- New blood Work
- Self-Administration TRT Inject Question
- Test Cream
- Gyno Reversal Help
- Who is the cheapest online blood testing, and which test is best?
- Tamoxifen restart- Test boost- feedback required.
- Conversation with a 62 year old juicer
- VIKING'S 6 week labs are in!
- Got diagnosed with Hasimoto's today
- Burning up, having hot flashes, and very irritable...
- We're moving up in the world!
- Cured my Hashimoto's?
- Need help finding DR in NorCal
- Looking for a DR in Huntsville Alabama area
- Muscle Growth and Low T plus Newest BW results.
- Got some atrophy going on.
- PCT Forum recommended HRT forum please
- anyway to test the stuff i got is legit?
- Once in a while injection??
- Achy Testicles
- Why not add Clomid to standard TRT protocol?
- More anti aging but ....
- Blockers
- 1st labs in since starting TRT!!
- I don't understand my blood tests- is my test and estradiol at suboptimal levels?
- Trt/hrt
- Sub-Q Testosterone Injections (study)
- Help finding a Doc in the Cleveland area
- Can I legally buy IGF 1 in Australia?
- TRT Testicular pain
- Health and Fitness Program
- the people giving me my shots
- Low Test HELP
- Injection & Site Doctors Question
- New to TRT worried about Sperm counts
- TRT after 5 weekls and Dr.'s appt today
- weight gain with HRT
- Blood Work?
- HCG Question, Will it really expire in 60days?
- My HCG - is it legit?
- ARGH! Pregnenolone makes me wired!!!
- Best gyno reversal method for my situation?
- Week 2 Update
- my cardio capacity went to crap
- Testicles hurt after 6 weeks on Androderm
- Labs over last 6 years--
- aromasin vs adex
- High Blood Pressure
- walgreens out of test cyp
- low test serum levels
- n2guard for liver, etc ?
- Help on blood test results
- Just out of curiosity
- HRT Help for My Wife?
- 0.5 MG Anastrozol SR
- Estimate of total test levels
- Frustrating
- TRT - Question about Aromasin Dosage
- New to HRT. This is what the Dr prescribed.
- New to all this
- Good Read on Porn and Impotence
- Started Buproprion
- Switching from clinic to TRT doc?
- Gaining muscle on HRT?
- E2 is tanked. Help please.
- Quik needle question
- In need of advice! PLEASE!!
- Low Total but Normal Free
- Standard of Treatment for Members
- Looking for advice! PLEASE!!
- Any particular things I want to ask/tell doc besides what I want tested?
- Interesting vitamin / supplement site
- new blood work test looks good
- quitting TRT cold turkey - need HELP, please!!
- Blood work request
- Non-TRT Friendly Doctor -- Thinking of Ordering something on my own -- Opinion?
- For those of you who go to ENDO's for TRT.
- Having trouble urinating.
- Testosterone levels
- Question
- Colapsed - to run down???
- Diane Rehm show - Tainted Steroid Injections And Public Health
- new to the forums and have a question
- AI - Anastrazole
- My Blood Test - Need advice please
- Different HCG script from my doc so I don't have to get componded.
- AndroGel
- Extreme hunger
- Just Ordered This Book - Anyone Else Read It?
- Aromasin / bloodwork question
- Vitamin D ?
- Let's Start hcg again
- What is the normal range for estrogen in a male ??
- Testosterone Blood Tests Should Be Done in a Fasted State
- low e2 help
- I picked Androgel over injections.
- New Bloodwork after starting TRT
- TRT and gyno?
- please clarify for this "newbie"..is it "slin pin" or "slim pin"?
- Hrt Dr???
- Is Running Testosterone above range a problem?
- Bloodwork
- Updated Blood Work
- Would like our members opinion on our HRT web name.
- Hypothyroid anyone?
- bw
- On TRT: need some info.
- First eek of TRT
- My TRT Journey so far. Could use some expert advice.
- hcg mixing ?
- Start of TRT
- Pregnenolone purchase - what site was that again.. GD?
- High Free-Normal Total
- New TRT program would like advice and thoughts
- 26 year old TRT candidate
- 10 weeks on TRT and finally bloodwork.
- Anyone have a Doc in or around Columbia, SC
- hCG from Pharmacies
- TRT High testosterone levels
- Almost a year on TRT, still low libido.
- TRT and IGF-1?
- Another HRT question for the Ladies, Wifes numbers
- Anadrol + testosterone cream (prescribed for low testosterone)
- Boold Work
- My Blood Results UK
- E2Assay Not Available In UK?
- No Need to Aspirate for SubQ?
- TRT and the Point of No Return
- New Guy. Low T. Doc/Endo recommendations in Houston, TX?
- Is this the Hormone panel I need?
- H
- TRT question and Tren
- Fire guy...going back to Doc tomorrow! Lets get it on Doc!
