- serratus anterior (10 replies)
- New Split (8 replies)
- deadlift + puking (19 replies)
- PM cardio (8 replies)
- Bustin' Ass 101 (1 replies)
- The Eight Keys - A Complete Guide to Maximum Strength Development (27 replies)
- Training for the Back (6 replies)
- Strength and Power Development Considerations for Young Athletes (0 replies)
- Max Effort Training for Dynamic Results (0 replies)
- I need Some Help Guys, Fast! (5 replies)
- Jump Rope (5 replies)
- That cut between upper bicep and front delt (5 replies)
- Max-ot ??? (2 replies)
- Workouts Are Now Ineffective! (13 replies)
- The Unmaking of an Athlete (1 replies)
- "A Day in the Life" - by Dave Tate (11 replies)
- Cardio addict? (14 replies)
- How fast on treadmill? (6 replies)
- Love Handles (6 replies)
- Push/Pull 2 day split? (2 replies)
- Great technique site (0 replies)
- shin splints (8 replies)
- Michigan Guys (3 replies)
- Info really needed!!! help please (1 replies)
- bent bar curls. What are they? (5 replies)
- Switching it up a little (7 replies)
- Cardio question (37 replies)
- Overtraining? (8 replies)
- How to Squat BIG... (11 replies)
- The Top 10 Deadlifting Mistakes and How to Fix Them (49 replies)
- Sharp pain in Wrist (2 replies)
- Squatting from Head to Toe (3 replies)
- General question to all about lower body development (4 replies)
- This Ab workout, how often? (3 replies)
- Proper way to do decline bench (8 replies)
- Calves Opinion (6 replies)
- After Listening to the forum .... (6 replies)
- Question about cutting workout (5 replies)
- 10 Commandments To Big Muscle (61 replies)
- Recovering the Fire Within... (2 replies)
- the human mind is a mf'er (27 replies)
- Anyone ever do wide grip seated cable rows? (1 replies)
- cutting workouts (2 replies)
- training mon-fri? (1 replies)
- Overtraining Traps (5 replies)
- Add extra WO day? (5x5 routine) (3 replies)
- PL/BB Combo Routine (7 replies)
- what am i doing wrong (28 replies)
- Back Off and Grow! (10 replies)
- twice a week routine (5 replies)
- Yo NSA i am interested in the details about the workout (0 replies)
- Switching Up The Routine (5 replies)
- Lat pulldowns with dhooks bar (4 replies)
- %7 in 2 months ? (13 replies)
- Sharp Pain During Intense Workouts (3 replies)
- cardio and heart rate question (9 replies)
- need an answer here...someone who knows there stuff (4 replies)
- Which one is better? (5 replies)
- What do you think of this? (5 replies)
- "Shock" sensation in wrists during lifting (7 replies)
- College work out plan (6 replies)
- Beaten to death: Rest beweem sets! (4 replies)
- Nsa, This Is 4 U!! (0 replies)
- Chest 2 times a week? (4 replies)
- Max LBM chart pros look please (6 replies)
- need help on new workout routine j/c what everybody else does? (1 replies)
- help is certainly needed here (7 replies)
- Body Part more than once a week... (4 replies)
- Is this workout alright ??????? (12 replies)
- too tired to finish (6 replies)
- Question for ARMS (7 replies)
- How much time to wait between cardio and weights? (0 replies)
- Getting Cut! (3 replies)
- Cutting (9 replies)
- badly overtrained..... (2 replies)
- need help to work around work. (0 replies)
- meal plan (3 replies)
- juiced training (5 replies)
- Shoveling Snow (10 replies)
- Ronnie Coleman's Ultimate Mass Program (15 replies)
- How to Design Your Workouts (4 replies)
- Heavy Negatives are Positively a Good Idea (4 replies)
- Free Weights Versus Machines (8 replies)
- A.M. Fat Burn (25 replies)
- BodyBuilding & the Endocrine System (4 replies)
- Immunity and Resistance Training (1 replies)
- If Ya Wanna Grow - Ya Gotta Row (33 replies)
- Tryin to get my girl in shape (5 replies)
- Rash on thigh from sweat (4 replies)
- Question Arm wrestling (8 replies)
- which training splits are best (31 replies)
- 4 days a week cardio too much? (20 replies)
- forearms (10 replies)
- Max-ot Cardio??? (4 replies)
- not soar.. not worked out? (6 replies)
- Contest Cutting (4 replies)
- job and workouts?!?!?! (3 replies)
- Weakest Link (6 replies)
- Chardio am on empty stomach? (23 replies)
- best thermogenic?? (0 replies)
- high intensity 3 day/week training routine (9 replies)
- Arms, very bulky, cardio/diet to get cut. (11 replies)
- Getting it back after injury (1 replies)
- Doing back with a woman (8 replies)
- Working out w/ oxygen tank? (15 replies)
- Going to the gym when out of town? (3 replies)
- ass to the floor squats? (28 replies)
- still having trap problem (16 replies)
- really need some good information, i need your help!!!!!! (6 replies)
- is this too much? (10 replies)
- Please Help!!!!! (5 replies)
- Workout Timing and Work Schedule (9 replies)
- help with my movement and fitness class! (2 replies)
- Ok i'm 6'8 and i wana get big ??? (16 replies)
- Bit of a problem (3 replies)
- Inner Chest (4 replies)
- good workout?? (26 replies)
- riding bike for cardio? (1 replies)
- 5x5 question (15 replies)
- 96 hours rest for a group? (0 replies)
- A woman for a workout partner (39 replies)
- Best Fitness Routine May Depend on Personality? (0 replies)
- Newb needs help! (13 replies)
- doing more than one muscle per day (12 replies)
- my workout split?!?!?! (12 replies)
- Other cardio ideas. (6 replies)
- 8-balls (3 replies)
- Deadlifts (3 replies)
- Rest periods (5 replies)
- Cardio im AM (8 replies)
