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  1. What's the downside of taking an AI?
  2. Aromasin and tender joints?
  3. My 6 month Update on TRT
  4. Screwed up my TRT protocol…now my Dr. is punishing me!
  5. where can i test aldosterone?
  6. Zinc
  7. Coming off TRT due to Bacne..50mg 2x week of Clomid enough
  8. How normal for a MRI?
  9. Sleep disturbance
  10. Exemestane dose, WTF
  11. red face, upper chest amd arms
  12. Old guy - libido enhancement
  13. Low testosterone 22 - vitamin d deficiency
  14. No pumps in.gym, red face
  15. GHRP6 side effects
  16. My Intro - Advice for moving to self-sustained program
  17. HCG causing muscle spasms?
  18. Question??
  19. exemestane (Aromasin) as a test booster?
  20. GHRP-6 or GHRP-2?
  21. My bloodwork is in, definitely low Testoserone...
  22. Life-Style after starting TRT
  23. Started TRT today
  24. Can i check LH/FSH on each testy?
  25. Flippin insurance won't cover my AI :(
  26. Help with the bloat
  27. Could someone please look at my blood results
  28. Doc took me off TRT and put me on Ariimidex?
  29. T/E Ratio and TRT
  30. Pinning my thigh
  31. DHEA Test
  32. Sermorelin question
  33. Hemocrit & RBC
  34. 54 pounds in two months
  35. Help with Estrogen Rebound and Adex
  36. Sermorelin/ghrp-2 dosing
  37. Dr's referring me out due to high Hematocrit & Estro almost double. WTF?
  38. Anastrozole and dosing options
  39. private md labs, coupon code?
  40. stuffy nose + Cialis =???
  41. TRT and cutting?
  42. Got a little shrinkage
  43. testing DHEA while supplementing.
  44. Going to need bloodwork but on cycle how to change it up?
  45. Standard HCG dosage on TRT protocol...
  46. Costco prices for test cpy increased ~$20
  47. Need advice on what to do about new doc
  48. Question about estrogen
  49. hematocrit questions:
  50. Help I hit a plateau.
  51. Where can I get blood test in Santa Monica
  52. dosage. monthly or weekly?
  53. Vitamin D3?
  54. arr vi and arr cia
  55. high estrogen
  56. Trt, hcg, adex damage kidneys?
  57. Peak versus Trough
  58. Starting HCG but been on trt for 6 months
  59. Red Cross denied my blood because I was in Mexico 6 mo ago
  60. dehydration , help!!!!!
  61. Is this normal to feel so tired
  62. Trans resveratrol
  63. Strange iron results.
  64. Is it ok?
  65. New Bloodwork 12/11/13
  66. Couple of blood questions
  67. HCG timing
  68. Selegiline dosage & experience?
  69. Finding a new doc
  70. Anastrozole question
  71. Oral vs Injectible HcG
  72. Working out again after beginning HRT
  73. Noticing a bit of mood change
  74. Cypionate & Propionate blend
  75. URGENT!!! Need advice regarding lab results!
  76. New blood test results....
  77. Report
  78. Need test or just AI is enough?
  79. Starting exemestane dosage, BW numbers inside
  80. TRT vs Cycle ??
  81. Arimidex vs Aromasin
  82. When Total T and Free T are "Too High"
  83. BW and Update
  84. HCG Question
  85. Anastrozole
  86. Finasteride? Doesn't sound good.
  87. Should I get bw? possible symptoms
  88. synthetics + test TRT protocol
  89. High E
  90. Test cyp change to Tes E?
  91. Exemestane side effects
  92. Urgent question about hCG!
  93. Labs Back
  94. Talked to the Doc today
  95. Blast and Cruise, how safe is it??
  96. Restart went wrong
  97. Up 5.5lbs in 1st 10 days of TRT - water weight or muscle?
  98. DHEA & Pregnenolone
  99. happy holidays to everyone at the hrt forum !
  100. Get blood tests on ??
  101. Switching injection frequency?
  102. clomid instead of HCG??????
  103. Armpit lump
  104. God I love the Test Shots
  105. Raised Total T 200% Free T 300%
  106. High iron levels
  107. KelKel
  108. Decent doctors or endos in Brisbane Australia
  109. Hcg
  110. New and looking for some sound advice and recommendations
  111. Try TRT at 23?
  112. Bloodwork back and PSA climbed again.
  113. Best AI on AR-R
  114. trt and hcg
  115. caber or prami
  116. CBC Results Help - Iron defficiency?
  117. Need advice: 24 years old, Low Test, Time to get these levels up
  118. 1st time to Doc
  119. New to trt dosages need help
  120. Acne on back and chest
  121. Those of you doing multiple injections a week
  122. 1 yr bloodwork
  123. Some advice on B-12
  124. VAP cholesterol Test
  125. Should I change my protocol?
  126. Sermorelin ghrp2 instructions?
  127. Advice for low test
  128. AI and Surgey/Pain killers
  129. Looking for some advice!!
  130. thinking about trying trt again
  131. Estrogen high
  132. When to test?
  133. back with a couple questions
  134. HCG instead of TestC???
  135. HRT Questions!
  136. Quitted TRT 7 weeks ago, getting blood work, should I keep taking arimidex?
  137. Hitting nerves often
  138. Curious?
  139. Compounded sermorelin
  140. Skin Problems
  141. Proviron 25 for TRT?
  142. Happy New Year
  143. Some concerns....
  144. test on the way need source for...
