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  1. NEED HELP... My body does not except Testosterone!
  2. Body rhythms
  3. Got my bloodwork back???
  4. New Bloodwork Update
  5. HRT/TRT - AI absolutely required?
  6. Just started HRT, is it real stuff?
  7. Help w/ Incorporating HCG into my HRT
  8. first signs of gyno
  9. Gel absorption behavior
  10. I have two choices for TRT
  11. Question on out of state compounding pharmacies
  12. Low T, but normalish LF and FSH. What does that mean?
  13. Bad news !!
  14. Different test recieved from the pharmacy
  15. Newbie question.
  16. IU's vs Mg's ??
  17. members who are on HRT longer than 5 yrs ?
  18. Longtime AAS user, first time HRT consider-er :)
  19. Screwed up BIGTIME!
  20. TRT and Fertility
  21. TRT at 27? Recommended?
  22. Forum rule clarification
  23. e2 Levels?
  24. HGH and TRT THE SAME??
  25. can I make trt end up like a cycle
  26. how much do i need to up my test levels??
  27. Flying with Gear
  28. Post Injury Health--Options?
  29. Guess I am stopping trt for now
  30. Need Help Finding a Doctor My Doc Sucks!!
  31. Sides
  32. Newbie to trt..need some advice
  33. Saw Palmetto (serenoa repens) for prostate issue
  34. SHBG, Estradiol, and Free Test Levels
  35. prescription refill ?
  36. adrenal fatigue
  37. Need help.....Please......
  38. Just got a referral to the Urologist!! Whats the best way to play this??
  39. Going to be starting TRT How is this going to work??
  40. Once I start TRT am I on it 4Ever??
  41. How much is prescribed Inj. Test at the pharmacy and who carries it??
  42. Please critique my HRT regime. Done the research, but need green light from veterans
  43. Need to find a good article to print and show my doctor
  44. Please take my Survey!!
  45. whats the cutoff?
  46. ? only on test
  47. Go blood tests back.... what do you think?
  48. Just wondering
  49. weird test results after trt
  50. acne solution
  51. DHT levels, and TRT doctors in Vegas area
  52. estradiol
  53. Cortisol Levels
  54. 200 mg Test Cream a Day
  55. Just Started Hrt
  56. blood work came back as low test and ive got questions
  57. Test Replacement Therapy
  58. Low test, high estrogen
  59. Latest Bloodwork
  60. A little info please ???
  61. Off of TRT for three weeks now
  62. No estradiol at all???
  63. how long has it been for you...
  64. armour thyroid
  65. Best places for test cream absorption for heavy guy
  66. Endo Doc
  67. Sust 250
  68. sleep..gone to hell..
  69. Corticosteroids
  70. estro little high
  71. Advice needed on my levels.
  72. Wife showing some changes...serious?
  73. FDA MedWatch Warning
  74. Low sex drive and ED
  75. Long term effects of arimidex
  76. T therapy folks over 40...
  77. Hrt Update + a little help please
  78. sticky question?
  79. Why does my doctor test HCG?
  80. night sweat...
  81. arimedex
  82. Can Test gel for replacement Hormone therapy be used for body building?
  83. 200mg Cyp. Shot 1 Week ago and still feel like POOP
  84. TRT Replacment therapy and Adding DBol Questions
  85. Important questions...please help
  86. Need Mathematical Help for someone experienced...
  87. Test Pellets
  88. Depotestadiol?
  89. arimidex????
  90. Need Help! Got a prescription for Stanozolol but can't find a pharmacy that can fill
  91. trt - hrt what r you numbers
  92. TRT + HRT Help
  93. Colon cleanse....anyone else doing this?
  94. natural or juicing
  95. hom uch do the injections raise my test levels??
  96. Tamoxifen/Nolvadex to stimulate test
  97. I want to give my mom my GH.
  98. Endo NO help now what?
  99. Hey Mod! Is it Ok to bump out threads!
  100. Blood work done while on a cycle
  101. is it just me???
  102. Letro equivalent of a-dex for E control
  103. Just Got Put On A BiG Dose????????????
  104. Dropped my bottle of test and it shattered What do i do
  105. question about dosage and natural test
  106. new bottle of test had the little plastic thing broke off when I got it now what
  107. VERY interesting letro study
  108. Should I start PCT for this problem? (sex drive)
  109. Lowest amount of Deca used for wellness, makn joints feel good...
  110. Is natural Test stronger and more powerful than what we produce??
  111. Do you have to take TRT forever?
  112. what do u think is the best bet
  113. feeling like my wife at that time of the month...
  114. HRT Questions
  115. Looking for a good doctor in Florida who knows alot about TRT/endocrine issues
  116. Saliva hormone test
  117. Referred to Hemotoligist, now what?
  118. Hgh
  119. Just got test results
  120. desperate and getting radical...
