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  1. got bloodwork done
  2. HRT@34 and all it entails
  3. HGH & T-4 in HRT program
  4. Off Test Cypionate
  5. Androgel Prescription
  6. Lil' Help Please...bit Scared
  7. Weird BP update
  8. if you take hcg
  9. HRT dosage versus Total T - Total T versus Free T?
  10. Cortisol
  11. Green Tea vs. Caffeine
  12. Generic vs Brand Name HGH for an inerval
  13. PCT for HRT programs - Without Nolva
  14. HRT and anti-estrogens
  15. Injection prob
  16. Hrt Readings
  17. Blood Testing
  18. androgel vs. shots
  19. Poll: How long have you been on HRT?
  20. Endo says no to checking prostate...
  21. Insurance denies bloodtests!
  22. If you take HCG please help
  23. How does this HRT program sound?
  24. Test Shots.....for how long???
  25. Prostate
  26. hair growth
  27. A new drug ?
  28. New Bloodwork Results...3 Months Of Hrt...androgel...
  29. I hate my insurance
  30. Hcg for weight loss?
  31. androgel 1
  32. Update: Got Bloodwork back
  33. HRT doctor or clinin
  34. Some HGH Q's
  35. Latest Update on my treatment
  36. More Test...More food?
  37. Androgel (5g) vs HGH (Better of the two?)
  38. HGH and Insurance?
  39. Excess estrogen
  40. Doctor Shopping
  41. Should I continue my HCG when I end my TRT?
  42. Doing a cycle while on HRT
  43. Nolva only for hrt
  44. Accutane question
  45. Average Test level for mid 30's men?
  46. should I try this dosing protocol for IGF1-LR3
  47. AR Arimidex
  48. HRT Clinics????
  49. list of hrt clinics
  50. testim gel
  51. cutting and fat loss on hrt
  52. Oasis
  53. Can we clear up the whole test/prostate thing? OASIS?
  54. ACL surgery, HGH, and sustenon - need advice!
  55. Hrt Company and it's Pharmacy
  56. HCG only after 10 wks of test?
  57. New Blood Work With High Estro!!!!!!
  58. Low LH, Normal Test, & Young!?
  59. AI vs Estrogen Blocker
  60. Super High Free T and E2 after 8 weeks
  61. High Estrogen = mental decline in men
  62. Something I noticed about HCG
  63. Upped Trt Dose And Got Tendonitis
  64. TRT affects on spermcount with HCG
  65. Test and Estro levels with Deca
  66. Golf Digest Magazine
  67. TRT cream on Cycle
  68. Oh darn....What if I mess up my HRT?
  69. High Hemoglobin, RBC, Hematocrit?
  70. below average level
  71. dht
  72. Low Testosterone?
  73. Oasis
  74. Thyroid Question Oasis
  75. Women's HRT Question
  76. PSA test question?
  77. Avid Lifter with low test, only 19 - Whats going to happen?
  78. Recently put on HRT so just a few ????
  79. hcg , how much?
  80. anyone have better prices for hrt then nexos?
  81. Hrt
  82. Gynecomastia
  83. Recommended HGH dosing?
  84. Can I take omna instead of Test Cyp..& 2 more questions?
  85. Dhea
  86. 282 and doctor won't budge
  87. want to get my dad on hrt
  88. Fat loss
  89. question about cyp to prop swtich for HRT
  90. Question About T3/t4 Thyroid...
  91. introduce of testosterone
  92. Need some advice
  93. Arimidex
  94. Bunk T3?
  95. Is it OK to ask about........
  96. Time to Switch Doc?
  97. HCG on Short Cycles???Advices Please
  98. Cycle HRT
  99. Test/Deca Bloodwork results...
  100. Just started HRT andcant feel the effects
  101. Water retention on TRT, need advice
  102. Why some guys need an AI.
  103. my results
  104. Bloodwork discount codes
  105. Oasis and insurance reimbursment
  106. HRT ,Tryptan, Adderall
  107. I think I'm lost....
  108. Test=84ng/dl...went back to Doc.
  109. Considering running Clen with TRT?
  110. My Endo lost my respect
  111. Prolactin...someone explain?
  112. Do I Need The Juice??
  113. Thyroid results
  114. Bloodwork/Liver ?
  115. Thinking of hrt after cycle is it for me???
  116. So, you're on HRT, now what?
  117. Does sex drive increase even with people who have sex drive problems with test?
  118. Running other compounds with TRT
  119. May have to HRT questions about best doc?
  120. thinking of hrt
  121. cholesterol
  122. Test Cyp AND Androgel??????
  123. Funny thing about HCG
  124. International Anti Aging in Las Vegas
  125. HRT and having children
  126. Looking Into It
  127. Long Time HGH people only!
  128. Synthroid or Thyroid Armour?
  129. androgel and bloating
  130. TRT with Clomid
  131. Test speeds aging process?
  132. Hgh Questions???
  133. How do I get the most out of my HRT
  134. New Prostate info
  135. Methyl 1 Alpha ... How To Cycle
  136. My Thyroid.
  137. help for my hubby
  138. TRT for my father
  139. Can anyone tell me if buying doctors perscribed steroids online are legit??
  140. doc has me on 200mg cyp/month. is it enough?
