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  1. New blood Work
  2. Self-Administration TRT Inject Question
  3. Test Cream
  4. Gyno Reversal Help
  5. Who is the cheapest online blood testing, and which test is best?
  6. Tamoxifen restart- Test boost- feedback required.
  7. Conversation with a 62 year old juicer
  8. VIKING'S 6 week labs are in!
  9. Got diagnosed with Hasimoto's today
  10. Burning up, having hot flashes, and very irritable...
  11. We're moving up in the world!
  12. Cured my Hashimoto's?
  13. Need help finding DR in NorCal
  14. Looking for a DR in Huntsville Alabama area
  15. Muscle Growth and Low T plus Newest BW results.
  16. Got some atrophy going on.
  17. PCT Forum recommended HRT forum please
  18. anyway to test the stuff i got is legit?
  19. Once in a while injection??
  20. Achy Testicles
  21. Why not add Clomid to standard TRT protocol?
  22. More anti aging but ....
  23. Blockers
  24. 1st labs in since starting TRT!!
  25. I don't understand my blood tests- is my test and estradiol at suboptimal levels?
  26. Trt/hrt
  27. Sub-Q Testosterone Injections (study)
  28. Help finding a Doc in the Cleveland area
  29. Can I legally buy IGF 1 in Australia?
  30. TRT Testicular pain
  31. Health and Fitness Program
  32. the people giving me my shots
  33. Low Test HELP
  34. Injection & Site Doctors Question
  35. New to TRT worried about Sperm counts
  36. TRT after 5 weekls and Dr.'s appt today
  37. weight gain with HRT
  38. Blood Work?
  39. HCG Question, Will it really expire in 60days?
  40. My HCG - is it legit?
  41. ARGH! Pregnenolone makes me wired!!!
  42. Best gyno reversal method for my situation?
  43. Week 2 Update
  44. my cardio capacity went to crap
  45. Testicles hurt after 6 weeks on Androderm
  46. Labs over last 6 years--
  47. aromasin vs adex
  48. High Blood Pressure
  49. walgreens out of test cyp
  50. low test serum levels
  51. n2guard for liver, etc ?
  52. Help on blood test results
  53. Just out of curiosity
  54. HRT Help for My Wife?
  55. 0.5 MG Anastrozol SR
  56. Estimate of total test levels
  57. Frustrating
  58. TRT - Question about Aromasin Dosage
  59. New to HRT. This is what the Dr prescribed.
  60. New to all this
  61. Good Read on Porn and Impotence
  62. Started Buproprion
  63. Switching from clinic to TRT doc?
  64. Gaining muscle on HRT?
  65. E2 is tanked. Help please.
  66. Quik needle question
  67. In need of advice! PLEASE!!
  68. Low Total but Normal Free
  69. Standard of Treatment for Members
  70. Looking for advice! PLEASE!!
  71. Any particular things I want to ask/tell doc besides what I want tested?
  72. Interesting vitamin / supplement site
  73. new blood work test looks good
  74. quitting TRT cold turkey - need HELP, please!!
  75. Blood work request
  76. Non-TRT Friendly Doctor -- Thinking of Ordering something on my own -- Opinion?
  77. For those of you who go to ENDO's for TRT.
  78. Having trouble urinating.
  79. Testosterone levels
  80. Question
  81. Colapsed - to run down???
  82. Diane Rehm show - Tainted Steroid Injections And Public Health
  83. new to the forums and have a question
  84. AI - Anastrazole
  85. My Blood Test - Need advice please
  86. Different HCG script from my doc so I don't have to get componded.
  87. AndroGel
  88. Extreme hunger
  89. Just Ordered This Book - Anyone Else Read It?
  90. Aromasin / bloodwork question
  91. Vitamin D ?
  92. Let's Start hcg again
  93. What is the normal range for estrogen in a male ??
  94. Testosterone Blood Tests Should Be Done in a Fasted State
  95. low e2 help
  96. I picked Androgel over injections.
  97. New Bloodwork after starting TRT
  98. TRT and gyno?
  99. please clarify for this "newbie"..is it "slin pin" or "slim pin"?
  100. Hrt Dr???
  101. Is Running Testosterone above range a problem?
  102. Bloodwork
  103. Updated Blood Work
  104. Would like our members opinion on our HRT web name.
  105. Hypothyroid anyone?
  106. bw
  107. On TRT: need some info.
  108. First eek of TRT
  109. My TRT Journey so far. Could use some expert advice.
  110. hcg mixing ?
  111. Start of TRT
  112. Pregnenolone purchase - what site was that again.. GD?
  113. High Free-Normal Total
  114. New TRT program would like advice and thoughts
  115. 26 year old TRT candidate
  116. 10 weeks on TRT and finally bloodwork.
  117. Anyone have a Doc in or around Columbia, SC
  118. hCG from Pharmacies
  119. TRT High testosterone levels
  120. Almost a year on TRT, still low libido.
  121. TRT and IGF-1?
  122. Another HRT question for the Ladies, Wifes numbers
  123. Anadrol + testosterone cream (prescribed for low testosterone)
  124. Boold Work
  125. My Blood Results UK
  126. E2Assay Not Available In UK?
  127. No Need to Aspirate for SubQ?
  128. TRT and the Point of No Return
  129. New Guy. Low T. Doc/Endo recommendations in Houston, TX?
  130. Is this the Hormone panel I need?
  131. H
  132. TRT question and Tren
  133. Fire guy...going back to Doc tomorrow! Lets get it on Doc!
  134. 19 with life-long erectile dysfunction and low libido.
