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  1. my NEW SPLIT????????
  2. My max at bench, feedback please?
  3. Does cardio after a workout burn muscle
  4. Cheap Health insurance?
  5. Anyone suggest a split routine?
  6. Max bench...everytime?
  7. headaches during a set
  8. Need Some Advice!!???
  9. my new workout split
  10. Training Forearms: help?
  11. Forearm builder tips?
  12. 65-75% of Max HR for Everyone?
  13. NEED LEG WORKOUT but cannot squat/deadlift or...
  14. how many sets and reps precontest?
  15. Workouts??
  16. threads
  17. Arnolds work out?
  18. Tips/strategies for increasing endurance in MMA?
  19. Diet & Training Routine Suggestions?
  20. Arms! Wont Grow Help!!!!
  21. long hours at job and still training.....
  22. What workout routine do you feel.
  23. Trap Help
  24. What do you do on a bad day
  25. Is my workout effective?
  26. ab question
  27. Bad Ankles
  28. Need some help on this one...
  29. Bad Late Spread.need Help
  30. Lower back and Abs
  31. chest saggin
  32. Feel something pulling on back(lats)
  33. need a bench workout
  34. Pot & Cigarette Smoking on the body
  35. need help with chest
  36. shoulders feel weird....
  37. terrible slowdown
  38. Going On Trip, Help Me With Workout!
  39. The One Muscle A Day Split and Instictive Training. How Many Train Like Me?
  40. for ne one with a ripped chest
  41. To much cardio?
  42. barbell or dumbell
  43. Bulking Question
  44. Achieving upper body "thickness"
  45. bulking question
  46. Epedra replacment
  47. Need Help Shaping Tri's.... Or better yet, what's some good ways to hit all the heads
  48. Chest/Tri Question
  49. Bench
  50. bi's and tri's
  51. ive tried everything...help?
  52. How much do you lift with Barbell shrugs???
  53. I need help advice welcome...
  54. manual heartrate
  55. What's the best way to do cardio for fat burning
  56. workout question
  57. My Bulk Routines
  58. Double Cardio
  59. Help training Abs
  60. what is the best way increase bench
  61. cardio alternative.
  62. BiggerBri's Bigger Bi's
  63. Pros, take a look
  64. 3 on 1 off works?
  65. Can you shape pecs ?
  66. Anybody following steroids.com "Anabolic Workout"?
  67. a different way to progressivly increase poundage?
  68. sweating while working out?
  69. Need help with my program.
  70. Great Trap exercise
  71. Girlfriend's being a hag NEED HELP!
  72. bulking/cardio
  73. Failure advice
  74. Widen shoulders
  75. current workout
  76. out growing leg machines?
  77. Can't do Laterals
  78. 12 sets tri/mass
  79. want chest workout
  80. Tendonitis In Both Shoulders
  81. desperatly need help with quads
  82. Need help with cardio!!!
  83. Bust a$$ to achieve 70% HR
  84. Help me with my DC training!
  85. Please critique this workout
  86. Brachialis problems
  87. Dumbell/Barbell Leg workouts
  88. How bad did I hurt myself?
  89. Training For Definition/Cuts/Striations. The Real Truth?
  90. Charlie Horse
  91. deltoid workouts
  92. Middle-back Thickness
  93. Need Help Getting in Shape
  94. Swimming
  95. Pain in Forearms
  96. help i cant get my biceps soar anymore
  97. Hamstring curls
  98. high or low reps?
  99. whos got the best **** back workout!!!
  100. injury related q
  101. Help with workout split
  102. Please Help Critique My Routine
  103. Muscle Sorness
  104. Members w/ Experience
  105. Bies.. load of Bulls***
  106. Cardio after lifting.
  107. Max Heart Rate?
  108. Difference between Smith and Barbell
  109. what do you like more?
  110. carbs before a workout!!!!?
  111. WTF! bicep 1/4 inch smaller
  112. beginner work out plan
  113. Pec work outs
  114. Knees are gone!
  115. working out stomach
  116. Fact or Fiction?
  117. deadlift routine
  118. Help with fat burning cardio
  119. Suggestions on lifting regime with rotator cuff problems
  120. Guidelines for Growth
  121. Getting WEAKER!
  122. Jaw Exercises
  123. do you guys suggest cardio on legs day...
