- First Shot of Test, But Do I Need Something Else?
- Just recieved result what do they mean
- 1 weak nut
- HRT and Cholesterol Meds
- Testo IM 250 and blood test
- Low Sex Drive issues
- question about doctor visit
- New law about Doc's and Scripts
- Bumping Up....
- TRT help/Suggestions...
- High Estrogen Levels - How do I fix ?
- A Quick question ??
- 2nd bloodtest results
- Steroid Cycle Questions???
- Itchy Needle like pains on injection day
- Goodbye Endo... Hello Urologist
- Estrogen rebound
- HRT question test levels low and just started a cycle
- Lab Results are in! - I Need a New Doc!
- Recent blood work and Test Pellets
- does tren show up on a blood test?
- Gyno after two weeks, what tha !@#$
- Doc 500mg Test- Help please
- Vascularity???
- riptropin
- Phlebitis opinions?
- Testosterone patches and cream can pass drug test?
- Deca and Test levels
- Is it advisable... Experts opinion
- HRT source/price rules?
- understanding starting testosterone injections
- about hcg
- motivation has gone too HELL!!!
- TRT prescribed by myself
- Injections, Cream or Time-Released Pellets?
- Doubling the T Cyp?
- evolution of Testosterone in blood
- Went to my ANTI-AGING Doc today.. Here's what he had to say.. SERIOUS!!
- androgel or injections?
- blood test results
- Thanks Guys
- Lack of sleep and low test ?
- Weight Gain Since Starting TRT
- Im Gonna Crash!!!!
- Advice
- Lab results came back today, going to the Endo next
- Currenly on HRT
- I LOVE my new HRT doctor.
- Anti Aging clinic or Doc near Philly
- Testo and positive effetcs
- Please address polycythemia!
- Raise Testosterone Naturally?
- Some TRT advice
- New member here. My life, and my tragedy.
- Follow up appointment today - need advice!!
- Winny for TRT?
- here is my story, advice and similar stories would be appreciated
- Testim or Androgel
- YET ANOTHER Blood test question :)
- ESTRADIOL advice
- muscles gains between 100mg and 200mg/week?
- Whats dosages you guys running for TRT
- Trt
- expired test cyp.
- High estradiol and low TSH.....any ideas?
- What's wrong with my injections!!!!!!!!!!!
- Enanthate Injection and test results, help
- DIM diindolylmethane. any good?
- Sub-Q testosterone HRT?
- Blood work....Any comments
- The Doc, The Endo, and the Specialist
- TRT 19 months, would Anivar assit me>
- Is this price right for Androgel?
- Switching brands of GH
- HRT,Creatine
- Testosterone absorption and frequency
- Hi Folks - Need some advice on test lvls.
- High Cortisol/ Progesterone after HRT
- Help with diet & training
- Anyone used Secretropin as an HGH secretogue?
- Prostatectomy and HRT
- TRT inquiry
- how old are you guys on TRT?
- Anastrozole vs. Aromisin
- Hcg vs. Hmg
- general discuss
- Question about receptor site down regulation
- What to do?
- arimidex vs liqudex
- Trt
- ml to mg conversion
- Clomid for HRT?
- question about cutting cycle
- Any Good HRT Doctors in New Jersey?
- Androderm
- What did you damage? Pituitary or Testicles?
- Got my TRT results in... High DHEA??
- Really Really need some help with this - Levels way too high
- Time between cycles??
- Latest Bloodwork
- Psa???
- Need some advice on injection frequency..
- HRT/TRT and Deca and ED
- How to find the right doctor?
- not feeling great yet on trt
- Check this out
- Switched from Cream to Test Cyp Injections
- avg hrt test dose per week and arimidex dose per week?
- New guy here - second round of bloodwork - should I see another doctor?
- Can someone Help me...?
- Blasting
- When Viagra doesn't work....
- have you guys had a reverse effect with test-cyp
- Deca Problems???
- hrt questions
- low'ish total testosterone level but high free T-level - reason?
- What is the status of research suplements in the USA? Will they ever become ilegal?
- Have a friend on Gel thinking about going to implant
- 1st HRT Doc Visit Since I stared
- Adrogel users
- HRT Test E: can I get away with weekly shots instead of e3d?
- Blood work results
- Test numbers anyone experimented
- Anybody else here get gyno from TRT
- 400 is a good level to be at!!!