  145. Timing of Protocol Components
  146. Test cypionate and supplements
  147. I need to make things right again...
  148. 1 year TRT bloodwork results are in! Prolactin????
  149. Blood test, low t syndrome
  150. What does everyone do once dialed in?
  151. Traveling with HCG
  152. How did you feel from the time you started TRT until you were dialed in?
  153. Boost Test out of the mid 300's?
  154. Im going for it
  155. Finally found a way to find a TRT Dr. & not waste $$$
  156. My first BW done?....
  157. Do you hrt guys run
  158. Propionate for TRT
  159. TRT Lifer
  160. 2 years worth of blood work, cause still not determined
  161. Gel or injectable?
  162. shortness of breath with clomid?
  163. Latest bloodwork in, T and E are too high
  164. Depressed/anxiety??
  165. First Blood: BW after 1 month
  166. Very low test after Pro hormone. Advice please!
  167. New Endo Appointment this week... A little nervous...
  168. Primary Hypogonadism ? need help
  169. Labs: DHEA or DHEA Sulfate
  170. Estrogen Flare Up -- Recommended DIM Dosage?
  171. Any of the members here. ..
  172. Assistance with interpreting blood work and next steps
  173. Prolactin
  174. Sensitive E
  175. Help on what to do next.
  176. did low-t get any doctors in nj yet?
  177. Wife on HRT: What blood tests should be required?
  178. New guy with low test trying to learn all this!
  179. Hematocrit Question
  180. DHEA Questions
  181. To Restart, or not to RestarT?
  182. Going to try a restart ~15 months after cycle. Need advice
  183. Dosing HCG
  184. Bass's latest BW during T3 cycle as of 1/7/2014
  185. Minor Bloodwork
  186. the ideal time for bw?!?!?!?!?
  187. Gonna give subQ a try
  188. Which is better
  189. Should I be on TRT?
  190. Does this mean I should take more AI or less T?
  191. HRT: qualifying 4 lowT.com program. Total and free T numbers?
  192. Looking for an Endo in Alpharetta GA
  193. Estradiol level high?
  194. Testosterone Boosters while on TRT?
  195. Nebido 4th shoot and still low T.
  196. Aromasin vs Arimidex
  197. Black lion products
  198. My protocol
  199. clomid and tamoxifen blood results
  200. Blood Pressure creeping up.
  201. Off Protocol for 1 week
  202. Liquid Cia ................................
  203. new doc and new protocall
  204. Sustaton 250 after effects NEED HELP URGANTLY
  205. 2x a Week
  206. Opinions on this Q&A by Bill Roberts?
  207. My hrt trip
  208. please help - 22 and 304 ng/dl testosterone
  209. HRT with normal test level?
  210. high test but still symptomatic
  211. What is the most effective estrogen blocking drug?
  212. Dumb Hcg Question :s
  213. Recently started TRT.. Help!
  214. Controlled Substance Tracking - National Database: Update
  215. Pre-Appointment Advice Needed!
  216. Gyno on TRT
  217. HCG + Heart Issues
  218. 6 Week Checkup
  219. what is the best treatment for high E2
  220. Major surgery and supplements
  221. trt questions and online clinics
  222. TRT Injection question
  223. Muscle Pain at the Injection Site
  224. Taking HCG and Keeping your Estrogen in Check
  225. HCG managing dosing with Nebido?
  226. Arimidex in .25 tabs or capsules from pharmacy
  227. A quick THANK YOU to everyone on here that helped me.
  228. Script question
  229. Explaining Blood Work & Other Common Questions Again
  230. Just saw A Commercial
  231. Need second opinion testosterone Therapy
  232. Site infection?
  233. Glute or thigh
  234. Quick Question on Blasting
  235. LowTestosterone.com - My Blood Work & Protocol
  236. Marcus300, Kekkel or anyone with a COMPLETE understanding of hrt!
  237. Follow up with Endo today
  238. HCG Issues
  239. Question about shut-down
  240. Coming off TRT... need advice!
  241. Nueropathy
  242. Input on my latest BW - Full Panel. Ferritin is very low
  243. Steroid, htpa shutdown, LH, GnHR, Dopamine, Wellbeing and Libido..
  244. Shortage of Test Cyp dose (quick question for the vets)
  245. going to see doctor
  246. any online stores to buy legit viagra?
  247. Getting meds from VA. I am type II Diabetic prescriber insilinproducing tab Glipizide
  248. Extremely strong anti-botic Should I stop training
  249. My TRT doctor experience
  250. need a calculation
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