View Full Version : DIET AND NUTRITION
- Sunflower seeds kernels (2 replies)
- Harris Benedict & BMR (2 replies)
- The prime explained before cycling (1 replies)
- What to cut out of my diet.... (0 replies)
- Help w/ EGGS! (8 replies)
- diet critique (1 replies)
- Creatine while Cutting? (2 replies)
- Diet pills have you ever used them with sucess? (3 replies)
- Lean Ground Round (1 replies)
- 6 weeks too lean up (34 replies)
- Cutting cycles; how long? (4 replies)
- Help with my new diet. (10 replies)
- Creatine: Gatorade or Grape Juice? (12 replies)
- Bananas (16 replies)
- Pb & J For Bulking?? (8 replies)
- Oh Nuts! (19 replies)
- How often, and How bad do you cheat on your diet?? (36 replies)
- Let myself go... Need help with diet & exercise plan (2 replies)
- Pissed Off (2 replies)
- The 7 Week Transformation (26 replies)
- Trying to clean bulk.. (1 replies)
- A good snacking food for cutting (12 replies)
- Boston Market? =p (1 replies)
- dumb question! (2 replies)
- new to everything. (6 replies)
- Cooking In Bulk (5 replies)
- need help FAST!! (2 replies)
- pre bed meal (9 replies)
- 2 food questions. (3 replies)
- Protein and carb meal........ (3 replies)
- Check out this sandwhich....It's for real (23 replies)
- Help with appetite!! (10 replies)
- Jello (9 replies)
- bulking calorie increase (8 replies)
- What Beans Have a Low Gi Index? (3 replies)
- Suggestions for frugle, mony conscious bodybuilers (4 replies)
- Sugar alcohols?? (4 replies)
- Power drinks????? (2 replies)
- The Experiment: Trial 1 (3 replies)
- I tried... But I cant do it. I HATE TUNA!! (help?) (22 replies)
- Tell me I didnt screw up too bad.. (3 replies)
- crystal light (7 replies)
- Eat Right 4 Your Type (23 replies)
- Low carb question and muscle (1 replies)
- Gaining Weight Need Help! (11 replies)
- Does it matter how long you cook food for? (6 replies)
- ketchup (15 replies)
- Trying to jam this through my thick skull - critique, please! (12 replies)
- Protein! Important! (6 replies)
- i hate egg whites (9 replies)
- how many calories from veg? (4 replies)
- Need your help (5 replies)
- lifestyle change cutting, and UPS job.. (7 replies)
- My diet for critique (6 replies)
- need some critique plz! (6 replies)
- Day 47 of no cheats, need advice. (10 replies)
- how long after PWO shake should next meal be? (5 replies)
- Need Some Diet Tips (5 replies)
- good diet or bad diet?? (4 replies)
- What I ate today. (8 replies)
- Alright guys and gals, the name says it all.... (19 replies)
- Whey protein (3 replies)
- the new encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding (6 replies)
- Where to get lean beef (96%+)?? (8 replies)
- eating enough? (3 replies)
- cutting, cheat meals/days (13 replies)
- wth are "Net" Carbs? (3 replies)
- Protein/carbs Protein/fat - What to do? (5 replies)
- Vitargo VS dextrose (4 replies)
- How did I gain 13lbs in five days? (31 replies)
- Pre-Bed meal (2 replies)
- Eggs (8 replies)
- Grr! Missed my AM cardio, how long to do it tonight after weights? (29 replies)
- help with PPwo meal (1 replies)
- 1st time bulking... Can u guys please correct my diet if im wrong in something? (5 replies)
- confused with my pre-bed shake (5 replies)
- Amount of Fat in a Pro/Carb meal (3 replies)
- Log Cabin Sugar Free Maple Syrup (1 replies)
- GIANTZ! Fat and carb separation.... (14 replies)
- Stupid question (7 replies)
- How long between PWO,PPWO and b4 bed meal (24 replies)
- Low Carb Day (11 replies)
