- New blood work as of 05/01/14
- Quickie Lab Check - AI?
- I stopped my trt 4 months ago here are my blood results
- Double RBC donation
- donated blood - weird pain
- Need help with dosing?
- once weekly vs. twice weekly?
- Bloat from Hell TRT
- Oral HCG?
- Was prescribed TRT...
- 18 Years Old - Testosterone
- Sun pharma very painful
- TRT & allergies...
- Does Primobolan affect Test levels?
- First shot of TRT – Nebido 1000mg
- TRT Protocol With Blood Work
- Anyone adding Deca, Proviron, or Anavar etc to TRT?
- Blood Work Results after six weeks of TRT
- Need a schedule
- I stopped TRT after 1.5 years and recovered!
- Loss of penis sensitivity. Hormone problem?
- Semen analysis results on trt!!
- I'm 36...testosterone is 281
- Is HRT for life bad?
- Any TRT DR's in nor-cal
- New Protocol. Hoping for the best
- please review my history [tests included]
- List of Initial Tests to get done - Advice?
- Would clomid raise testasterone in a young guy?
- Pregnenolone
- Just when I thought TRT was awesome....
- recent labs
- How long to wait before blasting on TRT
- labcorp Estradiol tests
- Very low trough levels?
- Eating before injecting GHRP's/ taking GHB(Xyrem)
- Dermacrine
- No blood donation required
- HCG Antibodies?
- Methadone suppreses LH/FSH?
- 20 Years old , low test.
- Rich piana,hcg
- TRT - Ireland
- Pregnyl (solo) for hrt
- hCG Daily WITH Daily Testosterone
- armour thyroid and clomid
- Hit a nerve?
- Self-Testing, is it a good option?
- Border line low test - what should I do?
- Test recommendations
- Trt and anavar
- My latest bloods Igf-1 up to 335 from avg of 130 after 6 mo of peptides
- Who is to Blame for the "normal" testosterone range numbers?
- Blood Work
- What's going on?
- TRT and body acne
- Free test too high?
- dosage??
- One year into TRT, doc raised dosages again, experiencing back pumps
- Change in Law?
- New labs with Androgel
- 1st post and HCG question at the end...
- My Story - Would appreciate input
- Question on TRT and Red Blood Cell production.
- 36 yo male from Florida. new to TRT first labs.
- Out of Breath
- freaking E2
- Clomid and Adex
- My first two weeks on TRT
- Considering HCG
- Time to lower estrogen
- How much do you vary injection sites?
- Erectile Dysfunction - need advise please
- Iu
- I will be my own guinea pig- Is there any other solution?
- I have no idea how to interpret this blood work could somebody help me.
- Help: Trt Deca and recent ED after 12th week
- One year on TRT, just started HCG, the boys respond this fast?!?!?
- Considering supplementing DHEA or HCG
- Blood work after 3 months clomid....questions?
- Nuts hurting?
- Blood work 3 weeks after PCT
- Total testosterone or Free testosterone...which test is more important?
- Bloodwork OK, but odd symptoms?
- Anyways to Lower Progesterone?
- Sleep Issues - A Question
- Switching sites
- My free testosterone test result just came in...26.903 pg/ml
- 17 year old and Testosterone replacement therapy
- Question for Nebido users
- Bloodletting TRT
- Testosterone undecanoate and half life?
- Labcorp test accuracy - free testosterone
- Kidneys and Low T
- Anyone notice change in Dry Eyes?
- What age were you?
- Hemocrit
- Needle length
- My red blood cell count - help
- Tertiary hypogonadism (Hypothalamus) Treatment
- Time to donate?
- OTC supplements to lower SHBG
- HCG monotherapy max dose
- Levels two weeks after first shot
- syringe and dosing questions
- Trying to find a competent physician
- High total T, low free T
- Starting new Protocol
- Start trt or wait?
- pregnenanole and DHEA testing help
- Do i have ED ?
- Sudden giant spike in weight?
- Worst day of my life: Theraputic phlebotomy... Mygawd...
- Starting HCG
- Need help with pre-TRT blood-work
- New Blood Work Results are in! I don't trust my doc completely, what do they mean?
- Wanting to start hcg
- Changed Script
- Enlarged Prostate during Blast Cycle?
- Vasectomy and HcG
- What is up with Cialis?
- Having kids with low T?
- Blood work - Advice
- Confession - Cry Easly Watching Movies
- Any good HRT docs in California?
- Trt clinic with phone consultations
- I moved does anyone know a good Dr in Portland OR area?
- being primary and HCG
- Mixing HCG
- How is my E2?
- Cialis during blast Cycle?
