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  1. Help with BW
  2. Feel Best on Injection Day
  3. Undecided on TRT, thoughts?
  4. psychologists and TRT
  5. Vitamin D Serum Levels & Hypogonadism
  6. Blood work results need advice please
  7. Blood work from Subq TRT
  8. Testosterone and erections
  9. Lab Results pre-HRT
  10. latest E2 results....extremely surprised
  11. Above average Testosterone level but doesn't make sense?
  12. Dr. Lowered by dose
  13. Rjay's bloodwork
  14. Low free test levels while taking clomid/aromasin
  15. TRT and drug testing
  16. Cialis vs Viagra
  17. BW back on 200mg test/12.5mg aromasin
  18. New to Trt, 5 shots in and no difference Help!
  19. TRT Continuous or Cycle?
  20. Vatus Medialis
  21. Help interpreting blood work
  22. How much does extra 20mg test cyp raise total t usually?
  23. Estradiol sensitive SUPER low - what should I do?
  24. HRT/TRT: a controversial choice
  25. I'm on 120mg weekly test cyp. should I up my dosage??
  26. Trt helps pain/injuries?
  27. Anything I can do for atrophied testes?
  28. Decreased Wound Healing
  29. Red Blood cell count high
  30. HRT Therapy,Low T,Hypothyroidism
  31. High LH, low FSH, how would thyroid effect this?
  32. Blood work results. Have some questions.
  33. Questions about starting HCG injections
  34. Clomid only for muscle gains
  35. Did an RIA test and my free Twas 16.2, this is middle of the road for a 35 right?
  36. LowTestosterone.com - New York!
  37. Injection question
  38. thoughts/ comments on taking creatine with trt..
  39. Trt & hcg
  40. HGH Genotropin
  41. High hematocrit, low iron?
  42. 22 Years Old - Blood Work Complete - Low Free Test - Can You Determine Anything?
  43. understanding e2
  44. Good rx is good
  45. TRT Clinics in Las Vegas
  46. Lexapro (escitalopram) and sex drive
  47. Looking for TRT Clinic Guidance
  48. New BW, thoughts on asking to raise protocol??
  49. Really strange ? Eating like a pig smart clean foods loosing weight ?
  50. Strange side effect: Feeling flat, emotionless.
  51. Coming off TRT
  52. "HELP", anti-aging clinics around Baton Rouge or New Orleans area.
  53. TRT and wanting to add CLEN
  54. Effectiveness of DIM
  55. Looking for 2nd opinions
  56. Blood work non hormone, doc says i am fine
  57. Ugh got the rest of my blood work in and thought I would share
  58. Just started treatment
  59. does testosterone still fluctuate on trt?
  60. Mental sex drive
  61. DHEA and Clomid? Among other things...
  62. Testicle pain
  63. Delayed Growth
  64. Intra-testicular aromatizing... if this is true, then why does no one talk about this
  65. HCG with Pituitary Tumor
  66. Been on TRT and Ready for a blast!!!!
  67. Hormones and Hunger
  68. Gyno reduction during TRT
  69. TRT and Cycle
  70. 35 and just got a prescription for androgel.
  71. Plastic surgery and testosterone cessassion
  72. Just left my endo and it was a completely uneventful visit
  73. Test results(total test) and Dr help
  74. Cortisol Test
  75. TRT and Masteron
  76. New to TRT, Sustanon Vs Nebido
  77. Ultrasensitive Estradiol vs. (Normal) Estradiol Blood Tests
  78. New blood work
  79. 6 month blood work came in
  80. latest blood work
  81. Wife wants baby, Doc making me stop TRT
  82. First blood test today..help!
  83. Latest BW - Input Appreciated
  84. pg/ml to ng/dl Conversion
  85. lethargy
  86. T cyp EOD?
  87. Please help me understand my BW (High Free Testosterone)
  88. Thoughts on running Test Prop for TRT?
  89. Too much Iron in multi-vitamin??
  90. Hemoglobin 17.1. .........am I in bad shape?
  91. Good luck asking pharmacy help
  92. Bloodwork Results - Options??
  93. is my test level low ?
