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  1. Arimdex and HCG use
  2. endo doc that will prescribe hgh in chicago
  3. TEST levels getting lower!!
  4. My Endo wants to give me LH Injects 3x per week...got a question about this...
  5. If I jump on a cycle, will I notice effects faster than if I jump on TRT?
  6. Andro gel for one night-???
  7. i got dumped because gynecomastia.. have endo/surgery appointment lined up.
  8. not using entire amp....
  9. my lab results, hypo?
  10. Graves Disease Update
  11. Older males and HRT mg Question
  12. Real or not igf1?? Your take....
  13. Came back from doc - test levels at 150!!!!!
  14. Arimidex Results!
  15. Sperm count while on trt
  16. Stupid newbie question about TRT
  17. Can you still have kids on trt
  18. Trt
  19. bloodwork websites
  20. free hgh
  21. Growth Hormone Dosage?
  22. HRT clinics....godd ones? bad ones?
  23. Anything to help get low GH levels for blood test?
  24. Finding the right doctors
  25. epiao vs epo
  26. Brief Help please T and E
  27. Am I UNSUPRESSABLE? ...plan not working
  28. Bloodwork sticky please see
  29. Got first shot today!
  30. ending cycle wondering if i can do hrt during PCTs
  31. anavar
  32. Seeing TRT Doctor today
  33. how to get tested?
  34. Quick Blood test Question
  35. HG plus HCG
  36. HRT Later in life?
  37. Need Endo in Houston
  38. Have a Question...
  39. Odd Question
  40. Doc prescribing HCG- A few ?'s
  41. Timing sucks..but did get my first shot on Monday
  42. androgel and fat loss
  43. Question on HGH Dosage
  44. possible low test questions
  45. *****, ************, & Signature: Bust!
  46. Long term TRT concerns...
  47. Testerone Gel
  48. pituatary(sp) gland
  49. Testosterone Too High?
  50. How do you find a good TRT doc?
  51. Doc rx test, wat dosages are given? wat kind of test?
  52. help about to go to the docs
  53. test hrt 125 vs 250mg
  54. talking to your doctor
  55. Hcg
  56. I'm in a bind...
  57. TRT Cycle
  58. TRT and Ordering
  59. HGH Dosage?
  60. Kidneys
  61. HCG to treat varicocel Pros only please
  62. Lyme Disease
  63. Endo
  64. Stomach Cramps, Pains & Bloated
  65. Going in for shot #3 AND instructions for home...
  66. TRT quest
  67. TRT Experienced advice
  68. testogel blood tests
  69. Texas braces for Erin And fkc me ha ah
  70. long term issues with trt
  71. My dad
  72. Starting the TRT quest
  73. this sucks big time
  74. does...?
  75. Experience Feedback On Your Hrt
  76. HRT with doc
  77. Test levels
  78. doc wouldnt check my test levels, PLEASE READ
  79. Are there any endocronologist or someone with GREAT knowledge to answer a question?
  80. I have lost it and need to find it again!
  81. 62 yr female deca or Var
  82. Blood tested/Low Test Levels Please Help.
  83. Australia
  84. hrt dosage of 200mg / 2 wks ?
  85. Blue Cross/Blue Shield
  86. 250mg Testosterone enthanate weekly?
  87. Here are my test results...high cholesterol
  88. Genotropin or Somatropin that is my issue!!
  89. Hrt In Mexico
  90. Saliva Test Kit Results are in
  91. Saizen
  92. 6 weeks into TRT
  93. Anyone use an out of state clinic?
  94. AndroGel in Mexico (Testosterone Therapy)
  95. Men v Women
  96. Gel, patch, cream, or injections?
  97. HGH needles and how to mix? I need help
  98. What to add to HRT??
  99. Anti E
  100. High Sex Drive, Low Test Level.
  101. MRI for low test??
  102. HRT at 23!!??
  103. Dosing on HGH
  104. My nuts have shrunken!
  105. very low test levels 2 months after cycle
  106. When to go to the doc
  107. wow
  108. Testosterone pellet therepy
  109. GH & Test
  110. hrt for my dad 55 yrs old
  111. ALCAR / ALA for antiaging/longevity
  112. TRT Question
  113. Deca and Test for TRT in Florida?
  114. Starting TRT
  115. Question on IGF Testing
  116. My Test Levels
  117. How to lower Testosterone??
  118. Hi all and Some History
  119. Test and HRT 4 ever?
  120. Done HRT? I need your help!
  121. Doc in south fl
  122. Workout
  123. low test and going nuts!
