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  1. Calves routine
  2. another ab thread
  3. Target Heart Rate
  4. Cardio question for my wife
  5. Workout Assistance
  6. Heart rate during cardio?
  7. Ideas for a back workout with a bad knee
  8. Cant work tri's.. will they still grow?
  9. New PR on deads
  10. Workout routine advice!!!!!!
  11. Swiss ball rollouts vs wheel vs cruches? Which is better?
  12. Strictly for the ladies.....
  13. Split Training VS 1 muscle Group per Week
  14. Help with bench press please
  15. abs!!!!!!!!!
  16. Vo2 max
  17. Please give me feedback on my workout plan?
  18. HIIT or LIS post lifting?
  19. Good/bad to take time off
  20. EXCLUDING deadlifts-bent over rows--Tbar-whats a good back move for a recovering back
  21. Arm growth
  22. My workout routine..
  23. Shoulders Strength Question
  24. possible routine
  25. Adding more volume to gain weight
  26. 5*5 or 10*5 for muscle gain?
  27. Should I pre-exhaust my chest? It's lacking.
  28. Poll: Which do you prefer? Lifting Hooks or Straps?
  29. Can someone simplify 5x5 for me?
  30. Opinions Needed Regarding Lifting Straps (Wrist)
  31. Cardio, what is the best?
  32. Workout questios
  33. Bulking routine
  34. Chest development
  35. shoulders
  36. Changing my Workout, Looking for Opinions on my Routine
  37. Recovery period
  38. Front or Back Squats
  39. Help
  40. what do you think.... pics soon
  41. Left arm vs Right arm
  42. Tires
  43. Semen Retention vs. Active Sex/Chronic Masterbation
  44. Current workout routine!
  45. Training Help
  46. 5x5's
  47. 'upper' tricep development
  48. 12 week balst cycle workout?
  49. Weighted vest
  50. Should I stop do cardio altogether?
  51. AS and target training
  52. Straight bar vs ez curl
  53. Rugby Workout Advice?
  54. Bodyweight excercises
  55. How do my on Cycle Routine look?
  56. New Guy-Goal is Hypertrophy-looking for help
  57. New idea to maybe help chest grow/look better?
  58. Experiencing DOMS again?
  59. Inmcorporating tris into chest routine
  60. Arms don't grows...
  61. am i doing too many sets
  62. Quick question
  63. Morning Cardio
  64. 12 weeks to a better deadlift
  65. Work out help please
  66. My training sessions - please review
  67. Good vids on building mass...
  68. too much training even for when on cycle ?????
  69. Shoulders and arms in the same workout?
  70. Time to train LEGS!
  71. Workout Target diagrams
  72. Pls help with natty bodybuilding
  73. Anyone's else noticed this and is there much you can do?
  74. Spot reduction
  75. Can I still reach goals with a Bowflex?
  76. Reps and Sets per body part
  77. Layne nortons PHAT
  78. help
  79. arm workout
  80. Advice on workouts, splits, etc for upcoming cycle.
  81. HELP ME! My new workout wasn't as amazing for my chest.
  82. REPS AND SETS?? i am a noob
  83. mind muscle connection
  84. eliptical or treadmill?
  85. What are the benefits of drop sets??
  86. Back n bi workout hows it look
  87. Left leg and calf are 2cm bigger than the right one...How should I train it?
  88. Newbie needs advise on growing. added berfore and after pic
  89. workout routine
  90. lower chest
  91. Workout Log Apps?
  92. Thoughts on next training split
  93. Going to try to incorporate this plank routine in
  94. Input on your workout style?
  95. GBC Training
  96. advise on my training split.
  97. My typical workout week
  98. What should be a good next workout routinr??
  99. Working opposite muscles! Good or bad?
  100. What happens when you stop working out? Hmm?
  101. Ideas?
  102. "Muscle Memory" Any science to back it up?
  103. What do you think about this routine?
  104. New split for PCT ????'s
  105. deadlift
  106. Chest day hows it look
  107. calories burnt??
  108. Not Gaining Strength
  109. How many cycles to add size to arms?
  110. Chest Routine
  111. Bi workout
  112. Chains vs. Bands
  113. Duration of workout
  114. Forearms
  115. Todays workout
  116. Physically hard job holding you back?
  117. Am I injured or just hurt???
  118. I need a better chest routine
  119. Diving up Leg routine
  120. Upper Back Exerecises
  121. Programming for strength
  122. Routines
  123. Leg Press foot placement
  124. reached 120 DB now what?
