View Full Version : HORMONE REPLACEMENT THERAPY- Low T, Anti-Aging

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  1. First HCG shot. Should it sting?
  2. Lab Results and Dialing In My Sweet Spot
  3. Best over the counter supplememnts to boost testosterone an HGH
  4. Test result help!!
  5. Opinions on IM injection pens
  6. Low T?
  7. Bloodwork - help please
  8. Is this low T? For the experts
  9. New blood work,please help
  10. This may be it for me.
  11. Hmm.... what's the most test cyp anyone has ever SAFELY taken?
  12. Testoterone low - please help.
  13. 18 year old Total t in the 100s HELP!! (updated)
  14. LowTestosterone.com Coming Soon!!
  15. testosterone
  16. testosterone shortage...hope yall have some put back...everyone is affected in usa!
  17. TRT Supplies & Domestic Flights
  18. 12 months on still no treatment
  19. Insight on why Doctors refuse to treat?
  20. So, I'm going to be starting HRT soon. Just had my bloodwork done.
  21. Nebido Questions
  22. HRT Studies from 2012
  23. BD 26g 3/8" slip tip - wasting .1ml?
  24. High liver levels ??
  25. Looking for Doctor Whom will Prescribe Injectable Testosterone
  26. Trt
  27. Recommended labs in Crisler's protocol: Anything you would change or add?
  28. Being sick and lack of libido or blast complications?
  29. Please help! Trt not working!
  30. Blood Labs - need help
  31. New Guy Intro
  32. Why would Arimidex cause my Total Testosterone level to go DOWN?!!
  33. If I take pregnenolone which converts to DHEA, then why take DHEA?
  34. Looking for Advice on Testing and Diagnosis
  35. Life on the shelf.
  36. Can you be a bodybuilder on TRT?
  37. Recomendatioms please ???????
  38. AI compounded cream effective?
  39. Doc says ok to AI but no to Hcg because...
  40. New Dr's protocol for T 20 mg 3x week subcutaneously instead of 100 mg week IM inject
  41. How long have you been on TRT (Poll)
  42. Test Cyp and Arimidex Erectile dysfuction issues
  43. trt at 19 pls read before flaming
  44. Kaiser endo prescribed injections, still meeting Dr. Ullis for consult
  45. **** congrats to our new monitors!!! ****
  46. Finding a doctor and money questions
  47. Controversial Article
  48. Bloodwork back, results included, have a few questions for the HRT Team!
  49. New labs
  50. Coping with TRT
  51. Is there an optimal time to have bloodwork done?
  52. Bloodwork back........Low free test again
  53. First week on test cyp., how long until I donate blood?
  54. Blood work back need some imput on this please.
  55. estradiol too low...please help!
