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  1. First Shot of Test, But Do I Need Something Else?
  2. Just recieved result what do they mean
  3. 1 weak nut
  4. HRT and Cholesterol Meds
  5. Testo IM 250 and blood test
  6. Low Sex Drive issues
  7. question about doctor visit
  8. New law about Doc's and Scripts
  9. Bumping Up....
  10. TRT help/Suggestions...
  11. High Estrogen Levels - How do I fix ?
  12. A Quick question ??
  13. 2nd bloodtest results
  14. Steroid Cycle Questions???
  15. Itchy Needle like pains on injection day
  16. Goodbye Endo... Hello Urologist
  17. Estrogen rebound
  18. HRT question test levels low and just started a cycle
  19. Lab Results are in! - I Need a New Doc!
  20. Recent blood work and Test Pellets
  21. does tren show up on a blood test?
  22. Gyno after two weeks, what tha !@#$
  23. Doc 500mg Test- Help please
  24. Vascularity???
  25. riptropin
  26. Phlebitis opinions?
  27. Testosterone patches and cream can pass drug test?
  28. Deca and Test levels
  29. Is it advisable... Experts opinion
  30. HRT source/price rules?
  31. understanding starting testosterone injections
  32. about hcg
  33. motivation has gone too HELL!!!
  34. TRT prescribed by myself
  35. Injections, Cream or Time-Released Pellets?
  36. Doubling the T Cyp?
  37. evolution of Testosterone in blood
  38. Went to my ANTI-AGING Doc today.. Here's what he had to say.. SERIOUS!!
  39. androgel or injections?
  40. blood test results
  41. Thanks Guys
  42. Lack of sleep and low test ?
  43. Weight Gain Since Starting TRT
  44. Im Gonna Crash!!!!
  45. Advice
  46. Lab results came back today, going to the Endo next
  47. Currenly on HRT
  48. I LOVE my new HRT doctor.
  49. Anti Aging clinic or Doc near Philly
  50. Testo and positive effetcs
  51. Please address polycythemia!
  52. Raise Testosterone Naturally?
  53. Some TRT advice
  54. New member here. My life, and my tragedy.
  55. Follow up appointment today - need advice!!
  56. Winny for TRT?
  57. here is my story, advice and similar stories would be appreciated
  58. Testim or Androgel
  59. YET ANOTHER Blood test question :)
  60. ESTRADIOL advice
  61. muscles gains between 100mg and 200mg/week?
  62. Whats dosages you guys running for TRT
  63. Trt
  64. expired test cyp.
  65. High estradiol and low TSH.....any ideas?
  66. What's wrong with my injections!!!!!!!!!!!
  67. Enanthate Injection and test results, help
  68. DIM diindolylmethane. any good?
  69. Sub-Q testosterone HRT?
  70. Blood work....Any comments
  71. The Doc, The Endo, and the Specialist
  72. TRT 19 months, would Anivar assit me>
  73. Is this price right for Androgel?
  74. Switching brands of GH
  75. HRT,Creatine
  76. Testosterone absorption and frequency
  77. Hi Folks - Need some advice on test lvls.
  78. High Cortisol/ Progesterone after HRT
  79. Help with diet & training
  80. Anyone used Secretropin as an HGH secretogue?
  81. Prostatectomy and HRT
  82. TRT inquiry
  83. how old are you guys on TRT?
  84. Anastrozole vs. Aromisin
  85. Hcg vs. Hmg
  86. general discuss
  87. Question about receptor site down regulation
  88. What to do?
  89. arimidex vs liqudex
  90. Trt
  91. ml to mg conversion
  92. Clomid for HRT?
  93. question about cutting cycle
  94. Any Good HRT Doctors in New Jersey?
  95. Androderm
  96. What did you damage? Pituitary or Testicles?
  97. Got my TRT results in... High DHEA??
  98. Really Really need some help with this - Levels way too high
  99. Time between cycles??
  100. Latest Bloodwork
  101. Psa???
  102. Need some advice on injection frequency..
  103. HRT/TRT and Deca and ED
  104. How to find the right doctor?
  105. not feeling great yet on trt
  106. Check this out
  107. Switched from Cream to Test Cyp Injections
  108. avg hrt test dose per week and arimidex dose per week?
  109. New guy here - second round of bloodwork - should I see another doctor?
  110. Can someone Help me...?
  111. Blasting
  112. When Viagra doesn't work....
  113. have you guys had a reverse effect with test-cyp
  114. Deca Problems???
  115. hrt questions
  116. low'ish total testosterone level but high free T-level - reason?
  117. What is the status of research suplements in the USA? Will they ever become ilegal?
  118. Have a friend on Gel thinking about going to implant
  119. 1st HRT Doc Visit Since I stared
  120. Adrogel users
  121. HRT Test E: can I get away with weekly shots instead of e3d?
  122. Blood work results
  123. Test numbers anyone experimented
  124. Anybody else here get gyno from TRT
  125. 400 is a good level to be at!!!
