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  1. leg press feet pla***ent
  2. DC Training
  3. DB Flys vs DB Bench Press
  4. how long does it take to lose actual mass from detraining?
  5. what plane of motion is a wrist curl in?
  6. intense chest workout
  7. need routine help please
  8. bulking and cardio?
  9. Muscle gain
  10. vacations, switching back to 4 day routine
  11. 18 years old... Need help with workout plan
  12. Manta Ray attachment for conventional squats
  13. Squat Technique! NEED HELP ASAP!
  14. High rep leg movements for moderate size?
  15. On 1st cycle an HIT training
  16. Lagging arms!
  17. German Volume Training by Charles Poliquin
  18. forcing calf growth
  19. Boulder Shoulder Routines
  20. Crunch/sit up question
  21. am i over training ???
  22. Deadlifts
  23. 3 sets vs 4 sets
  24. Delt pain!
  25. Elbow brace question
  26. Fasted Cardio
  27. Arms
  28. Best chest excersizes
  29. One lat bigger the other?
  30. Tired (cardio)
  31. Strongman?
  32. The 5-day rotating split... Feedback?
  33. Questions about Routines
  34. Is spot hypertrophy possible?
  35. Lose weight and body fat but not losing muscle???
  36. Traps ?? How to make them big?
  37. brachioradialis and brachialis pain/soreness
  38. Overtraining on cycle
  39. My mass gain program
  40. The most enjoyable workout video, ever!
  41. bring chest together
  42. Advise on workout routine..
  43. Sauna after workouts
  44. Chest Workout
  45. Rotator cuff
  46. Incline angle
  47. biking before weight training...thoughts?
  48. Leg workout
  49. Giving 5x5 a go, several questions
  50. Upper/Lower
  51. Workout routine help
  52. Scaling down the volume during pct
  53. Shredded abs
  54. Wendler 5/3/1 on cycle?
  55. New Workout Advice
  56. Biceps reaching failure very fast
  57. Powerlifting bench press and hypertrophy?
  58. Thicknes in the back
  59. Warm up
  60. Do you prefer shoulder press standing or sitting?
  61. Bicep thickness
  62. Getting headache when hitting the heavy bag, any ideas?
  63. Declined sit ups or cable crunches ?
  64. Best thing for thicker abs
  65. Drop sets at end or beginning of workout?
  66. Do I need to change my workout while on Clen?
  67. Cardio Meal Weights
  68. Bending over - squats
  69. Golden routine for mass!
  70. Lost my pumps!
  71. Criticise my workout!
  72. Bodybuilding Routine, pretty lost.
  73. Workout & Gear
  74. seeking help for friend
  75. Flat feet and squats
  76. Done bulking, need help cutting
  77. exercise for posture
  78. Decline Bench
  79. Seeing some advice (cutting)
  80. Are sore wrists from E-Z bar?
  81. What's Your Tricep Routine??? Most Effective Excercises?
  82. Leg day - Couple questions
  83. Back workout - 5feet11 and 200 pounds!
  84. upper chest
  85. Guys with bad kness
  86. Go till failure?
  87. New Routine
  88. New workout routine
  89. opinion on chest twice a week split
  90. My Current Workout
  91. Does my 5 day split look fine?
  92. full body lift stressing time under pressure.
  93. avoid plateauing
  94. How much can you bench press???
  95. Weightlifting Belts
  96. Growin' Dem' Legs
  97. Please critique this workout.
  98. Cardio before or after workout?
  99. Chest
  100. Huge legs!
  101. Tendon roll & pop during curls
  102. Trimming the Fat - Need Some Cutting Advice
  103. Critique my lifting schedule, only 1 Rest Day
  104. back gets sore on shoulder day
  105. I need more Abs
  106. Very tired after doing power lifting squats.
  107. Injection and squats
  108. Stick too 3 days a week?
  109. lat pull down grip for girls, ladies any ideas?
  110. Workout for beginner?
  111. Bringing up lagging parts
  112. Cutting Bf
  113. Getting Cardio from your weight lifting?
  114. Sculpting legs
  115. Anyone here using cold thermogenisis as part of thier trainig regime?
  116. looking for tips in Bringing up the Rear Delts
  117. Need help with new (to me) style of lifting
  118. Kaatsu / Occlusion Training Info and Discussion thread
  119. Massive Calf Cramp When i Run...
  120. Anybody got tips for big calves ?
  121. Anybody got tips for BIG calves ?
  122. Power bodybuilding
  123. Switching up reps!
  124. Toned Calves
  125. Bulk
  126. how can i get peak on bys ?