- persimmon fruits? (2 replies)
- Contest! (25 replies)
- Red potatoes ? (0 replies)
- keto with 80%prot and 20%fat (2 replies)
- Tell me why you DONT use dextrose pwo. (7 replies)
- 100% powdered Egg it good subsitute? (1 replies)
- skippy natural peanut butter.... (24 replies)
- Bf% (7 replies)
- Cardio Question (7 replies)
- @#$ Damn.... someone rip it apart!! (9 replies)
- Quick HELP TAI w/ Grocery List (14 replies)
- is it okay? (1 replies)
- Chicken! (2 replies)
- high carb/low carb high/low pro diet while bulking (1 replies)
- My new 7 week cutting diet started today CRITIQUE AWAY! (9 replies)
- BIRD FLUE: What to eat when it hits? (15 replies)
- Didnt eat for almost 48 hours, what now? (10 replies)
- Oats (59 replies)
- Subway? (14 replies)
- Need help (1 replies)
- Dietary fats: Know which types to choose (0 replies)
- Measuring Food (5 replies)
- Cold Cuts (4 replies)
- Cardio Twice a Day - 1300 Calories Burned (12 replies)
- REVAMPED Bulk..... (10 replies)
- Ezekiel! (4 replies)
- My cutting diet (18 replies)
- Stomach Volume (3 replies)
- Buckwheat (2 replies)
- Is Beef Liver Concentrate good? (14 replies)
- 5lb of muscle a year. (18 replies)
- Glucophage for Cheating? (0 replies)
- simple/complex carbs (17 replies)
- luquid protean (6 replies)
- Tyson Chicken Burgers (facts) (3 replies)
- Long Grain and Wild Rice. (5 replies)
- U.k. Protien (8 replies)
- Concentrate/Isolate blend V Isolate (2 replies)
- hit a plateau [B]with pics[/B] Need tips (10 replies)
- let me know what you guys think (5 replies)
- Bulking (10 replies)
- Diet trouble (3 replies)
- Let Me Get This Right?? Brain Fart.... (3 replies)
- Maltodextrin instead of Dextrose (16 replies)
- slin spike pointless pwo? (9 replies)
- Afraid of carbohydrates (6 replies)
- Recovery Time Down Big Time (4 replies)
- basal diet ? (11 replies)
- I need help in gettin started on my diet! (3 replies)
- protein intake question (8 replies)
- trying to get a hold of Dolby48 (1 replies)
- Cutting Diet - Adding fiber & flax to protein shakes? (2 replies)
- Vegs while cutting (8 replies)
- I Need A Weekly Meal Plan (11 replies)
- What's a good source of Dextros for PWO shake? (11 replies)
- please help with my carb cylce outline!! (4 replies)
- Hard boiled eggs for a snack before bed? (8 replies)
- Antioxidants and Greens? (8 replies)
- Round Two: Diet I good to go? (14 replies)
- Preparing for Spring Break (13 replies)
- Refeed days and my stomach - URGH (4 replies)
- I've been trying to loose fat for the past 7 months!! HELP!!!!! (6 replies)
- Am I Losing Muscle??diet? (11 replies)
- Baking Soda to reduce Lactic Acid (23 replies)
- Stupid question (5 replies)
- Websites for food/calorie count? (4 replies)
- phyto foods (3 replies)
- What do you guys have as snacks (for cutting diets) ? (23 replies)
- Please Help Me cut guys Rewiew my diet (6 replies)
- please help with my diet!!!!!!!! (1 replies)
- Need Help "how To Bulk" Meal Plan Schedule (45 replies)
- Ahhhh no, mom's birthday dinner (18 replies)
- Cardio on Cheat days (4 replies)
- Glutamine before Cardio (8 replies)
- Vegetarian trying to build mass (6 replies)
- Couple New additions - (0 replies)
- Swole, where do I find that dymatize protein? 21 bucks for 5 lbs?? (7 replies)
- Stayinstackeds fast mass diet for the hardgainer (80 replies)
- Flax seed oil gel caps.. (9 replies)
- Flatulence (8 replies)
- 16 pro shakes a day? (23 replies)
- late insulin spike (9 replies)