- Hormones/Bloodwork/Gynecomastia Help
- HCG and Testosterone
- Cheap Arimidex (Generic) at Costco
- 6 Week Blood Test Results
- Trt question
- Seeing lots of posts on facebook advertising lawsuits to testosterone manufacturers
- Anyone run T3 year round for blast/cruise?
- New Estrogen and Libido Study
- HCG Shelf Life
- Oxandrolone vs deca adding to trt
- Scary change in blood work
- Desperately need help - please give me ANY suggestions
- shgb and T3
- nebido high e2 question
- Possibly another reason to take Vit D.....
- Trt through doc
- BW Results 9 Weeks Since Last Pin
- Best time to get bloodwork?
- Lethargic
- any good HRT docs in Arizona
- Arimidex question
- I think I crashed my estradiol
- E2 test results - different methods - how to compare?
- About to Start HRT, Could Use Some Advice -- With Bloodwork
- Blast and Cruise?? Plus Low T & trying to get girlfriend Pregnant??? Please help??
- blood pressure
- Another blast cycle question
- Thyroids and other issues caused by TRT
- Interested in cycles between TRT bloodwork
- Finasteride
- E2 During Blast Cycle
- My Dad
- Estradiol level 30... To treat or not?
- How quickly will T drop once off HCG?
- Low Platelets, how to increase them?
- Pre work out drinks and TRT
- Applying Androgel while sweaty?
- New Referral Program - We Pay You!
- How much will Hematocrit be reduced after blood donation?
- Depression and low testosterone
- Testopel
- Doc will not check E2
- My story + recent bloodwork (low T + low FSH)
- 24 and having low t issues
- anyone use / know anythign about FITMD trt therapy?
- My apologies for the long read, but Ive been through a lot lately.
- Low T plese help
- Androgel to Test Cyp - Transition Question
- How fast does ANASTROZOLE take to effect E2 & mood ? wellness feeling ?
- Clomid experiment
- Rehabilitation or Anti-Aging
- Hcg script-just moved
- Question with hyperthyroidism and Low T
- The E2 Miracle - Voodoo
- Hcg
- how to test hcg?
- Personal Recommendations for HRT Doctor in SE Michigan / Detroit Area
- very low testosterone again
- Hcg and blood test
- How soon before my bloodwork should i stop taking T3
- Fertility question for you blast/cruise guys
- will i ever recover ?
- Starting my journey...finally
- Low Free T, Normal Total T
- Upper Level Optimal - How to Get There?
- Is my total testosterone too high?
- Help! - Where have all the HCG sources gone?
- Testosterone therapy does not increase heart attack risk, study shows
- How long will unopened Test Cyp keep?
- Precautionary heart tests on trt
- Help in reading BW
- Opinions in Blood Work
- Questions for beginning TRT protocol
- Testosterone Therapy Does Not Cause Prostate Cancer
- Low sex drive?
- TRT--"on my own now" Help me fix my bloodwork
- Micronized Test Capsules
- HRT: Libido Fluctuations?
- diagnosis for TRT thrapy
- Elevated SHBG reaching Equilibrium
- Testosterone Cypionate Dosage Question
- TRT due to steroid abuse
- Help with TRT and latest labs
- ?? on AI for ending cycle/transition back to trt dose
- DHT Replacement
- Left HCG out over night....still ok?
- Low energy, depression, and difficulty to orgasm
- Safe to continue Testosterone with HCG inside of it?
- TRT advice needed. High Estrogen and Anastrozole
- Insurance wont cover TEST
- Conflicting Labs: Estrodiol, Sensitive vs. Estrogen, Total, Serum -How's it possible?
- Reaching end of cycle, hcg help?
- Looking for a competent TRT physician in RI
- heading to see a general MD, she specializes in a lot things
- Does this clinic look legit? also have a question about getting TRT through military
- Does SHBG-bound TS cross blood-brain barrier?
- hCG for TRT
- New labs on Androgel, might switch back to injections
- Thyroid Testing
- Yetti's Reandron (Test Undecanoate 1000mg Log)
- anastrolze scenario
- kind of a wacky two weeks. . .
- Will nolvadex help with my gyno?
- How to Titrate
- Can TRT make your hair curly?
- New to TRT: Have blood work, but could really use some advice.
- What level do physicians aim for, and which, free or total T?
- whats my peak test level?
- HCG advice
- Is it possible to stop TRT and get your testicles up and running again?
- Getting a Decca Presciption for Filled
- HCG stock pile almost gone...............
- progesterone
- My experience, First 6 months on TRT
- Please help me interpret my blood work from Jan to now
- LowT network down
- New to TRT and Have Decisions to Make (w/Bloodwork).
- Hairloss Treatment
- Im only 24 and I qualify