- Cycle to HRT
- 1st shot done: Questions
- Oasis GH Pricing
- Good News
- Steroid Help for 54 yo BB
- Thinking about HRT
- mayo clinic - testosterone therapy
- Androxal
- T4 levels 'Lil Help please...
- Bloodwork results
- getting trt while on tren
- Test cyp/prop and winny for HRT
- Low dose Deca along with TRT?
- switching to injectables
- Need a little help.
- question about HRT / TRT please give opinion
- wellness center
- TRT and exercise?
- Testosterone injected Sub-q?
- HCG, Not Running Any Test
- need help with trt
- Pre-Authorization
- Going to see Dr. Crisler
- Arimidex (Anastrozole) How much is enough
- What the hell happened?
- Third shot observations
- PCT or HRT?? Help!
- please help
- Question About My Dose: 100mg Wk, Can I up It?
- Rotator cuff surgery and test?
- Long term acne solution while on TRT
- What should I do?
- Feel like a walking water balloon.
- Cool Podcast on HRT and GH replacement on ITUNES - FREE
- Need help reading and understanding my blood tests
- Free GH and HRT audio on Procast.com
- Need some help with finding insurance
- HCG+Nolva for a normal test level?
- Wife has Itchy Tits
- Question about diet and healing after surgery
- Arimidex
- On TRT. Want to start HGH
- This is what HRT has done for me.
- Testicle Shrinkage
- HRT = Northbound testicles? Please help!
- Can you take both?
- what dossage arimidex
- new hrt company, use to use o****s
- Hair loss advice
- Phera Plex
- Cabaser experience?
- HRT dilemma
- Getting TRT
- Sex Drive Has Gone Low.what To Take?
- Me and HRT
- test levels just checked--low?
- TRT and Muscle Cramping
- T levels
- Androgel for now injections next?
- Which brand of HGH?
- Help Please???
- hrt or just cycles
- Military blood test!
- doctor info
- HRT Clinics
- ***** Poc
- cytomel
- Tomorrow is the BIG day
- Blood test results
- Ban on HGH raw Materials?
- My Blood Work 3 mos after cycle!
- Started injections today!
- question
- PCT for test/prop / winstrol
- How many pro bodybuilders on HRT for life?
- My Doc is changing my Test.
- My HRT experience -- on and off Test C
- My HRT experience -- on and off Test C
- My hrt story so far - Do anti-estrogens !!!!
- I need to know where to go for HRT help.
- HRT Question
- HRT with Signature Pharmacy
- NY compounding Pharmacy Experience
- blood results
- Test C or Test E for HRT patients? READ FURTHER!
- Hrt Jersey?
- What happened to ***** ?
- Good customer service
- !hgh<><>insurance!
- need Endo in Los Angeles
- Jintropin Legal?
- androgel sides
- Where Are You System Admin.?
- anyone know of a....
- 6 Month Hrt Experience
- GH Mixing Question
- Has anybody ever....
- ANY HRT Clinic Still OPEN?
- New Script for Test - Best Price
- Hgh
- Endo wants me to start test cream
- Jin AQ
- Length between HRT cycles
- Test LEvel LOOOW/expired goods?
- test 311
- Got my results today...
- 4072 test??? Am I reading this right?
- I want to know
- Anyone Here Using Androderm For TRT
- Getting the right results from Bloodwork?
- Which One?
- Duration of Test Cream? HGH?
- Thyroid Function
- Doctor in Sydney australia
- just curious
- HGH and Prescriptions
- Dbol...will it increase Test Lvls...?
- Make your own Test?
- Monojet Needles
- god is good...
- Dhea?
- HGH at room temperature for 6 months? any good?
- hey...jpkman
- Testim working better than I thought
- how much armidex
- Board sponsor HRT - no answer
- such a thing as a good otc diuretic...?
- yeah right....
- just a thought...
- Hi everyone. I am so excited to find this site again..!!
- Blood Results
- Hcg
- hrt therapy is it real
- Excess cortisol or Low testosterone?
- Thyroid Supression
- dr will add in HGH to my HRT regimine
- question...sore joints?
