- Depo Test
- Blood work Q and Others
- What should I do - 24yrs old
- Kale/Tai
- Test results are in!
- Testosterone Levels??
- Ordering Blood Tests Online
- (HRT) Length between a cycle?
- Keep Dose Consistent?
- Test C from Doctor
- Six moth results are in
- Q's on Cycling While on HRT
- Prostate issues
- Nandro-test Gel
- Advice for 55 Year Old
- HCG Question
- Starting TRT With Test-Cyp Today!
- Just got my bloodwork back bigger probs than test lvl?
- Reading lab reports
- Downsides to HRT?
- Can wife still get pregnant? HELP
- pituitary gland and growth
- Little Help Please!!!!
- Leaning Out
- HGH Prescript is on it's way
- Looking for a good HRT/Endocrinologist in the St.Louis, MO area.
- What Test Level Does Your Doctor Want You At?
- Should I disclose to my urologists that I used steroids?
- TRT and Cycle Question
- Going backwards it's seems
- Help with HRT Clinic....
- Any benefit to clomid while on TRT?
- Help with TRT
- On trt but need help
- A doctor will give me a legal AAS perscription if.....
- Is there an hrt that you can to oral?
- TRT Doc wants me to inject sub-q?
- Adding other gear to HRT
- urologist
- Think I might need TRT -- no insurance question
- Xenoestrogens Interfere with your Normal Hormones
- Arimidex for HET/HRT
- Saw the Urologist today.
- HRT and dosees needed to get results
- low level 190 now what?
- anyone ever use DMSO with a patch
- Low Test and Body Temperature Help!
- Anyone on TRT get Test Cyp from Sicor Parmacy?
- Need HRT - having second thoughts $$$
- Nutropin
- Any online clnics for testing.
- Test Levels
- What Should I Tell My Doctor Re: Testosterone
- Infection- it is real
- Anti-E
- Update on my TRT
- Andro gel / test cream and girls
- Blood test back Test levels 152ng
- Wanna see what a year of HGH can do?
- What Should I Tell My Doctor Re: Testosterone
- Endo or Urologist for TRT?
- perfect HRT drugs...
- Ketotifen
- low testosterone
- GHRP-6 and thyroid hormones
- Starting Cycle today. Question about Letro amount
- There are doctors in the US that will prescribe GH as an anti aging drug
- what does TRT stand for?
- i want HRT!!!!
- Starting HGH
- no sex drive high test
- HGH wanna start!
- what is EXTAGEN
- Hrt
- Test C and inmy 5th week. (Lathargic)
- saw andropose specialist
- Test Levels are Sky High!
- Perscribed Clomid
- Propecia and Testosterone
- Injection Area Has A Small Lump?
- Need Input, Urologist Appt.
- staying on and kids
- Blood work back
- not what I wanted to hear from the Uro
- how much Test E for normal/low blood reading
- TRT and Dieting
- anyone around 45age doing Test E at 200-250mg per week?
- 51 yrs hrt Sustanon 250mg
- pt-141
- i want to post my blood work. what do you guys need to see exactly?
- doc appt HRT
- any ideas, advice, suggestions?
- Making Sense of BloodWork
- new hrt doc
- Starting Testim 1% today
- TRT as Male birth control?
- What does this mean??
- TRT/HRT and depression?
- Test Cyp and side effects. Some answers from you pros please.
- Starting Test E
- Does EQ promote hair loss
- Supplemental Testosterone
- cosytropin
- test undecanoate or buciclate
- Blood work back
- starting hrt
- HRT in Texas (Galveston/Houston area)
- HGH, Sermorelin or CJC-1295
- Destruction of natural Test
- TRT and Decca
- How much Arimidex/liquidex?
- Got HRT in the form of Andro Gel. It’s not enough & I want more?
- Started mu HRT and have a few questions
- 2 weeks on the patch........feeling better
- Need HRT/HGH Prescription
- Bilirubin, Total is HIGH!! Blood test results (liver problems?)
- HRT in Boston Massachusetts?
- 4 Months 200mgs CYP/week results.
- 1 CC test = 200 mg?