  135. Gear - TRT question !
  136. New Guy: Lab Results, Thyroid Issues, Canadian
  137. Dosing Aromasin with Moderate E2 levels
  138. Going back on TRT, Delivery Method, Pellets...etc
  139. Directlabs dot com
  140. MY E2 Management Thread :)
  141. Hcg
  142. has anyone tried the new roll-on testosterone replacement that i,ve seen recently ?
  143. Low T results whilst on 5% cream at 1ml on scrotum a day. Why???
  144. New to site and TRT
  145. HELP!!! PLZZZ!!! cortisol levels out of whack!!!
  146. anybody from wilmington ,Delaware area know of a good trt doctor or gp ?
  147. Deca
  148. New here from Nashville! Awesome forum guys n gals!
  149. Dosing impacted by size/weight?
  150. BW results. Please advise on best path: TRT or Cycle
  151. got my hCG from overseas and!
  152. Androgel Questions.
  153. Time off from HRT?
  154. I'm 22, doc put me on bromo and test, I have some questions.
  155. Are there any major risks associated with a trial of T3?
  156. A question about ranges
  157. HRT needed? Mid-low T, low Free T, bottom half Bioavailable T
  158. Lab Results 9-25-12
  159. Zinc for E2 management
  160. trt and estrogen managment question
  161. hCG before BW
  162. Dosing and Timing of AI and HCG
  163. Determining if you are Primary or Secondary *after* TRT started
  164. DHEA and DHT Results
  165. Subs and HRT
  166. Hypothyroid and HCG usage
  167. Cycle to TRT question
  168. Thanks!
  169. Hypo and HGC??
  170. Is HCG *really* effective in preserving fertility with TRT?
  171. E2 lower than normal but FT high and TT decent. How do raise E2?
  172. Longest period being shutdown but successfully restarting one's natural production??
  173. How do you guys feel about this doctor?
  174. my pt-141 experience
  175. Are you interested in becoming a client of our LowTestosterone.com Clinic?
  176. Name that endocrine problem
  177. Sleep apnea
  178. TRT Saga
  179. Members Opinion on our "Company Name" for HRT
  180. HRT apiontment tomorrow
  181. How to inject HCG without bruising?
  182. Interpreting Lab Results
  183. Combatting Prolactin safely?
  184. HRT Clinic name - UPDATE
  185. Couple of HCG Questions
  186. Still having problems, should I stop TRT??
  187. Week 6 BW & Update
  188. Results- Blood work, sore nipples, testicular atrophy- Opinions requested
  189. 12 Week Blood Work Results
  190. How to do Injections
  191. Pre HRT Bloodwork Results for TennTarheel (10/19/2012)
  192. Been off TRT about 4 weeks Blood work?
  193. Any advise on lowering Progesterone levels?
  194. Bloodwork Results + My Story
  195. Opinion Poll: Would this sign look good on our buildings?
  196. Sincere thanks!
  197. Increased heart rate and blood pressure?
  198. 43 years old on HRT for about 4 weeks- Lives in Taiwan so diet can be an issue
  199. Thyroid and Body Temperature
  200. Seroid.com members/Testosterone reference ranges
  201. Prolactin Levels
  202. Update on high Hematocrit levels
  203. Common myth: Once on TRT, you're stuck on TRT
  204. 21 Years Old - ADVICE NEEDED :)
  205. 53 Low T need advise Please 30 yrs since I took supplements
  206. Hexarelin or Semorelin wich do you prefer?
  207. Thyroid meds and alcohol
  208. my blood work! Can you take a look and tell me why I am always fatigued?
  209. Need advice on tren and need for trt
  210. Quick HCG question.
  211. 20 Yr Old Low Test Family Thinks No Big Deal
  212. HRT Plan Supplements
  213. The Damage is permanent (low test again)
  214. getting a blood test tomorrow
  215. getting a blood test tomorrow
  216. HRT Expert Dr. Mark Gordon on why arimidex may not be needed and how he avoids it
  217. Bloodwork Changes - Input Appreciated
  218. newbie need help w/ limited BW and dosing
  219. Testosterone: More Is Not Always Better
  220. Does anyone go to Dr Crisler
  221. Self-Guided HRT
  222. Dosing Question
  223. Will this work.
  224. What do you guys think of the logo for our Low Testosterone Clinic??
  225. Help with BW/Thyroid levels
  226. Blood word results, please advise
  227. Am I freaking for nothing...??
  228. Gyno Reversal - Letro Question
  229. Let's talk about Depression
  230. Met with a new doc (Hemochromatosis)
  231. hcg frozen
  232. Gyno question about treatment when E2 is 20. Letro? BW re-Posted
  233. Which test(s) go get...
  234. Blood work question
  235. Crisler's new video on sub q shots.
  236. Test levels at 20
  237. Help: Low testosterone levels?
  238. what to do now?
  239. HCG, need quick answer, please
  240. HCG effects to Estrogen levels
  241. Nebido
  242. "PCT" For TRT patient coming off a cycle.
  243. Clean diet and vitamin D has raised test back some. need help.
  244. What are you guys using to track your labs?
  245. looking for some answers
  246. Sub-Q vs. IM injections
  247. 2 questions about testicular atrophy
  248. Trouble finding pharm that carries hcg
  249. BW with ranges, little help please
  250. wanting to lose weight and gain lean muscle
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