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  1. BW in...please advise
  2. Testosterone Boosts Mood in Men with Heart Disease!
  3. HCG and high E2
  4. My silly error - advice please..
  5. Harm in Trying TRT
  6. armidex or hcg
  7. Endo wants to lower test 20mg
  8. HCG and my boys
  9. Thyroid article
  10. No sexx drive help...(blood hormone levels inside)
  11. Debating on HRT
  12. Testosterone injections and scrotum size
  13. follow up appointment with PCP since starting Test-C
  14. ED, low Libido, low Sperm Count - Blood Test inside
  15. My "Clinician" wont switch me to IM FROM CREAM!!!
  16. feeling ANXIOUS
  17. the real deal on restarting
  18. Question about switching form IM to SubQ test injections.
  19. Need advice for my testosterone problem
  20. Newbie with a free test question.
  21. Newbie with a free test question.
  22. Best High BP Meds...
  23. HCG Works !!!
  24. Topical Test to injections ???
  25. How long will it take to level out?
  26. On TRT Wondering what the "Perfect Dose" is???? EXPERTS or VETS only PLEASE!!!!
  27. anastrozole ?'s
  28. Please advise if I do need TRT or diet/nutrition can help.
  29. Sustanon for TRT?
  30. What needs to be monitored while on TRT?
  31. gyno?/anastrozole?/HELP!!!
  32. Toremifene while on TRT?
  33. Lowering test levels for TRT wih deca
  34. How much T do you inject?
  35. Will a doctor prescribe T for me considering I am already on it?
  36. Just added in hCG.. facial flushing
  37. testosterone women/children
  38. Bass................
  39. lowtestosterone.com for canadian citizens?????
  40. What do the Big Boys do?
  41. LowT in Sacramento
  42. Blast and cruise advice
  43. Above 1000 trt levels year round anyone?
  44. Coming off 2 yrs of blasting and crusing due to injury need pct advice
  45. Hcg cancer link.
  46. gelatin like substance formed at botton of Watson bottle
  47. Should i advise Primary Doc I am on TRT?
  48. Pycnogenol
  49. Bass's BW as of 8/7/2013, based on two spot injection (TSI)
  50. Doc refused me an HCG prescription but upped my test lol
  51. Any tips about first time blood donation?
  52. where has anabolicdoc been
  53. Any reason all of us TRT guys shouldn't be on T4?
  54. Crazy hypothetical scenario
  55. clomid
  56. Things I Learned From My Idiot GP Today.
  57. ?'s for "NEW" doctor ( maybe something you wish you clarified with yours...)
  58. Extremely high serum estrogen levels and high free - lab results
  59. Doctor recommends clomid over HCG..........
  60. high free t
  61. HGH and Blood in Urine
  62. Lowering T levels for TRT?
  63. I think my Dr is missing something?
  64. Wish there was a magic pill!
  65. Liquid lost in syringe....How to get around this?
  66. Anybody use the Nashville Clinic
  67. Is it ok to inject HCG anywhere?
  68. Axiron
  69. TRT what to expect.
  70. Low Cortisol and Low Test..
  71. Estrogen rebound from AI discontinuation hmm (raised eyebrow )
  72. 18 - 25 Year olds on TRT?
  73. losing weight after starting TRT
  74. Got blood work done, but am confused with numbers...
  75. what is the treatment protocal if its a pituitary issue
  76. Test for medical use (sorta) (19yrs) [help with depression]
  77. Messed up my hcg mixture
  78. i think im going to say **** it and go to dr shippen
  79. How did low t slowly rob you?
  80. SQ Question and back pain
  81. ANIMALS blood work after 8 months off cycle
  82. Very Low T
  83. Interested in cycle after nine years
  84. Any other long time Hypothyroid guy's here?
  85. New to all this - first time TRT
  86. Naturopath bs or what's the deal?
  87. Liquid arimidex measurement
  88. Low FT4 and TSH?
  89. Blood Work Questions ( LH&FSH, T4)
  90. Advice on lowering dose from 200mg/ml
  91. Blood results.. good/bad or ok?
  92. Metabolism of DHEA while on TRT
  93. bloodwork, input please?
  94. Been away for a while but im back!
  95. Adding Clen to a Cutting Cycle?
  96. Stopping TRT because Dr says PSA is high.
  97. is shippen a jack of all trades?
  98. Can'r give blood, they said my iron was too high
  99. Thyroid problems low tsh, low t4 good t3
  100. Testosterone fluctuation
  101. Subq and low bf%
  102. San Antonio Now Open
  103. Estrogen sides....
  104. $99 Blood Test
  105. New to HRT
  106. So anyone her try peptides like GHRP-6, Ipamorelin or cjc 1295?
  107. Request help in interpreting blood test results
  108. Slin Pin IM
  109. New TRT Patient with side effects and in need of advice
  110. Why do I keep getting a cold on TRT??
  111. What symptoms do u have with high hematocrit?
  112. newest blood work, need a few tweaks
  113. Question about low T, and treatment
  114. Estrogen results are back...
  115. Anavar run alongside TRT w/ HCG...would it affect fertility negatively?
  116. Update after 9 weeks on TRT
  117. When will my test levels be lowest after cycle? Trying to get scrip...
  118. On TRT for 3 yrs, off 3 mos. Nipples Long-any way to fix?
  119. Does ai lower good cholesterol?
  120. 5th endo help please
  121. b12 shots
  122. When will test levels be their lowest after cycle? Wanting to get prescription...
  123. bought cholestoff plus!