- How low is low enought to start on hrt?
- Blood Test questions
- Any Hrt Clinic In Vegas
- Getting shots, seem to come down quick...
- Started Treatment today
- HRT and Cycling ? KALE???
- Test results for 6 months of Androderm
- TRT Effect on PCT
- Beginner Advice Please
- my recent lab work
- PCT instead of TRT????
- shrinkage
- Nolva Only PCT
- Health insurance giving me 1ML of test bottles?
- New Bloodwork Today...Question about Estro..
- What is considered high estrogen????
- I wonder if it will be ok?
- 'Off the shelf' HGH and IGF-1 sprays and tabs?
- Hey guys got my first shot today :)
- MRI for HRT
- Hrt Clinics in Northern California?
- test levels 1325 on hrt.
- Older women using HGH?
- help please
- Not sure what to do Insurance only pays 40% for Growth??
- Graves Disease of Thyroid - Questions...
- Surplus Arimidex-exp. Date?
- Restarting TRT question about dosage?
- Hey guys - Anti-E Question
- Longest time to feel full effects ofTRT?
- Are there any HRT clinics left?
- Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and HRT Questions about dosing.
- Do I need hrt???
- sleep apnea
- price comparison of Androgel and Test for TRT?
- Prescription HGH?
- HRT Clinic in Phoenix?
- Blood Work and HRT
- 8 Weeks of T Plus Training
- test results from Testim
- md presribed oral hrt
- would a DR give me TRT on these results
- Do It Yourself TRT...Any threads on this?
- Does Proscar help when using TEST?
- Getting first Testosterone Cypionate Shot today.
- My Recent Blood Work..
- 54 year old needs advice
- anyone add bromo or dostinex to their HRT
- HRT clinic in Los Angeles/Orange County/Inland Empire
- Does "Free Testosterone Index" = "Free Androgen Index" ?
- need some anwers by thursday..
- Hgh
- Is 1mg MWF too much Arimidex
- 23 year old considering trt
- Low T levels on Androgel
- Blood Test results confusing
- Lack of Testing Numbers
- My Doctor will put me on the patch
- My Blood Works
- If your friend is a doctor, can he just prescribe you TRT?
- Ways to lower HGH? Is it possible?
- High RBC Count
- 61 yr. old trying to stay healthy and hard
- 24 hour insulin
- HCG left out of fridge!!!
- Lots of advice needed...
- Was there somewhere that we could get our bloodwork sent off to before?
- Finishing Test E and Tren E cycle. Taper down to HRT with Andriol or Cruise with more
- Feeling "off" after deltoid injection
- STRIANT....any1 use?
- Blood work Questions
- Cutting out gyno
- Need some help.....
- Test pricing
- Gyno Surgery Success stories here
- HRT Costs
- Endo Doc that will prescribe HGH in Los Angeles?
- 1st shot of CYP....
- wellness program?
- Average Length and Age on HRT
- Online Pharmacy To Get Test With Rx?
- Parkinson's Syndrome Causing Muscoskeletal Issues, -please read
- low doses of Test Enanthate
- Testing Time for HRT
- TRT question?
- got results back from blood test... need some interperitation
- high prolactin levels
- Deciding if I have HCM.
- Testosterone Protocol
- Lab Results.. low OH corticosteroids?
- Tongue lesion
- too much or not enough (Arimidex)
- Gh = Low Sex Drive ??
- Increasing dose
- Question
- FINALLY doc giving me cyp perscription
- Testosterol Liposomal Gel ?
- How long does it take for test to kick in?
- Getting HRT when you are 23
- Athletes on trh/hrt
- How to lower Testosterone Levels? Help..
- Cost of blood test
- 4 weeks on CYP Wow!
- Crazy urologist???
- Low Total Tes level 2.5 weeks after cycle!
- New test results are infor my TRT
- Dr. perscribed andro-gel for 48 yr old girl friend????
- Gday. If you can pls help.
- Testosterone Replacement theropy ?
- Free & Bioavailable Testosterone calculator
- How to ask doctor about HGH ?
- endo doc that will prescribe hgh in chicago