- got bloodwork done
- HRT@34 and all it entails
- HGH & T-4 in HRT program
- Off Test Cypionate
- Androgel Prescription
- Lil' Help Please...bit Scared
- Weird BP update
- if you take hcg
- HRT dosage versus Total T - Total T versus Free T?
- Cortisol
- Green Tea vs. Caffeine
- Generic vs Brand Name HGH for an inerval
- PCT for HRT programs - Without Nolva
- HRT and anti-estrogens
- Injection prob
- Hrt Readings
- Blood Testing
- androgel vs. shots
- Poll: How long have you been on HRT?
- Endo says no to checking prostate...
- Insurance denies bloodtests!
- If you take HCG please help
- How does this HRT program sound?
- Test Shots.....for how long???
- Prostate
- hair growth
- A new drug ?
- New Bloodwork Results...3 Months Of Hrt...androgel...
- I hate my insurance
- Hcg for weight loss?
- androgel 1
- Update: Got Bloodwork back
- HRT doctor or clinin
- Some HGH Q's
- Latest Update on my treatment
- More Test...More food?
- Androgel (5g) vs HGH (Better of the two?)
- HGH and Insurance?
- Excess estrogen
- Doctor Shopping
- Should I continue my HCG when I end my TRT?
- Doing a cycle while on HRT
- Nolva only for hrt
- Accutane question
- Average Test level for mid 30's men?
- should I try this dosing protocol for IGF1-LR3
- AR Arimidex
- HRT Clinics????
- list of hrt clinics
- testim gel
- cutting and fat loss on hrt
- Oasis
- Can we clear up the whole test/prostate thing? OASIS?
- ACL surgery, HGH, and sustenon - need advice!
- Hrt Company and it's Pharmacy
- HCG only after 10 wks of test?
- New Blood Work With High Estro!!!!!!
- Low LH, Normal Test, & Young!?
- AI vs Estrogen Blocker
- Super High Free T and E2 after 8 weeks
- High Estrogen = mental decline in men
- Something I noticed about HCG
- Upped Trt Dose And Got Tendonitis
- TRT affects on spermcount with HCG
- Test and Estro levels with Deca
- Golf Digest Magazine
- TRT cream on Cycle
- Oh darn....What if I mess up my HRT?
- High Hemoglobin, RBC, Hematocrit?
- below average level
- dht
- Low Testosterone?
- Oasis
- Thyroid Question Oasis
- Women's HRT Question
- PSA test question?
- Avid Lifter with low test, only 19 - Whats going to happen?
- Recently put on HRT so just a few ????
- hcg , how much?
- anyone have better prices for hrt then nexos?
- Hrt
- Gynecomastia
- Recommended HGH dosing?
- Can I take omna instead of Test Cyp..& 2 more questions?
- Dhea
- 282 and doctor won't budge
- want to get my dad on hrt
- Fat loss
- question about cyp to prop swtich for HRT
- Question About T3/t4 Thyroid...
- introduce of testosterone
- Need some advice
- Arimidex
- Bunk T3?
- Is it OK to ask about........
- Time to Switch Doc?
- HCG on Short Cycles???Advices Please
- Cycle HRT
- Test/Deca Bloodwork results...
- Just started HRT andcant feel the effects
- Water retention on TRT, need advice
- Why some guys need an AI.
- my results
- Bloodwork discount codes
- Oasis and insurance reimbursment
- HRT ,Tryptan, Adderall
- I think I'm lost....
- Test=84ng/dl...went back to Doc.
- Considering running Clen with TRT?
- My Endo lost my respect
- Prolactin...someone explain?
- Do I Need The Juice??
- Thyroid results
- Bloodwork/Liver ?
- Thinking of hrt after cycle is it for me???
- So, you're on HRT, now what?
- Does sex drive increase even with people who have sex drive problems with test?
- Running other compounds with TRT
- May have to HRT questions about best doc?
- thinking of hrt
- cholesterol
- Test Cyp AND Androgel??????
- Funny thing about HCG
- International Anti Aging in Las Vegas
- HRT and having children
- Looking Into It
- Long Time HGH people only!
