- NEED HELP... My body does not except Testosterone!
- Body rhythms
- Got my bloodwork back???
- New Bloodwork Update
- HRT/TRT - AI absolutely required?
- Just started HRT, is it real stuff?
- Help w/ Incorporating HCG into my HRT
- first signs of gyno
- Gel absorption behavior
- I have two choices for TRT
- Question on out of state compounding pharmacies
- Low T, but normalish LF and FSH. What does that mean?
- Bad news !!
- Different test recieved from the pharmacy
- Newbie question.
- IU's vs Mg's ??
- members who are on HRT longer than 5 yrs ?
- Longtime AAS user, first time HRT consider-er :)
- Screwed up BIGTIME!
- TRT and Fertility
- TRT at 27? Recommended?
- Forum rule clarification
- e2 Levels?
- can I make trt end up like a cycle
- how much do i need to up my test levels??
- Flying with Gear
- Post Injury Health--Options?
- Guess I am stopping trt for now
- Need Help Finding a Doctor My Doc Sucks!!
- Sides
- Newbie to trt..need some advice
- Saw Palmetto (serenoa repens) for prostate issue
- SHBG, Estradiol, and Free Test Levels
- prescription refill ?
- adrenal fatigue
- Need help.....Please......
- Just got a referral to the Urologist!! Whats the best way to play this??
- Going to be starting TRT How is this going to work??
- Once I start TRT am I on it 4Ever??
- How much is prescribed Inj. Test at the pharmacy and who carries it??
- Please critique my HRT regime. Done the research, but need green light from veterans
- Need to find a good article to print and show my doctor
- Please take my Survey!!
- whats the cutoff?
- ? only on test
- Go blood tests back.... what do you think?
- Just wondering
- weird test results after trt
- acne solution
- DHT levels, and TRT doctors in Vegas area
- estradiol
- Cortisol Levels
- 200 mg Test Cream a Day
- Just Started Hrt
- blood work came back as low test and ive got questions
- Test Replacement Therapy
- Low test, high estrogen
- Latest Bloodwork
- A little info please ???
- Off of TRT for three weeks now
- No estradiol at all???
- how long has it been for you...
- armour thyroid
- Best places for test cream absorption for heavy guy
- Endo Doc
- Sust 250
- sleep..gone to hell..
- Corticosteroids
- estro little high
- Advice needed on my levels.
- Wife showing some changes...serious?
- FDA MedWatch Warning
- Low sex drive and ED
- Long term effects of arimidex
- T therapy folks over 40...
- Hrt Update + a little help please
- sticky question?
- Why does my doctor test HCG?
- night sweat...
- arimedex
- Can Test gel for replacement Hormone therapy be used for body building?
- 200mg Cyp. Shot 1 Week ago and still feel like POOP
- TRT Replacment therapy and Adding DBol Questions
- Important questions...please help
- Need Mathematical Help for someone experienced...
- Test Pellets
- Depotestadiol?
- arimidex????
- Need Help! Got a prescription for Stanozolol but can't find a pharmacy that can fill
- trt - hrt what r you numbers
- TRT + HRT Help
- Colon cleanse....anyone else doing this?
- natural or juicing
- hom uch do the injections raise my test levels??
- Tamoxifen/Nolvadex to stimulate test
- I want to give my mom my GH.
- Endo NO help now what?
- Hey Mod! Is it Ok to bump out threads!
- Blood work done while on a cycle
- is it just me???
- Letro equivalent of a-dex for E control
- Just Got Put On A BiG Dose????????????
- Dropped my bottle of test and it shattered What do i do
- question about dosage and natural test
- new bottle of test had the little plastic thing broke off when I got it now what
- VERY interesting letro study
- Should I start PCT for this problem? (sex drive)
- Lowest amount of Deca used for wellness, makn joints feel good...
- Is natural Test stronger and more powerful than what we produce??
- Do you have to take TRT forever?
- what do u think is the best bet
- feeling like my wife at that time of the month...
- HRT Questions
- Looking for a good doctor in Florida who knows alot about TRT/endocrine issues
- Saliva hormone test
- Referred to Hemotoligist, now what?
- Hgh
- Just got test results
- desperate and getting radical...
