- Arimdex and HCG use
- endo doc that will prescribe hgh in chicago
- TEST levels getting lower!!
- My Endo wants to give me LH Injects 3x per week...got a question about this...
- If I jump on a cycle, will I notice effects faster than if I jump on TRT?
- Andro gel for one night-???
- i got dumped because gynecomastia.. have endo/surgery appointment lined up.
- not using entire amp....
- my lab results, hypo?
- Graves Disease Update
- Older males and HRT mg Question
- Real or not igf1?? Your take....
- Came back from doc - test levels at 150!!!!!
- Arimidex Results!
- Sperm count while on trt
- Stupid newbie question about TRT
- Can you still have kids on trt
- Trt
- bloodwork websites
- free hgh
- Growth Hormone Dosage?
- HRT clinics....godd ones? bad ones?
- Anything to help get low GH levels for blood test?
- Finding the right doctors
- epiao vs epo
- Brief Help please T and E
- Am I UNSUPRESSABLE? ...plan not working
- Bloodwork sticky please see
- Got first shot today!
- ending cycle wondering if i can do hrt during PCTs
- anavar
- Seeing TRT Doctor today
- how to get tested?
- Quick Blood test Question
- HG plus HCG
- HRT Later in life?
- Need Endo in Houston
- Have a Question...
- Odd Question
- Doc prescribing HCG- A few ?'s
- Timing sucks..but did get my first shot on Monday
- androgel and fat loss
- Question on HGH Dosage
- possible low test questions
- *****, ************, & Signature: Bust!
- Long term TRT concerns...
- Testerone Gel
- pituatary(sp) gland
- Testosterone Too High?
- How do you find a good TRT doc?
- Doc rx test, wat dosages are given? wat kind of test?
- help about to go to the docs
- test hrt 125 vs 250mg
- talking to your doctor
- Hcg
- I'm in a bind...
- TRT Cycle
- TRT and Ordering
- HGH Dosage?
- Kidneys
- HCG to treat varicocel Pros only please
- Lyme Disease
- Endo
- Stomach Cramps, Pains & Bloated
- Going in for shot #3 AND instructions for home...
- TRT quest
- TRT Experienced advice
- testogel blood tests
- Texas braces for Erin And fkc me ha ah
- long term issues with trt
- My dad
- Starting the TRT quest
- this sucks big time
- does...?
- Experience Feedback On Your Hrt
- HRT with doc
- Test levels
- doc wouldnt check my test levels, PLEASE READ
- Are there any endocronologist or someone with GREAT knowledge to answer a question?
- I have lost it and need to find it again!
- 62 yr female deca or Var
- Blood tested/Low Test Levels Please Help.
- Australia
- hrt dosage of 200mg / 2 wks ?
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield
- 250mg Testosterone enthanate weekly?
- Here are my test results...high cholesterol
- Genotropin or Somatropin that is my issue!!
- Hrt In Mexico
- Saliva Test Kit Results are in
- Saizen
- 6 weeks into TRT
- Anyone use an out of state clinic?
- AndroGel in Mexico (Testosterone Therapy)
- Men v Women
- Gel, patch, cream, or injections?
- HGH needles and how to mix? I need help
- What to add to HRT??
- Anti E
- High Sex Drive, Low Test Level.
- MRI for low test??
- HRT at 23!!??
- Dosing on HGH
- My nuts have shrunken!
- very low test levels 2 months after cycle
- When to go to the doc
- wow
- Testosterone pellet therepy
- GH & Test
- hrt for my dad 55 yrs old
- ALCAR / ALA for antiaging/longevity
- TRT Question
- Deca and Test for TRT in Florida?
- Starting TRT
- Question on IGF Testing
- My Test Levels
- How to lower Testosterone??
- Hi all and Some History
- Test and HRT 4 ever?
- Done HRT? I need your help!
- Doc in south fl
- Workout
- low test and going nuts!
- Houston Endo
- have a low test problem and need help
- Serostim Question
- Testosterone Results--How Long?