  125. BIG ISSUE with this whole bulking and cutting phases, Please Help (pics attached)
  126. Thicker bi's
  127. Escalating density training (EDT)
  128. not sore
  129. full body workouts......no weights
  130. Help with a new workout
  131. Workout and cutting question
  132. So.... you want abs....
  133. Thoughts about my schedule??
  134. Over Training???
  135. Need help with a solid PCT Workout
  136. running for cardio
  137. Abs
  138. Is it ok training 5 days in row
  139. If you haven't tried 5x5 you should
  140. shrink legs while on gear
  141. Biceps are lagging
  142. hiit
  143. Dorian Yates and Chris Cormier: Directors cut - extra 10 minutes of unseen footage
  144. Kai Greene and Dorian Yates Back Training [Full Video]
  145. dorian yates workout vids
  146. Critique my push/pull/legs split please(:
  147. Macenko or smolov bencpress program??
  148. Chest lagging behind Shoulders and Tris. Question on this. (Pics attached)
  149. Rep range for bulking?
  150. De loading?
  151. Need advice on mass excersises
  152. insanity workout
  153. How to get bicep peaks??
  154. need help with workout that incorporates a plyometric/cardio day
  155. Helo me pick between these 2 splits!
  156. any of you used EA sports active 2 for Xbox kinect?
  157. Different muscle group everyday vs 2 muscle groups a day
  158. Hello from Montana
  159. Slow Gains, Genetics, and the Truth
  160. Trap imbalance!
  161. SERIOUS ? guys Anybody get success working out and taking....
  162. Droppin BF....
  163. Squats Deadlifts and the lower back
  164. Form Check?
  165. Arms problem
  166. I need a new shoulder routine
  167. Went from 200 lbs @ 5 ft 10" Tall to 215 lbs Huffin & Puffin alot @ Rest/Idle-help...
  168. Squats for BB
  169. bodyweight exercises everyday?
  170. I worked out really hard yesterday...
  171. Abs
  172. Leg development
  173. What should I do?...
  174. Changing routine every seshion
  175. Streaching
  176. Questions on drop sets
  177. gain muscle lose fat same time?
  178. My Calisthenics
  179. Crossfit or HIIT?
  180. Routine
  181. how much time is needed
  182. Need Help Suggestions for Legs
  183. Cross fit?
  184. My Workout starting in 2013
  185. Working out for my body type
  186. Your mind is youre own strongest worst enemy.
  187. Advanced bulking workout routine
  188. advice for what next?
  189. Lower back pumps???
  190. Shocking the body
  191. Im looking to get my physical trainer certification Need help....
  192. Rest days.
  193. Increasing strength?
  194. Lifting speed: Fast, regular, or slow?
  195. Shoulder Pain on cycle.......NEED HELP
  196. **** congrats to our new monitors!!! ****
  197. Newbie weight lifting routine..
  198. Anyone recommend a good program on cycle only using a bar,bench,dumbells?
  199. Upper chest needs help
  200. single arm upright row vs side laterals
  201. two a days?
  202. block training?
  203. Workout, diet and supplment help please.
  204. Need some help figuring this out.
  205. Training hard and heavy
  206. Am I over training?
  207. Hybrid HIT training, critique please
  208. question regarding pumps
  209. Uneven arm size
  210. pecs question
  211. Temporary Workout Buddy
  212. Back to the grindstone monday
  213. Chest problem!
  214. Chest routine. Try it!
  215. Less is more...while on cycle?
  216. workout bulk
  217. Cut the gut?
  218. Power Squat or Olympic Squat? Which do you guys use?
  219. Stratations !!!!!!!!!
  220. when does cardio become to much cardio???
  221. Shocking the body
  222. Opinions on rep range for cutting
  223. 5x5 on bulking cycle?
  224. Getting those boulder shoulders.
  225. Irregular chest cut
  226. PNT - New intensity technique
  227. could this be considered HIIT type training?
  228. how to get bigger arms?
  229. Is it safe for my 12 year old to start working out?
  230. Need a Chest workout w/o shoulder pain
  231. Smith machine leg press
  232. outer bicep and tricep
  233. workout split
  234. Farmers Walks
  235. Legs??
  236. new mon/wed/fri workout what you think ?
  237. my chest workout! let me know what you guys think
  238. Does anyone here use the Captains of Crush grippers for a forearm workout?
  239. high intensity interval training: thoughts on amount??
  240. Rear Delt trouble
  241. New cutting workout??
  242. Smith machine squats
  243. jacksonville, fl workout partner?
  244. I did push- ups last night at home and...
  245. on cycle lifting regimen.
  246. Cycle Workout plan
  247. having trouble getting them boulder shoulders, any suggestions.
  248. can you train for hyperplasia?
  249. My style
  250. Big traps.
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