- hgh,igf,t3
- Help understanding total versus free testosterone
- HGH for a 65 year old man
- Just got blood work
- Does anyone in here make sure their test result come back low??
- Going to Endo for HRT & bridging with HGH & IGF.
- low test 25yold - 273total/ 85free, considering androgel
- If you could do it all over again?
- reveal 1 cycle history to endo or not
- low T and low LH 25yrs old
- Concerned about a lot of young guys with low test
- Just took my second shot yesterday
- Older guys in martial arts?
- Starting TRT again
- MY TRT Delemma, need advice, may stop<<
- For guys on TRT,do you also cycle
- Pro's....Help a guy out....!
- You guys were right
- Secondary Polycythemia. Anyone?
- Jintropin compared to Genotropin dosages
- do i need any pct for 200mg EW
- s-4 info
- TRT question
- Updated Bloodwork, anything stick out?
- Hot Flashes
- Justification For TRT in Healthy Young Men Who Use AAS
- For TRT guys only please......
- Weight Loss
- First Time User
- HRT Test E & Deca
- 3 days into TRT
- Need help with lab results
- Different storage
- TRT or Contest
- Arimidex dosage
- Need help with TRT
- Can I lowere my test leverls temporarely
- 10-15% test cream or cyp at 200mg/wk
- HCG legal questions
- Test levels and Hypothyroid
- My Doc said NO !!!!!
- Nebido and Sustanon 250
- Stomach pain, gas, crap every hr..
- New Member (Bad Bloodwork)
- New and Young - Went to the doctor, I have low Testosterone - Questions/Concerns
- How long to feel test benefits?
- help needed with doctors
- polycythemia
- Need a little advice
- just did my first pin of HCG
- Need help
- depo
- HCG while on HRT, why?
- TEST levels
- Strength gains!
- Trt
- Estrogen levels and a few other questions
- Doctor Question: Tendon Healing
- Advice for a 38 Year Old in Houston
- Testosterone Cream Question!!
- How long can you run low dose test?
- Help a 20 year old kid - Testosterone Supression
- Use Genotropin or Throw Away?
- Is the testosterone dosage vs blood level linear?
- Trying to determine if my lack of libido is hormonal
- What the HELL happened with this blood test?
- Dr. Dischareged me now what??
- Deca, a treatment for Low Back pain?
- Compound test vs. brand name?
- Would like your opinion....
- hrt with pct
- Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Low Test and High Estrogen
- A Puzzle on HRT Effects.
- Testosteron
- Nebido
- Elevated RDW and TRT
- Need Opinion... Quickly.. Please and Thank You.
- HRT 200mg every 2 wks or 100mg a week?
- Hormone replacement and workout stimulous
- women and DEPOT,CYP and the like?
- Wow Aromasin is strong stuff.
- I need advice - HRT and not feeling well
- Insurance stopped paying for Test
- first time cypionate
- Basic HRT show up as steroids on a test?
- Should I be including HCG into my HRT
- HRT/TRT Doc in NJ
- Prostate issue-estrogen and low libido..Anyone ?
- Testosterone while cutting, Yes, No?
- free testosteron
- how long can you stay on hrt?
- Full hormone blood test
- Injectable Testosterone?
- need help deciding what to do!
- My Doc Just SCREWED me, what do I do?
- Hey guys
- Lab tests back after 3 months on Blast...Not too bad, but need help here.
- First time aas hrt
- Blood test
- bloodtest results
- What to say to the Doc?
- Prolactin to high
- Hcg mixing error!!!
- is buying steroids online safe???
- Increased T and Semen Volume
- check this out
- Anastrozol VS exemestan
- EstoFest
- feeling like i have blue balls TRT
- Time of Day
- Advice
- Trt, htr(hrt?)
- Blood test
- First cycle of HGH, help!
- HRT....and Juice...!!!
- HRT and Blood test
- I'm Dying Here!
- new to trt
- TRT and HRT future?
- Nipple Sensative
- TRT 200 mg per week, feeling real tired, no energy
- 2nd round of bloodwork this Fri. Any Suggestions?
- 200mg/week TST so much?
- 2 Cents please..
- A few questions regarding HRT and cycles
- Numb pain in arms and legs
- Anti aging clinic
- Preparing HCG qeustion
- How long off of gear before blood test?