- FYI Yohimbe is bad for you .Low sex drive
- Question for individuals currently on HRT/TRT
- Some basic HRT questions
- HRT and having children
- Test CYP once a month for HRT?
- Prescribed Deca?
- Adex
- enough test to cycle from doc ?
- Injections, how many mgs?
- hrt and trt quest?
- HRT Bloodwork due
- TRT in UK
- Doctor prescribed me Arimidex (anastrozole)
- HGH from my doc
- Energy level ??
- Comments on latest bloodwork
- drug test
- My HRT update
- Trt update
- Liquidex
- need help with test results
- CPAP and Low Testosterone, what to do? Advice needed...
- Estrogen
- Update on HRT
- TRT and Erections
- Doing saliva urine and blood tests
- Second Bloodwork from doc
- Help Please?! Need a few answers on TRT & my situation
- caber?
- I just started on HRT . . . . .
- Want to stop Hcg cold turkey
- Need some perspective - please
- !!Don't know if TRT is the right decision!!
- Started HRT 10days ago, Anxiety level up!!
- How long does it take for levels to drop?
- When is free test to high?
- question is hrt covered on insurance
- Do i need hrt?
- Testim gel sux, Androderm Patches...
- Alcohol and TRT
- Back injuries and low test?
- 10 months into program hrt/hcg/hgh results
- "Bio-Identical" Testosterone vs. Cyp. for TRT
- What should levels be for 55 year old?
- Drug Test Tomorrow!!
- Blood Test Results
- Novadex-XT and trt ??
- Blood level question
- hrt
- Crazy Question about TRT?
- attitude when seeing Dr.
- What is Androgel half-life?
- androgel/painfull pimples
- Some more ANDROGEL questions??? (estrogen conversion, etc.)
- trt question about deca
- How long did it take you from start to finish to get TRT?
- Back to TRT-
- after 2 shots at 200 mg a piece
- Low Test at age 24
- newbies first appointment with Endo
- estrodiol!!!!! im screwed
- Doc's Upset
- Cen/So Cal Anti Aging Clinic Suggs?
- starting androgel any hints?
- endo or uro
- Advice on crashing test levels to have doc start TRT
- does deca effect blood test?
- test cyponate
- questions about HRT, not sure about doctors advice
- deca and energy?
- Low test?
- New to HRT // Hard Injection Sites
- Lab resluts...a bit confusing
- androgel calf pain?
- ejaculation and testosterone
- 1st time here. lab results
- Paddock Labs is NOT a UGL...
- Stress, anxiety, cortisol - can they drastically lower testosterone?
- 11 days after first shot of test cyp
- what the doc said
- Drinking the night before the blood test???
- what boosts libido and energy?
- Need HRT recommendation
- Looking for florida doctor
- test level morning vs night?
- Carcinogen
- bloat on trt
- Anyone heard of AAG Health?
- Doc won't 'script me out of state....help
- TRT docs in Los Angeles....
- filling script at pharmacy
- TRT Advice??
- How many injections did it take for you to start feeling it?
- Looking for ATL area doc.
- testosterone levels...
- Newbie in need of testestrone advice
- Seizure
- Thinking about TRT at age 25
- TRT & connection with Prostate cancer??
- 18 yo bloodwork
- Hello, just a quick question.
- my test results
- Hcg?
- If not kept in the fridge how long would it take for HCG to go off ?
- Question regarding gh and test after pec surgery
- Any Suggestions on TRT
- Brothers on hrt
- How to
- Need TRT Advice
- On TRT: Feeling tired and SLEEPY
- Will this mess up my Labs for test-levels
- HRT Test
- good bloodwork no libido?
- Question on how natural y synthetic test work together
- What will HCG do to my Bloodwork?
- 52 goin on 25 ;)
- Manipulating bloodwork?
- insulin resistance shbg
- Lol, Idiot Dr woes
- HRT and Fitness Expo
- need an estrogen blocker
- Got Blood Work - HELP Please!
