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  1. Bloodwork check it out bro'z
  2. Great TRT Doctor in NYC
  3. Anastrozole
  4. Oxytocin?? Any experience
  5. self medicate with trt
  6. Building the ultimate erection?
  7. can I get your opinions please?
  8. SQ pin TRT
  9. Polycymethia
  10. HRT guys please help!!!
  11. Cholesterol, HDL Gone Bad!
  12. gyno and bloodwork, looking for informed opinions
  13. Safest/Best Injection Site on Quad and Glute
  14. Requesting input from those with experiance.
  15. Generic Test?
  16. Help with T-results!
  17. Adding HCG to Test/Arimidex TRT. Please help me with dosage balance.
  18. Estrogen high, do I need an anti E?
  19. Adding HCG to Test/Arimidex TRT. Please help me with dosage balance.
  20. ? on a certain online clinic
  21. Monitoring Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)
  22. Update
  23. Testicular Shrinkage while on TRT!
  24. First Pin...Success
  25. HRT Monthly Injection?
  26. Single dose of triptorelin gets bodybuilder’s hormones going again
  27. What was your starting dose of PRESCRIBED Testosterone?
  28. How long does trt take to have effect
  29. 25, sharing bloodwork results/ potential HRT
  30. Bloodwork Tomorrow - First HRT Visit
  31. Test issue
  32. HPTA help..
  33. HRT or TRT with Blue Cross Blue Shield
  34. Thinking of a new routine
  35. pinning twice per week instead of just once
  36. Life Has Returned!
  37. trt causing Edema?
  38. Hcg / sperm count
  39. At age 50, what testosterone level and should I use HCG?
  40. Cholesterol gone wild
  41. To Clinic or not to Clinic
  42. Com in off major injury of ankle n ready to go wellness center has me on program
  43. HRT Test Cyp 250mg.
  44. How many give blood regularly to combat high RBC?
  45. New Lab Results
  46. New Lab Results
  47. Need help with problems after 3 week Superdrol clone cycle.
  48. Liquidex question
  49. Trt side effects?
  50. Asastrazole and e level question
  51. testosterone and propecia
  52. My TRT Script
  53. Blood test results and ??
  54. Newbie Saying hey,, great site!
  55. Follow-up Blood Work (Test / Cholesterol)
  56. Hypothetically, What else might a sponsor call HCG ?
  57. 2x EW injections at half total dose help to lower E2 conversion?
  58. How long does it take for injections to show up on LABS ? anyone know? been searching
  59. After 5 weeks on AndroGel
  61. If achieving the same T levels, does Androgel differ in effect from T injections?
  62. Age of you guys on TRT
  63. HGH and mass gaining is this correct ????
  64. Liquidex dosing with morning erections as indicator
  65. 21 year old male blood test back, suprising!
  66. testicular shrinkage?
  67. High or low e2 cause acne?
  68. Change of plans, I need suggestions!
  69. Test too "High"?
  70. Who doesnt use an ai or has high estro and it doesnt bother them?
  71. Bloodwork Comparo over time.
  72. First HGH shot
  73. Naturopathic Doctor for HRT?
  74. Problem with hypoglycemia
  75. side effects im having ,, anymore the rest of you having that have been on it longer
  76. how do you aspirate?? I tried tonight and couldn't suck anything back at all
  77. Not being able to ejaculate?
  78. How quickly do E2 levels respond to pinning and AI's?
  79. Curious
  80. Triptorelin Log
  81. HRT, Arimidex and Lipid Profiles
  82. Day 6 of my HGH little sweaty at night
  83. Doctor prescribed testosterone
  84. Hrt side effect ...
  85. Pretty Clueless, little help??
  86. Going with an AA clinic
  87. 24 with 305 test need advice
  88. Low testosterone is common in men with cardiovascular disease and decreases survival
  89. hrt clinic recommendations
  90. Is this plan any good?
  91. self medicating
  92. Tired, lazy, weak, dizzy and going crazy
  93. Blood work question
  94. Prescription Refill Dilemma
  95. Question about aromitase enzyme upregulation and down regulation?
  96. HGH and TRT
  97. how long before you had noticable shrinkage in the sack??
  98. Are my test levels low?
  99. Are we on WAY to friggin much?
  100. When does the injection soreness finally end?
  101. Heart Disease Shock
  102. Skipping a heart beat- palpitations
  103. Do I need the Winney ??
  104. Did Your endocrinologist check you balls physically??? please read
  105. androgel equates too ?
  106. HGH What test do I ask Doc for
  107. Help with TRT, please read.
  108. New poster to forum with basic BW questions
  109. New, First post, opinions please
  110. First blood work
  111. Anyone cycle while on TRT
  112. Donating Blood while on TRT
  113. Scared to Start TRT - Please Help
  114. Are we allowed to ask questions
  115. shut down from androgel?
