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  1. Depo Test
  2. Blood work Q and Others
  3. What should I do - 24yrs old
  4. Kale/Tai
  5. Test results are in!
  6. Testosterone Levels??
  7. Ordering Blood Tests Online
  8. (HRT) Length between a cycle?
  9. Keep Dose Consistent?
  10. Test C from Doctor
  11. Six moth results are in
  12. Q's on Cycling While on HRT
  13. Prostate issues
  14. Nandro-test Gel
  15. Advice for 55 Year Old
  16. HCG Question
  17. Starting TRT With Test-Cyp Today!
  18. Just got my bloodwork back bigger probs than test lvl?
  19. Reading lab reports
  20. Downsides to HRT?
  21. Can wife still get pregnant? HELP
  22. pituitary gland and growth
  23. Little Help Please!!!!
  24. Leaning Out
  25. HGH Prescript is on it's way
  26. Looking for a good HRT/Endocrinologist in the St.Louis, MO area.
  27. What Test Level Does Your Doctor Want You At?
  28. Should I disclose to my urologists that I used steroids?
  29. TRT and Cycle Question
  30. Going backwards it's seems
  31. Help with HRT Clinic....
  32. Any benefit to clomid while on TRT?
  33. Help with TRT
  34. On trt but need help
  35. A doctor will give me a legal AAS perscription if.....
  36. Is there an hrt that you can to oral?
  37. TRT Doc wants me to inject sub-q?
  38. Adding other gear to HRT
  39. urologist
  40. Think I might need TRT -- no insurance question
  41. Xenoestrogens Interfere with your Normal Hormones
  42. Arimidex for HET/HRT
  43. Saw the Urologist today.
  44. HRT and dosees needed to get results
  45. low level 190 now what?
  46. anyone ever use DMSO with a patch
  47. Low Test and Body Temperature Help!
  48. Anyone on TRT get Test Cyp from Sicor Parmacy?
  49. Need HRT - having second thoughts $$$
  50. Nutropin
  51. Any online clnics for testing.
  52. Test Levels
  53. What Should I Tell My Doctor Re: Testosterone
  54. Infection- it is real
  55. Anti-E
  56. Update on my TRT
  57. Andro gel / test cream and girls
  58. Blood test back Test levels 152ng
  59. Wanna see what a year of HGH can do?
  60. What Should I Tell My Doctor Re: Testosterone
  61. Endo or Urologist for TRT?
  62. perfect HRT drugs...
  63. Ketotifen
  64. low testosterone
  65. GHRP-6 and thyroid hormones
  66. Starting Cycle today. Question about Letro amount
  67. There are doctors in the US that will prescribe GH as an anti aging drug
  68. what does TRT stand for?
  69. i want HRT!!!!
  70. Starting HGH
  71. no sex drive high test
  72. HGH wanna start!
  73. what is EXTAGEN
  74. Hrt
  75. Test C and inmy 5th week. (Lathargic)
  76. saw andropose specialist
  77. Test Levels are Sky High!
  78. Perscribed Clomid
  79. Propecia and Testosterone
  80. Injection Area Has A Small Lump?
  81. Need Input, Urologist Appt.
  82. staying on and kids
  83. Blood work back
  84. not what I wanted to hear from the Uro
  85. how much Test E for normal/low blood reading
  86. TRT and Dieting
  87. anyone around 45age doing Test E at 200-250mg per week?
  88. 51 yrs hrt Sustanon 250mg
  89. pt-141
  90. i want to post my blood work. what do you guys need to see exactly?
  91. doc appt HRT
  92. any ideas, advice, suggestions?
  93. Making Sense of BloodWork
  94. new hrt doc
  95. Starting Testim 1% today
  96. TRT as Male birth control?
  97. What does this mean??
  98. TRT/HRT and depression?
  99. Test Cyp and side effects. Some answers from you pros please.
  100. Starting Test E
  101. Does EQ promote hair loss
  102. Supplemental Testosterone
  103. cosytropin
  104. test undecanoate or buciclate
  105. Blood work back
  106. starting hrt
  107. HRT in Texas (Galveston/Houston area)
  108. HGH, Sermorelin or CJC-1295
  109. Destruction of natural Test
  110. TRT and Decca
  111. How much Arimidex/liquidex?
  112. Got HRT in the form of Andro Gel. It’s not enough & I want more?
  113. Started mu HRT and have a few questions
  114. 2 weeks on the patch........feeling better
  115. Need HRT/HGH Prescription
  116. Bilirubin, Total is HIGH!! Blood test results (liver problems?)
  117. HRT in Boston Massachusetts?
  118. 4 Months 200mgs CYP/week results.
  119. 1 CC test = 200 mg?