- Compounding Test cream
- Issue of Test Cyp?
- Anyone who has been on compounding test cream.
- Otc ai ?
- what to tell my doc to switch off cream for shots
- :HRT therapy Nebido:
- Bloodwork question
- ive increased my cyp should i be concerned over the estrogen lvl?
- Hcg pro's / cons(if any)
- Diet-Eggs vs Egg Whites
- Thyroid ???
- Trenbolone
- can androgel be used as a booster?
- New Member in need of your opinions
- Pain After Fourth Injection
- has anyone know about test pills and if they work as well as other forms of treatment
- Arimadex @ 1mg ed?
- Fasting before blood work?
- Took a testosterone levels test
- Weird Test Results + Getting Androgel?
- Newbie Need help
- TRT Test C 200 mg pr week and lately not as strong?WTF
- frequency of related issues while on TRT
- Extended Clomid Use and Hair Loss?
- BRT and Dbol
- need some help
- T Cyp and GGT probs?
- Blood workup timing
- all I can say is amazing!
- hit the wall
- A. Dex and limpness?
- I need help with testosterone replacement therapy!
- Timing blood work
- Bloodwork coming up
- What can i expect form TRT
- BW on testim
- Low libido, depression while on test
- Anyone have BW high/low while on weekly injections ?
- How long have you been on HRT? *Poll*
- How much testosterone...
- Nolva or aromasin instead of Adex?
- New member, results so far on TRT
- Been on HRT for 3 weeks and not much result.
- Hydrocortisone, HPA and Testosterone
- Off the Patch
- How long to wait?
- Do test cyp injections work instantly
- Enlarged Prostate?
- Need Advice From you guys on HRT!
- Anastrozole
- Yet another story of the Endo run-around
- How Should I Proceed With My TRT
- rethinking my trt / cycle decisions
- Breaking out with acne a good sign on HRT?
- Can i get your opinion?
- HRT Deca cycle
- Hgh 101
- is it possible to have children on hrt?
- Started My HCG Protocol
- Too young for low testosterone
- Is a Wellness / Anti-Aging clinic worth the $$$
- Finding a good clinic in Sydney, Australia?
- How could I lower my Testosterone and HGH?
- TRT and NCAA Sports
- HGH Replacements..
- One day after first Test E shot and I'm grumpy as hell...
- secondary hypogonadism without a tumor?
- Androgel - Joint Pain
- filling multiple scripts
- androgel???? i need some advice
- questions to all those on hrt
- Bigger Stronger Faster* Question.
- Free testosterone..
- Urologist?
- Ridiculously Low Testosterone Levels
- High Creatine Kinase level
- Can you take prohormones for hrt?
- Going to start back up
- 24 Hour Urine Cortisol Test
- Need a definate answer.... can my wife conceive while on TRT???
- winstrol and cholesterol
- HRT and the Workplace
- Injecting Test?
- Looking for help
- At home testosterone test?
- ??how to approach the Endo
- natural test levels?
- Women and steroids..
- Just Got Bad News
- Is 460 a normal test level for a 29 year old?
- high estrogen levels and other issues
- I have a feeling I will be on HRT soon so I figured I'd get some advice
- Well I am Back
- on Cyp, thinking about Anavar
- Finally got IM injections
- TRT causing balls to shrink up
- HGH, baseline labs
- HGH? which brand?
- anti age clinic, initial labs
- Vitamin overload...?
- Anti-aging clinics what to expect
- TRT, need help please
- I'm on doc prescribed TRT at 175 mg of test cyp weekly and my estradiol is 112. WTF?
- Libido Increase/Stronger Erections from Arimidex?
- New Test Results
- Injectable HGH...Best brand name?
- Older men are as responsive as young men to the anabolic effects of graded doses of t
- First Injection Tonight
- Test Shelf Life
- Why an increase in Libido after missing 2 weeks of Test E shots ???
- lab results
- Tired of having to shave my back for hair<<
- HRT in Colorado- Laws?
- Nebido
- Pharmacy changed from 10ML to 1ML Help
- Light Headedness from Test Injections
- Anti Aging Doc or Endocrinologist
- Lost my insurance ( the dam economy) How much will?
- How long and how much armidex
- Low Testosterone Blood Test
- Results of Total Test level - measured at peak or trough?
- Blood Work Results Question???
- Those on trt, did you need arimidex or other
- In your guys experience, what is the best erectile dysfunction drug?