  94. Monthly blood work-what else to add
  95. Newbie TRT questions.
  96. Low T - Hormone questions
  97. Your muscular/strength gains on HRT.
  98. Injection spacing
  99. Question for everyone on Testosterone Replacement Therapy
  100. Why such a variance in expected ranges on total t BW?
  101. Supplementing DHEA shuts down endogenous DHEA production?
  102. Getting immune to test
  103. On the road to TRT...lancerevo's chronicles
  104. Test Cyp, Mast E and Deca Endless HRT Cycle
  105. Any Members with Factor V (5) Leiden ?
  106. Bodyfat on TRT
  107. Mini stream after injection
  108. Doc is taking me off TRT... Make a baby
  109. How to get prescribed TRT
  110. Morning Erections
  111. New to this
  112. Need HRT Clinic
  113. 8 week BW for Subq TRT Not Happy
  114. Interesting blood work??
  115. Trt for my grandfather
  116. possibly Low Tests and low test symptoms and ED
  117. Cruise protocol and AI, Blood work when? Kelkel?
  118. Testosterone and older men....
  119. Saliva testing vs blood draw
  120. Do you tell others you're on TRT?
  121. 1 month mark on TRT
  122. Recent bloodwork assessment please
  123. How is deca(nandrolone) prescribed mg/ml
  124. Crazy total estrogen, prolactin and E1 but normal E2
  125. Elevated liver enzymes on TRT, any ideas?
  126. HELP test(cip) advice on AI and PCT
  127. May need TRT at 25 please read
  128. Low LH/FSH and low/normal Test
  129. E2 Ranges in Australia
  130. E2 Ranges in Australia
  131. Low T, normal FH/SH, and I feel fine. Is TRT worth it (27 years old)?
  132. Lethargy update
  133. Giving blood every 8 weeks hemoglobin still 19.3
  134. Officially starting first blast/cycle
  135. Multiple Doctor Prescripts
  136. Whats the latest and greatest HCG protocol?
  137. Is 200 mg cyp / wk possibly too much?
  138. Could 200 mg Cyp/ week Desensitize Receptors?
  139. Is progress %100 linear?
  140. Lowered dose, feeling weaker, mood decreased, will I rebound?
  141. Problems with E.D.
  142. Can hcg help you lose weight during trt?
  143. Blood work and creatine .
  144. Does having sex/ejaculation decreases Testosterone levels on TRT
  145. Three Weeks on Cypionate and Injected Glute is Brutally Sore
  146. E2 levels on Gels, compared with Nebido.
  147. HCG alternative
  148. 2nd PCT before endo puts me on TRT @ 27 years old?
  149. prostate issues while on TRT?
  150. New doc but no hcg
  151. Low-dose oral cruise on TRT?
  152. How much hCG should I be using during TRT?
  153. Gave blood, Feel great
  154. Los Angeles area TRT?
  155. ED drugs and skin cancer
  156. TRT when you're old
  157. Legit Cialis Source?
  158. help with blood work
  159. Feeling fatigued in the last week
  160. Can a sleeping disorder cause low T??
  161. Intro + Lab Work Help
  162. Hormones and Anti-Aging
  163. HCG IU Question
  164. West pharma test
  165. pins and needles anyone
  166. Time for me to start HCG
  167. Can someone help me interpret my semen analysis....am I infertile?
  168. Long Term Effects of Cialis
  169. TRT Advice - 25 Year Old Male - Australia
  170. Thyroid #s post t3 usage
  171. Aveed for low T.
  172. Blood Work from 8-29-14 please review and any help would be great
  173. Unbelievable
  174. Gel's and Spermatogenesis
  175. Testosterone and Mortality
  176. Any good UGL's offering trans-derm?
  177. Do You Care About the Type of Doctor?
  178. Is there any professional I can pay for a comprehensive test of my blood work? HRT?
  179. Hair come back if stop Test??
  180. TRT candidate?
  181. Just when you think you've heard everything....
  182. Hypothyroidism and raised Estradiol - advice needed
  183. Switch from Subq to IM-4 week BW update
  184. Been off trt for 8 months these are my blood results
  185. lab work help - 6 month TRT
  186. Just started HRT, would like some feedback.
  187. Low nitric oxide?
  188. test from your doctor
  189. hcg for 6 week test prop cycle?
  190. New to TRT
  191. Getting BW done...
  192. erection issues.....18 months later
  193. Update trt
  194. How should I educate my Urologist on HCG?
  195. HCG Does it go bad?
  196. TRT clinics and blast/cruise protocol
  197. HCG Questions
  198. Newbie, TRT
  199. Considering switching from subQ to IM
  200. Testosterone and the FDA *****
  201. HCG did its job well!
  202. Good starting dose for anastrazole?
  203. A year+ of self prescribed TRT & Heavy Cycling
  204. What else other than T-level contributes to low sex drive
  205. Headaches & blurred vision in 1 eye-TRT related?
  206. TRT HCG/clomid propecia routine ??
  207. Crashed hard. Overall unwell. Fatigue, back pain, headaches and general exhaustion.
  208. My botched phlebotomy
  209. Looking for DHT blocker other than propecia
  210. Testosterone Myths
  211. Clomid Study
  212. Do i need arimidex? Week 6 of TRT + lab results
  213. Dead lift dizziness
  214. Can someone look at my blood test results
  215. Varicoceles and low T
  216. Testing and transdermals
  217. Older Men and Testosterone Replacement-Risk of Myocardial Infarction
  218. cenegenics
  219. Lab COrp lagging>?
  220. Anastrozole and low E2, how long to bounce back
  221. At Home Tests
  222. Body fat increase on TRT?
  223. Blood work overview
  224. Not sure what steps to take following lab results
  225. Not sure what steps to take following lab results
  226. Reandron/Nebido Week 1
  227. Health Question(stomach) - Any Doc's in the house?
  228. My new HRT doc
  229. diagnosed with testicular cancer last week .. now what to do about TRT?
  230. Blood and oil spewed out when I pulled the needle...
  231. My teenage steroid use and my eventual recovery. Warning to young guys wanting to use
  232. Progesterone
  233. Help with test result
  234. Almost 2 months on androgel! Results!
  235. Starting TRT at younger age, just want to make sure I haven't missed anything
  236. Gearing up and competing towards becoming a pro
  237. Finding a TRT Dr. in my area (North Jersey)?
  238. FINALLY..a doctor
  239. Question on test shot from DR
  240. Stopped DIM / Indolplex - How long to wait before Blood Test?
  241. HCG Question
  242. Testopel vs BioTE
  243. TRT Information Request/Advice
  244. How long till HCG kicks in
  245. Epitalon
  246. Does HCG help the swimmers?
  247. HGH or GH Releasing Peptides: Which would you choose?
  248. Read My Bloodwork
  249. Androgens and Frailty
  250. Blood test results back, looking for advice from the experts here. Please?
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