View Full Version : MEMBERS PICTURES
- 5.5 Weeks Left. What's my Body Fat?
- Up date pic after pct still making gainz
- BF% estimate?
- This site legit?
- First pic- before first cycle- comments/advice
- Havent posted a pic in awhile
- Can it be?
- what is my bf percentage??
- here are some pictures of myself...bigpoppapreston. what do you all think?
- One week out physique show...
- Bf%?
- powerlifters arent all fat
- The beginning
- April 2nd to May 23rd progress
- What´s my body fat %? Comments appreciated :)
- Bf% ?
- OK pros and vets I need your feed back on my bf? Pic included.
- Bf estimate
- Alright - my Pic please critique - no idea BF going on first cycle
- Back Day 5-31-13
- Quick bathroom pic
- bf% ??
- my 7 month transformation
- bodyfat guess from post contest!
- One year 3 mas later
- Friends bf estimate
- My bf estimate
- Progression 100% Natural
- BF% ???? Bulking Since May 2nd Competing In Oct
- 6 months progress
- What's my bf%
- Transformation over the last 3 years
- New...Trying to Cut Down Body Fat...
- first bb show
- serbian muscle here to post some results
- Results????
- Quick leg pic
- first test prop cycle coming to an end :( was a fun 2 months!! gained 18 pounds
- Leg pic, 2 weeks into first cycle.
- How im looking ?
- All natural, have been training for 3-4 years.
- Calipers says 10%-11% - What do you guys say?
- Transformatation and bf% estimate?
- 8 months clean. Thinking on having 1st cycle
- from 2010 to 2013 transformation
- HI GUYS ! i need a big help
- Bodyfat Guess?
- 235lbs....pic before this Tren cycle.
- Nothing impressive but I'm just getting started..
- how my lookin on week 2
- Butterygoodness competition progress pics
- How is this after PCT - 211lbs
- 35 Years 5'10" 150 lbs Feedback Welcome
- Stirated pictures from the IFBB 2012 Australian Championships
- Progress log
- 3 month progress
- Progress, Naturally.
- Body fat estimate?
- Starting my first cycle.
- Favorite day!
- Friends bf estimate
- 3 years 150-225
- Lost about 30 lbs so far, about to step it up a notch
- BF estimate
- Pre-cycle.
- Stirated 7 weeks out for this years Australian Titles
- My body fat %
- Unsure of my BF%
- My bf now?
- Bf % estimate please!
- 10.5 months of comparisons
- 19 yold pics/vids with some potential. Any advices/critiques are appreciated.
- Natural Progress Log So Far !!!
- Getting started!!!!!!
- My Transformation from 2012 until now
- A vid of my bench lift at Golds.
- 20 y/o natural progress
- Motivation from my little bro.
- 34 year old Single Dude (Honolulu)
- First time posing...critique please
- Max rep WIDE GRIP pull up video of me, 30 reps.
- I been shot from the back!
- Good base? Starting my first cycle soon.
- Back shot from this morning
- Progress so far, almost at the 2 Year mark.
- Back Shot - Wut u think?
- 3 months of lowering my body fat percentage!!!
- 74kg - 87.2kg
- Golds #1 675lbs deadlift.
- Evolution of Capebuffalo
- Effects of TRT and a little lifting ;)
- My friends 1 year tranformation
- 17 year old Progress..
- 225lbs "military pic"
- Awkward bumps
- 6 wks out first show (mens physique)
- Starting out PICS. (Before)
- 18 year old 1+ year progress
- My 12 month Natty Tranformation--Any good?
- My 1 year transformation
- Dem' wheels....
- 19 y/o 6 months progress recomp
- Makin Progress.
- Been a while
- Reat lat spread pic
- Bf?
- before and after
- last year and a half Pre, and mid cycle, (no post yet)
- My journey thus far
- First time physique competitor......prep (advice,thoughts,help)
- Rate my Aestheticssss/10
- Bout time...
- Should I bulk or continue to cut
- 21 Year old pics...
- Pictures, thinking about doing a first cycle.
- Help me determine bf% please
- Bulking Progress (7 Weeks in)
- Just a recent pic
- Need Body Fat Measurement
- Recent pics, bf estimates welcome!
