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  1. FYI Yohimbe is bad for you .Low sex drive
  2. Question for individuals currently on HRT/TRT
  3. Some basic HRT questions
  4. HRT and having children
  5. Test CYP once a month for HRT?
  6. Prescribed Deca?
  7. Adex
  8. enough test to cycle from doc ?
  9. Injections, how many mgs?
  10. hrt and trt quest?
  11. HRT Bloodwork due
  12. TRT in UK
  13. Doctor prescribed me Arimidex (anastrozole)
  14. HGH from my doc
  15. Energy level ??
  16. Comments on latest bloodwork
  17. drug test
  18. My HRT update
  19. Trt update
  20. Liquidex
  21. need help with test results
  22. CPAP and Low Testosterone, what to do? Advice needed...
  23. Estrogen
  24. Update on HRT
  25. TRT and Erections
  26. Doing saliva urine and blood tests
  27. Second Bloodwork from doc
  28. Help Please?! Need a few answers on TRT & my situation
  29. caber?
  30. I just started on HRT . . . . .
  31. Want to stop Hcg cold turkey
  32. Need some perspective - please
  33. !!Don't know if TRT is the right decision!!
  34. Started HRT 10days ago, Anxiety level up!!
  35. How long does it take for levels to drop?
  36. When is free test to high?
  37. question is hrt covered on insurance
  38. Do i need hrt?
  39. Testim gel sux, Androderm Patches...
  40. Alcohol and TRT
  41. Back injuries and low test?
  42. 10 months into program hrt/hcg/hgh results
  43. "Bio-Identical" Testosterone vs. Cyp. for TRT
  44. What should levels be for 55 year old?
  45. Drug Test Tomorrow!!
  46. Blood Test Results
  47. Novadex-XT and trt ??
  48. Blood level question
  49. hrt
  50. Crazy Question about TRT?
  51. attitude when seeing Dr.
  52. What is Androgel half-life?
  53. androgel/painfull pimples
  54. Some more ANDROGEL questions??? (estrogen conversion, etc.)
  55. trt question about deca
  56. How long did it take you from start to finish to get TRT?
  57. Back to TRT-
  58. after 2 shots at 200 mg a piece
  59. Low Test at age 24
  60. newbies first appointment with Endo
  61. estrodiol!!!!! im screwed
  62. Doc's Upset
  63. Cen/So Cal Anti Aging Clinic Suggs?
  64. starting androgel any hints?
  65. endo or uro
  66. Advice on crashing test levels to have doc start TRT
  67. does deca effect blood test?
  68. test cyponate
  69. questions about HRT, not sure about doctors advice
  70. deca and energy?
  71. Low test?
  72. New to HRT // Hard Injection Sites
  73. Lab resluts...a bit confusing
  74. androgel calf pain?
  75. ejaculation and testosterone
  76. 1st time here. lab results
  77. Paddock Labs is NOT a UGL...
  78. Stress, anxiety, cortisol - can they drastically lower testosterone?
  79. 11 days after first shot of test cyp
  80. what the doc said
  81. Drinking the night before the blood test???
  82. what boosts libido and energy?
  83. Need HRT recommendation
  84. Looking for florida doctor
  85. test level morning vs night?
  86. Carcinogen
  87. bloat on trt
  88. Anyone heard of AAG Health?
  89. Doc won't 'script me out of state....help
  90. TRT docs in Los Angeles....
  91. filling script at pharmacy
  92. TRT Advice??
  93. How many injections did it take for you to start feeling it?
  94. Looking for ATL area doc.
  95. testosterone levels...
  96. Newbie in need of testestrone advice
  97. Seizure
  98. Thinking about TRT at age 25
  99. TRT & connection with Prostate cancer??
  100. 18 yo bloodwork
  101. Hello, just a quick question.
  102. my test results
  103. Hcg?
  104. If not kept in the fridge how long would it take for HCG to go off ?
  105. Question regarding gh and test after pec surgery
  106. Any Suggestions on TRT
  107. Brothers on hrt
  108. How to
  109. Need TRT Advice
  110. On TRT: Feeling tired and SLEEPY
  111. Will this mess up my Labs for test-levels
  112. HRT Test
  113. good bloodwork no libido?
  114. Question on how natural y synthetic test work together
  115. What will HCG do to my Bloodwork?
  116. 52 goin on 25 ;)
  117. Manipulating bloodwork?
  118. insulin resistance shbg
  119. Lol, Idiot Dr woes
  120. HRT and Fitness Expo
  121. need an estrogen blocker
  122. Got Blood Work - HELP Please!
  123. stopping trt need some help????