- Synthroid or Thyroid Armour?
- androgel and bloating
- TRT with Clomid
- Test speeds aging process?
- Hgh Questions???
- How do I get the most out of my HRT
- New Prostate info
- Methyl 1 Alpha ... How To Cycle
- My Thyroid.
- help for my hubby
- TRT for my father
- Can anyone tell me if buying doctors perscribed steroids online are legit??
- doc has me on 200mg cyp/month. is it enough?
- What else can I do?
- HCG Prengyl's Is this What I need, PCT
- Looking for a kick-how much is to much?
- H.R.T. Insurance Question
- HRT question
- Best Anti-Aging Clinic?
- anti-aging vaccine doubles life span
- my endo is a beotch
- HRT Clinic without a age limit??????????
- Low Test. Results are in:
- Told my doctor I was on test today
- Told my Doctor today too - Levels Question
- Going to see my endo next week.... have questions
- HRT problems (Sleep Apnea)
- test cyp or prop
- 20 years old, Considering HRT
- HRT and Acne
- Took a 2 month vacation from HRT.
- Morning wood easy come easy go
- HGH GenLei LOOK at this company brand looks like ASIAN
- gyno question
- My high test levels
- blood test question
- preparing for blood test....
- Test-cyp and nan-dec from Oasis
- Help With Fat Loss
- How To Do Trt?
- estrogens effect on fat loss
- Question for Oasis
- my stupid dr lowered my T dose to 100 mg a week
- Thought I'd Pick your minds on this....
- Look at this
- How do you(HRT patients) keep your prostate in check???
- low sex drive
- Oasis Theropy
- Gel vs Inject (Again)
- labcorp blood test
- Oasis and medical insurance
- Has anyone.......
- what would you do- test e or sustanon
- Got Bloodwork Back...Interesting.....
- 254 @38 yrs old Doc scribed Androgel
- First Time Advice
- Doc. Lower my TRT. to 100mg week
- Forms of Test
- anybody had better success with pellet therapy?
- Bloodwork back! New Family doc is the bomb!
- OK thats it. 2nd time this ish has happened
- ultratest250/nandro-Deca
- blood work after 9 mo
- Cheap bloodwork? online docs?
- New member..long-time lurker..lots of questions about HRT
- Went back to the Derm today
- HRT questions in regard to my age
- Water retention and Bloating
- Sperm Bank
- Sperm Bank
- HGH from Oasis
- LHR and HRT?
- sub hgh injections ?
- Questions about bloodwork
- Its time.....
- Problems with Oasis????
- Need HRT doc in Dallas Texas
- AAS cycle to cure HRT acne?
- Whats considered High Estradiol levels for males? Mine is 40....
- Finger/bone size
- Adrenal Fatigue??? low libido, low energy, stress!!!
- HRT with test and hgh
- 'Lil help on recent blood work (Liver values)
- If you give blood please read
- Need advice on getting off of TRT
- Need advice on getting off of TRT
- My doctor is trying to kill me....Or
- finding a doc
- Andogel spiked my Test Levels
- Through the Oasis process and need some advice
- Back On Hrt
- Orthopedic surgeon made a strange comment
- Sorry but really stupid question
- I am gonna take the plunge & bump up hrt
- Being Honest With My Doc?
- Input Please
- TRT, why not just do it your self?
- Will Nolvadex somewhat reverse the gyno?
- gyno from 200 mg per week
- Arimidex! whats a good dose?
- Psa test results!
- Got my thyroid numbers, what ya think?
- My test blood work results
- Newbie - please comment
- Doc Wants to Run a Pituitary Test
- androgel question
- How to Decrease Hormone Levels Before Blood Work?
- Gave blood today
- Testing GH Levels
- HRT, Gear and you...
- How long is test cyp. good for
- HRT plus growth cycles
- Oasis and the NEW YEAR
- Update on my HRT mess up
- Military Vets?
- Ohh my good Im still shaking
- Two HGH questions
- Split shot
- good quality vitamins
- Update On Oasis
- Impressive forum! Thanx for having me!