- High Estradiol Again
- Dropped my HCG, still good to use?
- What would happen if you took a Pro-Hormone while on TRT?
- Expert panel conclusions on testosterone deficiency (TD)
- Help!
- Testosterone’s Bad Rap ~ Todd Thomas
- Holy Shat! 220 T level!
- All this talk about an AI
- Saliva test to check testosterone levels
- No appetite, but can't lose weight either....
- Have bloods drawn in 4th week or 5th week?
- TRT Increases Your Risk of Prostate Cancer...Right? False
- Shocking testosterone results
- New to HRT, please help!!
- HI! NEW HERE FROM GOLD'S VENICE Dealing with self induced Low Tes
- Customized IMT Programs – No Interest 6 Month Financing!
- IMT New Network
- Am I Primary or Secondary?
- Quick question on threshold TRT dose before own production shuts down
- Men on TRT tell me Im NOT going insane
- Know Yourself
- Increase My T Client Before and After Pictures
- Last thyroid bw is back.
- Need us to Sign Your Insurance Reimbursement Form? NO PROBLEM!
- IMT New Network - Process Review
- Those without HCG
- Blood #'s in. Please look, my estrogen is hitting the roof.
- clear liquid in nips when I squeeze them
- Thinking of adding b12 to my protcol
- I'm Back!
- Drawing the last dosage from the vial
- regaining natural test levels after years of trt and other AAS use
- What E2 levels cause gyno (ballpark); Can Clomid cause symptoms of low E2?
- Which BAC water to use to reconstitute HGH?
- 5 weeks in on TRT, low BF%, sore nipple... how about AI?
- Free T is high
- Using 100mg/week TRT as a part of my PCT
- Spam
- Want to get TRT prescribed How to lower testosterone
- PCT/TRT doctor in Australia
- Q and A with Dr Matt Week 1 ~ IMT Staff
- Normal blood tests?
- normal e2
- Increase My T New York and New Jersey New Location and Service
- Should I get back on TRT, advice needed and info inside.
- Krugerrs TRT Journey
- IMT New Network very impressed
- IGF 1 LR3 for HRT
- TRT issue need some direction/guidance on next steps
- crashed again
- Low testo treatment - your thoughts?
- Crashed E2 Levels doing subq 2x/week
- What does your total usually run on TRT?
- Options on dropping self-TRT pre-travelling, Im lost on this one now.
- New member seeking advice about possible Tren Dick
- Will donating blood effect my lab results
- Low libido
- advanced trt question for those with experience/knowledge
- latest T replacement with vitamins
- How to lower prolactin without caber?
- Long Term dangers of TRT and How to mitigate them?
- Starting TRT Journey-Hcg Question.
- TRT- how does it work with cycling
- Tesitcles hurt ?
- Lets talk luteinizing hormone
- Pre-Bloods Question - Drop the HCG / Aromasin / Nolvadex ?
- 48, got blood work what would you do?
- Pregnyl and ggt
- Big decision - to TRT or not to TRT
- restoring the hpt
- TRT + Anabolic Steroids
- Blood draw & last injection timing?
- I got blood work done
- weight gain unwanted need help
- Adderall to lower prolactin
- Prostate Biopsy
- Got Rx for Testosterone GEL...what to do now
- Advice Please on blood test for T
- Does anyone know if blood donation places check with each other?
- How low can I go..
- HRT Question..
- About to take bloodwork for TRT need advice
- Blood Test results, what do you think.
- TRT / IncreaseMyT / My Experience
- Help me figure this out?
- Just Started TRT
- Hgh script help
- Coming off of TRT to test sperm counts and vas deferens - Advice needed on Clomid
- Hcg is impossible to fill?
- Finally found a doc that would check my e2
- Can iodine supplements affect estrodial?
- HRT and Estrogen Blocker
- Increase My T Client Reviews – Testimonials
- Bloods before starting TRT
- Pharmacy giving me the legal speech to fulfill a 10Ml Test Cyp vial
- t4 damaged body?!
- When you Start Getting Hate Mail - You Know Your Doing Something Right!!!
- IMT Question (contact)
- Self Medicating TRT In The UK - Gymffiti's Journey
- TRT for 27y male
- Going from Aromasin to Arimidex on 200 mg/ wk
- High igf -1 on trt.
- Heavily considering TRT - need some oversight
- 10ML Test Vials
- First time blood work help
- First time blood work help
- Starting TRT while subclinical hypothyroid...Yay or Nay?
- Q's RE hCG starting dose & rubber bung life
- Low T what next?
- Am I primary or secondary? (lab results included)
- Low Test value: Help!
- Starting TRT again with Questions
- Female, looking for help finding doc, using for IBD
- Lackluster early results from TRT
- Need help with high estrogen levels
- Cycling while on TRT
- Looking to start TRT (again). BW just came back, looking for advice
- Planning for 1st blast
- Risks of High Estrogen, SHBG, LH
- HGH Site
- Stopped cold turkey
- Difference between injecting 100 or .5cc 200mg?