  121. hgh,igf,t3
  122. Help understanding total versus free testosterone
  123. HGH for a 65 year old man
  124. Just got blood work
  125. Does anyone in here make sure their test result come back low??
  126. Going to Endo for HRT & bridging with HGH & IGF.
  127. low test 25yold - 273total/ 85free, considering androgel
  128. If you could do it all over again?
  129. reveal 1 cycle history to endo or not
  130. low T and low LH 25yrs old
  131. Concerned about a lot of young guys with low test
  132. Just took my second shot yesterday
  133. Older guys in martial arts?
  134. Starting TRT again
  135. MY TRT Delemma, need advice, may stop<<
  136. For guys on TRT,do you also cycle
  137. Pro's....Help a guy out....!
  138. You guys were right
  139. Secondary Polycythemia. Anyone?
  140. Jintropin compared to Genotropin dosages
  141. do i need any pct for 200mg EW
  142. s-4 info
  143. TRT question
  144. Updated Bloodwork, anything stick out?
  145. Hot Flashes
  146. Justification For TRT in Healthy Young Men Who Use AAS
  147. For TRT guys only please......
  148. Weight Loss
  149. First Time User
  150. HRT Test E & Deca
  151. 3 days into TRT
  152. Need help with lab results
  153. Different storage
  154. TRT or Contest
  155. Arimidex dosage
  156. Need help with TRT
  157. Can I lowere my test leverls temporarely
  158. 10-15% test cream or cyp at 200mg/wk
  159. HCG legal questions
  160. Test levels and Hypothyroid
  161. My Doc said NO !!!!!
  162. Nebido and Sustanon 250
  163. Stomach pain, gas, crap every hr..
  164. New Member (Bad Bloodwork)
  165. New and Young - Went to the doctor, I have low Testosterone - Questions/Concerns
  166. How long to feel test benefits?
  167. help needed with doctors
  168. polycythemia
  169. Need a little advice
  170. just did my first pin of HCG
  171. Need help
  172. depo
  173. HCG while on HRT, why?
  174. TEST levels
  175. Strength gains!
  176. Trt
  177. Estrogen levels and a few other questions
  178. Doctor Question: Tendon Healing
  179. Advice for a 38 Year Old in Houston
  180. Testosterone Cream Question!!
  181. How long can you run low dose test?
  182. Help a 20 year old kid - Testosterone Supression
  183. Use Genotropin or Throw Away?
  184. Is the testosterone dosage vs blood level linear?
  185. Trying to determine if my lack of libido is hormonal
  186. What the HELL happened with this blood test?
  187. Dr. Dischareged me now what??
  188. Deca, a treatment for Low Back pain?
  189. Compound test vs. brand name?
  190. Would like your opinion....
  191. hrt with pct
  192. Help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  193. Low Test and High Estrogen
  194. A Puzzle on HRT Effects.
  195. Testosteron
  196. Nebido
  197. Elevated RDW and TRT
  198. Need Opinion... Quickly.. Please and Thank You.
  199. HRT 200mg every 2 wks or 100mg a week?
  200. Hormone replacement and workout stimulous
  201. women and DEPOT,CYP and the like?
  202. Wow Aromasin is strong stuff.
  203. I need advice - HRT and not feeling well
  204. Insurance stopped paying for Test
  205. first time cypionate
  206. Basic HRT show up as steroids on a test?
  207. Should I be including HCG into my HRT
  208. HRT/TRT Doc in NJ
  209. Prostate issue-estrogen and low libido..Anyone ?
  210. Testosterone while cutting, Yes, No?
  211. free testosteron
  212. how long can you stay on hrt?
  213. Full hormone blood test
  214. Injectable Testosterone?
  215. need help deciding what to do!
  216. My Doc Just SCREWED me, what do I do?
  217. Hey guys
  218. Lab tests back after 3 months on Blast...Not too bad, but need help here.
  219. First time aas hrt
  220. Blood test
  221. bloodtest results
  222. What to say to the Doc?
  223. Prolactin to high
  224. Hcg mixing error!!!
  225. is buying steroids online safe???
  226. Increased T and Semen Volume
  227. check this out
  228. Anastrozol VS exemestan
  229. EstoFest
  230. feeling like i have blue balls TRT
  231. Time of Day
  232. Advice
  233. Trt, htr(hrt?)
  234. Blood test
  235. First cycle of HGH, help!
  236. HRT....and Juice...!!!
  237. HRT and Blood test
  238. I'm Dying Here!
  239. new to trt
  240. TRT and HRT future?
  241. Nipple Sensative
  242. TRT 200 mg per week, feeling real tired, no energy
  243. 2nd round of bloodwork this Fri. Any Suggestions?
  244. 200mg/week TST so much?
  245. 2 Cents please..
  246. A few questions regarding HRT and cycles
  247. Numb pain in arms and legs
  248. Anti aging clinic
  249. Preparing HCG qeustion
  250. How long off of gear before blood test?
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