- My endo is an idiot
- Expiration on Bacteriostatic Water
- Kisspeptin
- Small Balls!
- HHow long until hormones return to normal after a winstrol cycle?
- IGF 1 and hgh Questions
- Post Pellet Pains
- Is anyone using GHRP 2 or 6, and what benefits could there be while on TRT ?
- Looking for memebers to help grow the forum on LowTestosterone.com...
- Hgh guidance
- Is this lab order sufficient?
- DHEA micronized ?
- Low-T BodyLogic MD Update. I now think its all in my head!
- Has anyone switched to using to Using LowTestosterone.com?
- 35 years old, no libido ED with labs
- Should HCG be part of TRT
- Scally and Crisler posts removed from sticky
- Nebido and splitting
- 1st blood work test results
- HCG and Sudden hairloss or male pattern baldness...any connection
- DHT levels are bottomed out!
- 1st Post, could use some advice!
- Scar Tissue Worry
- Nelson Vergel Consultation
- Trt and no libido
- just starting
- new clomid drug for males
- Even with HCG my testes shrank a TON. Anything I can do about this?
- B12 injection stinks really bad?!
- 2 weeks into test cyp is it possible its kicking in already?
- Residual gynocomastia from 25 years ago
- I need guidance on how to measure 1st injection correctly.
- TRT Frustration
- Adrenal question.
- just got a call back from the clinical trial team
- Finally found a great doc in North Dallas
- No BS Assessment
- Is anyone happy on 200-300 mg test cyp every other week?
- My PCP is clueless
- Introducing another HRT Specialist for Steroid.com! - LowT Mike
- Reconstituting 10,000IU’s of HCG
- The New Normal
- HCG bloodwork results
- Review of current Protocol including all supps
- Ai's while on trt
- Low-T Endo & HRT appointments Update
- Just out: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis Disruptions in Older Men Are Differe
- Anyone get sick first few weeks of TRT?
- TRT and depression/anxiety
- Viking's 6 month bloodwork WITH HCG, NEED HELP!!
- At 28, put on TRT by uro. -- Curious why my T is low? (blood work included)
- blood work from Endo follow up 4-8-13
- New Labs!! :D
- Blood test results
- hcg and travel, will it spoil?
- hcg
- Supraphysiological testosterone long term risk
- GD's Supplements
- Deprenyl/Selegilene heads up
- Do I need HRT?
- Interpreting my blood test results?
- Blood work with low SHBG
- Help
- Just about to start HRT tomorrow, 400mg Test C EOW?
- Testosterone Cypionate dosage question
- Arimidex causing arthritis? Help!
- pharmacy is out of hcg
- Check up
- "DHEA - The Real Story"
- First Real post - Finally saw the MD.
- Blood Work Advice Needed
- Doctor's opinion on HCG (gdevine opinion?)
- Subq, how's everyone doing?
- Is it legal to buy hcg through the mail
- Looking for cheaper Cialis
- I just did my first HCG shot. What now?
- Just signed up at lowtestosterone.com
- Should I lower my TRT dosage while injured?
- After reading stickies i don't trust my doctor...
- urology appt on friday!
- Please Help - Blood results
- does weight matter in shot dosage ?
- E2 Low - Still Need Arimidex?
- Just started new TRT therapy with new doctor looking for advice..
- Rookie TRT question
- Testosterone and dry eyes
- no sex drive
- hcg
- Please Help - Blood Work Results
- son has low t3 levels
- Arimidex Question
- HCG on hrt and testes shrinking
- My Endo Starting to Play Games with Me?
- Getting ready to start TRT
- What is alcohol's effect on the metabolism of exogenous testosterone?
- TRT and other medications.
- more estrogen questions
- Hydrogel
- HRT and semen volume
- How do you inject? Hard or soft?
- 4 month dial in bloodwork
- Nettle Root / Stinging Nettle - Optimal 'type'?
- Does HRT keep your natural production?
- Blood Work Results after 6wks on TRT
- I got my new number
- high hematocrit levels and erection problems
- depo
- 6 weeks into TRT, labs show Test is lower?
- 24 year old - Low Testosterone and Follow-up Blood work
- TRT dosing, Reference charts & questions.
- Direct me to a good Test Boost
- testicle pain on HCG monotherapy
- TRT and HGH
- Question about HGH (daily vs EOD)
- talked with the clinical trial woman
- I Received my dad's blood work please read!
- cialis
- TRT test levels
- Questions about changes in libido
- on trt and soon hgh for chronic fatigue
- Variocele surgery and improved T levels
- Can you lower your testosterone level before a blood test?
