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  1. Bloodwork results....After 6 weeks on TRT
  2. my latest BW resutls
  3. Man i have the worse luck!!!!!!!!!!!beyond pissed
  4. Few AI questions
  5. My son....may be a stupid question but I got to ask
  6. Is HRT the right plan for me (long, please help)
  7. Age 23, received lab results. Need interpretation.
  8. I have low test.
  9. Extreme Muscle Stiffness, Headaches, Nightmares
  10. Storing test cyp
  11. Snake oil
  12. TRT Issues, thoughts, advice
  13. Anybody have any recommendations for a HRT clinic
  14. My Chemisty
  15. HRT Clinic email this cycle to me for HGH or Sermorelin
  16. Test Cyp Once/Wk or Twice/Wk or biweekly?
  17. need advice on light blast while on TRT
  18. HRT cycle questions? Need advice....
  19. Weight lifting frequency?
  20. Excessive sweating
  21. Need help with my 1st cycle (Sustanon + HGH)
  22. Little help with my bloodwork?
  23. Question, DBOL while on TRT anyone??
  24. Bioavailable testosterone vs free testosterone
  25. Lab work after being on TRT for about 5-6 weeks
  26. blood work interpretation
  27. Androgel 25mg Looking for what I can expect & advice
  28. How much weight would be lost with hgh
  29. Anyone have any answers....need some help guys
  30. After 1st usage of Androgel...
  31. Best place to buy hgh
  32. Sabotage Blood Results
  33. Erectile dysfunction and hypogonadism (low testosterone).
  34. HCG- Does it matter *when* you inject?
  35. feeling like crap again
  36. dhea
  37. HCG and the benefits of taking it with TEST
  38. On HRT for 6 months. Problems with my thyroid, need help, please!
  39. question about my doc
  40. Nebido - how often?
  41. have cycle, just don't know order to take them as well as number of pills at a time
  42. physical results
  43. Good or Bad experiences with South Florida HRT clinics?
  44. Reusing HCG Mixing Vials
  45. hCG and Pregnenolone; What you should know.
  46. I screwed up bad this weekend
  47. Insulin Needle in Leg Can't Walk the Next Day
  48. Deca ?
  49. Can Hcg be run with Hgh ? Pros cons ?
  50. Good article on Xenoestrogens
  51. Have a HRT question for you pros....
  52. Post PCT lab results, please critique; feel like crap
  53. Advice about TRT
  54. Need Help with HCG mixing and Prgram !!
  55. Damn it feels great to be back on TRT!!!
  56. HCG extreme?
  57. Sound right to you?
  58. Arimidex and gas
  59. must read this!!
  60. What would u do
  61. Nipples Larger Than Normal
  62. HRT - Blast
  63. Testogel and adding more test to it
  64. finally getting to see new doctor
  65. Joint pain
  66. Nebidi and high estrogen
  67. Just curious!
  68. 19 Years Old, Really Need Help!
  69. I'm Feeling Great Today!
  70. HCG Question
  71. looking for endocrinologist in texas
  72. dopamine receptor regeneration
  73. Should have READ more before I started this...
  74. 6 week blood work?
  75. GHRH and GHRP explained.
  76. Is HRT that bad? Or does it have its benefits..?
  77. Had my first talk w Dr @ TRT
  78. Great News from the doc...
  79. Need help on who's legit please!!!!
  80. What if You Stop Dieting on TRT?
  81. Just my opinion guys....
  82. HCG With Normal Syringe? Is IM Better?
  83. Opinions needed on recent bloodwork
  84. help with coming off trt by myself
  85. High Normal Total T and Low Free T: Why?
  86. NJ TRT'ers
  87. My sleep pattern is severly jacked up!
  88. Damn, why didn't anyone tell me HCG an B12 can burn like a mofo?!
  89. Stayed on for 2 years with little to no breaks, 20 years old.. PCT or patience?
  90. 4 weeks on trt
  91. My Recent Blood Work!
  92. 21 yr old w/224 total test, 7.4 free test, and all the symptoms that go along with it
  93. TRT plus ????? for a blast
  94. switching from Gel to Cyp
  95. Took my first hCG shot!
  96. Acne!
  97. test cyp/prop
  98. Donating blood problem again!
  99. been on hrt ,testim for about a year dr. didnt tell me about side effects or anything
  100. Been on trt for 4 years now and thinking of getting off. Need questions answered
  101. Are you having a mid life crisis? Watch this from CBS Sunday morning show...
  102. What kind of "results" can I expect from TRT?
  103. Lab Ranges
  104. 58 yr old with some questions
  105. getting a doctor to perscribe hcg with trt
  106. Aging too quickly...
  107. Super Human Radio
  108. price for trt
  109. Test. Cyp. BW and Endo Experience
  110. ClomiPhene vs Testosterone Cyp
  111. Headed to the doctor tomorrow
  112. Any cancer survivors here?
  113. TRT - please, please help!
  114. Prescriptions
  115. saw new doc
  116. anyone heard any good or bad about this clinic
  117. Out of tune
  118. On TRT and needing advice
  119. Androgel and skin moisturizer?
  120. Its difficult to get blood tests in Canada. How would a guy self med trt?
  121. My first Blast - Thoughts? Advice?
  122. Increasing your HDL while on Trt
  123. How long until your doc went 6 months between blood tests?
  124. Thank Gawd I Figuring This Out...
  125. Help with labs
  126. ************ doc info "*******"
  127. post cycle and hcg therpay at clinics for trt
  128. Its go time - impregnated my wife!
  129. sharps container or trash!