  141. Sleep Aids..OTC? RX? SUGGESTIONS?
  142. What else can I do?
  143. HCG Prengyl's Is this What I need, PCT
  144. Looking for a kick-how much is to much?
  145. H.R.T. Insurance Question
  146. HRT question
  147. Best Anti-Aging Clinic?
  148. anti-aging vaccine doubles life span
  149. my endo is a beotch
  150. HRT Clinic without a age limit??????????
  151. Low Test. Results are in:
  152. Told my doctor I was on test today
  153. Told my Doctor today too - Levels Question
  154. Going to see my endo next week.... have questions
  155. HRT problems (Sleep Apnea)
  156. test cyp or prop
  157. 20 years old, Considering HRT
  158. HRT and Acne
  159. Took a 2 month vacation from HRT.
  160. Morning wood easy come easy go
  161. HGH GenLei LOOK at this company brand looks like ASIAN
  162. gyno question
  163. My high test levels
  164. ED w/HRT&HGH
  165. blood test question
  166. preparing for blood test....
  167. Test-cyp and nan-dec from Oasis
  168. Help With Fat Loss
  169. How To Do Trt?
  170. estrogens effect on fat loss
  171. Question for Oasis
  172. my stupid dr lowered my T dose to 100 mg a week
  173. Thought I'd Pick your minds on this....
  174. Look at this
  175. How do you(HRT patients) keep your prostate in check???
  176. low sex drive
  177. Oasis Theropy
  178. Gel vs Inject (Again)
  179. labcorp blood test
  180. Oasis and medical insurance
  181. Has anyone.......
  182. what would you do- test e or sustanon
  183. Got Bloodwork Back...Interesting.....
  184. 254 @38 yrs old Doc scribed Androgel
  185. First Time Advice
  186. Doc. Lower my TRT. to 100mg week
  187. Forms of Test
  188. anybody had better success with pellet therapy?
  189. Bloodwork back! New Family doc is the bomb!
  190. OK thats it. 2nd time this ish has happened
  191. ultratest250/nandro-Deca
  192. blood work after 9 mo
  193. Cheap bloodwork? online docs?
  194. New member..long-time lurker..lots of questions about HRT
  195. Went back to the Derm today
  196. HRT questions in regard to my age
  197. Water retention and Bloating
  198. Sperm Bank
  199. Sperm Bank
  200. HGH from Oasis
  201. LHR and HRT?
  202. sub hgh injections ?
  203. Questions about bloodwork
  204. Its time.....
  205. Problems with Oasis????
  206. Need HRT doc in Dallas Texas
  207. AAS cycle to cure HRT acne?
  208. Whats considered High Estradiol levels for males? Mine is 40....
  209. Finger/bone size
  210. Adrenal Fatigue??? low libido, low energy, stress!!!
  211. HRT with test and hgh
  212. 'Lil help on recent blood work (Liver values)
  213. If you give blood please read
  214. Need advice on getting off of TRT
  215. Need advice on getting off of TRT
  216. My doctor is trying to kill me....Or
  217. finding a doc
  218. Andogel spiked my Test Levels
  219. Through the Oasis process and need some advice
  220. Back On Hrt
  221. Orthopedic surgeon made a strange comment
  222. Sorry but really stupid question
  223. I am gonna take the plunge & bump up hrt
  224. Being Honest With My Doc?
  225. Input Please
  226. TRT, why not just do it your self?
  227. Will Nolvadex somewhat reverse the gyno?
  228. gyno from 200 mg per week
  229. Arimidex! whats a good dose?
  230. Psa test results!
  231. Got my thyroid numbers, what ya think?
  232. My test blood work results
  233. Newbie - please comment
  234. Doc Wants to Run a Pituitary Test
  235. androgel question
  236. How to Decrease Hormone Levels Before Blood Work?
  237. Gave blood today
  238. Testing GH Levels
  239. HRT, Gear and you...
  240. How long is test cyp. good for
  241. HRT plus growth cycles
  242. Oasis and the NEW YEAR
  243. Update on my HRT mess up
  244. Military Vets?
  245. Ohh my good Im still shaking
  246. Two HGH questions
  247. Split shot
  248. good quality vitamins
  249. Update On Oasis
  250. Impressive forum! Thanx for having me!
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