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  1. New blood work as of 05/01/14
  2. Quickie Lab Check - AI?
  3. I stopped my trt 4 months ago here are my blood results
  4. Double RBC donation
  5. donated blood - weird pain
  6. Need help with dosing?
  7. once weekly vs. twice weekly?
  8. Bloat from Hell TRT
  9. Oral HCG?
  10. Was prescribed TRT...
  11. 18 Years Old - Testosterone
  12. Sun pharma very painful
  13. TRT & allergies...
  14. Does Primobolan affect Test levels?
  15. First shot of TRT – Nebido 1000mg
  16. TRT Protocol With Blood Work
  17. Anyone adding Deca, Proviron, or Anavar etc to TRT?
  18. Blood Work Results after six weeks of TRT
  19. Need a schedule
  20. I stopped TRT after 1.5 years and recovered!
  21. Loss of penis sensitivity. Hormone problem?
  22. Semen analysis results on trt!!
  23. I'm 36...testosterone is 281
  24. Is HRT for life bad?
  25. Any TRT DR's in nor-cal
  26. New Protocol. Hoping for the best
  27. please review my history [tests included]
  28. List of Initial Tests to get done - Advice?
  29. Would clomid raise testasterone in a young guy?
  30. Pregnenolone
  31. Just when I thought TRT was awesome....
  32. recent labs
  33. How long to wait before blasting on TRT
  34. labcorp Estradiol tests
  35. Very low trough levels?
  36. Eating before injecting GHRP's/ taking GHB(Xyrem)
  37. Dermacrine
  38. No blood donation required
  39. HCG Antibodies?
  40. Methadone suppreses LH/FSH?
  41. 20 Years old , low test.
  42. Rich piana,hcg
  43. TRT - Ireland
  44. Pregnyl (solo) for hrt
  45. hCG Daily WITH Daily Testosterone
  46. armour thyroid and clomid
  47. Hit a nerve?
  48. Self-Testing, is it a good option?
  49. Border line low test - what should I do?
  50. Test recommendations
  51. Trt and anavar
  52. My latest bloods Igf-1 up to 335 from avg of 130 after 6 mo of peptides
  53. Who is to Blame for the "normal" testosterone range numbers?
  54. Blood Work
  55. What's going on?
  56. TRT and body acne
  57. Free test too high?
  58. dosage??
  59. One year into TRT, doc raised dosages again, experiencing back pumps
  60. Change in Law?
  61. New labs with Androgel
  62. 1st post and HCG question at the end...
  63. My Story - Would appreciate input
  64. Question on TRT and Red Blood Cell production.
  65. 36 yo male from Florida. new to TRT first labs.
