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  1. Chest,tri, chest,tri or chest,chest,tri,tri
  2. Based on my reading here, I tried a new arm workout.
  3. Not so simple question .
  4. HIIT training
  5. Leg question
  6. some feedback on DCs new routine
  7. lat trap problem
  8. Pyramid?
  9. Double Drop Set??
  10. How often do you superset?
  11. I Love Dead Lifts!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  12. Accentuated Negative Training and Certain Lift Issues
  13. dips ever pull chest mustle
  14. Back trouble
  15. heart not in to it
  16. new workout routen for me?
  17. Need A New Split??
  18. help on my routine!!!
  19. Hitting a muscle per week
  20. trying to gain size strength will this program work???
  21. tore muscle
  22. abs workout
  23. Hamstring Curls build glutes?
  24. Working out the inside part of your chest?
  25. Took 4 months off, now I'm back
  26. Simple Ab Question
  27. think im overtraining?
  28. workout programs.... puh lease help
  29. Workout Critique
  30. Workout Q????
  31. My rountine
  32. Max OT Program anybodytry it or know anyhting about it????
  33. high or low reps?
  34. Max OT Program
  35. Questions about EDT:
  36. my girl needs a lifting program???
  37. newbie to deadlifts
  38. I mean ,,,,really hitting triceps "hard"
  39. Cycling rep ranges??
  40. Can someone critique my doggcrap routine?
  41. HST cycle - how does this look??
  42. reverse grip on bench press?
  43. ok how long do you have to do cardio before you actually burn calories?
  44. Two questions
  45. leg exercise for a long legged person
  46. 6 or less reps for mass?
  47. E-Z bar
  48. On Cycle Routine!!!!!
  49. My proposed routine - Critiques please.
  50. Biceps recover immediately (No Roids)
  51. I have a question...
  52. legs up or down.....hemmorrhoids a problem....HELP!!
  53. Front Squats?
  54. bridging that gap between my pecs
  55. Cardio
  56. Building Mass in Calves
  57. TRYOUTS IN 6 WEEKS!!!!...challenge me.
  58. work & exercise
  59. first post...10 min cardio too short?
  60. Form & controlled reps or exploding???
  61. Suggestions on a workout
  62. someone please help the new guy!!!
  63. Back pain from bench....
  64. decline bench
  65. I have a problem can you help???????
  66. I have a problem can anyone help??????
  67. cardio and my progress..
  68. Prob with cuttin
  69. chest???
  70. Lower Back/Luv Handle
  71. critique my workout.
  72. Hitting the Gym Druing My Cutting Phase..
  73. gettting big then cuttin (help)
  74. all dumbells and cables for tri's to bring up lagging arm
  75. My Workout Schedual! What do you think?
  76. What is your take on Split routines?
  77. Loading plates facing inward?
  78. Chiropractor and working out,HELP!!!!!!
  79. Filling out
  80. new workout-what do you think
  81. Stupid question about shoulder pain...
  82. New Routine...what ya guys think?
  83. gettin huge
  84. Anyone know of a cutting workout routine?
  85. What exercises increase punching power?
  86. What is the one piece of equipment
  87. New Vs Old
  88. Hello
  89. dazed and confused........what is the best technique for benching...??
  90. Need some cardio help
  91. Help me choose leg equipment for my home gym
  92. Veins only on left side...?
  93. dumbell presses for chest mass?
  94. wish me luck
  95. high rep program?
  96. Desired: Big Back!
  97. injury workout
  98. Lifting program for in season.....
  99. Looking for Advice.
  100. is this a good chest workout????
  101. Is it possible to seperate a rib???
  102. unexplained weakness
  103. Time to face the facts...I'll never be in the shape I want to be in..
  104. Power Blocks
  105. Training Spli
  106. Running or walking better for burning fat?
  107. critique my split please
  108. Need help with squats...knee injury..
  109. Lost a lot of my strength... offcycling creatine and starting to cut... will....
  110. Post cycle Gym
  111. When should I be sore?
  112. Help i have only 8 weeks
  113. Too much water?
  114. working biceps 3time week
  115. Please critique my Doggcrapp routine
  116. 5x5 correct technique, please advices!
  117. work out on first cycle...
  118. Need a Muslce Build Shoulder workout HELP
  119. Workout Routine Question
  120. ok bros, need serious help...