- Low Test
- Optimum SHBG
- Can I run a cycle of Deca while on TRT
- Test results question
- Klinefelter Androgen Therapy
- Bw - side effects - post pct
- new doc
- Just started HRT.
- What would be good to stack with my Test?
- Red Blood cell question
- Is it ever too late to start hCG?
- 4 month dial in bloodwork ,part 2
- HCG and B12
- Please help me low t but doc says its ok
- nebido aveed fda split vote
- Amount of BAC water, does it really matter?
- should I ask my doctor about taking airmidex while im on HCG monotherapy?
- TRT, fertility, and FSH
- had my urology appt today
- HCG Dosage/Frequency
- New Doc and new Blood work
- GH with adrenal and thyroid issues
- Air Travel With HCG
- 28 y/o male, 427 ng/dl total, 6.8 pg/ml free, what gives?
- ai timing
- Erection problems or normal?
- TRT or not
- Raising HDL with Orange juice?
- sleep issues on trt?
- 6 week labs done. Thyroid issues. Need advice
- What day for AI?
- T 450
- High blood pressure help.
- What to do with HCG when travelling?
- E2 problems after adding HCG at 250iu 2xWeek. Worried about AI dose.
- E2 problems after adding HCG at 250iu 2xWeek.
- GenF20plus
- getting free T higher
- Is my Prolactin high? Blood work inside
- Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Cardiovascular Risk
- interesting article on research company's in Chicago Tribune
- Test dosage change
- First Blood Work Since Joining The Forum
- Doc prescribed 75 mg test cyp twice a week, question on refilling script
- Since starting TRT I cant run for Shit
- TRT/TestC/depression?
- Why not Clomid? To prevent atrophy?
- lowtestosterone.com new patient
- Need Some Help on Lab Work
- I am so screwed!
- Lowtestosterone.com
- Need some advice/suggestions. Low T 24 Years Old and Insurance denied androgel
- Kelkel here are the labs you asked for
- Deca prescription
- another stupid question
- Giving HUGE Props to the men and women on this forum.....
- trt and bone growth
- Wait how long after cycle for first BW for TRT?
- Letrozole Vs. Adex?
- Psoriasis linked to TRT at all?
- So many Docs are such a scam
- Docs are more riskier than guns!
- My HRT visit
- Finally got a script for HCG,hooray !
- Blood donation question- Platelet donation?
- At what dose of test and HCG does acne typically occur?
- 4/24/13 My First TRT Injection
- BW Tomorrow... fast??
- Loosing fat while on TRT
- Compounded HCG?
- Regaining Fertility on TRT
- Help!! Blood Work x 2 - Low Libido!!
- Are Cypionate and Enthanate Interchangeable??????
- AI question help
- Where can I get Cialis?
- new BW
- Can TRT cause high prolactin levels?
- Anything for painful injection site?
- How many here juice and what kind
- Help me figure out whats wrong with me - 22 No sex Drive
- Elk Grove Kaiser TRT
- Need to go to an endo to get treated but...
- About to start TRT Pellets! Right or Wrong?
- HCG dosage
- timing of hcg
- HRT Clinics in Los Angeles (that are lenient with prescribing?)
- Testing hypothyroid without symptoms? This may explain why. *STUDY*
- Working already?
- Moody
- Took the plunge, my HRT log
- Help with new blood work
- When will CIalis become legally generic in USA and Canada?
- got my blood results back please look at and comment~
- Tired... To much Stane?
- Using clomid to increase testosterone
- Two weeks into TRT - observations
- Whats your protocol on.......
- What you guys think......
- Blood circulation issues??
- Etiology of hypogonadism
- Low E2 Question (with a link to kelkel's experience)
- The boys are hurting?
- Looking for a Doc in SE Michigan... please help
- Prostate health
- hcg injection timing
- Anybody have any experience using DIM to help control E2 ?
- doesit even matter if they findout why your t is low?
- What You Need to Know about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
- HCG and Adex, prescribed but not available...
- Met with a new Endo today and very interested on some insight on our conversation
- Does test cyp absorb thru the skin?
- Los Angeles Clinics (or near by?)
- 1 year and 9 months on TRT and in the middle of a small Blast. Blood Work
- Test and arthritis
- A-fib and TRT
- Androgel and Bloating
- Which HCG to get???
- 2nd Injection 5/1/13
- New protocol...What do you think?
- HRT Help
- How exactly does TRT help reduce belly fat?
- hcg mix
- Please read and advise
- Testosterone reduces visceral fat and increases muscle mass in non-obese men
- Blood letting symptoms??
- Glute Injections
- New Dr tomorrow! / a question.
- Low sex drive, Age 20 - Is my T level bad?