  116. Crusing-Blasting TRT
  117. HGH Pellets?
  118. Semen burning girlfriend. Cypionate the cause?
  119. Is this gyno?
  120. scary things about HCG
  121. Here is a dumb question.....and rambling.....
  122. Trt noob
  123. Age 23, low testosterone, need advice.
  124. Need help to understand my results
  125. HRT - HCG Breaks?
  126. Doctor said no HCG, alternatives?
  127. Why do some of you guys on TRT/HRT use ethanate over decanoate
  128. Female Testosterone cream, pregnancy?
  129. Why do some of you guys on TRT/HRT use ethanate over decanoate
  130. Urologist vs Endo
  131. Is it ever too late for HCG?
  132. Help with HCG?
  133. HCG Problems
  134. test
  135. HRT newbie advice needes
  136. Got My Blood Work Back - Need Assistance!!
  137. What is that "stuff" that increases the absorption of Androgel?
  138. New protocol, low dose pyramid? Fluctuating test levels and dopamine sensitivity.
  139. What is the highest does you've seen or heard of?
  140. Wieght gain ?
  141. what would be the ideal script?
  142. Need help from Vets
  143. Something help me with my diet issues!
  144. how many of you have low test but a good sex drive.
  145. Optimal level of estradiol while on cycle?
  146. Anyone out there with hypothyroidism?
  147. Vit D and testosterone
  148. Is there a standard name for the blood work tests?
  149. New to this
  150. Blood results. Few things on high side.
  151. TRT and use of A.I.'s
  152. Cholesterol
  153. Nolva instead of AI during HRT
  154. Been looking for a thread with Docs listed by location
  155. Reluctant Doc, Reference Ranges, and T-Level
  156. Went from T-injections to Androgel. Balls came back a bit in size, Libido better.
  157. First time on TRT. Lots of Question?
  158. adding Nandrolone Decanoate to my trt ?
  159. HCG 3rd week.
  160. does the cream work?
  161. Help guys,please..trouble brewing!!
  162. crystalized test
  163. Test cyp
  164. Will high E2 kill sex drive?
  165. No Script HCG Sites- Any concerns? Any experience?
  166. Makin the switch, T4 to T4/T3 combo
  167. What blood test do I need to get......
  168. More Advice On LOW T
  169. androgel vs axiron
  170. How long does it take
  171. Clinics and docs
  172. The future of TRT
  173. Drawing Blood!
  174. 10 week follow up results and a doctor change ....
  175. What will lower shbg
  176. Looking for any advice for my other half.
  177. Starting dosage for arimidex
  178. Blood test results in, looks like Arimidex will be needed after all.
  179. Question about donating when on?
  180. Can someone help me make sense of these results?
  181. endo appointment
  182. Sermorellin and GHRP instead of deca
  183. Any HRTers using Deca with their Test
  184. What do for pct? 6 week 30mg a day winny
  185. trt and kids
  186. Total T declines 100 points in one month- Is this normal?
  187. Do you think HCG is necessary long term for HRT?
  188. hcg amount needed
  189. trt in prison/jail?
  190. Stacking HCG and T in the same injection
  191. Current blood test results
  192. Opinions on AI dosage while on a "blast"
  193. TRT Questioning My Script
  194. Blood test prelim and newbie questions
  195. estrogen
  196. TRT and traveling
  197. what does these values mean, TRT?
  198. Peptide edut
  199. B12 Dosage/Frequency
  200. Blood test
  201. Low testosterone in realtion to low thyroid function (imbalance)
  202. how great a risk of breast cancer with female hrt?
  203. First injection ater 6 months of gel
  204. Bio-Identical Hormone Replacement Therapy for women....
  205. New to the world of TRT - difficulty voiding 30 + hours after Cypionate injection??
  206. New to the world of TRT - difficulty voiding 30 + hours after Cypionate injection??
  207. TRT an the Inner Self
  208. Who here cruises on Test or is on "self-prescribed" TRT? (no docs)
  209. ipt141 the sexual arousal peptide
  210. Appropriate time between 'blast' and blood work for Endo...
  211. Two very good articles
  212. a new problem while on TRT...SEX!
  213. TRT and SSRIs....Again
  214. Would this / does this work??
  215. Follow up on Blood test -
  216. Thanks
  217. Ripped off?
  218. Blood Test Results - Need your Help please!
  219. Yearly physical
  220. Settimg myself a goal
  221. Am I putting too much into my body
  222. Thinking of Trying TRT for a month.
  223. Motivation Help
  224. TRT questions from a Rookie
  225. please help- low T, flattened pituitary
  226. liqidex
  227. Anthem Blue Cross insurance
  228. Blood tests normal
  229. HCG while trying to conceive
  230. HCG from pharmacy
  231. Did I store my Liquidex wrong? Huge turn around on anastrozole pills.
  232. Question, I'm re-starting TRT after off for 1 year...
  233. Blood test and advice
  234. Questions for my doc
  235. On RX test... thinking of ah-89 stack?
  236. Double Red Cell Donation
  237. rookie needing advice
  238. Follow up with the doc
  239. I screwed up
  240. Free Testosterone
  241. injections and liquidex
  242. HCG for test boost?
  243. Gyno on HGC while on AI's?
  244. Low LH & FT. Dangerous Heart Lvls
  245. Anastrozole sides!
  246. Finally shutdown?
  247. Pulling The trigger
  248. looking for the proper diet and wieght training to attain goals....HELP!!!!
  249. any physiologists on board? questions about blood ph, asthma, and lactic acid
  250. Acne
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