  127. Must have equiptment!
  128. Any suggestions on a routing?
  129. Crossfit - My experience - Yours?
  130. Traps, with back or shoulders?
  131. Traing lower abs with herniated discs
  132. help with routine
  133. When to do Good Mornings...
  134. Rear delt - back day or shoulder day? Seriously
  135. 5x5 Workout for a skinny guy
  136. What kind of workout can I do with hemorrhoids?
  137. Rowing machine ????
  138. Trx hiit training to cut
  139. Cardio PWO or non lifting days?
  140. Training and Cycle log
  141. Layne Norton power/hypertrophy
  142. opinons on this training regimen for a newbie
  143. Muscle imbalances
  144. Training question
  145. Your favorite Glut isolation exercises
  146. Favortie Lifts
  147. Deadlifting routine
  148. does trx and suspension training have any place in your bulking routine?
  149. new programme input please !!
  150. I want to get lower in my stance for grappling
  151. Evaluate My Current Routine
  152. Am I doing enough work?
  153. Need a tip - lose fat and tone up
  154. Fat burning
  155. Should I be running in my environment?
  156. snatch and clean technique
  157. What do you pay for your gym?
  158. massive delts?
  159. Training the arms ?
  160. My shoukder blades STICK OUT !
  161. pyramid down
  162. primary and secondary muscle groups vs antagonist
  163. deadlift debate
  164. Bulk Diet / Training program For Linebacker *urgent*
  165. Trying to Gain Muscle
  166. recommendations anyone?
  167. Is This A Good Bicep Workout?
  168. How do I get thicker Biceps?
  169. Routine To lose fat
  170. Is 3 days a week of training really enough??
  171. bicep uneven
  172. Glutes, Hams, and Quads
  173. routine advice?
  174. Running and lifting
  175. Fasted cardio and natty
  176. Whats the best way to lower BF% ?
  177. Suicide grip
  178. One trap bigger than other
  179. help on my routine thanks guys
  180. Home gym?
  181. no muscle pain next day
  182. Training muscles
  183. number of exercises
  184. anyone tried the HIT MIKE MENTZER WORKOUTS???
  185. Thoughts on this routine
  186. Critique my routine
  187. Program
  188. Trying out max-ot
  189. how often should i change my routine
  190. Do you train alone or with somone ?
  191. For all you leg press blokes out there....
  192. New Training Routine
  193. Training Advice while on Test-E/Dbol
  194. Looking for new Plyo workouts to increase speed and agility
  195. Shoulder routines
  196. Getting started: Questions about routines
  197. Are there any Personal Trainers or people who train in Beds/ Herts area?
  198. Dips
  199. shoulder press
  200. Natty Volume vs Frequency
  201. Beginner Workout Help
  202. HIIT vs Jogging vs Fast walking?
  203. Fastest/Most efficient way to lose BF whilst maintaining muscle?
  204. A year out and need to make a start
  205. Warming up
  206. 2x per body part program
  207. decline db replacements.
  208. Visual Impact Muscle Buliding
  209. Am I overtraining???
  210. advice on chest
  211. incline, neutral or decline fact or myth??
  212. feedback on program
  213. Bigger traps
  214. Make them abs huge
  215. fvck soreness!
  216. Whats the best training to gain lean mass
  217. What protocol while on pct?!
  218. Abs qustion for muscleink
  219. Recommend a MASS gaining workout for an ectomorph please...
  220. trap pain
  221. My current football workout. Anywhere to improve.
  222. Strongman cardio - tyre flipping/ beating
  223. My Program
  224. INSANITY but just for abs...
  225. Leg Day! FML
  226. Y Press
  227. help quick
  228. help needed
  229. Different workouts
  230. No more evolution
  231. New training program advice???
  232. Lat pulldown mid back pain
  233. Not Training Legs but still wanna put on size
  234. How do I know I'm gaining muscle mass instead of fat?
  235. Abs question
  236. Small biceps!
  237. Workout Program Sample?
  238. Shoulders
  239. Whats your favorite back workout?
  240. This will make you its bitch
  241. My abs start showing but...
  242. Need help with some basics please
  243. Why Calves seem so unresponsive to growth and gains?
  244. Slingshot Training System
  245. Input on excercise routine
  246. My new workout
  247. Cutting....2x 500cal cardio/day. When/how much should I lift?
  248. can NOT for the life of my get my triceps to grow
  249. Help with chest please
  250. Help with isolating chest Please
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