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  1. Vets/Mods & all opinions
  2. Cardio / weight traning question
  3. Static Holds w/ Delts
  4. lower trap and delt tie in question????
  5. Ankle pain on legpress
  6. trying to build
  7. rows
  8. DC squats
  9. Spacing out muscles for optimal growth? fact or fiction
  10. Bulking Sets
  11. getting time to do cardio,pissing me off
  12. cardio question
  13. Anyone ever had good results with this exercise?
  14. This workout is simply great
  15. 3 sets enough for growth?
  16. Critique My Sick Workout
  17. Full Body Workout ?
  18. new leg press numbers
  19. Overtraining article
  20. Cable Crunches?
  21. Shoulder Workout
  22. benching form, i hurt my shoulder...
  23. All The Differnt Muscle Groups
  24. Routine question
  25. calves
  26. Adding a lat tower to an existing power rack/cage.
  27. New Split - Quick Question
  28. Long arms, great tri's...lagging chest :(
  29. New workout machines
  31. Seated Calf Raise
  32. Low Reps & Muscle Growth
  33. Lower Outer Chest
  34. Favorite Upper Chest exercises
  35. bf% & cycle
  36. Flaming calve
  37. Shoulders hurting all the time...
  38. 1 rep calculator
  39. Help Choose A Split
  40. Critique My Workout
  41. bad workout days...
  42. specific workout for enlarging neck?
  43. cutting help
  44. traps twice a week?
  45. Chest routine
  46. Bench Max increase
  47. help
  48. Who else loves DC training! Its the best!!!
  49. plastic bags?
  50. Lifting Routine while on Cutting cycle
  51. The rowing machine
  52. sets? too much?
  53. Rep scheme for barbell shrugs?
  54. Help, achilles tendon pain!
  55. One Pec Lagging..
  56. Critique My Training Program
  57. Overtrainned?
  58. new mass building routine??
  59. Serious Bench Help needed!
  60. sucki sucki
  61. 405 bench 3X! woohoo!
  62. Chest Lagging need HELP!!!
  63. Benching more than I squat.
  64. Flat or Incline?
  65. Starting Work - New Split - Any Advice
  66. Big Biceps For The Newbies
  67. DC questions
  68. pull up bar
  69. is there a basic list of things to do for bulking
  70. knee pain
  71. My old rountine needs a new routine...please help
  72. Wanna Lose 35 pounds
  73. bicep length and width
  74. how's my bench compared to others??
  75. Back Width?
  76. leg definition
  77. Best workout book?
  78. Whats the fastest youve bulked naturally?
  79. Squeezing your butt cheeks together for bigger bench #s?
  80. Which burns more fat???
  81. Working anterior and lateral delts
  82. failure on every set?
  83. Looking for opinion on keeping specific routine or changing
  84. Dumbbell Flyes
  85. Critique this workout
  86. Another very weird Q ?
  87. Working-Out Sick
  88. Target Heart rate
  89. anyway to look perpetually pumped?
  90. listen to this!!!
  91. Reps and sets for kneeling cable crunches
  92. Cardio, empty or just a little
  93. For Mass How Long Between Sets
  94. Sets and reps for kneeling cable crunches?
  95. What happened to Swoles post?
  96. upper back and over-all developement
  97. puking during leg workouts---SWEET!!
  98. my weird workout!
  99. My 5x5 Routine
  100. Triceps in wide grip benching
  101. getting sick after leg workout
  102. Need some chest help
  103. cant deadlift or squat
  104. Cramps
  105. Arm Problems!!!
  106. best superset combos
  107. shoulder tear?
  108. Cramps Cramps Cramps!!
  109. Heart rate question
  110. Question about shoulders
  111. bent-rows or chest supported rows?
  112. Good Mornings?
  113. cutting help!!!!
  114. Question about DEADLIFTS
  115. I've been getting good results with upright rows
  116. Guidance on some basic Q's
  117. QUESTION about deadlifts, need some help
  118. Shoulder/Rotater Cuff
  119. powerblock adjustable dumbbells?
  120. need to shed 20lbs
  121. Proper newbie needs your help.....
  122. starting legs
  123. starting legs
  124. starting legs
  125. starting legs
  126. Ultimate hamstring exercise
  127. overtraining a specific muscle group
  128. my lifts..and what they should be??
