- Bloodwork check it out bro'z
- Great TRT Doctor in NYC
- Anastrozole
- Oxytocin?? Any experience
- self medicate with trt
- Building the ultimate erection?
- can I get your opinions please?
- SQ pin TRT
- Polycymethia
- HRT guys please help!!!
- Cholesterol, HDL Gone Bad!
- gyno and bloodwork, looking for informed opinions
- Safest/Best Injection Site on Quad and Glute
- Requesting input from those with experiance.
- Generic Test?
- Help with T-results!
- Adding HCG to Test/Arimidex TRT. Please help me with dosage balance.
- Estrogen high, do I need an anti E?
- Adding HCG to Test/Arimidex TRT. Please help me with dosage balance.
- ? on a certain online clinic
- Monitoring Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
- Update
- Testicular Shrinkage while on TRT!
- First Pin...Success
- HRT Monthly Injection?
- Single dose of triptorelin gets bodybuilder’s hormones going again
- What was your starting dose of PRESCRIBED Testosterone?
- How long does trt take to have effect
- 25, sharing bloodwork results/ potential HRT
- Bloodwork Tomorrow - First HRT Visit
- Test issue
- HPTA help..
- HRT or TRT with Blue Cross Blue Shield
- Thinking of a new routine
- pinning twice per week instead of just once
- Life Has Returned!
- trt causing Edema?
- Hcg / sperm count
- At age 50, what testosterone level and should I use HCG?
- Cholesterol gone wild
- To Clinic or not to Clinic
- Com in off major injury of ankle n ready to go wellness center has me on program
- HRT Test Cyp 250mg.
- How many give blood regularly to combat high RBC?
- New Lab Results
- New Lab Results
- Need help with problems after 3 week Superdrol clone cycle.
- Liquidex question
- Trt side effects?
- Asastrazole and e level question
- testosterone and propecia
- My TRT Script
- Blood test results and ??
- Newbie Saying hey,, great site!
- Follow-up Blood Work (Test / Cholesterol)
- Hypothetically, What else might a sponsor call HCG ?
- 2x EW injections at half total dose help to lower E2 conversion?
- How long does it take for injections to show up on LABS ? anyone know? been searching
- After 5 weeks on AndroGel
- If achieving the same T levels, does Androgel differ in effect from T injections?
- Age of you guys on TRT
- HGH and mass gaining is this correct ????
- Liquidex dosing with morning erections as indicator
- 21 year old male blood test back, suprising!
- testicular shrinkage?
- High or low e2 cause acne?
- Change of plans, I need suggestions!
- Test too "High"?
- Who doesnt use an ai or has high estro and it doesnt bother them?
- Bloodwork Comparo over time.
- First HGH shot
- Naturopathic Doctor for HRT?
- Problem with hypoglycemia
- side effects im having ,, anymore the rest of you having that have been on it longer
- how do you aspirate?? I tried tonight and couldn't suck anything back at all
- Not being able to ejaculate?
- How quickly do E2 levels respond to pinning and AI's?
- Curious
- Triptorelin Log
- HRT, Arimidex and Lipid Profiles
- Day 6 of my HGH little sweaty at night
- Doctor prescribed testosterone
- Hrt side effect ...
- Pretty Clueless, little help??
- Going with an AA clinic
- 24 with 305 test need advice
- Low testosterone is common in men with cardiovascular disease and decreases survival
- hrt clinic recommendations
- Is this plan any good?
- self medicating
- Tired, lazy, weak, dizzy and going crazy
- Blood work question
- Prescription Refill Dilemma
- Question about aromitase enzyme upregulation and down regulation?
- HGH and TRT
- how long before you had noticable shrinkage in the sack??
- Are my test levels low?
- Are we on WAY to friggin much?
- When does the injection soreness finally end?
- Heart Disease Shock
- Skipping a heart beat- palpitations
- Do I need the Winney ??
- Did Your endocrinologist check you balls physically??? please read
- androgel equates too ?
- HGH What test do I ask Doc for
- Help with TRT, please read.
- New poster to forum with basic BW questions
- New, First post, opinions please
- First blood work
- Anyone cycle while on TRT
- Donating Blood while on TRT
- Scared to Start TRT - Please Help
- Are we allowed to ask questions
- shut down from androgel?
- Crusing-Blasting TRT
- HGH Pellets?
- Semen burning girlfriend. Cypionate the cause?
- Is this gyno?
- scary things about HCG
- Here is a dumb question.....and rambling.....
- Trt noob
- Age 23, low testosterone, need advice.