  121. Eating late at night.....
  122. New and improved workout, what do you think?
  123. leg curls
  124. Best way to lose fat
  125. How to Work the Sides of Your Neck?
  126. most productive workout
  127. Looking for leg machine..,
  128. havent worked out in a long time
  129. My right tri is f***ed
  130. Who uses Bowflex?
  131. Pain in forearm when doing barbel curls
  132. biceps question
  133. AM cardio
  134. Love not being able to touch my shoulder
  135. Routine after cycle
  136. Personal Trainer needed?
  137. exercise order question
  138. creative trap moves?
  139. Working the traps
  140. Working the traps
  141. quads/hams --> separate workouts! yes/no?
  142. exercises ?
  143. Navy Seal Training Guide!!
  144. Help With Hang Cleans
  145. Cardio, before or After lifting?
  146. chest ?
  147. New Member Bulking workout please critique
  148. 1 body part a day work out?
  149. workout 2x a day
  150. Cardio
  151. The Best Excercises
  152. What am I doing wrong?
  153. Cardio WTF
  154. Shoulders
  155. Do Static Holds Build MUscle?
  156. Working one muscle group a day
  157. very interesting and new way to look @ fat loss
  158. Shoulder Pain
  159. Challenge for Chess building.
  160. Injury???
  161. Help Bad Shin Splints
  162. is it the same for abs??
  163. DB military or BB military
  164. Upper Abs
  165. Measurments
  166. Deadlifts are making me huge!
  167. Is this bad?
  168. What do u guys think ?
  169. Work Out Routine
  170. My simple routine
  171. my ab line is lighter and unnoticible when i woke up
  172. best movement for side delts
  173. Cardio to speen up my Metab
  174. website on lifting rountines?
  175. Leg Press question?
  176. 5X5 Workout
  177. Plateau
  178. wanna look like Belfort :)
  179. problem!..had to switch to AM workout...HELP!
  180. Abs and PWO nutrition
  181. Please Critique My 4 Day Workout Routine ?
  182. Grip choice for barbell rows?
  183. gym class
  184. would you consider cardio an off day?
  185. A few questions
  186. muscle memory
  187. magazine workouts
  188. What time of day should I train for football (please read theres more)
  189. B.B vs D.B. rows
  190. hitting the inside head of the tri's
  191. Gain one inch in one day? t or f
  192. pain in wrists
  193. Increasing vertical jump...
  194. ab training while cutting
  195. Overworkin the tri's???
  196. need to lose my gut
  197. How can i develop my lower lats better.
  198. Stability balls?
  199. Dumbell Curl Routine
  200. Hiit?
  201. Running on offdays bad for leg growth?
  202. Incline bench, Correct angle?
  203. lack of energy
  204. need some help
  205. hittin the gym?
  206. Iso Lateral Machines
  207. 18... looking for critique
  208. how often to train..
  209. Help me with my split
  210. Lookin for knowledgable HELP
  211. Need help palm hurting when bench pressing...?
  212. What do I need to do to get a job in a gym?
  213. Please help Need training advice have 2yrs experience
  214. Working out the same muscle group two days in a row?
  215. Training for a fight
  216. what do ya think?
  217. Can't get bi's sore
  218. How does this workout look?
  219. womens abs
  220. What do you think of this split?
  221. working thru injury
  222. need some help
  223. Low Volume Training
  224. lifting split
  225. why cardio durring bulking?
  226. Weight Sleds
  227. A workout for real men...
  228. TRI'S wont grow
  229. Gaining and Overtraining?
  230. A very effective calves workout by a well respected strength coach...
  231. How to work out while dieting?
  232. Loosing Strength ?!?!
  233. traps question,help please
  234. Deltiods in pain after incline bench, any help??
  235. i'm not symmetrical, help
  236. Am I doing calves wrong?
  237. Dogcrap routine
  238. Killer Workout?
  239. If I am bulking is it ok?
  240. Overtraining biceps and triceps?
  241. Abs--recovery time?
  242. need some advice
  243. Grow without getting sore??
  244. young guy lookin for help
  245. shouler problem,help
  246. mass and size program ?
  247. Neeed Help!!! Pleasse
  248. workout help
  249. Gunsss ????????
  250. u need sleep to grow...but...
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