  126. Compounding Test cream
  127. Issue of Test Cyp?
  128. Anyone who has been on compounding test cream.
  129. Otc ai ?
  130. what to tell my doc to switch off cream for shots
  131. :HRT therapy Nebido:
  132. Bloodwork question
  133. ive increased my cyp should i be concerned over the estrogen lvl?
  134. Hcg pro's / cons(if any)
  135. Diet-Eggs vs Egg Whites
  136. Thyroid ???
  137. Trenbolone
  138. can androgel be used as a booster?
  139. New Member in need of your opinions
  140. Pain After Fourth Injection
  141. has anyone know about test pills and if they work as well as other forms of treatment
  142. Arimadex @ 1mg ed?
  143. Fasting before blood work?
  144. Took a testosterone levels test
  145. Weird Test Results + Getting Androgel?
  146. Newbie Need help
  147. TRT Test C 200 mg pr week and lately not as strong?WTF
  148. frequency of related issues while on TRT
  149. Extended Clomid Use and Hair Loss?
  150. BRT and Dbol
  151. need some help
  152. T Cyp and GGT probs?
  153. Blood workup timing
  154. all I can say is amazing!
  155. hit the wall
  156. A. Dex and limpness?
  157. I need help with testosterone replacement therapy!
  158. Timing blood work
  159. Bloodwork coming up
  160. What can i expect form TRT
  161. BW on testim
  162. Low libido, depression while on test
  163. Anyone have BW high/low while on weekly injections ?
  164. How long have you been on HRT? *Poll*
  165. How much testosterone...
  166. Nolva or aromasin instead of Adex?
  167. New member, results so far on TRT
  168. Been on HRT for 3 weeks and not much result.
  169. Hydrocortisone, HPA and Testosterone
  170. Off the Patch
  171. How long to wait?
  172. Do test cyp injections work instantly
  173. Enlarged Prostate?
  174. Need Advice From you guys on HRT!
  175. Anastrozole
  176. Yet another story of the Endo run-around
  177. How Should I Proceed With My TRT
  178. rethinking my trt / cycle decisions
  179. Breaking out with acne a good sign on HRT?
  180. Can i get your opinion?
  181. HRT Deca cycle
  182. Hgh 101
  183. is it possible to have children on hrt?
  184. Started My HCG Protocol
  185. Too young for low testosterone
  186. Is a Wellness / Anti-Aging clinic worth the $$$
  187. Finding a good clinic in Sydney, Australia?
  188. How could I lower my Testosterone and HGH?
  189. TRT and NCAA Sports
  190. HGH Replacements..
  191. One day after first Test E shot and I'm grumpy as hell...
  192. secondary hypogonadism without a tumor?
  193. Androgel - Joint Pain
  194. filling multiple scripts
  195. androgel???? i need some advice
  196. questions to all those on hrt
  197. Bigger Stronger Faster* Question.
  198. Free testosterone..
  199. Urologist?
  200. Ridiculously Low Testosterone Levels
  201. High Creatine Kinase level
  202. Can you take prohormones for hrt?
  203. Going to start back up
  204. 24 Hour Urine Cortisol Test
  205. Need a definate answer.... can my wife conceive while on TRT???
  206. winstrol and cholesterol
  207. HRT and the Workplace
  208. Injecting Test?
  209. Looking for help
  210. At home testosterone test?
  211. ??how to approach the Endo
  212. natural test levels?
  213. Women and steroids..
  214. Just Got Bad News
  215. Is 460 a normal test level for a 29 year old?
  216. high estrogen levels and other issues
  217. I have a feeling I will be on HRT soon so I figured I'd get some advice
  218. Well I am Back
  219. on Cyp, thinking about Anavar
  220. Finally got IM injections
  221. TRT causing balls to shrink up
  222. HGH, baseline labs
  223. HGH? which brand?
  224. anti age clinic, initial labs
  225. Vitamin overload...?
  226. Anti-aging clinics what to expect
  227. TRT, need help please
  228. SARMs & HRT
  229. I'm on doc prescribed TRT at 175 mg of test cyp weekly and my estradiol is 112. WTF?
  230. Libido Increase/Stronger Erections from Arimidex?
  231. New Test Results
  232. Injectable HGH...Best brand name?
  233. Older men are as responsive as young men to the anabolic effects of graded doses of t
  234. First Injection Tonight
  235. Test Shelf Life
  236. Why an increase in Libido after missing 2 weeks of Test E shots ???
  237. lab results
  238. Tired of having to shave my back for hair<<
  239. HRT in Colorado- Laws?
  240. Nebido
  241. Pharmacy changed from 10ML to 1ML Help
  242. Light Headedness from Test Injections
  243. Anti Aging Doc or Endocrinologist
  244. Lost my insurance ( the dam economy) How much will?
  245. How long and how much armidex
  246. Low Testosterone Blood Test
  247. Results of Total Test level - measured at peak or trough?
  248. Blood Work Results Question???
  249. Those on trt, did you need arimidex or other
  250. In your guys experience, what is the best erectile dysfunction drug?
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