- Pictures and BF questions
- In week 9 of cut!
- Bf%?
- Second year in the gym
- Progress pic update
- bf ?
- Steroids just don't work- lmao
- Before/After
- Anyone tell me my bf?
- Lil update pics sitting at 212-215 poind
- Results from my dieting, opinions?
- I was shocked by my BF
- critique my physique
- BF % please
- Another what is my Bf
- Progress . I think I'm almost there.
- 18 years old, 1 year progress (first thread/post)
- Just a pic. Nothing special
- Hgh
- Pictures
- bf % and any critiques
- Is my body ready for first cycle?
- Just some progression shots of me.
- 8.1 percent bf. Cpl ?'s
- 51 Years, 7 Months, 12 days: Enjoy
- Turning 23, 2 years into serious fitness.
- Impressive Transformation? (19, 6ft 3 9stone - 13.5st)
- couple more pics taken tonight
- New guy new pictures
- 2 year progress - fat to thin
- Just looking for bf est
- body fat scan done with pic
- Newbie| is this a solid base to start a cycle?
- Men's Physique Competitor
- Good enough base to cycle?
- body fat %
- 10%?
- 9% lol
- bf estimate?
- Bf check?
- 53 years of working out without roids
- 90 days transformation|natural
- 8 week regain starts now
- body fat %?
- How high am I in body fat percentages?
- Bodyfat estimates?
- pics of my back
- Any thought's on BF%???
- Good base?
- Body Fat Est.?
- What Body fat % is this?
- Bodyfat % estimate
- Hello and a pic
- Lean all year
- My pics here , can you tell me What Body fat % is this?
- Is it time to bulk yet to put on mass??????
- How to put up picture?
- Progress from 500mg/week test cyp for 10 weeks
- Help with BF%
- Bf % ? Week 8 test E
- What Bodyfat percentage would you say this is????
- Synthol Run For An 18 Year Old
- 6 month cut
- My 2014
- 2nd Cycle Before/After Pics (Prop/Var)
- Body fat guesstimates???
- Thanks for the help
- 301lbs to 199lbs in 13months
- hello there!!!!!
- Recent Shots trying to make improvements with time
- Before cycle current
- 7 years of work without roids
- pics. been considering my 1st cycle for a year now need advice.
- 1 years later on roids
- First Cycle 14 Week TEST E 500mg Only Results - Before & After Pictures
- 14 month progress.
- Natural lifter 19 YO
- Bodyfat estimatr
- Hey guys, im taking deca, & test 250
- Test e/eq/hgh cycle + winstrol???
- Progress Pics 3-22-14 to 11-12-14 - Ready to start cycle next month.. Feedback please
- Should I do a cut?
- Bf estimate
- Bf% estimate
- Physique goal to reach naturally before starting AAS?
- rookie to aas pics
- From Fat to Fit!
- My current physique
- Progression
- i hate my genetics of muscles
- Physique Critique (what I need to work on most)
- Hoping to compete this year. First cycle advice. Pics included
- 6 Months Progress (Khazima's.. Photo Album?)
- First cycle advice needed
- My first pic posted here
- Gear should be kicking in soon.
- Wifes bf% check
- Bulk or cut?
- Increasing The Arms Lately :)
- Bf % check
- Bf % ??
- Bf %
- Body fat %
- bf estimate
- Bf estimate please.
- Body fat % estimate?
- Current physique
- Need opinions from all of you
- is it gyno?
- 4 months transformation an bf estimatepliz?!
- 2 months of trying to lean bulk
- Is this even possible?
- Bf estimate by pics...
- What do you think?
- Bf estimate...
- Another before cycle and current pic, please check out :)
- Bf%?
- Bf check
- Trn123's Progress Pics
- I've come a long way. Before and Current!!!
- Wheels and veins to beat Kel Kel
- BF% estimate
- Current condition
- Bodyfat estimates please?
- Need to know BF% Please
- New to board, could use BF% estimate
- My fitness roller coaster
- BF estimete please? :)
- Bad Quality 4 Year Progress Pic

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