  120. Urologist Appt. Finally Over
  121. Really sorry guys I'm real confused on my I'm Testosterone blood work?
  122. Endo Appt.
  123. A couple questions
  124. Low Testost Levels & shots haven't helped
  125. buy steriods.com ????????
  126. Test C and a friend gave me this to take with it. Reccomendations please.
  127. Update on HRT...
  128. Combine with HRT
  129. No Sex Drive
  130. Combine methyl with HRT?
  131. Changing Doctors
  132. Physical today
  133. Doctors in the San Francisco Bay Area
  134. Doctor to go to for HGH?
  135. Doctor in Southern Florida
  136. Anyone else have Cingna?
  137. "Test treatment"????
  138. Free Test levels
  139. urologist
  140. HRT in Dallas Ft Worth
  141. rg43
  142. Results of Bloodwork
  143. testim plus tren xtreme
  144. questions about HGH
  145. Androgel = Testosterone Lipoderm ?
  146. Blood test results and Androgel
  147. High estrogen levels...
  148. test c and hrt
  149. Bunk cialis?
  150. Is my HGH actually HCG?
  151. Dhea
  152. TRT Question
  153. HRT and water retention
  154. HMG (Menotropin)
  155. Test E 250mg and PCT during/after cycle?
  156. So now that I'm on HRT. How do I stay on?
  157. On Test with Low Libido
  158. New on HRT, Gel, shots, HGH?
  159. Very low test
  160. Transdermal Cream
  161. When to stop
  162. Wanting to get more
  163. dihydrotestosterone gel or cream
  164. Whats Best 4 TRT
  165. Uh-Oh...He's gonna test me again...help
  166. HRT... how to talk to the doctor.. need advise
  167. I have some questions
  168. First Visit to HRT doc
  169. blew out my ACL 2night help please NOW
  170. I started Androgel 1% 5g today
  171. Striant as HRT?
  172. Getting A Prescrip.?
  173. Just got my HRT
  174. Need New Doc:
  175. Does anyone cycle while on HRT?
  176. Test C for 14 weeks and now Sex drive changed
  177. trt and cycles??
  178. HRT & Hair loss
  179. Deca day before...
  180. Test Cyp for 14 weeks. What happens if I Stop
  181. trt-test blend?
  182. got wood? test cyp...
  183. HRT dosage delatestryl (testosterone-E)
  184. I'm back dudes! Need answers!
  185. Antibodies to HCG
  186. Test-C 200 once a month?
  187. Blood test question
  188. Been on HRT for 8 weeks
  189. Decided to be on home made HRT
  190. horny
  191. Cant Orgasm.
  192. Newbie and a little overwhelmed w/ HRT
  193. Starting Testim Today - Good idea?
  194. Getting my sex drive back(22 years old)
  195. Staying on
  196. Cant wait any longer
  197. Messed up and got prescribed Hgh.....
  198. Second visit to Doc
  199. Results are in
  200. What level does your doctor want you at?
  201. Weight gain?
  202. Normal Doctor prescribed HGH dosage
  203. Pain at injection site
  204. Got my results
  205. Ever hear of this mixture of meds?
  206. Blood Test Req
  207. Help received blood work
  208. Testim Question
  209. Cycle while on HRT
  210. Side effects from HRT with heart, etc?
  211. I would like to "supplement" my trt...help
  212. went to endo today
  213. Cycle on hrt
  214. Is half a ml equal to 100mgs.
  215. Joint pain
  216. Got my results back & they are low!
  217. trt-and deca
  218. Variation in test levels throughout the day
  219. Meds are in!
  220. Any legit online pharmacy for TRT?
  221. going for blood work ????
  222. from gel to inject and..
  223. What dosage am I really getting?
  224. 1st cycle pct Hrt?questions
  225. HRT or dhea.
  226. Deca/Tren only and HRT bloodtest
  227. Know a good TRT doc in Seattle area?
  228. Kale
  229. does this sound right ?
  230. Advice for upcoming Dr appt
  231. best type of doc.
  232. Mass Tabs And Trt?
  233. just switched from gel to injection, dosage question
  234. Is there such a thing as low dose TRT?
  235. crashing your test level ?
  236. I need your help really imortant
  237. Drug Test Info
  238. Looking for a doctor in the SF Bay Area
  239. TRT causes sleep apnea?
  240. deca before bloodtest
  241. test result
  242. levo and test
  243. Testosterone and Winstrol
  244. The unofficial 'How to lower testosterone' thread
  245. HRT Doc in Vancouver
  246. Testosterone Ethan + Deca
  247. Oh no, now where do I turn???
  248. 24yrs old test level 2.6 (4-10 range)
  249. Who has treated you successfully male/female doc?
  250. Mood swings
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