- Need help to understand my results
- HRT - HCG Breaks?
- Doctor said no HCG, alternatives?
- Why do some of you guys on TRT/HRT use ethanate over decanoate
- Female Testosterone cream, pregnancy?
- Why do some of you guys on TRT/HRT use ethanate over decanoate
- Urologist vs Endo
- Is it ever too late for HCG?
- Help with HCG?
- HCG Problems
- test
- HRT newbie advice needes
- Got My Blood Work Back - Need Assistance!!
- What is that "stuff" that increases the absorption of Androgel?
- New protocol, low dose pyramid? Fluctuating test levels and dopamine sensitivity.
- What is the highest does you've seen or heard of?
- Wieght gain ?
- what would be the ideal script?
- Need help from Vets
- Something help me with my diet issues!
- how many of you have low test but a good sex drive.
- Optimal level of estradiol while on cycle?
- Anyone out there with hypothyroidism?
- Vit D and testosterone
- Is there a standard name for the blood work tests?
- New to this
- Blood results. Few things on high side.
- TRT and use of A.I.'s
- Cholesterol
- Nolva instead of AI during HRT
- Been looking for a thread with Docs listed by location
- Reluctant Doc, Reference Ranges, and T-Level
- Went from T-injections to Androgel. Balls came back a bit in size, Libido better.
- First time on TRT. Lots of Question?
- adding Nandrolone Decanoate to my trt ?
- HCG 3rd week.
- does the cream work?
- Help guys,please..trouble brewing!!
- crystalized test
- Test cyp
- Will high E2 kill sex drive?
- No Script HCG Sites- Any concerns? Any experience?
- Makin the switch, T4 to T4/T3 combo
- What blood test do I need to get......
- More Advice On LOW T
- androgel vs axiron
- How long does it take
- Clinics and docs
- The future of TRT
- Drawing Blood!
- 10 week follow up results and a doctor change ....
- What will lower shbg
- Looking for any advice for my other half.
- Starting dosage for arimidex
- Blood test results in, looks like Arimidex will be needed after all.
- Question about donating when on?
- Can someone help me make sense of these results?
- endo appointment
- Sermorellin and GHRP instead of deca
- Any HRTers using Deca with their Test
- What do for pct? 6 week 30mg a day winny
- trt and kids
- Total T declines 100 points in one month- Is this normal?
- Do you think HCG is necessary long term for HRT?
- hcg amount needed
- trt in prison/jail?
- Stacking HCG and T in the same injection
- Current blood test results
- Opinions on AI dosage while on a "blast"
- TRT Questioning My Script
- Blood test prelim and newbie questions
- estrogen
- TRT and traveling
- what does these values mean, TRT?
- Peptide edut
- B12 Dosage/Frequency
- Blood test
- Low testosterone in realtion to low thyroid function (imbalance)
- how great a risk of breast cancer with female hrt?
- First injection ater 6 months of gel
- Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy for women....
- New to the world of TRT - difficulty voiding 30 + hours after Cypionate injection??
- New to the world of TRT - difficulty voiding 30 + hours after Cypionate injection??
- TRT an the Inner Self
- Who here cruises on Test or is on "self-prescribed" TRT? (no docs)
- ipt141 the sexual arousal peptide
- Appropriate time between 'blast' and blood work for Endo...
- Two very good articles
- a new problem while on TRT...SEX!
- TRT and SSRIs....Again
- Would this / does this work??
- Follow up on Blood test -
- Thanks
- Ripped off?
- Blood Test Results - Need your Help please!
- Yearly physical
- Settimg myself a goal
- Am I putting too much into my body
- Thinking of Trying TRT for a month.
- Motivation Help
- TRT questions from a Rookie
- please help- low T, flattened pituitary
- liqidex
- Anthem Blue Cross insurance
- Blood tests normal
- HCG while trying to conceive
- HCG from pharmacy
- Did I store my Liquidex wrong? Huge turn around on anastrozole pills.
- Question, I'm re-starting TRT after off for 1 year...
- Blood test and advice
- Questions for my doc
- On RX test... thinking of ah-89 stack?
- Double Red Cell Donation
- rookie needing advice
- Follow up with the doc
- I screwed up
- Free Testosterone
- injections and liquidex
- HCG for test boost?
- Gyno on HGC while on AI's?
- Low LH & FT. Dangerous Heart Lvls
- Anastrozole sides!
- Finally shutdown?
- Pulling The trigger
- looking for the proper diet and wieght training to attain goals....HELP!!!!
- any physiologists on board? questions about blood ph, asthma, and lactic acid
- Acne