  130. Still not recovered after 4 months
  131. Estrogen high, High, HIGH...
  132. gyno only affects fat men?
  133. LH and FSH!
  134. Long Term TRT and Liver Protection
  135. 21 years old, low test -- treatment options?
  136. No libido after 3 years of Finasteride
  137. My Latest Blood Work as of 6-26-2011
  138. What symptoms can HCG help
  139. Alternate test and deca! for blast!
  140. DR put my on 300mgs of CYP every 2 weeks for low test levels.... question
  141. Need opinions guys. 200 test level. Should i bother with HCG only trt?
  142. What are all the Symtoms of Low and High Estrogen???
  143. If your doc tweeks HRT dose, how long until re-test?
  144. New to TRT...Need advice please
  145. Letro + Nolva for teen "gyno"?
  146. Blood results....I need help
  147. TRT Doctor in Chicago
  148. on month 5, seeing hundreds of new body hairs, and voice is getting even deeper
  149. is brain fog i am having attributed to low t?
  150. Wondering about Blood Work. What are the costs?
  151. Between a Rock and a Hard Place
  152. Why not Anavar for a blast?
  153. HRT and pheromone levels?
  154. Swollen quad
  155. "Slim Pins" and Test. Cyp. Injections
  156. Clomid Instead of TRT ??!!
  157. Need a good endo please help want to have normal life!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  158. New to Forum, TRT in General, VERY Confused, and Hoping for Guidance
  159. Need Help Establishing a Baseline Please!!!!
  160. Help with doctor and testerone, she keeps pushing pellets
  161. Recieved PARTIAL Lab Results Today. Is this Enough Info for Any Advice?
  162. LH and FSH
  163. Poll- AAS prior to starting TRT
  164. help with male HRT in the UK
  165. Quality of hair since starting TRT
  166. Help with a clinic
  167. Need
  168. hgh year round
  169. Nurse asked "why do all you guys want to stick yourself with a needle?"
  170. TRT has begun to change my life for the better.
  171. New to TRT and confused by my test cypionate
  172. How long would it take to return to low test levels after stopping a blast.
  173. Letrozole question
  174. Bioidentical Pellets or Synthetic Test? What's your take?
  175. What has HCG done for you?
  176. 20 years old. full of regrets
  177. new HCG
  178. endo for so cal?
  179. Finally Received COMPLETE Labs, PLEASE Help!!!
  180. Forgot to Include My DHEA...Sorry, There is Just So Many Numbers...
  181. My Lastest Lab Results
  182. took my first Glutathione shot today!
  183. Gel while wife is pregnant
  184. Really strange Lab results
  185. HRT & 1st cycle???
  186. HRT and working out
  187. HCG and chest sencitivity
  188. TOP Threads for your FEMALE friends to Enjoy!
  189. TRT-hope this is in the right forum
  190. Test saved my marriage..
  191. Will the doc put me on TRT?
  192. anti aging clinic, please help
  193. Gynecomastia and HRT - Any Hope for Reduction?
  194. repair cycle question
  195. Costs of TRT
  196. Rethinking TRT
  197. Endo Saga Continues
  198. low t symptom?
  199. HCG When Traveling For A Week
  200. Test cream seems worthless
  201. Test cream seems worthless
  202. blood work tomorrow hopefully from GP. ?' s
  203. just got back bloodwork results, very confused...
  204. trt break???
  205. Seen the Doc today for my TRT plan
  206. t3 to reduce rt3 effects
  207. HCG Question
  208. HcG 10,000iu. 2 month supply? or no?
  209. HCG only available in shots?
  210. Book - The Testosterone Syndrome says 'no' to injections
  211. Bizarre news at my clinic.....but good?
  212. appt with anti aging clinic... question
  213. What type of Test
  214. Just got blood work back
  215. HRT and fertility?
  216. Being Able to Self-Inject Test Cyp?
  217. HCG shortage
  218. New Endo next Tuesday
  219. This Dr. is unreal.
  220. Cutting cycle or Clean bulk on TRT?
  221. Calculating blood T levels
  222. got prescribed 100iu of hcg every other day. too little?
  223. DHEA and TRT
  224. Did my hCG go bad?
  225. got my script today!!!
  226. Does your insurance cover hgh for your hrt?
  227. Intro new guy on TRT
  228. My dosage is 200g/ml T every 10 days. how to break this into weekly injections?
  229. need help getting into shape and health
  230. Mixed Salts of Amphetamine and Dextroamphetamine
  231. Arimidex or Aromasin or anastrozole
  232. Problem With Injecting HCQ SQ
  233. Blast on TRT
  234. need help
  235. Clomid every 3-4 months,, ON TRT ??
  236. Just started trt a few days ago, puffy nipples?
  237. Andriol ( Testosterone undecanoate) oral
  238. How long does TRT take to 'kick in.'
  239. Hoping I'm doing the right thing
  240. Do you home Inject
  241. Getting Rash!
  242. fatty liver and TRT
  243. DHEA, Pregnenolone and Melatonin
  244. There's stupid then there's me........
  245. Can a girl get pregnant just after she had her period?
  246. New to TRT
  247. Help! Feeling symptoms with total test of 354
  248. high blood pressure
  249. How to find a good HRT doc
  250. DHEA, ZMA with TRT Questions
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