  56. Estradiol at 7, supplement with test cyp?
  57. Did my 1st self inject today - kinda freaked me out a little (Sub Q too)
  58. What dose of testosterone are you on per week? (Poll)
  59. Methyltestoterone for TRT
  60. New bw, can I avoid Testosterone injections?
  61. Fortesta and TRT
  62. Do testicles always shrink on hrt?
  63. Blood donation question- Double Red Cells, Apheresis?
  64. Should I add HGH to my HRT?
  65. HGH/HRT clinics in the UK?
  66. How to get Gp to change my doses from 1 a month to 1 a week?
  67. Colbert Report on Low T (and low-O)
  68. Sorry for bad queston but what i AI?
  69. Libido 101 - I want my libido and erections back. Can anyone help?
  70. Moving from Clomid to HCG mono? Will HCG mono shutdown pituitary?
  71. estrogen questions
  72. Thyroid Bloodwork
  73. Blood work
  74. Dr. Crisler's video on Transdermals
  75. L carnitine and thyroid meds
  76. Supplements and TRT
  77. androgel vs im/sq test shots
  78. homeopathic hcg or pharma hcg
  79. Restoring e2 with transdermal Estradiol!
  80. Privatemdlabs, which test?
  81. Poll: Do you take Saw Palmetto
  82. How do I know when to use an AI?
  83. Buying Test Cyp Online????
  84. No sex drive! NEED HELP PLEASE!
  85. Please help with blood work
  86. my personal journey with HRT
  87. just got my blood results back -20 year old low testosterone
  88. SubQ injection question
  89. Doc Says I Need to Lower SHBG
  90. My bloodwork is in, what can you tell me???
  91. How long have you guys been on TRT?
  92. TEST blood work
  93. If someone one TRT wants to attempt a restart - Does it matter when? Early or late?
  94. have more questions
  95. HCG protocol for once a week T-cyp injections question
  96. IGF-1 LR3 as Hormone Replacement Therapy
  97. Newbi Question...
  98. clomid estrogen issue
  99. HRT/TRT Most Funniest/Dumbest Moments Thread......
  100. HRT/TRT doc by sacramento
  101. My 1st bloods after 3.5 months compounding cream/hcg
  102. To Refill or Not To Refill
  103. Dr put me on HRT and im lost
  104. i need a little advice on ai
  105. High ldl/ estradiol?
  106. Called a couple places for TRT
  107. Adding HGH to my therapy
  108. No problem starting but the climax isn"t there!
  109. Introducing OUR: Low Testosterone.com - Final Logo Desgined
  110. Blood work cost
  111. 250 IU of HCG is the 50 Units mark(half) of a slin pin?
  112. 18 year old male low total T but very high free T (I am abnormal)
  113. Any success stories with HCG monotherapy?
  114. Blood Donation & Supplements Please read and assist in decissions PLEASE ?
  115. How much does HCG increase testosterone levels?
  116. Blood tests done - is TRT warranted?
  117. Help - lost and don't know where to turn.
  118. Is TRT warranted Pt 2
  119. Can I buy bacteriostatic water at a drug store?
  120. reconstituting hcg
  121. Low - T and anxiety issues
  122. No semen with ejaculation..
  123. More labs... not what I was expecting... would appreciate some feedback.
  124. Burning Nipples. E2 Problem?
  125. Can Vit D supplements dramatically increase Test?
  126. Thoughts? Low-T and Low Thyroid
  127. Clomid raised my testosterone levels 450 points!
  128. HCG + pregnenolone+DHEA alone
  129. No HCG or estrogen blocker
  130. New to TRT
  131. Question on Clomid/HCG as alternative to TRT
  132. Please HELP !
  133. Testosterone to age calculator
  134. Need opinions on blood work results
  135. Does low dose tren for trt effect cardio?
  136. Fortesta Dosing?
  137. where to inject
  138. Vitamin B12 Methylcobalamin?
  139. Sex on TRT
  140. Week 2 on TRT and blood pressure med and some new questions
  141. Just started my new HRT program and I'm excited to start feeling the results.
  142. what is my doctor thinking?
  143. Testing time
  144. HGH and TRT? Anyone here doing this?
  145. Possible candidate for trt after stopping competitive bodybuilding. With labs.
  146. Androgel and whether to do HCG
  147. Thank you
  148. risk of PCT? complete BW
  149. Hcg - Under what name online?
  150. brain fog, what does that feel like before trt
  151. micronized Pregnenolone and micronized dhea
  152. Will HCG work for me?
  153. How long after my TRT start should I donate blood?
  154. Elevated e2
  155. MY Latest BW after 9 months on TRT)
  156. HGH And time to notice effects
  157. i cant find a definite answer.
  158. Testosterone Injections- Type, Additions, and Dosing
  159. What Nutrients and Minerals Diminish with Low T and High E2?
  160. cyp TRT cycle question after 9 months on cyp...
  161. Question about Androgel, E2, and endocrinoligists?
  162. Blood work 7 months into HRT
  163. 42 and starting hrt
  164. new bloodwork, have a few questions
  165. 8 weeks on TRT and have questions about continued body hair growth....
