- Inner elbow pain (pic included)
- Hypertrophy
- Anyone try Max ot?
- Upper Body Cardio?
- will you loose body fat?
- is accessory core necessary for powerlifters!!!!!!!!!
- pull ups??
- is this a good leg push pull 3 on 1 off thanks brahs
- Cardio - HIIT vs low/moderate intensity cardio?
- how do you keep strength after cycle
- Need some opinions/advice from you guys
- bicycle for weight loss, non statinary
- What's the minimum amount i can workout without losing size??
- A question about overtraining.
- 6 days split with Legs once per week
- Shoulder pain on chest day
- leroy colbert approach to full body
- Superset and stripping
- Go running or follow HIIT program
- martial arts
- Tricep exercises for bad elbows
- Cannot train shoulders properly.
- Isn't this the reason we do what we do?
- Biceps must be worked and triceps shouldn't?
- Medial delts from overhead pressing?
- Maximum muscle growth
- side lateral raises...did you feel it?
- BF Estimate can somebody help me determin
- Hiit
- Traps
- Here is my work out log. Am I doing things right?
- Temporary gains? ... Huh??
- Training on a calorie deficit
- Do you help others in the gym?
- please critique my training routine
- I'm trying to achieve huge arms help!!
- Criticise my routine
- Workout after surgery?
- I know I'm going old school here but why??
- If squats aren't so bad for the knees, then why...
- I ran a starting strength 5x5 post injury, what next?
- cutting but my stomach is getting bigger
- Foam or rumble roller
- Training partner? '-arnold loves them' yay, or nay?
- Teared up, or Turn it uP? Memoirs of an Arm Routine
- Need help cardio circuit training?
- Raw strength vs relative strength
- Training woes
- Sharp pain in the trap on shrugs
- Lifting with back pain
- Job Specific Training
- Routine Critique
- Winged scapula
- Lifting light for 6-8 weeks
- Motivational imagery as drawings or photos of real-life physiques
- Workouts for explosion?
- Training frequency for natural vs enhanced.
- is taking anabolic steroids dangerous
- What helps you psychologically lift hardcore? What makes you lift more?
- Mass Building Workout. Critiques Welcomed
- rep ranges
- V-taper in 8 weeks
- day off
- pain in upper back
- Size and Strength
- Mass building Programs? FST-7 / GVT ? while on cycle.
- Resting on aas
- Reps for females
- Training with an injury
- First HIT Routine Critique
- Deadlift for bigger back?
- Bb competition workout
- Arms
- New workout program
- Belts
- Workout Routine while on a Cut!!!!
- What Do You Think & Why???
- Calf training rep ranges
- Gaining and cardio
- is this guy crazy? or. . .?
- Good gym
- Anyone try the edt program posted in the stickies??
- Arms won't grow
- Anyone ever tried this???
- Getting back after illness
- Biceps pain
- Bracing and breathing
- Routine
- 45 minutes long enough to train?
- Looking for a routine post ACL tear
- Age old question should i keep weights reps the same while cutting
- Advice needed to achieving really wide upper profile
- Deadlifts or Not?
- Are fullbodys not enough while on cycle ?
- Calf thread to end all calf threads!!!!
- Best trap exercises for trap height
- Training Program
- Workout Review
- Odd prickling,needling, stinging skin sensation in core area during first set today
- arms twice a week!
- abs
- Opinions on Flys
- Off cycle workout
- Upper/lower split for strength and size
- Lat imbalance
- Training Review
- Training on a cut
- Amount of Sets
- Need help finding a program! URGENT
- Maximum Gains for the Drug Free Lifter
- New wirkout regime
- Arms too big
- more doms from T.U.T
- Tips on how to avoid injury on cycle. Seasoned vets, please respond. :)
- Strength
- not too sure i believe this !
- Trying to drop BF% but keep LBM
- can you over train when using anabolics ?
- Deadlift question!!
- Looking for some opinions
- 185 Rep Squat Workout
- Question about targetting Quads better
- Help incorporating front squats...