- PWO after Cardio (3 replies)
- Fat F*** (1 replies)
- Quick Help (7 replies)
- Realistic Goals in cutting up??? (12 replies)
- cortisol reducers (8 replies)
- Question about Mushrooms.. (4 replies)
- On the road to Competition Diet (14 replies)
- how do you cook your egg whites ??? (27 replies)
- Will Amino Acids before cardio hinder fat loss? (55 replies)
- Enough Food?? (15 replies)
- Beer + Cut Question (17 replies)
- Time between Last Meal and Cardio (3 replies)
- Please critique my diet (0 replies)
- My diet log... check it out (4 replies)
- Diet Q's (11 replies)
- Nutrition Chart (3 replies)
- novadex on ketosis ? (2 replies)
- Calorie intake help! (8 replies)
- Burning fat after getting tanked? (15 replies)
- Free food! Free supplements GALORE! (9 replies)
- Cutting diet. (16 replies)
- Who would have thought? (10 replies)
- Update On Bulking Diet... Help???? (10 replies)
- planned cheat day for today... what do you guys think?! (8 replies)
- 5 weeks of cutting, do I need to adjust yet? (11 replies)
- Salsa to the rescue (9 replies)
- How'm I doin on this bros?? (11 replies)
- I start cutting in 2 weeks... (2 replies)
- Strength Loss on A cut (2 replies)
- Can Anyone recomend me a good site to buy whey protein? (16 replies)
- fats and carb meal (0 replies)
- weird splenda question (0 replies)
- Has anybody heard about Quinua or (Quinoa)? (1 replies)
- Artificial sweeters - some like sodium? (1 replies)
- fat burner while bulking (1 replies)
- A few weeks into my diet (2 replies)
- Does dairy? (11 replies)
- Milk (5 replies)
- My Outlined Diet...Advice? (4 replies)
- weight gainer (9 replies)
- what happen if...!? (4 replies)
- Pre-workout shake~! (3 replies)
- Help with my fishy situation? (4 replies)
- Deca And Fat Consunption (2 replies)
- High protein hindering fat loss? (10 replies)
- Rtd 50 (0 replies)
- Buying Pasteurized Egg whites in Bulk in Canada (2 replies)
- Early Morning Advice (7 replies)
- matabolim (26 replies)
- Things that keep you sane while cutting (51 replies)
- Critique my diet pls! (11 replies)
- Whole Foods Store (12 replies)
- how many mg of B-complex do you take for bulking guys??? (0 replies)
- Diet with 3 shakes...? (5 replies)
- Best food bar/ drink source of gluc./ malto (0 replies)
- Appetite Question (5 replies)
- Diet Help (9 replies)
- When to take R-ALA (48 replies)
- help me sort out my diet (3 replies)
- i could really use some quick advise (13 replies)
- Canned Veggies (2 replies)
- Can you guys check my diet please and comment (1 replies)
- Macros In Sushi (10 replies)
- Lunch ideas anyone (8 replies)
- upping cals (5 replies)
- Drinking Red Bull before Working Out (26 replies)
- please rate my diet and workout routine!!!! (11 replies)
- Carb intake (4 replies)
- Revamp of Diet and Workout. (4 replies)
- Bulking Diet... (7 replies)
- Bulking Diet... (0 replies)
- Beverages DURING and post? (13 replies)
- For you NUT eaters.... (10 replies)
- Keto for cutting? (7 replies)
- Thats It! (14 replies)
- Need suggestions on my diet (1 replies)
- help for cutter . (4 replies)
- Please explain P/F meal (9 replies)
- Carbs on Non-Workout Days (4 replies)
- Diet Pops? (Sodium Question) (4 replies)
- ECA stack (4 replies)
- Carbs and fats together? (6 replies)
- total calories, macronutirent ratios & online diet diarys (5 replies)
- Glutamine? (9 replies)
- Ineed some help with my diet plz (6 replies)
- Dextrose (49 replies)

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