- Urologist Appt. Finally Over
- Really sorry guys I'm real confused on my I'm Testosterone blood work?
- Endo Appt.
- A couple questions
- Low Testost Levels & shots haven't helped
- buy steriods.com ????????
- Test C and a friend gave me this to take with it. Reccomendations please.
- Update on HRT...
- Combine with HRT
- No Sex Drive
- Combine methyl with HRT?
- Changing Doctors
- Physical today
- Doctors in the San Francisco Bay Area
- Doctor to go to for HGH?
- Doctor in Southern Florida
- Anyone else have Cingna?
- "Test treatment"????
- Free Test levels
- urologist
- HRT in Dallas Ft Worth
- rg43
- Results of Bloodwork
- testim plus tren xtreme
- questions about HGH
- Androgel = Testosterone Lipoderm ?
- Blood test results and Androgel
- High estrogen levels...
- test c and hrt
- Bunk cialis?
- Is my HGH actually HCG?
- Dhea
- TRT Question
- HRT and water retention
- HMG (Menotropin)
- Test E 250mg and PCT during/after cycle?
- So now that I'm on HRT. How do I stay on?
- On Test with Low Libido
- New on HRT, Gel, shots, HGH?
- Very low test
- Transdermal Cream
- When to stop
- Wanting to get more
- dihydrotestosterone gel or cream
- Whats Best 4 TRT
- Uh-Oh...He's gonna test me again...help
- HRT... how to talk to the doctor.. need advise
- I have some questions
- First Visit to HRT doc
- blew out my ACL 2night help please NOW
- I started Androgel 1% 5g today
- Striant as HRT?
- Getting A Prescrip.?
- Just got my HRT
- Need New Doc:
- Does anyone cycle while on HRT?
- Test C for 14 weeks and now Sex drive changed
- trt and cycles??
- HRT & Hair loss
- Deca day before...
- Test Cyp for 14 weeks. What happens if I Stop
- trt-test blend?
- got wood? test cyp...
- HRT dosage delatestryl (testosterone-E)
- I'm back dudes! Need answers!
- Antibodies to HCG
- Test-C 200 once a month?
- Blood test question
- Been on HRT for 8 weeks
- Decided to be on home made HRT
- horny
- Cant Orgasm.
- Newbie and a little overwhelmed w/ HRT
- Starting Testim Today - Good idea?
- Getting my sex drive back(22 years old)
- Staying on
- Cant wait any longer
- Messed up and got prescribed Hgh.....
- Second visit to Doc
- Results are in
- What level does your doctor want you at?
- Weight gain?
- Normal Doctor prescribed HGH dosage
- Pain at injection site
- Got my results
- Ever hear of this mixture of meds?
- Blood Test Req
- Help received blood work
- Testim Question
- Cycle while on HRT
- Side effects from HRT with heart, etc?
- I would like to "supplement" my trt...help
- went to endo today
- Cycle on hrt
- Is half a ml equal to 100mgs.
- Joint pain
- Got my results back & they are low!
- trt-and deca
- Variation in test levels throughout the day
- Meds are in!
- Any legit online pharmacy for TRT?
- going for blood work ????
- from gel to inject and..
- What dosage am I really getting?
- 1st cycle pct Hrt?questions
- HRT or dhea.
- Deca/Tren only and HRT bloodtest
- Know a good TRT doc in Seattle area?
- Kale
- does this sound right ?
- Advice for upcoming Dr appt
- best type of doc.
- Mass Tabs And Trt?
- just switched from gel to injection, dosage question
- Is there such a thing as low dose TRT?
- crashing your test level ?
- I need your help really imortant
- Drug Test Info
- Looking for a doctor in the SF Bay Area
- TRT causes sleep apnea?
- deca before bloodtest
- test result
- levo and test
- Testosterone and Winstrol
- The unofficial 'How to lower testosterone' thread
- HRT Doc in Vancouver
- Testosterone Ethan + Deca
- Oh no, now where do I turn???
- 24yrs old test level 2.6 (4-10 range)
- Who has treated you successfully male/female doc?
- Mood swings