- Anymore clinics that still take insurance
- Found a new doc today!! Have ??'s
- Need HRT!
- HRT Advice
- Self Administer
- chronic back pain and steriods
- Pituitary Growth Hormone
- Test Pellets?
- Physically Lower Testosterone?
- testim 1%
- Your Hrt Program
- Trt?
- what should i expect now???
- Eyes Changed Since Being On TRT
- Wikpedia info. on HGH True or False???
- Serveral questions, need some expert advice.
- NYC HRT Recommendation?
- HCG for TRT
- Anyone with pituary tumor experience here?
- Got my bolld work and now what
- How long for Arimidex to work?
- In the military can I just flat out ask for HRT?
- Blood works in, now what?
- How to avoid cyp from converting to est?
- Cyp from Mexico
- Any HRT people on HGH?
- Hrt Off Period
- 5-htp
- LH desensitizing from HCG, dose dependant?
- What are Mass tabs?
- Information
- My HRT going great
- Newbie
- Newbie on TRT
- 3 illness in 2 months kicked my ass
- Androgel Question Please Help
- clomid during HRT
- Looking for a boost
- Anyone stack Sust 250 and Testim gel?
- Please Comment on Replacement Regimen
- Does this look like TRT required bloodwork....
- Genheal HGH???
- how low do my test levels need to be to get a script
- adderall
- My brother saw a doc and he gave him Test c
- ok getting ready to start back help please
- Where did all the HRT and TRT clinics go?
- Newbie - Finished 1st Cycle - Questions!
- help-androgel/testim question
- Best steroid creams going to doc today
- do doc prescribe a good HGH in us
- Testosterone drops
- 39 yrs old male on HRT
- Anyone get hot while using Sust 250 or gel?
- Going to Doctors!
- Making A Come Back
- HRT/TRT program question and progress
- Blood when you asparate HGH shot
- Question about getting a doctor..
- Does "Gyno" refer to coversion of test to est?
- Treating sore injection site
- 160mg EW cyp TRT, or 80mg twice a week?
- 20 Years Old & Low Tesosterone -- Should I Get A Prescription for Test, HCG, or Not?
- GreenTops(GHG)
- fat face
- Amount of test absorbed
- Who Should NOT do HRT???
- Wouldn’t the Insurance companies prefer we use Cypionate instead of the Gels?
- Is this "enough" ?
- blood work info
- 27 yr old 185 Test
- 250mg of sust per month!
- United Healthcare?? TRT!!!
- Irregular heartbeat from GH
- Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island
- Got My First Shot Today!
- Hold the needle...AIs better for "hrt"? read this...
- anyone know of a good Endocrinologist?
- my newest labs
- Alternatives
- ??? hrt, can i be a cantidate???
- Clomid only from doc
- Level 2 Melanoma Diagnosed Today
- "Well that's a part of getting older..."
- Is there an Oral Test that I can take
- Test Prop Half Life
- proviron for hrt
- HRT and Deca – not an AS post
- once a month injection??
- test or hgh from your doc????
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield in CO
- N the army
- What’s dose for test e and HRT?
- Low test levels; Do you think it is due to overtraining?
- GH info
- Looking For Help
- low thyroid
- AS while on TRT
- Mexico doctors...
- gin miniquicks
- Any Good HRT Docs in Toronto Canada
- pct vs. trt
- HRT - Steady or cycle??
- Is my doctor looking into prescribing for me?
- Edited. Read the board rules.
- HRT Frequency Question
- Medco
- HRT Doc;s in North Jersey?
- Tired and Need Advice Please
- Normal Test Levels
- HRT and Cycle??
- Perscription Aromatese Inhibitors?
- hrp for an 18 year old
- Finally got the test results back...
- OK, Doctor prescribed meTESTOSTERONE CYP
- Dhea
- Doctor prescribed me Testosterone CYP. Opinions needed.
- Luteinizing hormone question.....
- HRT in 20's
- HRT and cycling...Q
- Update on my search for the right hrt
- Thanks from last post
- colds and flu