  124. New to TRT, need some advice on how to start right
  125. Do you go through Dr. or self prescribe?
  126. Clueless doctor and patient
  127. Why does TRT take so long to work?
  128. Cholesterol
  129. Pharmacy Discount Coupon for Test Cyp
  130. e -blocker
  131. Horrible endocrinologist..I am shocked
  132. I think my in-laws doctor might be an idiot.
  133. Question for Vettester
  134. therapeutic phlebotomy
  135. From testosterone to HCG only - an experiment
  136. Side Effect of TRT: Anxiety or Heart Palpitations?
  137. Moving to Vience Beach Ca.
  138. Trt and male pattern baldness
  139. Great Ways to Lose your TRT
  140. Expiration ** AFTER first draw **
  141. Any benefit of HCG if primary?
  142. Anyone have experience, knowledge, or reviews with a anti aging clinic in FL?
  143. i dont understand this
  144. Ever skipped a appointment?
  145. Tren
  146. stopping hcg
  147. Trouble after switching to SQ injections
  148. Becoming "dialed in"
  149. Moved to Wilmington, NC. Need a doc
  150. Fasting or not?
  151. Arginine to lower high BP
  152. So I found out I have low T today.
  153. Common Low T Questions
  154. Blood test in the morning: what should I ask for? UK
  155. does trt make you dumber or smarter
  156. SubQ Test C for TRT
  157. Red itchy lumps with T Prop
  158. 6 Months on TRT and New Blood work
  159. HPTA / Endocrine System
  160. Need advice on labs.
  161. Blood work results....Please advise..
  162. Reasons why the 1x inj every 2-3 weeks protocol is 8-10 years outdated!!!
  163. 2 questions
  164. Brand name test vs Compounded
  165. Sup Guys! :)
  166. Sub q into glutes?
  167. Please, Some advice on my recent BLOOD WORK :)
  168. High hematocrit levels????
  169. Aching testicles
  170. Healthy total testosterone levels but very low free testosterone levels - Please help
  171. not sure if this is the right forum but...
  172. Cant find thread that answered question about how long until test levels return
  173. 23 year old starting TRT, advice needed!!
  174. Low Testosterone --- But NO SYMPTOMS. How Can This Be?
  175. What's your protocol?
  176. adrenal fatigue support
  177. Experiences with DIM
  178. starting clomid tomorrow
  179. Two shots of 250IU of hcg that I could from safemeds and problems.
  180. Two shots of 250IU of hcg that I could from safemeds and problems.
  181. Nebido + Hcg + Clomid to regain fertility
  182. Epididymal cyst
  183. thinking of taking a break from hrt
  184. anyone have a bruising problem?
  185. Blast and cruise articles?
  186. raising your free t
  187. Low T at 20 years old: my story. Where to from here?
  188. Blood Test result explaination please?????????
  189. TRT Feeling worse not better?
  190. TRT Feeling worse not better?
  191. Lowering E2 levels
  192. Is there any reason to switch cyp to ena
  193. worried i have low t
  194. axiron comparsion help
  195. T-Dose, Estrogen, DHT and age
  196. The wrong way to measure injections
  197. Young with trt problems
  198. 22yo male with below range T, should I consider TRT?
  199. Philadelphia PA Now Open!
  200. using clomid while on test cyp - long term
  201. First cycle, have already been on TRT. input?
  202. Vitamin D and IGF-1 Levels
  203. Was Hoping Someone Might Have A Look At This Test Profile "Please"...
  204. panhypopituitarism
  205. Updated Bloodwork
  206. Advice needed. Complete Noob
  207. No md labs on oahu hawaii!! Please advise me on how to get bloods done so i can cycle
  208. Intro.
  209. Cheapest "Online Lab" to get full hormone panel bloodwork?
  210. Began TRT today
  211. Grape, cotton, sesame oils?
  212. Just found out I have Low T
  213. Intense Crotch Rash - need some advice
  214. Doctor opinions needed
  215. Candidate for HRT?
  216. Steroid cycle on HRT?
  217. plant serols/stanols (cholestoff) and testosterone levels
  218. Endo Review: The average dose of Vitamin D is not enough for some patients
  219. Low T 6 months after Pct, Blood Work Down ! Helpout!
  220. Blood test data after 12 wks TRT
  221. Anastrozole dosage
  222. First Appt expectations
  223. Sub-q pin size
  224. Skeptic of HRT
  225. Endocrinologist
  226. Local vs Overseas Meds
  227. Sweating like crazy
  228. Canada - Blood Tests
  229. New Blood Work, looking for input
  230. HGH and Testosterone replacement therapy?
  231. Lab Result Confusion - Need some help.
  232. Declined by LowT.com due to age?
  233. 5 Days in
  234. is my test level ok?
  235. Hcg
  236. Hcg and TSH
  237. Reasonable labs
  238. Advice please , lowered hrt dose and feeling fatigued
  239. Question for the board
  240. Anyone using deca for joint discomfort ?
  241. ghrp&cjc vs. HGH for HRT
  242. TRT Question
  243. Adderall's effect on testosterone ?
  244. what kind of pains did you feel when you crashed your estrogen?
  245. Citalopram/symptoms of low testosterone
  246. DHEA after supplementing with DHEA
  247. Flu like symptoms with low estro and sleep problems!?
  248. New England Journal of Medicine
  249. Impact on bloodwork of single application of gell
  250. Good article--Gonadal Steroids and Body Composition, Strength, and Sexual Function
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