- 19 with life-long erectile dysfunction and low libido.
- Gear - TRT question !
- New Guy: Lab Results, Thyroid Issues, Canadian
- Dosing Aromasin with Moderate E2 levels
- Going back on TRT, Delivery Method, Pellets...etc
- Directlabs dot com
- MY E2 Management Thread :)
- Hcg
- has anyone tried the new roll-on testosterone replacement that i,ve seen recently ?
- Low T results whilst on 5% cream at 1ml on scrotum a day. Why???
- New to site and TRT
- HELP!!! PLZZZ!!! cortisol levels out of whack!!!
- anybody from wilmington ,Delaware area know of a good trt doctor or gp ?
- Deca
- New here from Nashville! Awesome forum guys n gals!
- Dosing impacted by size/weight?
- BW results. Please advise on best path: TRT or Cycle
- got my hCG from overseas and!
- Androgel Questions.
- Time off from HRT?
- I'm 22, doc put me on bromo and test, I have some questions.
- Are there any major risks associated with a trial of T3?
- A question about ranges
- HRT needed? Mid-low T, low Free T, bottom half Bioavailable T
- Lab Results 9-25-12
- Zinc for E2 management
- trt and estrogen managment question
- hCG before BW
- Dosing and Timing of AI and HCG
- Determining if you are Primary or Secondary *after* TRT started
- DHEA and DHT Results
- Subs and HRT
- Hypothyroid and HCG usage
- Cycle to TRT question
- Thanks!
- Hypo and HGC??
- Is HCG *really* effective in preserving fertility with TRT?
- E2 lower than normal but FT high and TT decent. How do raise E2?
- Longest period being shutdown but successfully restarting one's natural production??
- How do you guys feel about this doctor?
- my pt-141 experience
- Are you interested in becoming a client of our LowTestosterone.com Clinic?
- Name that endocrine problem
- Sleep apnea
- TRT Saga
- Members Opinion on our "Company Name" for HRT
- HRT apiontment tomorrow
- How to inject HCG without bruising?
- Interpreting Lab Results
- Combatting Prolactin safely?
- HRT Clinic name - UPDATE
- Couple of HCG Questions
- Still having problems, should I stop TRT??
- Week 6 BW & Update
- Results- Blood work, sore nipples, testicular atrophy- Opinions requested
- 12 Week Blood Work Results
- How to do Injections
- Pre HRT Bloodwork Results for TennTarheel (10/19/2012)
- Been off TRT about 4 weeks Blood work?
- Any advise on lowering Progesterone levels?
- Bloodwork Results + My Story
- Opinion Poll: Would this sign look good on our buildings?
- Sincere thanks!
- Increased heart rate and blood pressure?
- 43 years old on HRT for about 4 weeks- Lives in Taiwan so diet can be an issue
- Thyroid and Body Temperature
- Seroid.com members/Testosterone reference ranges
- Prolactin Levels
- Update on high Hematocrit levels
- Common myth: Once on TRT, you're stuck on TRT
- 21 Years Old - ADVICE NEEDED :)
- 53 Low T need advise Please 30 yrs since I took supplements
- Hexarelin or Semorelin wich do you prefer?
- Thyroid meds and alcohol
- my blood work! Can you take a look and tell me why I am always fatigued?
- Need advice on tren and need for trt
- Quick HCG question.
- 20 Yr Old Low Test Family Thinks No Big Deal
- HRT Plan Supplements
- The Damage is permanent (low test again)
- getting a blood test tomorrow
- getting a blood test tomorrow
- HRT Expert Dr. Mark Gordon on why arimidex may not be needed and how he avoids it
- Bloodwork Changes - Input Appreciated
- newbie need help w/ limited BW and dosing
- Testosterone: More Is Not Always Better
- Does anyone go to Dr Crisler
- Self-Guided HRT
- Dosing Question
- Will this work.
- What do you guys think of the logo for our Low Testosterone Clinic??
- Help with BW/Thyroid levels
- Blood word results, please advise
- Am I freaking for nothing...??
- Gyno Reversal - Letro Question
- Let's talk about Depression
- Met with a new doc (Hemochromatosis)
- hcg frozen
- Gyno question about treatment when E2 is 20. Letro? BW re-Posted
- Which test(s) go get...
- Blood work question
- Crisler's new video on sub q shots.
- Test levels at 20
- Help: Low testosterone levels?
- what to do now?
- HCG, need quick answer, please
- HCG effects to Estrogen levels
- Nebido
- "PCT" For TRT patient coming off a cycle.
- Clean diet and vitamin D has raised test back some. need help.
- What are you guys using to track your labs?
- looking for some answers
- Sub-Q vs. IM injections
- 2 questions about testicular atrophy
- Trouble finding pharm that carries hcg
- BW with ranges, little help please
- wanting to lose weight and gain lean muscle