- Why Cardio & Weights Should Be Split (43 replies)
- From bulking to cutting, what needs to be done. (1 replies)
- How much cardio on anavar? (2 replies)
- DC Training Questions (9 replies)
- Pain in my feet?? (2 replies)
- bulking or cutting gains (4 replies)
- Wrists hurt doing straight bar preacher curls (9 replies)
- what do u think of this aerobics (2 replies)
- I want to be able to do the splits but progressing very slow... advice? (3 replies)
- INCLINE BENCH and SHOULDERS (19 replies)
- Training/dieting while your sick??? (7 replies)
- how long should i rest (3 replies)
- what is better? (6 replies)
- ummm Pain or smth (10 replies)
- Stretch Marks (8 replies)
- cardio after weights? (18 replies)
- Bf % (2 replies)
- The Best Ab Solution ??? (16 replies)
- swolecat....? (4 replies)
- optimal ab workout routines per week (10 replies)
- water weight (3 replies)
- Cardio or lifting first?? (5 replies)
- How does this workout look? (2 replies)
- rep range?? (5 replies)
- Leg workout (10 replies)
- need opinion on clen....!!!!! (2 replies)
- Is my workout in check? (3 replies)
- what is better for bi's straight bar or ez bar (21 replies)
- anyone every do supersetting??!?!!? (9 replies)
- Deadlift Grip Problem (7 replies)
- resting idea (4 replies)
- loosing fat for somone now worried about muscle (6 replies)
- rest time for body builders vs. rest time for power lifters (3 replies)
- don't call it a comeback (18 replies)
- Favorite Exercises, Lets list them! (25 replies)
- Why strenght does not equal size? (28 replies)
- Please check out my 3 set routine (1 replies)
- Bench Went Down?!?!? (20 replies)
- What is a realistic squat and leg press weight? (13 replies)
- Is This A Good Workout? (12 replies)
- Chest Question (13 replies)
- Squats or deads: Which one builds abs and obliques more? (1 replies)
- Much More Intense Workout Yay Or Nay? (4 replies)
- Ok, messy wants some tips. :) (12 replies)
- Achieving symmetrical hypertrophy (7 replies)
- Extreme stretching ??? (7 replies)
- Have a mind to lift problem (15 replies)
- bench press question (5 replies)
- Better for shoulder impingement (4 replies)
- elbow position on bench (16 replies)
- Chest help (4 replies)
- How bad does smoking affect training? (34 replies)
- what muscles are better for high reps and which for low reps (1 replies)
- thank you SC and the other leg guys (2 replies)
- favoured method (8 replies)
- charley horsing?!? (10 replies)
- question about soreness?????? (18 replies)
- Necessary to do different workouts? (11 replies)
- Confused about reps? (9 replies)
- Is my current leg workout OK (12 replies)
- getting bigger bi's??????? anyone know of anything (18 replies)
- need my workout looked at,the last thing to fix. (2 replies)
- OUCH! Joint pain.... (8 replies)
- need workout ideas w/ clen!! (7 replies)
- bench press chart (2 replies)
- Max OT Training? (2 replies)
- Biceps (22 replies)
- Increasing Bench Press (17 replies)
- Can someone take a look at my workout schedule and tell me what you think.......? (19 replies)
- hammer curls (5 replies)
- joint pain from heavy weight? (9 replies)
- something I ponder today. (9 replies)
- What addy can I contact Doggcrapp at? (2 replies)
- Standing Concentration Curls (3 replies)
- critique (6 replies)
- Question?? about Traps (19 replies)
- thicker bicepts (6 replies)
- Heart Rate question (18 replies)
- workout idea (5 replies)
- dead lifts for the back or for legs? (3 replies)
- legs routine critique (4 replies)
- lifting straps (1 replies)
- Lifting straps (19 replies)
- How many sets per Bodypart??? (12 replies)
- Question-on My Workout (3 replies)
- what's the ideal bf% for bulking/cutting (4 replies)
- Best mass exercises for arms? (26 replies)
- Dumbell shoulder press Ronnie Coleman style. (8 replies)
- Workout schedule? (3 replies)
- Best ways to train lower arms? (2 replies)
- When doing Military Press? (5 replies)
- Trap Trouble!!! (10 replies)
- natural potential (7 replies)
- How the hell did i put on so much weight in 2 days! (9 replies)
- shoulder problem (11 replies)
- exercise for middle back thickness??? (10 replies)
- Hitting outer Tri's (7 replies)
- Need a new routine...I am at a stand still! (10 replies)
- Routine critique please (Should I do a split instead?) (15 replies)
- experience with morning circuit training instead of cardio (4 replies)
- Building pecs close to sternum? (15 replies)
- havnt bin to gym since 13th dec (12 replies)
- A return to my initial and somewhat radical routien(sp?) (12 replies)
- ab routine? (4 replies)
- my size v a professional (3 replies)
- need help with lower chest workout!! (3 replies)
- new workout! check it please! (8 replies)
- DC training (4 replies)
- leg and shoulder day (7 replies)
- Bum shoulder screwing with my workout (2 replies)
- should hardgainers do more set when on roids (7 replies)
- Squats and deads enough for glutes? (4 replies)
- question about my back injury... (3 replies)
- how many sets for chest (9 replies)
- Deadlift Question (3 replies)
- The mind (6 replies)
- Whats Better? (11 replies)
- Measuring body parts (4 replies)
- how much cardio is needed to cut when you concern my job? (3 replies)
- Please Critique Bulking Workout (7 replies)

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