  124. Houston Endo
  125. have a low test problem and need help
  126. Serostim Question
  127. Testosterone Results--How Long?
  128. Anymore clinics that still take insurance
  129. Found a new doc today!! Have ??'s
  130. Need HRT!
  131. HRT Advice
  132. Self Administer
  133. chronic back pain and steriods
  134. Pituitary Growth Hormone
  135. Test Pellets?
  136. Physically Lower Testosterone?
  137. testim 1%
  138. Your Hrt Program
  139. Trt?
  140. what should i expect now???
  141. Eyes Changed Since Being On TRT
  142. Wikpedia info. on HGH True or False???
  143. Serveral questions, need some expert advice.
  144. NYC HRT Recommendation?
  145. HCG for TRT
  146. Anyone with pituary tumor experience here?
  147. Got my bolld work and now what
  148. How long for Arimidex to work?
  149. In the military can I just flat out ask for HRT?
  150. Blood works in, now what?
  151. How to avoid cyp from converting to est?
  152. Cyp from Mexico
  153. Any HRT people on HGH?
  154. Hrt Off Period
  155. 5-htp
  156. LH desensitizing from HCG, dose dependant?
  157. What are Mass tabs?
  158. Information
  159. My HRT going great
  160. Newbie
  161. Newbie on TRT
  162. 3 illness in 2 months kicked my ass
  163. Androgel Question Please Help
  164. clomid during HRT
  165. Looking for a boost
  166. Anyone stack Sust 250 and Testim gel?
  167. Please Comment on Replacement Regimen
  168. Does this look like TRT required bloodwork....
  169. Genheal HGH???
  170. how low do my test levels need to be to get a script
  171. adderall
  172. My brother saw a doc and he gave him Test c
  173. ok getting ready to start back help please
  174. Where did all the HRT and TRT clinics go?
  175. Newbie - Finished 1st Cycle - Questions!
  176. help-androgel/testim question
  177. Best steroid creams going to doc today
  178. do doc prescribe a good HGH in us
  179. Testosterone drops
  180. 39 yrs old male on HRT
  181. Anyone get hot while using Sust 250 or gel?
  182. Going to Doctors!
  183. Making A Come Back
  184. HRT/TRT program question and progress
  185. Blood when you asparate HGH shot
  186. Question about getting a doctor..
  187. Does "Gyno" refer to coversion of test to est?
  188. Treating sore injection site
  189. 160mg EW cyp TRT, or 80mg twice a week?
  190. 20 Years Old & Low Tesosterone -- Should I Get A Prescription for Test, HCG, or Not?
  191. GreenTops(GHG)
  192. fat face
  193. Amount of test absorbed
  194. Who Should NOT do HRT???
  195. Wouldn’t the Insurance companies prefer we use Cypionate instead of the Gels?
  196. Is this "enough" ?
  197. blood work info
  198. 27 yr old 185 Test
  199. 250mg of sust per month!
  200. United Healthcare?? TRT!!!
  201. Irregular heartbeat from GH
  202. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island
  203. Got My First Shot Today!
  204. Hold the needle...AIs better for "hrt"? read this...
  205. anyone know of a good Endocrinologist?
  206. my newest labs
  207. Alternatives
  208. ??? hrt, can i be a cantidate???
  209. Clomid only from doc
  210. Level 2 Melanoma Diagnosed Today
  211. "Well that's a part of getting older..."
  212. Is there an Oral Test that I can take
  213. Test Prop Half Life
  214. proviron for hrt
  215. HRT and Deca – not an AS post
  216. once a month injection??
  217. test or hgh from your doc????
  218. Blue Cross/Blue Shield in CO
  219. N the army
  220. What’s dose for test e and HRT?
  221. Low test levels; Do you think it is due to overtraining?
  222. GH info
  223. Looking For Help
  224. low thyroid
  225. AS while on TRT
  226. Mexico doctors...
  227. gin miniquicks
  228. Any Good HRT Docs in Toronto Canada
  229. pct vs. trt
  230. HRT - Steady or cycle??
  231. Is my doctor looking into prescribing for me?
  232. Edited. Read the board rules.
  233. HRT Frequency Question
  234. Medco
  235. HRT Doc;s in North Jersey?
  236. Tired and Need Advice Please
  237. Normal Test Levels
  238. HRT and Cycle??
  239. Perscription Aromatese Inhibitors?
  240. hrp for an 18 year old
  241. Finally got the test results back...
  242. OK, Doctor prescribed meTESTOSTERONE CYP
  243. Dhea
  244. Doctor prescribed me Testosterone CYP. Opinions needed.
  245. Luteinizing hormone question.....
  246. HRT in 20's
  247. HRT and cycling...Q
  248. Update on my search for the right hrt
  249. Thanks from last post
  250. colds and flu
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