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  1. My endo is an idiot
  2. Expiration on Bacteriostatic Water
  3. Kisspeptin
  4. Small Balls!
  5. HHow long until hormones return to normal after a winstrol cycle?
  6. IGF 1 and hgh Questions
  7. Post Pellet Pains
  8. Is anyone using GHRP 2 or 6, and what benefits could there be while on TRT ?
  9. Looking for memebers to help grow the forum on LowTestosterone.com...
  10. Hgh guidance
  11. Is this lab order sufficient?
  12. DHEA micronized ?
  13. Low-T BodyLogic MD Update. I now think its all in my head!
  14. Has anyone switched to using to Using LowTestosterone.com?
  15. 35 years old, no libido ED with labs
  16. Should HCG be part of TRT
  17. Scally and Crisler posts removed from sticky
  18. Nebido and splitting
  19. 1st blood work test results
  20. HCG and Sudden hairloss or male pattern baldness...any connection
  21. DHT levels are bottomed out!
  22. 1st Post, could use some advice!
  23. Scar Tissue Worry
  24. Nelson Vergel Consultation
  25. Trt and no libido
  26. just starting
  27. new clomid drug for males
  28. Even with HCG my testes shrank a TON. Anything I can do about this?
  29. B12 injection stinks really bad?!
  30. 2 weeks into test cyp is it possible its kicking in already?
  31. Residual gynocomastia from 25 years ago
  32. I need guidance on how to measure 1st injection correctly.
  33. TRT Frustration
  34. Adrenal question.
  35. just got a call back from the clinical trial team
  36. Finally found a great doc in North Dallas
  37. No BS Assessment
  38. Is anyone happy on 200-300 mg test cyp every other week?
  39. My PCP is clueless
  40. Introducing another HRT Specialist for Steroid.com! - LowT Mike
  41. Reconstituting 10,000IU’s of HCG
  42. The New Normal
  43. HCG bloodwork results
  44. Review of current Protocol including all supps
  45. Ai's while on trt
  46. Low-T Endo & HRT appointments Update
  47. Just out: Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Testicular Axis Disruptions in Older Men Are Differe
  48. Anyone get sick first few weeks of TRT?
  49. TRT and depression/anxiety
  50. Viking's 6 month bloodwork WITH HCG, NEED HELP!!
  51. At 28, put on TRT by uro. -- Curious why my T is low? (blood work included)
  52. blood work from Endo follow up 4-8-13
  53. New Labs!! :D
  54. Blood test results
  55. hcg and travel, will it spoil?
  56. hcg
  57. Supraphysiological testosterone long term risk
  58. GD's Supplements
  59. Deprenyl/Selegilene heads up
  60. Do I need HRT?
  61. Interpreting my blood test results?
  62. Blood work with low SHBG
  63. Help
  64. Just about to start HRT tomorrow, 400mg Test C EOW?
  65. Testosterone Cypionate dosage question
  66. Arimidex causing arthritis? Help!
  67. pharmacy is out of hcg
  68. Check up
  69. "DHEA - The Real Story"
  70. First Real post - Finally saw the MD.
  71. Blood Work Advice Needed
  72. Doctor's opinion on HCG (gdevine opinion?)
  73. Subq, how's everyone doing?
  74. Is it legal to buy hcg through the mail
  75. Looking for cheaper Cialis
  76. I just did my first HCG shot. What now?
  77. Just signed up at lowtestosterone.com
  78. Should I lower my TRT dosage while injured?
  79. After reading stickies i don't trust my doctor...
  80. urology appt on friday!
  81. Please Help - Blood results
  82. does weight matter in shot dosage ?
  83. E2 Low - Still Need Arimidex?
  84. Just started new TRT therapy with new doctor looking for advice..
  85. Rookie TRT question
  86. Testosterone and dry eyes
  87. no sex drive
  88. hcg
  89. Please Help - Blood Work Results
  90. son has low t3 levels
  91. Arimidex Question
  92. HCG on hrt and testes shrinking
  93. My Endo Starting to Play Games with Me?
  94. Getting ready to start TRT
  95. What is alcohol's effect on the metabolism of exogenous testosterone?
  96. TRT and other medications.
  97. more estrogen questions
  98. Hydrogel
  99. HRT and semen volume
  100. How do you inject? Hard or soft?
  101. 4 month dial in bloodwork
  102. Nettle Root / Stinging Nettle - Optimal 'type'?
  103. Does HRT keep your natural production?
  104. Blood Work Results after 6wks on TRT
  105. I got my new number
  106. high hematocrit levels and erection problems
  107. depo
  108. 6 weeks into TRT, labs show Test is lower?
  109. 24 year old - Low Testosterone and Follow-up Blood work
  110. TRT dosing, Reference charts & questions.
  111. Direct me to a good Test Boost
  112. testicle pain on HCG monotherapy
  113. TRT and HGH
  114. Question about HGH (daily vs EOD)
  115. talked with the clinical trial woman
  116. I Received my dad's blood work please read!
  117. cialis
  118. TRT test levels
  119. Questions about changes in libido
  120. on trt and soon hgh for chronic fatigue
  121. Variocele surgery and improved T levels
  122. Can you lower your testosterone level before a blood test?
  123. Low Test
  124. Optimum SHBG
  125. Can I run a cycle of Deca while on TRT
  126. Test results question
  127. Klinefelter Androgen Therapy
  128. Bw - side effects - post pct
  129. new doc
  130. Just started HRT.
  131. What would be good to stack with my Test?
  132. Red Blood cell question
  133. Is it ever too late to start hCG?
  134. 4 month dial in bloodwork ,part 2
  135. HCG and B12
  136. Please help me low t but doc says its ok
  137. nebido aveed fda split vote
  138. Amount of BAC water, does it really matter?
  139. should I ask my doctor about taking airmidex while im on HCG monotherapy?