  129. deads
  130. the importance of streching
  131. Codes of the Gym
  132. Lifting to Fail?
  133. Opinions most appreciated-Should I add a flat bench to my home gym? (pic incl)
  134. A Decent Bulking Program?
  135. lifting weights before bed
  136. Barbell front raises
  137. STRANGE occurance...looking for opinions.
  138. General Rule???????????
  139. Injured!
  140. workout schedule for newbie friend...
  141. Weight/Reps on injury???????
  142. over training?
  143. DC training
  144. need a good workout
  145. Overtraing help needed
  146. Cardio, Sit-Up, Pushups
  147. Super strict vs some cheating
  148. How to tone a 6'ft female
  149. Best Gym
  150. After a meal?
  151. All those who have had teeth pulled...
  152. Pounding Headache
  153. Critique my routine
  154. New workout plan.
  155. This is what its all about right here
  156. critique my WHOLE routine
  157. workout at home
  158. working out at home
  159. working out at home
  160. Gymnastic training/ Capoeira training for my son
  161. How much do you spend a month on gym membership
  162. Help needed! Inner and lower chest
  163. Crazy-azz Routine
  164. injury
  165. cardio - how much is too much?
  166. Back ?'s
  167. Is this routine bad?
  168. shrugs
  169. back injury ever going away?
  170. The Basics Of PERIODIZATION - RoNNy THe BuLL
  171. forearm and calf mass rep range
  172. Traps Help needed....
  173. My Revised Workout Routine -- Please critique
  174. Large Muscles Flexed, Skrawny Unflexed
  175. Work out time period
  176. Shoulders
  177. Please Critique Bulking Workout
  178. how much cardio is needed to cut when you concern my job?
  179. Measuring body parts
  180. Whats Better?
  181. The mind
  182. Deadlift Question
  183. how many sets for chest
  184. question about my back injury...
  185. Squats and deads enough for glutes?
  186. should hardgainers do more set when on roids
  187. Bum shoulder screwing with my workout
  188. leg and shoulder day
  189. DC training
  190. new workout! check it please!
  191. need help with lower chest workout!!
  192. my size v a professional
  193. ab routine?
  194. A return to my initial and somewhat radical routien(sp?)
  195. havnt bin to gym since 13th dec
  196. Building pecs close to sternum?
  197. experience with morning circuit training instead of cardio
  198. Routine critique please (Should I do a split instead?)
  199. Need a new routine...I am at a stand still!
  200. Hitting outer Tri's
  201. exercise for middle back thickness???
  202. shoulder problem
  203. How the hell did i put on so much weight in 2 days!
  204. natural potential
  205. Trap Trouble!!!
  206. When doing Military Press?
  207. Best ways to train lower arms?
  208. Workout schedule?
  209. Dumbell shoulder press Ronnie Coleman style.
  210. Best mass exercises for arms?
  211. what's the ideal bf% for bulking/cutting
  212. Question-on My Workout
  213. How many sets per Bodypart???
  214. Lifting straps
  215. lifting straps
  216. legs routine critique
  217. dead lifts for the back or for legs?
  218. workout idea
  219. Heart Rate question
  220. thicker bicepts
  221. Question?? about Traps
  222. critique
  223. Standing Concentration Curls
  224. What addy can I contact Doggcrapp at?
  225. something I ponder today.
  226. joint pain from heavy weight?
  227. hammer curls
  228. Can someone take a look at my workout schedule and tell me what you think.......?
  229. Increasing Bench Press
  230. Biceps
  231. Max OT Training?
  232. bench press chart
  233. need workout ideas w/ clen!!
  234. OUCH! Joint pain....
  235. need my workout looked at,the last thing to fix.
  236. getting bigger bi's??????? anyone know of anything
  237. Is my current leg workout OK
  238. Confused about reps?
  239. Necessary to do different workouts?
  240. question about soreness??????
  241. charley horsing?!?
  242. favoured method
  243. thank you SC and the other leg guys
  244. what muscles are better for high reps and which for low reps
  245. How bad does smoking affect training?
  246. Chest help
  247. elbow position on bench
  248. Better for shoulder impingement
  249. bench press question
  250. Have a mind to lift problem
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