- TRT/First Cycle Overlap Questions
- Hello!
- Low Total T (123) Normal Free T (35) ?
- HRT results
- Haters gonna hate
- TRT Dosing
- Should I modify anything?
- 2 years of TRT / quit due to negative side effects / looking to start back
- I've been having some problems and I need some advice
- Strange GP giving test cyp injections
- Hopefully someone can help me out...
- Blast and Cruise Methods
- Shutdown on SARMS cycle
- Maybe I have a problem...
- Just got a call!!!
- Any help I have low T and no support
- Got my blood work today, any advice?
- First post long time reader
- Going onto HCG should I lower test dosage?
- Sabax Water or Sodium Chloride ?
- Looking for input on HGH
- Making sense of Clomid results
- Blood work is in
- HRT Qualification Easy
- Big results with Pregenelone!
- High hematocrit
- HCG Question
- TRT help
- helping the father in law.
- Clomid and body temp
- 19 year old low t help
- Blast and cruise question
- Testosterone Levels (recommended ranges discrepency).
- HCG Bad ,,Whats this Guy on about ?
- Starting TRT again after 6 months of being off my last disastrous TRT protocol.
- Bloodwork
- Finally I made it
- Bloodwork. Secondary hypogonadism, purely adrenal, or neither?
- T3 on TRT - Results Experienced?
- Here's the latest labs. Do you think the endocrinologist can or will do anything?
- TRT testing
- Wifes First HGH Cycle
- Starting Thyroid Meds
- Estardiol levels
- First bloodwork in 2 years
- Anastrozole/Estradiol question
- TRT and Cycle advice and help
- TRT Online?
- Donating Blood before 8 weeks
- Rx for HCG
- Low SHBG...cause for concern??
- FDA adds abuse warning to rx testosterone
- Wondering if this is a good trt protocol
- TRT newbie
- Going for it without a doctor
- Out of Shape, High Blood Pressure, TRT prescribed....am I missing something
- It never stops
- Peptides vs HGh
- Best High Blood Pressure Meds for Erections
- E2 is high, but feel better at this number.
- safest steroid
- How to decrease DHT
- Can somene tell me what is going on with my TRt
- Peculiar problem developing
- TRT test questions
- Post-Finasteride Syndrome Not Related to Androgen Deficiency (Article)
- best of two sex drive increasers?
- I left my hCG out, room temperature.
- Test Ent+Primobolan for blasting
- Anyone want to give me their insight to my high RBC
- HCG with B12
- IMT and insurance
- Irregular heartbeat on TRT
- Doctor wants to add HCG...
- TRT BloodWork Questions
- GH and Peptides ~
- Hormone replacement therapy - What you need to know ~
- Can HRT and neurotransmitters help mood disorders?
- Heavy steroid users become impotent?
- anyone taking aromisan (AI) on trt / cruise
- Trying to figure out if i can afford to blast
- Super High Test Levels at 100mg/Week
- Low T at 23
- Testosterone production
- Wondering if I can use Deca on TRT with my current labs.
- Need advice before appt tomorrow
- fear of regret going on HRT/TRT
- HCG to jump start the "boys" bc Wanting Kids in about 6 months?
- Water retention / Bloat
- high estrodial
- Will lifting raise my blood pressure?
- NEED ADVICE - 24 Year Old considering TRT
- No TRT
- TRT protocol
- Anyone use Labcorp?
- Advice Please
- High E2 after 3 years on TRT
- So my PSA has skyrocketed
- 19, Low T
- Low free Testo, high
- Tren & Winstrol Caused Me to Lose Libido Permanently?
- Testosterone Dosing Math
- Dropping HCG
- Low SHBG, cause?
- Need Help Extreme Hypogonadism!
- discontinue-scheme after a short term TRT
- Test E
- 19 - Is it hormone fluxiations?
- 10 weeks in on TRT... Fat loss?
- Latest B/W - Elevated Numbers
- Trestorelone instead of Test for TRT?
- TRT Questions
- Going to Thailand
- Making TRT work for muscle growth
- New BW
- Is lowtestosterone.com still in business?
- Same old story? High SHBG, High Total T, Low free T. Thyroid issues? Lab work inside
- Maybe starting TRT. Here is story and some questions.
- sermorelin discontinued?
- Cheapest T pharmacies
- taking some extra
- Initial labwork - low free t, high shbg feedback please
- Gel > Pellets > Injections: My lessions learned and need help with next steps
- Need advice: On HRT, want to add Nadrolone deca for adjunct for more mass.
- 23 y/o test results. Thoughts?
- High total estrogens meaning?
- Walgreens:10cc Vial, Test C for $15.24
- Interesting Nandrolone Study