bicep Targeting
- Lack of Sleep and Lifting
- chest workouts
- what all think of knew schedule?
- maximal fat loss
- streching bi's between sets?
- how does this sound
- Felt A Pop
- max preacher curl?
- new workout plan
- Bench Press Tips...
- Supercompensation Explained
- Please help, extreme pain
- Deadlifts are killing my back workout, what to do?
- Train each bodypart twice while on cycle??
- is my work out good?
- help me review my workout...
- routine
- abs workout
- Please check my back work out..
- 5 lbs of muscle in 3 months naturally. Possible?
- HELP I need to start working out in the morning now HELP
- Big Kevs Workout
- Wrkout Music
- Work out for fat loss question
- old injuries?
- One arm bigger than the other
- chest injury, barbell fell on chest
- Legs
- Anyone still lifting who has had back surgery
- Your ideal body
- Expand Rib Cage ?
- Does anyone know of a good workout journal?
- Wow Cardio Actually Works! One question though...
- Ouch! My Aching Tendons!
- Can't sleep
- 20 rep squats!
- Who here works out at late-night?
- The perfect workout routine.
- bicep workouts?
- Tendon pain V1.0
- DB shoulder press?
- workout split routine
- Which bathroom scale is good to buy?
- I sprained my back
- How much Protein after a Full Body Workout
- Protein/hr digestion
- Cardio Question
- Workouts
- My overgrown muscles...please help
- Starting Over Again...
- Rear Delts Lagging
- Skinny fat man needs help
- Dieting made simple
- "PICS" 10 weeks out!!
- weekly workout
- Leg excercise suggestions
- My workout routine, ANY GOOD?
- My new workout
- how do i work out the upper arm by the shoulder
- can i still get lots of muscle and look huge even if i have small frame?
- anyone use the bowflex?
- Training with shoulder injury
- How to get BIG legs?
- Help With Routine Please
- Wheres the BIG guns at ???
- 2 second pause on chins/lat pulls
- arm workout help
- My Workout ? Good or no
- Low or High Intensity Cardio?
- Changing routines
- What Should I Do???
- OVERTRAINING...Just a thought....
- For all you Incline Treadmill Walkers, a quick ?
- reverse grip bench
- 2nd cycle,need workout help.
- Pain in My rear delt...I think....Help...
- Interest take on chest training....what do you all think about it?
- Less sets or more sets
- Benching
- 45=dead!
- work outs.
- what kind of presses to do u guys do?
- Tricep Exercises with sore shoulder
- Bruce Lee Exercise!
- Needed exercises for building traps
- sona while cutting
- part of my bicep is stubborn and won't grow! help?
- Recommend a split?
- Hst
- Nose bleed Question....
- Ever think about how you would train if you were rich/unemployed?
- Geared WorkOut
- Critique training routine please
- Jui Jitsu
- Pre-Cardio Whey???
- Looking for some help...
- Boxing
- Having Some Wheel trouble need help
- Upper-Inner Chest
- How to check for gyno?
- Ronnie Coleman O
- More of a Workout, Take in More Protein???
- pulled muscle
- SuperSlow Workout for increased growth
- Critique My Routine...
- What causes muscle spasms
- pre-exhaustion on chest workout
- not gettin enough bac kwidth
- arm exersizes
- Cardio While Bulking?
- Increasing elbow pains from benching
- new back routine, good or bad
- i am lookinf for the best arm workout can enyone give me some sick workouts
- How Often u switching your workouts>?
- Your deadlift form
- can some one help me out
- Weight lifting and stunted growth
- Chest Symmetry!!!
- chest definition
- Critique This Workout
- back at it....
- huge str drop
- Proper warmup before 1 rep max
- Treadmill!
- Entrainment
- stupid gym took away my leg machine
- SUMO OR Regular deads whats your favorite?
- Marathon and Gear
- Front Delt Fatigue
- Misc. Workout Terms
- Does shorter rest periods=increased growth
- I need help!!!
- how often to work each muscle
- Who here hikes, bikes, or does some sort of outdoor rec?
- Lats!!!
- chest/ tricepts same day?

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