  124. Shortness of Breath
  125. No neck machines at most gyms, why?
  126. Abs, not enough training or not good enough diet?
  127. Smokin' Buts?
  128. overtraining?
  129. want to up my bench press
  130. weightbelts good/bad?
  131. need a nice leg work out
  132. leg press question.....?
  133. chest-cables or dumbells
  134. behind neck presses
  135. Weird pain in my chest when i wake up??????
  136. straps, pu**y shi** or not?
  137. Compression Fractures of the Spine
  138. leg training tip?
  139. Right foot feels broken HELP!
  140. pain in the azz knees
  141. anyone a paying trainee of DoggCrapp?
  142. Maintenance workout- great for people with hectic schedules-tell me what you think
  143. Bicep Development
  144. In Need Of Desperate Help!!!!
  145. Need help boosting bi's
  146. Tri's and Chest or Bi's and Chest??
  147. Intense pumps...in my shins!
  148. I want to isolate this part of the pec, any ideas?
  149. missing AM cardio
  150. Workout while on-cycle
  151. i have a weak chest....
  152. Widening the biceps
  153. Anybody need a source ?
  154. pre-cycle and on cycle work out plans
  155. workout routine rest period
  156. sombody hook me up with a good workout routine
  157. need good work out routine
  158. Do Push Ups really work 4 ur pecs
  159. Change workout for cutting/trimming
  160. adding strength to shoulders
  161. What kind of injuries are you dealing with?
  162. Plz Help Me
  163. Help Me Plzzzzzzzzzzz
  164. standing or seated military press?
  165. questions on cardio
  166. One side of chest is bigger??
  167. deadlift stance?
  168. leg-press, squats question?
  169. triceps?
  170. Injuries
  171. fat caliper question
  172. wrists
  173. Fat burning cardio...
  174. "anabolic workout"
  175. Need Advice
  176. New Workout
  177. What work best for LATS
  178. shoulders
  179. How do you "vary" your workouts?
  180. arm blaster bar???
  181. Help with Cardio.
  182. How to thicken my neck ?
  183. Give me Guns not Water Pistols!
  184. Does anyone else experience this???
  185. Unbearable Itching on Treadmill
  186. anyone care to help me build a mass building program?
  187. cramps
  188. Am I doing deadlifts wrong?? hmm
  189. In need of an intense workout plan!
  190. super setting
  191. looking to widen back and chest
  192. Getting Serious
  193. Confused about set
  194. need help with workout
  195. i think my workout is lacking
  196. please ripped apart my training schd
  197. ripped abs
  198. cant seem to construct a proper routine
  199. TRaining techinques video??
  200. Back and Lats
  201. improve my chest looks
  202. DC method while on a cycle...
  203. Ever heard about phil campbell sprint 8 anaerobic HGH releaser ?
  204. need to lose weight ASAP
  205. Jay Cutler's Abs
  206. wanna get a good upper chest
  207. rep range and muscle growth
  208. Incline help
  209. Football Pyramid Routine
  210. HIIT vs Long Duration
  211. enough sleep???
  212. Is 5 days on 2 days off a bad work out?
  213. much needed advise!!!
  214. Body Split
  215. A Little Bit Of Help For The New Guy?
  216. when taking a break is nesicary
  217. 3 injurys in 1 month
  218. Workout Split
  219. streches before workout
  220. New split opinions. Getting bored with old one
  221. how long is your workout?
  222. Back workout
  223. Workout routines??
  224. Lactic build up?
  225. whackin it!
  226. need some advice
  227. needs better back workout! ! ! ! ! ! !
  228. sqat reps:high or low
  229. My workout split
  230. Cutting Workout (Please Critique)
  231. this is my situation. . . . help me plz!!
  232. Ratio of muscle/fat burned w/High intensity cardio?
  233. The unnofficial way to do cardio.
  234. is it true?
  235. Skinny guy seeking advice on building foundation
  236. Dumbbells for home.
  237. Cant get the chest
  238. Injecting site
  239. Advice would be Nice
  240. let me know what u think of my workout plan
  241. Calves won't grow, or i can't see the progress
  242. chest just wont grow......
  243. Is it ok to take more then one at a time?
  244. Forearm tendonitis
  245. best workout while on a 12 week mass builder??
  246. DC method?
  247. While on?
  248. on cycle workout
  249. intense reps?
  250. Rupture of the Biceps Tendon
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