- stopping trt need some help????
- Help-Doctor is playing games
- Alternative test for estradoil levels
- hgh
- Blood Work ?
- HRT Dosage Increase
- Purchasing from overseas
- 26/M Endo? Urolog?
- Balls have shrunk
- New Symptoms have me a little scared...
- Will having like 100cals hurt my fasting hor hrt?
- Will 1oo cals raise testo for fasting and no sleep to get trt?
- DHT or other alternatives?
- ALMOST at the low level....will deca drop me hard?
- can it really happen?????
- Should the HRT Forum Be Used For Faking Bloodwork?
- Help major dr frustrations
- Insurance won't cover injectables
- HELP me, what shall I take?
- Im going for this test, do I need others
- Does the acne stop?
- Do I need an anti-estrogen?
- Traveling with prescribed Testosterone
- ready to go on trt for life
- Blood Work Came Out Bad
- Test Causing Itching?
- First Injection
- HGH causes moles?
- Normal Test range
- RE-test..so bummed.
- Should I bother changing injection sites?
- Arimidex
- help for a friend
- Clen dose and the 'shakes'
- Color of my test e...
- Hrt is for life....what about androgel?
- Do I need anti E
- puffy nipple
- 2nd shot today!
- Blood results. Test low for 31?
- New learner
- Just started third week of TRT
- update hrt
- How long until you felt your enanthate working?
- Need new Dr. In Houston Desperately!!
- Endo Appt - What to expect?
- hgh
- Please review my list of supplements, critique
- Giving natty test a second shot, need input.
- Kales Blood Test Results
- Try GHR1000. Sorry 4 the typo
- does TRT causes permenent suppression?
- Looking for information related to cancer!!
- methylb12 injections
- antiaging centers???
- my doc put me on HRT...but?....
- need some advise..
- hrt insurance question
- Blood Results and a step in the right direction
- Blood pressure and medication or not
- My TRT talk with the Doc this week
- Are anti-estrogens needed?
- Question about testosterone cream
- First cycle. Wanting some advice?
- HRT in Dallas
- When will it be okay to go to my endo?
- Nolva only
- is this milk thistle okay?
- Hcg
- prescription enenthate seems funny to me
- 20YR old on TRT
- Ok, might've done something stupid.. need advice
- Long Term Usage....???
- is it to late
- Interesting video about milk
- Arimidex vs. Provironum
- need advice
- Blood donating for high rbc count?
- Over the phone Florida Clinics Legit or BS?
- HRT and cycle question
- Is HRT for me?
- Crashing Test Levels for HRT
- Test Results
- Going to test blood, need advice.
- ? why wouldnt doc talk about this being for life
- TRT, prop instead of cypi
- Does anyone else experience this?
- TRT and cycle questions
- Serious question
- HRT Docs / Clinics in Chicago area?
- Missed dose
- HCG Monotherapy: Pregnenolone necessary?
- Finally got a doc in Cali...
- Question about Androgel
- Hcg
- I need help losing fat, gaining muscle and maintaining health.
- Prescribed Test
- 2nd injection...zinc
- Proscar question?
- Latest TRT scrip - moving from the Steroid section
- Need help Doc visit today
- Doctor is holding me off????
- My TRT script; opinions?....
- Gh question...
- Low dose TRT and Hair Loss
- Cutting tools
- HGH from Zhao Yong
- What Can I Expect?
- HMG, anyone heard of it?
- Arimidex and lower back pain
- Facial Flushing
- Need some Help Please
- Testosterone Therapy
- Lab Results
- Red Eyes?
- Red Skin?
- Gallbladder
- Liver enzyme levels?
- TRT, different types of test
- Side Effects?
- hgh cost per I U
- Should I start TRT???
- Got my blood test results. HIGH TEST! WHEW HEW!
- Test C and noticing possible issue ?
- Hrt,Creatine, and Deca
- TRT and Help needed
- hcg therapy
- Omnitrope results