  124. Help-Doctor is playing games
  125. Alternative test for estradoil levels
  126. hgh
  127. Blood Work ?
  128. HRT Dosage Increase
  129. Purchasing from overseas
  130. 26/M Endo? Urolog?
  131. Balls have shrunk
  132. New Symptoms have me a little scared...
  133. Will having like 100cals hurt my fasting hor hrt?
  134. Will 1oo cals raise testo for fasting and no sleep to get trt?
  135. DHT or other alternatives?
  136. ALMOST at the low level....will deca drop me hard?
  137. can it really happen?????
  138. Should the HRT Forum Be Used For Faking Bloodwork?
  139. Help major dr frustrations
  140. Insurance won't cover injectables
  141. HELP me, what shall I take?
  142. Im going for this test, do I need others
  143. Does the acne stop?
  144. Do I need an anti-estrogen?
  145. Traveling with prescribed Testosterone
  146. ready to go on trt for life
  147. Blood Work Came Out Bad
  148. Test Causing Itching?
  149. First Injection
  150. HGH causes moles?
  151. Normal Test range
  152. RE-test..so bummed.
  153. Should I bother changing injection sites?
  154. Arimidex
  155. help for a friend
  156. Clen dose and the 'shakes'
  157. Color of my test e...
  158. Hrt is for life....what about androgel?
  159. Do I need anti E
  160. puffy nipple
  161. 2nd shot today!
  162. Blood results. Test low for 31?
  163. New learner
  164. Just started third week of TRT
  165. update hrt
  166. How long until you felt your enanthate working?
  167. Need new Dr. In Houston Desperately!!
  168. Endo Appt - What to expect?
  169. hgh
  170. Please review my list of supplements, critique
  171. Giving natty test a second shot, need input.
  172. Kales Blood Test Results
  173. Try GHR1000. Sorry 4 the typo
  174. does TRT causes permenent suppression?
  175. Looking for information related to cancer!!
  176. methylb12 injections
  177. antiaging centers???
  178. my doc put me on HRT...but?....
  179. need some advise..
  180. hrt insurance question
  181. Blood Results and a step in the right direction
  182. Blood pressure and medication or not
  183. My TRT talk with the Doc this week
  184. Are anti-estrogens needed?
  185. Question about testosterone cream
  186. First cycle. Wanting some advice?
  187. HRT in Dallas
  188. When will it be okay to go to my endo?
  189. Nolva only
  190. is this milk thistle okay?
  191. Hcg
  192. prescription enenthate seems funny to me
  193. 20YR old on TRT
  194. Ok, might've done something stupid.. need advice
  195. Long Term Usage....???
  196. is it to late
  197. Interesting video about milk
  198. Arimidex vs. Provironum
  199. need advice
  200. Blood donating for high rbc count?
  201. Over the phone Florida Clinics Legit or BS?
  202. HRT and cycle question
  203. Is HRT for me?
  204. Crashing Test Levels for HRT
  205. Test Results
  206. Going to test blood, need advice.
  207. ? why wouldnt doc talk about this being for life
  208. TRT, prop instead of cypi
  209. Does anyone else experience this?
  210. TRT and cycle questions
  211. Serious question
  212. HRT Docs / Clinics in Chicago area?
  213. Missed dose
  214. HCG Monotherapy: Pregnenolone necessary?
  215. Finally got a doc in Cali...
  216. Question about Androgel
  217. Hcg
  218. I need help losing fat, gaining muscle and maintaining health.
  219. Prescribed Test
  220. 2nd injection...zinc
  221. Proscar question?
  222. Latest TRT scrip - moving from the Steroid section
  223. Need help Doc visit today
  224. Doctor is holding me off????
  225. My TRT script; opinions?....
  226. Gh question...
  227. Low dose TRT and Hair Loss
  228. Cutting tools
  229. HGH from Zhao Yong
  230. What Can I Expect?
  231. HMG, anyone heard of it?
  232. Arimidex and lower back pain
  233. Facial Flushing
  234. Need some Help Please
  235. Testosterone Therapy
  236. Lab Results
  237. Red Eyes?
  238. Red Skin?
  239. Gallbladder
  240. Liver enzyme levels?
  241. TRT, different types of test
  242. Side Effects?
  243. hgh cost per I U
  244. Should I start TRT???
  245. Got my blood test results. HIGH TEST! WHEW HEW!
  246. Test C and noticing possible issue ?
  247. Hrt,Creatine, and Deca
  248. TRT and Help needed
  249. hcg therapy
  250. Omnitrope results
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