  66. Out of Breath
  67. freaking E2
  68. Clomid and Adex
  69. My first two weeks on TRT
  70. Considering HCG
  71. Time to lower estrogen
  72. How much do you vary injection sites?
  73. Erectile Dysfunction - need advise please
  74. Iu
  75. I will be my own guinea pig- Is there any other solution?
  76. I have no idea how to interpret this blood work could somebody help me.
  77. Help: Trt Deca and recent ED after 12th week
  78. One year on TRT, just started HCG, the boys respond this fast?!?!?
  79. Considering supplementing DHEA or HCG
  80. Blood work after 3 months clomid....questions?
  81. Nuts hurting?
  82. Blood work 3 weeks after PCT
  83. Total testosterone or Free testosterone...which test is more important?
  84. Bloodwork OK, but odd symptoms?
  85. Anyways to Lower Progesterone?
  86. Sleep Issues - A Question
  87. Switching sites
  88. My free testosterone test result just came in...26.903 pg/ml
  89. 17 year old and Testosterone replacement therapy
  90. Question for Nebido users
  91. Bloodletting TRT
  92. Testosterone undecanoate and half life?
  93. Labcorp test accuracy - free testosterone
  94. Kidneys and Low T
  95. Anyone notice change in Dry Eyes?
  96. What age were you?
  97. Hemocrit
  98. Needle length
  99. My red blood cell count - help
  100. Tertiary hypogonadism (Hypothalamus) Treatment
  101. Time to donate?
  102. OTC supplements to lower SHBG
  103. HCG monotherapy max dose
  104. Levels two weeks after first shot
  105. syringe and dosing questions
  106. Trying to find a competent physician
  107. High total T, low free T
  108. Starting new Protocol
  109. Start trt or wait?
  110. pregnenanole and DHEA testing help
  111. Do i have ED ?
  112. Sudden giant spike in weight?
  113. Worst day of my life: Theraputic phlebotomy... Mygawd...
  114. Starting HCG
  115. Need help with pre-TRT blood-work
  116. New Blood Work Results are in! I don't trust my doc completely, what do they mean?
  117. Wanting to start hcg
  118. Changed Script
  119. Enlarged Prostate during Blast Cycle?
  120. Vasectomy and HcG
  121. What is up with Cialis?
  122. Having kids with low T?
  123. Blood work - Advice
  124. Confession - Cry Easly Watching Movies
  125. Any good HRT docs in California?
  126. Trt clinic with phone consultations
  127. I moved does anyone know a good Dr in Portland OR area?
  128. being primary and HCG
  129. Mixing HCG
  130. How is my E2?
  131. Cialis during blast Cycle?
  132. Hormones/Bloodwork/Gynecomastia Help
  133. HCG and Testosterone
  134. Cheap Arimidex (Generic) at Costco
  135. 6 Week Blood Test Results
  136. Trt question
  137. Seeing lots of posts on facebook advertising lawsuits to testosterone manufacturers
  138. Anyone run T3 year round for blast/cruise?
  139. New Estrogen and Libido Study
  140. HCG Shelf Life
  141. Oxandrolone vs deca adding to trt
  142. Scary change in blood work
  143. Desperately need help - please give me ANY suggestions
  144. shgb and T3
  145. nebido high e2 question
  146. Possibly another reason to take Vit D.....
  147. Trt through doc
  148. BW Results 9 Weeks Since Last Pin
  149. Best time to get bloodwork?
  150. Lethargic
  151. any good HRT docs in Arizona
  152. Arimidex question
  153. I think I crashed my estradiol
  154. E2 test results - different methods - how to compare?
  155. About to Start HRT, Could Use Some Advice -- With Bloodwork
  156. Blast and Cruise?? Plus Low T & trying to get girlfriend Pregnant??? Please help??
  157. blood pressure
  158. Another blast cycle question
  159. Thyroids and other issues caused by TRT
  160. Interested in cycles between TRT bloodwork
  161. Finasteride
  162. E2 During Blast Cycle
  163. My Dad
  164. Estradiol level 30... To treat or not?
  165. How quickly will T drop once off HCG?
  166. Low Platelets, how to increase them?
  167. Pre work out drinks and TRT
  168. Applying Androgel while sweaty?
  169. New Referral Program - We Pay You!
  170. How much will Hematocrit be reduced after blood donation?
  171. Depression and low testosterone
  172. Testopel
  173. Doc will not check E2
  174. My story + recent bloodwork (low T + low FSH)
  175. 24 and having low t issues
  176. anyone use / know anythign about FITMD trt therapy?
  177. My apologies for the long read, but Ive been through a lot lately.
  178. Low T plese help
  179. Androgel to Test Cyp - Transition Question
  180. How fast does ANASTROZOLE take to effect E2 & mood ? wellness feeling ?
  181. Clomid experiment
  182. Rehabilitation or Anti-Aging
  183. Hcg script-just moved
  184. Question with hyperthyroidism and Low T
  185. The E2 Miracle - Voodoo
  186. Hcg
  187. how to test hcg?
  188. Personal Recommendations for HRT Doctor in SE Michigan / Detroit Area
  189. very low testosterone again
  190. Hcg and blood test
  191. How soon before my bloodwork should i stop taking T3
  192. Fertility question for you blast/cruise guys
  193. will i ever recover ?
  194. Starting my journey...finally
  195. Low Free T, Normal Total T
  196. Upper Level Optimal - How to Get There?
  197. Is my total testosterone too high?
  198. Help! - Where have all the HCG sources gone?
  199. Testosterone therapy does not increase heart attack risk, study shows
  200. How long will unopened Test Cyp keep?
  201. Precautionary heart tests on trt
  202. Help in reading BW
  203. Opinions in Blood Work
  204. Questions for beginning TRT protocol
  205. Testosterone Therapy Does Not Cause Prostate Cancer
  206. Low sex drive?
  207. TRT--"on my own now" Help me fix my bloodwork
  208. Micronized Test Capsules
  209. HRT: Libido Fluctuations?
  210. diagnosis for TRT thrapy
  211. Elevated SHBG reaching Equilibrium
  212. Testosterone Cypionate Dosage Question
  213. TRT due to steroid abuse
  214. Help with TRT and latest labs
  215. ?? on AI for ending cycle/transition back to trt dose
  216. DHT Replacement
  217. Left HCG out over night....still ok?
  218. Low energy, depression, and difficulty to orgasm
  219. Safe to continue Testosterone with HCG inside of it?
  220. TRT advice needed. High Estrogen and Anastrozole
  221. Insurance wont cover TEST
  222. Conflicting Labs: Estrodiol, Sensitive vs. Estrogen, Total, Serum -How's it possible?
  223. Reaching end of cycle, hcg help?
  224. Looking for a competent TRT physician in RI
  225. heading to see a general MD, she specializes in a lot things
  226. Does this clinic look legit? also have a question about getting TRT through military
  227. Does SHBG-bound TS cross blood-brain barrier?
  228. hCG for TRT
  229. New labs on Androgel, might switch back to injections
  230. Thyroid Testing
  231. Yetti's Reandron (Test Undecanoate 1000mg Log)
  232. anastrolze scenario
  233. kind of a wacky two weeks. . .
  234. Will nolvadex help with my gyno?
  235. How to Titrate
  236. Can TRT make your hair curly?
  237. New to TRT: Have blood work, but could really use some advice.
  238. What level do physicians aim for, and which, free or total T?
  239. whats my peak test level?
  240. HCG advice
  241. Is it possible to stop TRT and get your testicles up and running again?
  242. Getting a Decca Presciption for Filled
  243. HCG stock pile almost gone...............
  244. progesterone
  245. My experience, First 6 months on TRT
  246. Please help me interpret my blood work from Jan to now
  247. LowT network down
  248. New to TRT and Have Decisions to Make (w/Bloodwork).
  249. Hairloss Treatment
  250. Im only 24 and I qualify
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