- my NEW SPLIT????????
- My max at bench, feedback please?
- Does cardio after a workout burn muscle
- Cheap Health insurance?
- Anyone suggest a split routine?
- Max bench...everytime?
- headaches during a set
- Need Some Advice!!???
- my new workout split
- Training Forearms: help?
- Forearm builder tips?
- 65-75% of Max HR for Everyone?
- NEED LEG WORKOUT but cannot squat/deadlift or...
- how many sets and reps precontest?
- Workouts??
- threads
- Arnolds work out?
- Tips/strategies for increasing endurance in MMA?
- Diet & Training Routine Suggestions?
- Arms! Wont Grow Help!!!!
- long hours at job and still training.....
- What workout routine do you feel.
- Trap Help
- What do you do on a bad day
- Is my workout effective?
- ab question
- Bad Ankles
- Need some help on this one...
- Bad Late Spread.need Help
- Lower back and Abs
- chest saggin
- Feel something pulling on back(lats)
- need a bench workout
- Pot & Cigarette Smoking on the body
- need help with chest
- shoulders feel weird....
- terrible slowdown
- Going On Trip, Help Me With Workout!
- The One Muscle A Day Split and Instictive Training. How Many Train Like Me?
- for ne one with a ripped chest
- To much cardio?
- barbell or dumbell
- Bulking Question
- Achieving upper body "thickness"
- bulking question
- Epedra replacment
- Need Help Shaping Tri's.... Or better yet, what's some good ways to hit all the heads
- Chest/Tri Question
- Bench
- bi's and tri's
- ive tried
- How much do you lift with Barbell shrugs???
- I need help advice welcome...
- manual heartrate
- What's the best way to do cardio for fat burning
- workout question
- My Bulk Routines
- Double Cardio
- Help training Abs
- what is the best way increase bench
- cardio alternative.
- BiggerBri's Bigger Bi's
- Pros, take a look
- 3 on 1 off works?
- Can you shape pecs ?
- Anybody following "Anabolic Workout"?
- a different way to progressivly increase poundage?
- sweating while working out?
- Need help with my program.
- Great Trap exercise
- Girlfriend's being a hag NEED HELP!
- bulking/cardio
- Failure advice
- Widen shoulders
- current workout
- out growing leg machines?
- Can't do Laterals
- 12 sets tri/mass
- want chest workout
- Tendonitis In Both Shoulders
- desperatly need help with quads
- Need help with cardio!!!
- Bust a$$ to achieve 70% HR
- Help me with my DC training!
- Please critique this workout
- Brachialis problems
- Dumbell/Barbell Leg workouts
- How bad did I hurt myself?
- Training For Definition/Cuts/Striations. The Real Truth?
- Charlie Horse
- deltoid workouts
- Middle-back Thickness
- Need Help Getting in Shape
- Swimming
- Pain in Forearms
- help i cant get my biceps soar anymore
- Hamstring curls
- high or low reps?
- whos got the best **** back workout!!!
- injury related q
- Help with workout split
- Please Help Critique My Routine
- Muscle Sorness
- Members w/ Experience
- Bies.. load of Bulls***
- Cardio after lifting.
- Max Heart Rate?
- Difference between Smith and Barbell
- what do you like more?
- carbs before a workout!!!!?
- WTF! bicep 1/4 inch smaller
- beginner work out plan
- Pec work outs
- Knees are gone!
- working out stomach
- Fact or Fiction?
- deadlift routine
- Help with fat burning cardio
- Suggestions on lifting regime with rotator cuff problems
- Guidelines for Growth
- Getting WEAKER!
- Jaw Exercises
- do you guys suggest cardio on legs day...
- Shortness of Breath
- No neck machines at most gyms, why?
- Abs, not enough training or not good enough diet?
- Smokin' Buts?
- overtraining?
- want to up my bench press
- weightbelts good/bad?
- need a nice leg work out
- leg press question.....?
- chest-cables or dumbells
- behind neck presses
- Weird pain in my chest when i wake up??????
- straps, pu**y shi** or not?
- Compression Fractures of the Spine
- leg training tip?
- Right foot feels broken HELP!
- pain in the azz knees
- anyone a paying trainee of DoggCrapp?
- Maintenance workout- great for people with hectic schedules-tell me what you think
- Bicep Development
- In Need Of Desperate Help!!!!
- Need help boosting bi's
- Tri's and Chest or Bi's and Chest??
- Intense my shins!
- I want to isolate this part of the pec, any ideas?
- missing AM cardio
- Workout while on-cycle
- i have a weak chest....
- Widening the biceps
- Anybody need a source ?
- pre-cycle and on cycle work out plans
- workout routine rest period
- sombody hook me up with a good workout routine
- need good work out routine
- Do Push Ups really work 4 ur pecs
- Change workout for cutting/trimming
- adding strength to shoulders
- What kind of injuries are you dealing with?
- Plz Help Me
- Help Me Plzzzzzzzzzzz
- standing or seated military press?
- questions on cardio
- One side of chest is bigger??
- deadlift stance?
- leg-press, squats question?
- triceps?
- Injuries
- fat caliper question
- wrists
- Fat burning cardio...
- "anabolic workout"
- Need Advice
- New Workout
- What work best for LATS
- shoulders
- How do you "vary" your workouts?
- arm blaster bar???
- Help with Cardio.
- How to thicken my neck ?
- Give me Guns not Water Pistols!
- Does anyone else experience this???
- Unbearable Itching on Treadmill
- anyone care to help me build a mass building program?
- cramps
- Am I doing deadlifts wrong?? hmm
- In need of an intense workout plan!
- super setting
- looking to widen back and chest
- Getting Serious
- Confused about set
- need help with workout
- i think my workout is lacking
- please ripped apart my training schd
- ripped abs
- cant seem to construct a proper routine
- TRaining techinques video??
- Back and Lats
- improve my chest looks
- DC method while on a cycle...
- Ever heard about phil campbell sprint 8 anaerobic HGH releaser ?
- need to lose weight ASAP
- Jay Cutler's Abs
- wanna get a good upper chest
- rep range and muscle growth
- Incline help
- Football Pyramid Routine
- HIIT vs Long Duration
- enough sleep???
- Is 5 days on 2 days off a bad work out?
- much needed advise!!!
- Body Split
- A Little Bit Of Help For The New Guy?
- when taking a break is nesicary
- 3 injurys in 1 month
- Workout Split
- streches before workout
- New split opinions. Getting bored with old one
- how long is your workout?
- Back workout
- Workout routines??
- Lactic build up?
- whackin it!
- need some advice
- needs better back workout! ! ! ! ! ! !
- sqat reps:high or low
- My workout split
- Cutting Workout (Please Critique)
- this is my situation. . . . help me plz!!
- Ratio of muscle/fat burned w/High intensity cardio?
- The unnofficial way to do cardio.
- is it true?
- Skinny guy seeking advice on building foundation
- Dumbbells for home.
- Cant get the chest
- Injecting site
- Advice would be Nice
- let me know what u think of my workout plan
- Calves won't grow, or i can't see the progress
- chest just wont grow......
- Is it ok to take more then one at a time?
- Forearm tendonitis
- best workout while on a 12 week mass builder??
- DC method?
- While on?
- on cycle workout
- intense reps?
- Rupture of the Biceps Tendon

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