- A few deadlifting questions
- Chest workout!
- Split Suggestions
- work out Help for 48 yr old on trt and over weight
- Diet Help Fruit Question
- recovery from workout
- Help
- Lat imbalance
- Glute ham raises
- Bad ass lean bulk workout routine
- back in the gym after long layoff
- behind the neck shoulder presses and upright rows
- shoulders won't grow
- Cube method
- Monday through Friday schedule
- Shoulder pain
- Heavy lifting and light lifting for growth
- Cardio then weights
- Stubborn bicep
- Strength training. Advice requested
- too many sets?
- Cardio concerns
- Time for a deload?
- HiiT Cardio straight after lifting
- Barbell Bench Pressing
- Squat Depth (back squat)
- Skullcrushers
- problems with E.D on a caloric deficit
- Minimalist Running.
- Workout Splits
- deadlift...what am I missing?
- Lost motivation!
- Do any of you all monitor your training volume per muscle in lbs worked?
- I can't gain anything- more than 1 year after juicin
- How long does steroids acne last?
- when do i get off the cut
- i know it's good for me, but it's the hardest thing to do.
- Changing up training from distance running to high intensity training
- Egg white shortage
- pct
- Painful pumps
- best way to train on gear
- Come down after training
- Fed up
- help for a 43 year old beginner
- Inner chest
- Calf question
- Right arm vs Left arm
- DB Arnold Presses
- Deadlifting and a Deteriorating Disc
- Leg day
- Different ways to use equipment
- Workout assistance
- Mountain Dog
- ABS issues, won't grow out!
- Calves: toes pointed in, toes pointed out
- Need help with workout routine or something "cutting bf"
- Why do traps and shoulders blow up so much while on?
- heavy weight less reps or lightweight more reps , or both
- 30 min legs
- Fasting Cardio for Targeted Fat loss
- Boot camp ready
- Help
- Cutting advice for the naturally slim guy
- instinctive training
- which training plan is better?
- High reps while on cycle?
- Training plan for cutting
- shocking the muscle
- arm width
- Interesting but too much?
- Fast Twitch Muscle Fibers Training Program
- Killing time in between sets?
- Disproportionate Body: How to slim down muscular/fat thighs?
- 5x5
- Need advice on what to do next.
- Home gyms
- CrossFit is not Advanced Functional Training!
- Strenght loss during cutting and physiology
- Shaking while lifting
- Chest and triceps don't grow
- push/pull/legs for 6 weeks... and now?
- The best routine to run on anabolics? BULK
- Rounded Quads.
- Biceps won't get thicker - HELP
- Biceps only burn at the bottom...
- Training for Arnold's pump and run
- I need some serious help!
- Anyone living in Thailand from 2016?
- Trampoline parks
- Madcow while on juice
- Week off
- Curious of ppls routines that are 6'0, 190 and over and under 8% bf
- Adding Cardio...need suggestions
- Most Effective Curl Technique
- why! at the gym
- Training after PCT
- LF: somewhere tropical to workout
- Flabby Chest
- Most effective routine for ectomorphs
- deadlift , pec pull
- Swollen legs, tips?
- Best training tecnique when on
- best workout for size?
- Technical training preferred
- What should I do before my first cycle?
- ABS Vacuum exercises, anyone dun dis?
- cardio during bulking?
- Doing Abs to much or not enough...
- Free training tips from author of the book, "Functional Training with a Fork"!
- Barrel Chested
- Overtraining -What's good about it? nothin? some things?
- heavy/light 2x per week routine
- Can't stop, won't stop! Simply love when this happens.
- New gym has only fueled the fire
- Rounding my shoulders
- Home made/improvised equipment
- Super Set / Ez B curl into reverse grip bent over row?
- Smelling salts??
- Looking for Direction...
- Weak Points and Requisite Training Advice
- Diet and steroids
- 4ekp's Training Strategy Room
- Training split for PCT
- Short Guys and Deadlifts
- Lateral Triceps Heads (How you command them to grow!)
- Weak guy needs help

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