- Chest,tri, chest,tri or chest,chest,tri,tri
- Based on my reading here, I tried a new arm workout.
- Not so simple question .
- HIIT training
- Leg question
- some feedback on DCs new routine
- lat trap problem
- Pyramid?
- Double Drop Set??
- How often do you superset?
- I Love Dead Lifts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Accentuated Negative Training and Certain Lift Issues
- dips ever pull chest mustle
- Back trouble
- heart not in to it
- new workout routen for me?
- Need A New Split??
- help on my routine!!!
- Hitting a muscle per week
- trying to gain size strength will this program work???
- tore muscle
- abs workout
- Hamstring Curls build glutes?
- Working out the inside part of your chest?
- Took 4 months off, now I'm back
- Simple Ab Question
- think im overtraining?
- workout programs.... puh lease help
- Workout Critique
- Workout Q????
- My rountine
- Max OT Program anybodytry it or know anyhting about it????
- high or low reps?
- Max OT Program
- Questions about EDT:
- my girl needs a lifting program???
- newbie to deadlifts
- I mean ,,,,really hitting triceps "hard"
- Cycling rep ranges??
- Can someone critique my doggcrap routine?
- HST cycle - how does this look??
- reverse grip on bench press?
- ok how long do you have to do cardio before you actually burn calories?
- Two questions
- leg exercise for a long legged person
- 6 or less reps for mass?
- E-Z bar
- On Cycle Routine!!!!!
- My proposed routine - Critiques please.
- Biceps recover immediately (No Roids)
- I have a question...
- legs up or down.....hemmorrhoids a problem....HELP!!
- Front Squats?
- bridging that gap between my pecs
- Cardio
- Building Mass in Calves
- TRYOUTS IN 6 WEEKS!!!!...challenge me.
- work & exercise
- first post...10 min cardio too short?
- Form & controlled reps or exploding???
- Suggestions on a workout
- someone please help the new guy!!!
- Back pain from bench....
- decline bench
- I have a problem can you help???????
- I have a problem can anyone help??????
- cardio and my progress..
- Prob with cuttin
- chest???
- Lower Back/Luv Handle
- critique my workout.
- Hitting the Gym Druing My Cutting Phase..
- gettting big then cuttin (help)
- all dumbells and cables for tri's to bring up lagging arm
- My Workout Schedual! What do you think?
- What is your take on Split routines?
- Loading plates facing inward?
- Chiropractor and working out,HELP!!!!!!
- Filling out
- new workout-what do you think
- Stupid question about shoulder pain...
- New Routine...what ya guys think?
- gettin huge
- Anyone know of a cutting workout routine?
- What exercises increase punching power?
- What is the one piece of equipment
- New Vs Old
- Hello
- dazed and confused........what is the best technique for benching...??
- Need some cardio help
- Help me choose leg equipment for my home gym
- Veins only on left side...?
- dumbell presses for chest mass?
- wish me luck
- high rep program?
- Desired: Big Back!
- injury workout
- Lifting program for in season.....
- Looking for Advice.
- is this a good chest workout????
- Is it possible to seperate a rib???
- unexplained weakness
- Time to face the facts...I'll never be in the shape I want to be in..
- Power Blocks
- Training Spli
- Running or walking better for burning fat?
- critique my split please
- Need help with squats...knee injury..
- Lost a lot of my strength... offcycling creatine and starting to cut... will....
- Post cycle Gym
- When should I be sore?
- Help i have only 8 weeks
- Too much water?
- working biceps 3time week
- Please critique my Doggcrapp routine
- 5x5 correct technique, please advices!
- work out on first cycle...
- Need a Muslce Build Shoulder workout HELP
- Workout Routine Question
- ok bros, need serious help...
- Eating late at night.....
- New and improved workout, what do you think?
- leg curls
- Best way to lose fat
- How to Work the Sides of Your Neck?
- most productive workout
- Looking for leg machine..,
- havent worked out in a long time
- My right tri is f***ed
- Who uses Bowflex?
- Pain in forearm when doing barbel curls
- biceps question
- AM cardio
- Love not being able to touch my shoulder
- Routine after cycle
- Personal Trainer needed?
- exercise order question
- creative trap moves?
- Working the traps
- Working the traps
- quads/hams --> separate workouts! yes/no?
- exercises ?
- Navy Seal Training Guide!!
- Help With Hang Cleans
- Cardio, before or After lifting?
- chest ?
- New Member Bulking workout please critique
- 1 body part a day work out?
- workout 2x a day
- Cardio
- The Best Excercises
- What am I doing wrong?
- Cardio WTF
- Shoulders
- Do Static Holds Build MUscle?
- Working one muscle group a day
- very interesting and new way to look @ fat loss
- Shoulder Pain
- Challenge for Chess building.
- Injury???
- Help Bad Shin Splints
- is it the same for abs??
- DB military or BB military
- Upper Abs
- Measurments
- Deadlifts are making me huge!
- Is this bad?
- What do u guys think ?
- Work Out Routine
- My simple routine
- my ab line is lighter and unnoticible when i woke up
- best movement for side delts
- Cardio to speen up my Metab
- website on lifting rountines?
- Leg Press question?
- 5X5 Workout
- Plateau
- wanna look like Belfort :)
- problem!..had to switch to AM workout...HELP!
- Abs and PWO nutrition
- Please Critique My 4 Day Workout Routine ?
- Grip choice for barbell rows?
- gym class
- would you consider cardio an off day?
- A few questions
- muscle memory
- magazine workouts
- What time of day should I train for football (please read theres more)
- B.B vs D.B. rows
- hitting the inside head of the tri's
- Gain one inch in one day? t or f
- pain in wrists
- Increasing vertical jump...
- ab training while cutting
- Overworkin the tri's???
- need to lose my gut
- How can i develop my lower lats better.
- Stability balls?
- Dumbell Curl Routine
- Hiit?
- Running on offdays bad for leg growth?
- Incline bench, Correct angle?
- lack of energy
- need some help
- hittin the gym?
- Iso Lateral Machines
- 18... looking for critique
- how often to train..
- Help me with my split
- Lookin for knowledgable HELP
- Need help palm hurting when bench pressing...?
- What do I need to do to get a job in a gym?
- Please help Need training advice have 2yrs experience
- Working out the same muscle group two days in a row?
- Training for a fight
- what do ya think?
- Can't get bi's sore
- How does this workout look?
- womens abs
- What do you think of this split?
- working thru injury
- need some help
- Low Volume Training
- lifting split
- why cardio durring bulking?
- Weight Sleds
- A workout for real men...
- TRI'S wont grow
- Gaining and Overtraining?
- A very effective calves workout by a well respected strength coach...
- How to work out while dieting?
- Loosing Strength ?!?!
- traps question,help please
- Deltiods in pain after incline bench, any help??
- i'm not symmetrical, help
- Am I doing calves wrong?
- Dogcrap routine
- Killer Workout?
- If I am bulking is it ok?
- Overtraining biceps and triceps?
- Abs--recovery time?
- need some advice
- Grow without getting sore??
- young guy lookin for help
- shouler problem,help
- mass and size program ?
- Neeed Help!!! Pleasse
- workout help
- Gunsss ????????
- u need sleep to grow...but...

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