  166. Anybody still mess around with prohormones on TRT?
  167. BW came back, need some guidence please
  168. Hcg dosage?
  169. Blood test results - where to from here - advice please..
  170. What's your AI protocol?
  171. Just found low Testosterone levels may be preventing me from getting back to normal.
  172. Got Blood work results....would love feedback from my fellow members
  173. Please eval my blood work and doctor recommendations
  174. Hcg
  175. Week 20 BW Results - 6 weeks since SubQ
  176. Supply Shortage
  177. Purchasing Andractim
  178. Starting anastrozole
  179. Thoughts on injecting into my operated on Glute? Had Hip replacement.
  180. TRT - Masteron Question and Self Prescribed Protocol
  181. Axiron user, very tired in the A.M.
  182. Testopel Implants
  183. Bloodwork and suggestions
  184. blood work of a 18 yr old , feedback please ? ( low-T)
  185. Help Interpreting Blood Work
  186. New BW (Low free/total t3, normal free/total t4, normal tsh, + IGF-1)
  187. Going to blood bank tomorrow to give blood.....................
  188. New blood work, considering self administered treatment, need advice
  189. My Red Blood Cell, Hemoglobin, and Hematocrit Experiment via Grapefruit
  190. Just got Bloodwork back/kind of worried
  191. MY Complete Bloodwork after 4 months
  192. New rules for my clinic
  193. Arimidex creme for feet - Effective??
  194. Blood test back...need help asap !!
  195. New to Board 43 and looking for some guidance
  196. wow! just got blood work reults. i'm switching back to IM testosterone injections!
  197. Fertility Issue
  198. first time mixing hcg and want to make sure i do it right
  199. Did you have a pituitary MRI?
  200. Splitting my injections to twice weekly but have questions regarding filling syringe
  201. 19 YO And LOW TEST FREE
  202. Quad injection.
  203. BF % Update
  204. My first IM injection Few Q's
  205. TRT and DHT
  206. TRT -> Question for the old timers!
  207. Finally got a Bioavailable Testosterone test done!
  208. Latest blood work.I need some input
  209. Hgh week 3
  210. Alpha 5 Reductase ???
  211. Pregnenalone and dhea at night?
  212. The blood letting has begun!
  213. Juice to cure....
  214. How can I get higher dose of Test?
  215. 10 mg of testogel
  216. Merry Christmas everyone!!!
  217. Forum Rules and Guidelines
  218. How do y'all treat and/or minimize acne outbreaks from Testosterone?
  219. Looking for Androgel 1.62% Advice and Tips; Please Help
  220. HCG before or after Test?
  221. TRT- need help figuring this out.
  222. Lab Results -Low-normal LH, FSH, High-normal T3 Uptake - HELP!
  223. Anyone sick ????
  224. Coverage
  225. Vitex from Alpha Pharm
  226. Female HPTA Shutdown with Exogenous Estrogen, Progesterone, and others?
  227. Need help: Just got prescribed HCG but having trouble finding pharmacy
  228. Mood before trt
  229. TRT my last hope or maybe a huge mistake?
  230. Is my friends Dr. doing him a disservice???
  231. Tomarrow is my first appointment ! Hooray
  232. Help with recovery.. Newbie here
  233. Advice please
  234. switching esters/back to "cruising"
  235. Androgel 1.62%
  236. Due for Labs and I have??
  237. Elevated Hematocrit and Hemoglobin with Testosterone Injection Therapy
  238. Sore nipple?
  239. ED out of nowhere for 2 weeks - seeking advice
  240. Alyx blood donation
  241. TRT at early 20's
  242. Will a "restart" work for someone who never took AAS?
  243. HCG seven moths after starting TRT.
  244. sensitive nipple on HRT?
  245. New Member with bloodwork would like a little advice
  246. Help Convincing Doctor to Prescribe HCG
  247. Estrogens vs Estradiol
  248. Is Androgel Safe for Women?
  249. For those injecting trt, wher do you dispose of a full sharp's container ?
  250. Hyporthyroidism (Armour Vs. Synthroid)?
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