  140. TRT, fertility, and FSH
  141. had my urology appt today
  142. HCG Dosage/Frequency
  143. New Doc and new Blood work
  144. GH with adrenal and thyroid issues
  145. Air Travel With HCG
  146. 28 y/o male, 427 ng/dl total, 6.8 pg/ml free, what gives?
  147. ai timing
  148. Erection problems or normal?
  149. TRT or not
  150. Raising HDL with Orange juice?
  151. sleep issues on trt?
  152. 6 week labs done. Thyroid issues. Need advice
  153. What day for AI?
  154. T 450
  155. High blood pressure help.
  156. What to do with HCG when travelling?
  157. E2 problems after adding HCG at 250iu 2xWeek. Worried about AI dose.
  158. E2 problems after adding HCG at 250iu 2xWeek.
  159. GenF20plus
  160. getting free T higher
  161. Is my Prolactin high? Blood work inside
  162. Androgen Deprivation Therapy and Cardiovascular Risk
  163. interesting article on research company's in Chicago Tribune
  164. Test dosage change
  165. First Blood Work Since Joining The Forum
  166. Doc prescribed 75 mg test cyp twice a week, question on refilling script
  167. Since starting TRT I cant run for Shit
  168. TRT/TestC/depression?
  169. Why not Clomid? To prevent atrophy?
  170. lowtestosterone.com new patient
  171. Need Some Help on Lab Work
  172. I am so screwed!
  173. Lowtestosterone.com
  174. Need some advice/suggestions. Low T 24 Years Old and Insurance denied androgel
  175. Kelkel here are the labs you asked for
  176. Deca prescription
  177. another stupid question
  178. Giving HUGE Props to the men and women on this forum.....
  179. trt and bone growth
  180. Wait how long after cycle for first BW for TRT?
  181. Letrozole Vs. Adex?
  182. Psoriasis linked to TRT at all?
  183. So many Docs are such a scam
  184. Docs are more riskier than guns!
  185. My HRT visit
  186. Finally got a script for HCG,hooray !
  187. Blood donation question- Platelet donation?
  188. At what dose of test and HCG does acne typically occur?
  189. 4/24/13 My First TRT Injection
  190. BW Tomorrow... fast??
  191. Loosing fat while on TRT
  192. Compounded HCG?
  193. Regaining Fertility on TRT
  194. Help!! Blood Work x 2 - Low Libido!!
  195. Are Cypionate and Enthanate Interchangeable??????
  196. AI question help
  197. Where can I get Cialis?
  198. new BW
  199. Can TRT cause high prolactin levels?
  200. Anything for painful injection site?
  201. How many here juice and what kind
  202. Help me figure out whats wrong with me - 22 No sex Drive
  203. Elk Grove Kaiser TRT
  204. Need to go to an endo to get treated but...
  205. About to start TRT Pellets! Right or Wrong?
  206. HCG dosage
  207. timing of hcg
  208. HRT Clinics in Los Angeles (that are lenient with prescribing?)
  209. Testing hypothyroid without symptoms? This may explain why. *STUDY*
  210. Working already?
  211. Moody
  212. Took the plunge, my HRT log
  213. Help with new blood work
  214. When will CIalis become legally generic in USA and Canada?
  215. got my blood results back please look at and comment~
  216. Tired... To much Stane?
  217. Using clomid to increase testosterone
  218. Two weeks into TRT - observations
  219. Whats your protocol on.......
  220. What you guys think......
  221. Blood circulation issues??
  222. Etiology of hypogonadism
  223. Low E2 Question (with a link to kelkel's experience)
  224. The boys are hurting?
  225. Looking for a Doc in SE Michigan... please help
  226. Prostate health
  227. hcg injection timing
  228. Anybody have any experience using DIM to help control E2 ?
  229. doesit even matter if they findout why your t is low?
  230. What You Need to Know about Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (HCG)
  231. HCG and Adex, prescribed but not available...
  232. Met with a new Endo today and very interested on some insight on our conversation
  233. Does test cyp absorb thru the skin?
  234. Los Angeles Clinics (or near by?)
  235. 1 year and 9 months on TRT and in the middle of a small Blast. Blood Work
  236. Test and arthritis
  237. A-fib and TRT
  238. Androgel and Bloating
  239. Which HCG to get???
  240. 2nd Injection 5/1/13
  241. New protocol...What do you think?
  242. HRT Help
  243. How exactly does TRT help reduce belly fat?
  244. hcg mix
  245. Please read and advise
  246. Testosterone reduces visceral fat and increases muscle mass in non-obese men
  247. Blood letting symptoms??
  248. Glute Injections
  249. New Dr tomorrow! / a question.
  250. Low sex drive, Age 20 - Is my T level bad?
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